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#1 Jan 19 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Yes I finally after 6 years going to join a real MMO. I have played everything from WoW to CoH.

Before I start I have a few questions.

1. What is the best solo class and why?
2. What is the best party class and why?
3. What class does the most dmg?
4. Is it easy to learn to play EQ?
5. Is it more complex than CoH, WoW, and FFXI?
#2 Jan 19 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1. What is the best solo class and why?
2. What is the best party class and why?
3. What class does the most dmg?
4. Is it easy to learn to play EQ?
5. Is it more complex than CoH, WoW, and FFXI?

1. In what context?

2. In what context?

3. In what context?

4. Depends on how smart you are

5. Depends on how smart you are.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome that you are starting EQ! It's my favorite of all the games. If you are truly just starting out, then these questions will answer themselves in time. You'll learn more and more as you progress and will soon come to develop answers to these questions yourself.

My advice is to read a lot of the posts here. There is a lot of good information here, these questions have been discussed ad nauseum over the last 6 years.

Pick a class that you ENJOY playing and learn with that. If you want to try something new, roll a new toon! You have 8 slots per server to play around with!

Welcome to the game, and have fun!
#3 Jan 19 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
(1) "Best solo class" is a phrase leading to lengthy and boring debate between people with emotional interests in saying their chosen class is the best. Most people though accept that Necromancers, Druids, Mages and Shamans all solo well. Bards too though most say not to choose a bard as your first character.

(2) Clerics, Warriors, Shamans, Enchanters and Knights usually have a pretty easy time finding groups. Any of the rest can find groups as well though they may have more competition (there's a healthy amount of 'damage' classes, for example).

(3) Another topic of debate. In quick, generic terms, wizards do the most direct spell damage, necromancers do the most "damage over time" via slow working spells, rogues do the most straight melee damage. Now someone will start talking about how a super-duper geared berserker can out damage a rogue and how their bard outdamaged a wizard somehow. I don't care.

(4) Easy enough. Some classes have more to learn about than others but none of it is rocket science.

(5) More complex than CoH and FFXI. I never played WoW. I played FFXI briefly and left because the game felt shallow compared to the richness of the spells, equipment and abilities in EQ. CoH was a lot of fun for what it was, but the game itself doesn't come within sighting distance of EQ in terms of depth.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#4 Jan 19 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Lets not forget that Beastlords can solo well also. Kind of a well rounded class. You get to experience playing a melee class that can heal and has a cool pet.
#5 Jan 19 2006 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
First, you have to be more specific about your questions. I'll try to answer them a bit, but answers will vary depending on what you realy want to do.

1) Solo classes that stand out, Necromancer, Shaman, Beastlord, Magicican, Druid. This does NOT mean that no other classes can solo well.

Necromancer = basicly a very self sufficant class, good pets, strong DoTs, Lifetaps, Snares, FD, Rez, HUGE mana regen. They basicly have everything you need and offer a very wide variety of ways to solo, Be it for experience, or to solo named mobs for loot. There are many different strategys for this class to solo, too many for me to go into. This will probably be the most common answer when you ask this question.

Druid = DoTs, Nukes, snares, single pulling tools. Can root rot (root the mob and DoT it to death) or kite the mobs with its snare ability and nuke them dead, Summoning mobs give a bit more trouble till you become better geared, There is realy alot more a druid can do, more than i can go into and as i dont play a main druid I dont want to give false info.

Shaman = Second strongest DoTs, biggest slows, Pets, Second best, can be argued first best, self mana regen and heals.
The shaman is a very strong soloer. with the ability to slow, DoT and heal yourself while regaining your mana, the shaman can take down some pretty big mobs. I would say, just opinion, Shaman = named summoning mobs, Necro = Exp. I am not saying niether one of these classes can do both very well.

Mages, strongest pets, big nukes, no ability to slow and limited ability to heal there pets. There solo ability falls the higher in level you get, still a very straight forward and strong class.

Beastlord = Slow, Strong pets, stat buffs, mana regen, heals (pet and self), Self melee DPS. Beastlord is the melee pet class. It has strong melee abilities backed with the ability to slow, heal and mana regen. on top of that they are backed by very strong pets. They can either choose to fight along side the pet or stand back and play "Pet cleric" and just heal there pets.

2) Best party classes. This you REALY need to be more specific on. I will just put it this way. Every party needs a tank. Every party needs a healer and everyone needs a slower. there is not just one class that can do these jobs though. This is just a GENERAL answer as no class is "The best party class"

-Bard = Offers TONS of utility to a group and is a great puller. TONS and TONS of utility....
-Cleric = Biggest heals, HP buffs, the other priests can fill the healer roll and offer other abilities to the group as well, realy depends on what kind of tank you have.
- Warrior, Shadow Knight, Paladin- Plate tanks, best mitigation, solid tanks. Not to say other classes cant tank as well, depends on your setup again.
-Shaman/beastlord = Slower, both of these classes can offer differant utilities for the group, and i wont go into them.

3) Cant be answered, i realy havnt seen high end parses but off the top of my head i will say this. Wizards = biggest one shot dmg, Rouges = Best melee dmg if they posistion themselves right. Maybe necro for most sustained DPS, as other classes will run out of mana, necro can keep going, Like i said, NOT realy sure about these answers.

4) Yes

5) high end raiding is, not the exp grind

Edited, Thu Jan 19 15:58:22 2006 by GahloEQ
#6 Jan 19 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Ok. Thanks for the replies. Let me rephrase the question to something more simple.

What would be the best class for a newbie to learn the mechanics of soloing, grouping, and the interface in general?
#7 Jan 19 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
1. What is the best solo class and why?

There's a lot of classes that can solo very well; Necro, Druid, Shaman, Bard, Mages, Beast, etc.

On the other end I think some of the Melee classes are harder; Rogue, Warrior, Pally, ShadowKnight, etc.

2. What is the best party class and why?

There really is no best party class. Groups need a healer, a tank and dps (damage). In the higher end content these are necessary. Up until the 50s you can pretty much make a group out of any classes and survive.

3. What class does the most dmg?

Again it depends. Wizards do the most casting direct damage. Necros do the most casting damage over time. Rogues do the most damage melee but Zerkers can catch up in the really high end.

4. Is it easy to learn to play EQ?

Some classes have a steeper learning curve like bards and chanters. Every class has unique skills and things they need to learn. Melee is different than casters and hybrids have a mix. Some classes are more gear dependant than others like tanks.

5. Is it more complex than CoH, WoW, and FFXI?

Yes. EQ has 10 expansions and an 11th coming out in a month or so. There's lots to do and learn and even people who have played 3 years and take a year off then come back have to learn new things. It's a damn fun game though.

#8 Jan 19 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
1. What is the best solo class and why?

Druids are great for soloing, but they'd have to stick to animals most of the time. I'm fond of these guys since, due to several of their spells, very rarely die. (Speed movement)

Necromancers are also pretty good solo. I haven't experimented with one for too long, so I can't say for sure. Their Clinging Darkness line along with their fear spells, pets, and DoTs, can make for effective Fear kiting.

I've seen some ungodly Bards. Still, they seem to be a rather complex class to play.. I still don't completely understand their "music modifers". The ones I've seen can Charm kite with incredible grace.

Mages go for the nuke/DD path, so far as I know, for soloing. I'd have to guess it works out pretty well, but I don't generally encounter many.

Shadow Knights claim to be execellent solo'rs.. even the developers say so. I really haven't seen any soloing before.

Wizards can quad-kite. I imagine this is very boring.. I never could stick to it with my Druid. Still, it seems rather effective.. its just the down time that makes me wonder.

Enchanters are masterful with Charms, making their Charm kiting powerful enough that most upper level groups seem to be centered around it (outside raids). However, they generally need a speed movement spell for when the Charm breaks. A very skilled Chanter may find a way to use MemBlur in SoW's stead.

Rangers can solo with Snare, Fear, and their own DPS against animals.

Clerics can tank-nuke the Undead. I imagine Paladins can do the same.

This is as much as my patience can spare on the subject for now. Most classes are able to solo to some degree or another. Personally, I'd recommend: Druids, Chanters, Necroes, and Bards.

2. What is the best party class and why?

A group is up to six players. You generally want one of several positions on it. To understand which is best for grouping, you'll need to understand group dynamics. (The level range in ()'s are the level range in which a group begins to need this position filled.)

Tank (5+): These guys take the damage and attempt to hold all agro. They're generally needed to keep the defensively-weaker members of the group from dying. The best tanks tend to be: Warrior, Paladin, Shadow Knight.

Healer (10+): These guys heal. Mostly the tank, especially if he's doing his job right. Often, though, others take damage.. so they need to heal all. Clerics, Druids, and Shamans are the best healers, in this order.

DPS (Damage Per Second dealers) (1+): These guys do larger portions of damage. They're to, well, kill things. DPS can be split up into melee, spell, and even ranged DPS. Rangers, Rogues, and Monks are considered melee DPS. Rangers are ranged DPS. Mages, Wizards, Necromancers are spell DPS. More classes to can easily be included.. its highly up for debate.

Slowers (40+): These guys cast "slow" spells on MOBs. These spells .. Shamans, Enchanters. To a lesser extent, Beastlords and Bards.

I'm sorry, its been a very bad day. I'm going to have to leave this unfinished. I hope the bit here helps.

Edited, Thu Jan 19 16:08:54 2006 by ReofblMobile

Edited, Thu Jan 19 16:09:46 2006 by ReofblMobile
#9 Jan 19 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent

Strongest solo class straight out of the box would be a necro imo. Other solo classes can start off just as strong though, realy depends on what class you like.

People will say it may be hard for a necro to get a group, but i never found it hard. we bring alot to the group.

--Starting solo classes--


That is the order i would suggest. Top to bottom, Easiest to learn to takes more time to learn.
#10 Jan 19 2006 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I'd go for the knight, preferably a paladin.

Although it's not a powerful solo class at later levels, it offers good damage, melee attacks so you're not as bound by your mana pool, enough healing to reduce your downtime and is liked as a tank for group roles.

Another option would be a shaman who is a stronger soloer, can still melee decently at lower levels and is much more spell oriented. Ranger is also sort of the reverse: more melee oriented than spell oriented but has a lot more potential to use magic in battle than paladins do.

Either of those offer a mix of both melee and spellcasting. You could start with a necromancer as a nice solo class but you might get bored watching your disease spells slowly kill things and sitting around as your skeleton pet beats things up for you. You'd know better than I would.

I'd stay away from warriors and rogues if you intend to solo as neither has much variety besides straight on melee and neither has a way of reducing downtime beyond bandaging.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Jan 19 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
What would be the best class for a newbie to learn the mechanics of soloing, grouping, and the interface in general?

Any. Really, any class that you think you might like to play you can learn the game with. Try a few - take them through the tutorial and you'll have an idea of their capabilities are and what you like best.
#12 Jan 19 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Wow. I hope the people in game are as nice as you guys. Really wierd coming from World of KIDcraft where everyone has an attitude..hehe
#13 Jan 19 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Kleptow wrote:
Ok. Thanks for the replies. Let me rephrase the question to something more simple.

What would be the best class for a newbie to learn the mechanics of soloing, grouping, and the interface in general?

It depends on what you like to do. Or you could try something you haven't tried before.

If you like healing go with a cleric, druid, or shaman. Shamans and Druids can also deal out damage when not healing.

If you like to cast you could go with a Wizard, Mage, Necro. Mages get very powerful pets and can deal some nice damage. Necros also get a pet not as tough but necros have the best DoTs. Wizards are fun if you like blowing things up they get the best nukes.

If you like to tank you could do a Warrior, Shadowknight, or Palladin. Warriors have the best defenses but Palladins and Shadowknights get spells that help them do things a warrior can't. Tanks are very gear dependant however and can get frustrating in the higher end of the game.

If you like to smash things you can go with a melee dps like Monk, Rogue, or Berzerker. Rogues do a lot of damage but are hard to solo (My 54 monk can out solo my 63 rogue [:sad:]).

Or you could do both by choosing a hybrid like Beastlord or Ranger. Beastlords can melee and cast small heals and get a pet. Rangers have some spell abilities but get some nice range abilities with bows.

The only two classes I don't recomend is bard and chanter. This is mainly due to a steeper learning curve. That doesn't mean you can't try one. But before you try one of these two classes I recomend learning the basics of EQ and grouping skills first. A bad bard/chanter sticks out like a sore thumb.

Overall the best thing to do is read up on each class and decide which ones sound fun. You can always try another class at no charge. EQ allows you to have 8 different characters on one account.

I've played 10 different classes and my main is now a Chanter with a Rogue, and Monk alts. I enjoy playing all of them.

Good luck with whatever you decide. A lot of people on these forums are on the Povar Server. Feel free to start a toon and ask any questions at any time. Welcome to Everquest.
#14 Jan 19 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Kleptow wrote:
Wow. I hope the people in game are as nice as you guys. Really wierd coming from World of KIDcraft where everyone has an attitude..hehe

That's one of the biggest differences about EQ over other MMOs. The players in general are much nicer and don't have the attitudes of retarded teenagers. This was a big turn off in WoW for me. Everquest is more mature. Even though there are teenagers and even 10 and 8 year olds playing they act much better.
#15 Jan 19 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
Kleptow wrote:
Wow. I hope the people in game are as nice as you guys. Really wierd coming from World of KIDcraft where everyone has an attitude..hehe

EQ used to be the same way, pretty much, but I think that kids by now are attracted to the newer and shinier games, leaving EQ's population to mature.
Do what now?
#16 Jan 19 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
1) Necro is the best solo class. Shaman is most fun, imo
2) Cleric, or Enchanter - "Don't leave home without them"
3) I'd say it's still Rogue for sustained damage in a group.
4) If you mean to control your characater, yes. If you mean the nuances of the game, it is quite difficult.
5) Those games are a joke, yes it's MUCH more complex.

Since you can have eight characters on an account, I'd start a non-casting class since they're a little more straight forward, then move to other clases as you learn. You'll need a trade mule anyway. The main thing is to play a class you'd enjoy being - don't worry about damage, or spells, or "cool" factor.

I'd start on Povar server, good sized newbie population, nice open raid format, good alliance capabilities, and nice family as well as raiding guilds. Other servers are possible of course. Don't be discouraged because everyone appears to be level 70, EQ is a very mature game with many, many players at the high end.
#17 Jan 19 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
What would be the best class for a newbie to learn the mechanics of soloing, grouping, and the interface in general?
I would always advise a new player to play a ranger.

At lower end they solo well enough, they group well enough and they both melee and cast spells.

They teach you the basics well and you get Track that means you won't have to wander around looking for things to fight.

After that play every class through to lvl 20 and see what YOU like and then take all the money/Equipment and start a new toon as your main.
#18 Jan 19 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
What would be the best class for a newbie to learn the mechanics of soloing, grouping, and the interface in general?
I would always advise a new player to play a ranger.

At lower end they solo well enough, they group well enough and they both melee and cast spells.

They teach you the basics well and you get Track that means you won't have to wander around looking for things to fight.

After that play every class through to lvl 20 and see what YOU like and then take all the money/Equipment and start a new toon as your main.

This is basically what I did. I started out as a ranger got to 35 and tried a lot of other classes to 20 or higher. Some classes I really enjoyed and some I found boring. I never regretted trying different classes because it help me learn some of their pros and cons. It made me a better overall player. I knew why certain classes did things a certain way because I tried it myself. I learned a lot of things and I enjoy my main more because of it.

Also my main is a class that I thought sounded boring. I played just about every class before trying a chanter. I always thought there was no way they could be fun. I had no intentions of trying one until I grouped with some and they looked fun. I finally tried one and bam I found my love.

So as far as best class there really isn't one. Some will say a class sucks or another class is better. All that doesn't even matter. The main thing is if you have fun playing a class who cares what everyone else says. When I first starting looking into getting Everquest I read about different classes and what people said about them. I found that if I listened to everyone else that every class sucked. There was always something wrong with every class. I chose a ranger and decided I wasn't going to listen to anyone who would tell me otherwise. Ignore the negatives and have fun.
#19 Jan 19 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
In the old days Necros owned evryone till they got beat with the nerf cannon. Mages were maybe second i had many tanks be jealous of the melee dmg my pets put out. Rouges were high dps to and could ks you if you let them.

back when the epics first came out the mage epic pet could won warriors.. no more though.

Necros get more debuffs than mages do and probably die less unless they get cocky.

If you like haveing a bg hunka badass pet at your side go with mage! i dont know why but pet + melee just turns me off... beastlords hould have gotten beast forms (which add approx same dps as pet) instead of pets imo.

If you play a rouge please PLEASE! do not forget to train lockpicking skills sometimes groups want rouges specificly for lock pick skils
#20 Jan 20 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
My main is a troll SK. I have dealt with the XP penalties for years. However I do like the class for learning most aspects of the game. They have a pet, are a melee class, cast spells. They force you to learn a lot about the interface and methods that can be used with all the other classes.

Are they the best soloer's.... no!
Most damage.... no!
Do I like my SK.... YUP!

Mostly for the reasons listed above. I can find places to solo, group etc. But the biggest thing is you become aware of your abilities as well as how other classes fit together with your own.
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