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The biggest Rant a.k.a "the weakest link"Follow

#1 Jan 22 2006 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
If SOE came to you and asked you what would be your one big rant, what would it be...?

/rant tanking clerics. ( I know you all have seen them or are them. Those silly healers that are bored or are to stupid to sit and med and heal...that would prefer to be a warrior.) I have died many times because I always seem to end up with them.

/rant on
/rant off
/rant on
/rant off

ok...miyagi i am not....

#2 Jan 22 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
My biggest rant?

Asshats who try to tell other's how to play their class.
#3 Jan 22 2006 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I rant about warriors who can't tank as well as any of my cleric friends......
#4 Jan 22 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I rant about warriors who can't tank as well as any of my CHANTER PET.
Yup some tanks REALLY suck.
#5 Jan 22 2006 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
People who try to tell me how to play my class, it makes me so mad... and then they almost alway say something like "I have a level 70 of that class you are playing" and I am just thinking so what. lol
#6 Jan 22 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Tutorial style kobold models.

It's like SOE wants me to quit the game.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Jan 22 2006 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
My biggest rant would be that there is no GM events anymore lol they dont seems to like to entertain us when its boring. I liked GM events like the racial arena battle awile ago... it might have been on burtoxxulous server only but it was fun

(good side won woot!) (evil and neutral lost)

i also hate the people who tell u how to play ur character too lol... seriously if u wana help someone then try a more friendly approach.

I also hate the people in WoS that threaten you after one accidental KS and your like: wtf did i do?
#8 Jan 22 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
people who tell me how to play my class irritate me.

unless, y'know, they actually do play my class better than I do - which does, occasionally happen.

it's good to accept advice when it's good advice.

#9 Jan 22 2006 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
/rant tanking clerics. ( I know you all have seen them or are them. Those silly healers that are bored or are to stupid to sit and med and heal...that would prefer to be a warrior.) I have died many times because I always seem to end up with them.

I have a 69 cleric and I tank all the time. It's all situational. If I'm in a hardcore WoS group with no chanter for CC then I'll med and heal only. But if I'm in a group that's necro kiting the canyon in Noble's Causeway, and nobody's taking any damage, then yes I jump in with yaulp and bash away.

Yes, a cleric that tries to tank in a situation that requires 100% attention to healing is a bad cleric. But people like you who think you know my class better than me are a waste of bandwidth. Does it ever occur to you that maybe we know what we're doing?

People like you who think the only reason clerics exist is to sit on their horses and CCH are probably my biggest rant.
#10 Jan 22 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Tanking cleric? That's a bit of an oddity.

What you're referring to is a *melee* cleric. There's a difference. We get these cool summoned hammers that have a very low delay and proc very, very often for 100+ dmg. If it's a good steady group and the cleric is not going below 80% mana, why not step up and take a few swings? Either that or toss some inefficient nukes. I do it all the time and I don't lose my tanks.

If this is your biggest gripe, then you have very little experience with the game at all.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#11 Jan 22 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Ahhhh.... memories of the Battle Cleric thread.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Jan 22 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Nice digging, Joph Smiley: smile
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#13 Jan 23 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts

I have been in groups where the cleric was good enough to keep his mind on healing and still be bale to get up and do some damage. I suppose I should have said this..that there aRE those clerics who do know what the heck they are doing and are capable of doing both.

Both my clerics can solo and do decent damage, and thats how I want them to be. In fact most of their lives they have been forced to solo ( mostly time constraints on my part) and it is nice knowing that they can go toe to toe with a mob if they are the last one standing. (A good reason for them to be able to as well)

BUt again, I have come across alot of clerics that dont and arent capable of ding both. It is these clerics that make me rant, these are the clerics that dont know their primary role. I wouldnt never pretend to know all the answers to how to play a cleric, as I said, I have two, but they are in no way my mains or do I spend enough time to be an expert at them..just enough to have a general opinion and view is all.
#14 Jan 23 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Heck, I play a battle cleric, battle druid and battle enchanter...

If I have the mana, I am gonna bash some ankles...

I've only had one complaint...(er we're not counting that time in Instanced Unrest, when I did not notice tank under 40%hp, and purple-clubbed him...)
#15 Jan 23 2006 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
You purple clubbed him by accident? Heck, Clerics in my guild try and do it to me on purpose when we're exping. Hoping to time their CHs. LOL... i don't mind, I find it fun! Dieing is part of the game! At least if i drop with a guild group, I know there's usually a bard/monk/rogue in their easily able to step up and take the hits just as good as me. Heck, there's some higher HP monks and BSTs then me sometimes ... They know they're there for dps, but should the cleric be playing with my lief, and I do bite the dust, I know one of them can take over quite easily in most any zone.
#16 Jan 23 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
I have no problem with a cleric who fights. I do assume if they get into the frey they can take the damage. After all they do wear plate. I would not expect to hear later "get this mob off of me or I cant heal you". Nor have I heard that from "tanking" clerics. My wife is a 55 cleric and enjoyes getting into the frey. She only does so when her mana is up and not too many mobs. He I would not want to sit and watch the action. I am grateful for the heals I get.
#17 Jan 23 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Hell within our group the last couple of days we have been playing as two separate tanks Monk and SK with their own support, either Enchanter/Shaman or Cleric and two boxing the pairs.

Since we were taking almost no damage and well the cleric was higher than both tanks, he was set loose to proc as often as possible. Even under higher pace situations DPS is DPS and even if created by a cleric!

Obviously though when you have a one dimensional not so sharp tool, you can get burned and die thanks to a not so great cleric. It Happens!
#18 Jan 23 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
My main rant would be that in the original EQ [ pre Kunark ] I was told by 999/Verant/SOE that Monks would be the all around ultimate DPS in the game, not a tank mind you. Until Kunark that was true (accepting situational Rogues). SOE should fix this, since we're about number five on the list now.

With regards to the OP, all classes can keep up their melee skills as they see fit as long as they do their job. It's not like a piercing Chanter or clubbing Cleric is going to steal aggro and actually get hit because of their weapon. It also builds defense up and that's OK by me. My Cleric has been known to take a whack or two just because it feels good, as does my Shaman. I readily admit my Chanter does not partake in melee - a highbrow Erudite who doesn't like to get his hands dirty - a wuss if you will.
#19 Jan 23 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
In regards to non-melee classes meleeing, I run my groups based off that quote from Starship Troopers:

"Everyone fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself."

Just because you're the cleric/chanter etc. doesn't mean you sit on your butt waiting for your chance to heal/mez whatever. However, you damn well better have mana when you need it if you're standing around hitting things instead of medding.

As far as the original question, I'm going to agree with alot of the folks here. The most annoying thing is people who think they know everything and tell everyone how to play. Friendly advice is always welcome, but pushing your views of game play on everyone is just obnoxious.

On the flipside, I also can't stand people who can't take good advice when it's offered. Had a chanter who kept telling me she couldn't mem blur anything unless it was mezzed. My main is a chanter. I know what they can and cannot do for the most part. It wouldn't have been a big deal if the raid's pets weren't pounding on my rogue's epic mob that I needed to do a turn in for.
#20 Jan 23 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Int casters should melee(unless unable to due to the mobs AEs or what not)

I always keep


On me
#21 Jan 23 2006 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
It wouldn't have been a big deal if the raid's pets weren't pounding on my rogue's epic mob that I needed to do a turn in for.
Your description of the situation is quite sketchy. What pets? Who has aggro? It would probably be best to mez first it to get the pets off, then memblur to wipe the PCs off its aggro list. I assume you mean uncontrollable pets, which would still aggro your mob even if only memblurred. If controlled pets were pounding on your mob well thats the owner's fault. To lose mob aggro sure memblur is all you need, but it is unclear from your statement what is the case.

Stop telling others how to play their class is good advice, especially if you think you know how to do it better.
#22 Jan 23 2006 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Int casters should melee(unless unable to due to the mobs AEs or what not)
If i want to melee i will log on my Pally.

if i have an abundance of mana, i'll nuke that way i can still keep an eye out for whats going on, no point having CC if the CC doesn't spot the add for all the flashing blades.
#23 Jan 23 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
Bards don't seem to have a problem with meleeing and keeping an eye out for adds >_>


#24 Jan 23 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Your description of the situation is quite sketchy. What pets? Who has aggro? It would probably be best to mez first it to get the pets off, then memblur to wipe the PCs off its aggro list. I assume you mean uncontrollable pets, which would still aggro your mob even if only memblurred. If controlled pets were pounding on your mob well thats the owner's fault. To lose mob aggro sure memblur is all you need, but it is unclear from your statement what is the case.

Stop telling others how to play their class is good advice, especially if you think you know how to do it better.

Mob was unmezzable otherwise it would have been a nonissue. Mez it, I do turn in, good to go. It was the chanter's uncontrollable pet (didn't have the AAs I assume) that kept attacking. If everyone backed away and a mem blur was done til it stuck, the mob would have walked back to spawn pt. A bunch of other people in the raid also had aggro because they had hit it, so a mem blur was needed either way. We ended up just zoning the whole raid instead and coming back.

I'm not sure what to make of your last statement. Are you saying that you should never offer people advice if you think you know a better way?

In this particular case, I did know how to do it better. I sent the advice in a tell to the chanter bascially asking her to mem blur it. She replied with 'Mem blur does not work unless the mob is mezzed and this is unmezzable' and I told her that mem blur works whether it's mezzed or not, she said no it doesn't and I let it drop at that. She was obviously wrong, I gave my input on the situation, giving her the opportunity to possibly learn something new and didn't press it further.

It wasn't that she didn't know that you could mem blur without mezzing first that bugged me so much, it was the flat out denial of the possiblity when I told her it would. Again, though, I didn't force what I knew to be true on her.
#25 Jan 23 2006 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
This whole meleeing caster thing happened to me last night again lol... I was in PoV (on my chanter) had my Delightful Orb of Forgotten Magic on which has a proc of over 350 and an aug on it that procs for 50, we were grouping for about half an hour and I had kept 90-100% mana the whole time and I decided to nuke and melee because my weapon procced often... I got up there and was hitting for a whilte and someone said, "Why is the chanter hitting?" and then someone else said, "I think she is confused... or mental" I replied, "I have a proccing weapon and had leftover mana so I decided to melee"
They made me sit on my horse and nuke...
#26 Jan 23 2006 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts

make me sit on my horse and med my ***!

if anyone sai that to me they would be /disbanded so fast their head would spin.

or if i wasn't leader i would just disband then proceded to solo right next to em and show what a battle cleric can do ;-) (anything below RSS and MPG that is ;-P)


just get on my horse like they asked, and then proceed to ride off into the sunset ;-)
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