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#27 Jan 23 2006 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
JoltinJoe wrote:
I think others answered it well by saying if there is one specific goal you have and this weekend offered a chance to reach that goal in a fraction of the time, maybe it is worth it.
A point I neglected to mention was that, by getting your goals out of the way this weekend while it was quick and fairly painless, you free yourself up for loitering, grouping, exploring, etc without having to worry about how quickly whatever you're doing is getting you towards your goals.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Jan 23 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Friday: Few MM, with 2 mian toons, finially got the shoulders to drop for stumpie at last... smug mode lvl good

Saturday: double Xp, feeling especially smug since i feel SoE are rewarding me for not allowing myself to get caught up in the debarcel of midweek. Ding 70 on adeara, 65 on Jarkeld numerous AA etc, start of a good day.

Then watch the football scores come in to see that both ******* and Man City lost, Smug level high.

Sunday: Am do PoJ preflagging for guild and a few MM finish off first level of melee avoidance with Adeara

Pm watch my team beat thier greatest rivals with a last minute winner, Smug level unbearable!!!!!!

Bob what a weekend!

#29 Jan 23 2006 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
JoltinJoe wrote:
I think others answered it well by saying if there is one specific goal you have and this weekend offered a chance to reach that goal in a fraction of the time, maybe it is worth it.
I can buy that. This is a very goal orientated game.
A point I neglected to mention was that, by getting your goals out of the way this weekend while it was quick and fairly painless, you free yourself up for loitering, grouping, exploring, etc without having to worry about how quickly whatever you're doing is getting you towards your goals.
Hmm, this I'm not sure on. Sounds good in theory, but chances are in mere moments ones 'goals' will be updated and the need for the most efficient xp and grindage would still be there.

I suspect it's just human nature.

If you had the choice of reaching your destination by walking one city block on a hard concrete sidewalk with only a parking lot to look at OR a 4 block walk on a soft dirt path through the woods with birdies singing and trees swaying, which would you pick?

I know that there are all sorts of different circumstances that go into a question like that posed above. Regardless my guess is that people will more often than not take the shortest route whether time is a factor or not.

Mondays stink, but they're the quickest way to the weekend.

Congrats on the horsey Inlee. Smiley: grin

Edited cuz I REALLY messed up the quotes the first time around.

Edited, Mon Jan 23 14:48:05 2006 by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#30 Jan 23 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Other than the instance server issues Saturday afternoon, this was possibly the most fun weekend I've ever had in EQ. Yes, I did a million MMs, but it was fantastic to meet ALOT of new people. Was basically a huge chat fest. I made some new friends that I can carry over into the 'real' game that I probably never would have met if it weren't for the double exp and MMs this weekend.

Other than MMs, did the 69.1 DoD task on Saturday night. Had Lesson of the Devoted on and I think I was really irking my guild, who were pretty much all doing MMs, cause I was AAing faster than they were. It was totally amazing how fast I was getting AAs there, plus got that nifty augment when we finished. My guildchat converation went something along the lines of:

Me: Hey guys going in to do the 69.1
guild: Good luck!
...30 seconds pass...
guild: Gratz!
....5 minutes pass...
Guild: Sheesh that was fast!
Me: Yeah exp here is crazy.
....5 minutes pass...
Guild: Would you shut-up we're all still waiting on our timer.
Me: PING! Bummer.

Also cranked out 2 levels solo in Unrest with my new cleric in about half an hour. Fun weekend.

Edit: Changed those dings to pings.

Edited, Mon Jan 23 15:04:30 2006 by Semiopaque
#31 Jan 23 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, I can't attempt to answer for anyone's goals but my own Smiley: smile

With my bard, for instance, my goals were to get her her epic and to attain the title of Muse. I did both of those some 2-3 years ago and, while still my favorite character, I'm much more casual now in my playing of her and never really bothered trying to grind her up to 70, get 900 AAs, etc. I'll get there but, right now, she's what I wanted her to be and so I'm content.

With my SK, my goal was my horse to complete my concept of what she should "look like". Sure, I'll always like knowing that I'm advancing but having my mind's eye picture of a paladin of Cazic-Thule, mounted on an unholy steed come to fruitition makes the next 9 levels and bunch of AA's icing on the cake to be attained casually. Really, no amount of combat stability or extra hitpoints is going to match the sexiness of a free AA horse Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#32 Jan 23 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Between Sat and Sun we did the stonebrunt mm and got 47aa's so far. I 3-box that mm so 2 characters got 47aa's and the other one just got a few levels.

Someone asked about the fun doing mm's. For me it's a means to an end. The goal is to get my sk to 70 and 120 or so aa's. After that I'll still do mm's now and then but it won't be the fulltime job that it is right now. It's even a bigger boon to me since I 3-box, while the sk levels, the necro and shaman get their aa's. It does get old though.

#33 Jan 23 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
After about 3 1/2 years, and a double experience weekend finally dinged 70!!!! I may never do another mm (nah I'm sure I will).
#34 Jan 23 2006 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
Well i did alot this weekend




ya got myself from 275 AAs to 345 AAs, gotta love MMs(at least untile ure eyes bleed).

Oh yeah.....did a 69.1 hard so i could use my lesson, 22% AA a kill whoowee the AAs was flyin.

Oh ya did i mention i did MMs??
#35 Jan 23 2006 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
XP XP XP XP XP. Is it all about XP. Taking a toon up to 70 with tons of AA in the shortest amount of time. Jeez, what you are missing alot. Like running into Lodizal with a group that MAYBE will be able to down him and after a big fight do. Or stuff like that.

Nah, I have a 64 warrior with 18AA that I've played for four years, and I bet I have had a much better experience of EQ then most of you have had:)
#36 Jan 24 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Server crashed and rolled our double xp back. We lost Saturday night through Sunday evening but gained double xp till Wed morning to make up for it....score one for the little guy.
#37 Jan 24 2006 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
429 posts
Like most other, did almost nothing but MM's to grind out xp. Still got a few more hours to go and I hope to get 400 aa total by then. Started at 245 and now at 342 as I type while waiting for timer.

Also watched a few morons train various guards and npcs in the zone killing those that were afk and kos. I was killed on the first night since it wasn't expected. Many corpses still lies unrezzed. There's also been mass xloc spell casting around which did clear almnost half of the crowd first time but not anymore. Finally occasional lies or excuses over /ooc like HHK is bugged and everyone who plays would get rolled back.

The crowd around Creg npc was insane someone somehow lost his virginity just trying to target the npc and I think I saw a red underwear with white heart print on an ogre. :)

Also helped someone bring down Ran in HHK in between downtime. First time got him to 80% when I left for mm. Came back after mm and saw people still fighting him down to 20%. He was killed him just before I went back for another mm. All he dropped was a few plats so I think a rogue with sticky fingers are rich tonight.

I also raided SSRA with my guild for the emp ssra, got wiped when tanks started dropping like flies. :( did a few DoN and got most of my tier 3 done as well.
#38 Jan 24 2006 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Correct me if I am grossly wrong, but doesn't the monster missions provide a finite expierence gain per encounter? 1 aa and change per run so even doubled would be 2 aa maybe three and a wait? Now and my guildies chose one of four major areas to work on aa. Plane of fire, hands down the best aa / xp zone in the game if you have the capability and the camp space to take. Normal double xp is 4 aa / 28 minutes. Next was RSS in various camps rate here was normally between 3-4 aa / 30 minutes. Next was Lost notebook on Hard mission (69.1) this averaged 14% xp / kill (the one I did) and vet aa put it at 23% / kill the sony defined new max xp factor. The last was the Lost gnomes. I hear the gnomes one was better if you could could pull the casters faster then the melee ones in notebook.

Just in case someone wonders I got ~ 80 aa with only 9 hrs of non raid / afk time
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
#39 Jan 24 2006 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
hmmm this weekend... i thought about what was sony thinking that people would forget about the mistake they made and all the lost plat. items raid loot that will not be recovered, maybe some flags that where lost by a guild that has worked so hard to get those 2-3 days. what about the people who are maxed on aa's and didnt benifit from this "xp " weekend. is the "xp" weekend going to make up for it? you tell me or better yet tell SOE because i know the answer and every innocent player that was wrongfully rollback will tell you the answer also.
#40 Jan 24 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
I decided to not play. I don't need double exp and my happiness costs much more than Sony can afford.

On Sat I taught 26 kids to play hockey in full equipment. The entertainment value and cost (free) was something that keeps Sony execs awake at night.

On Sun I got to watch those same kids play in two games. 1st game we lost by just 2 goals, 2nd game we won. All 26 kids and us adults too had an amazing time.

Beat that, Sony!
#41 Jan 24 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
317 posts
Lets see. Friday I left Singapore on a slow boat to China. Well, Honk Kong to be precise. My wife managed to log on my Ranga and get me enough AA's to get my Endless Quiver and a hit of Archery Master. Managed to watch the Football games off of a crappy Satellite connection. Hard to keep a connection when the ship rolls back and forth. Oh well, we managed though. Saturday, another day at sea. Sunday, yet another day at sea. Monday, same thing, another day at sea. Oh well, all you EQers keep on keepin on, this sailor will be home soon to his eq addiction!
#42 Jan 24 2006 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
257 posts
I took my Cleric from 52 to almost 57 on Sunday alone. Didn't push any AA's...went for the hard exp while the doubler was in effect lol.

I really think they need to do this once a month or something. Jeeze, I havent seen that many peeps on in a LONG time lol.
#43 Jan 24 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
Friday: Got off early so I could get some sleep before double xp kicked in.

Saturday: Woke up in time for the patch for double xp to start. Utilized time to run and get weekend chores done, laundry, clean apartment, hit store to stock up on EQ food type items. Made it back in time to get 30 some AA's on my boxed Main, Three levels on my Boxed Bard, Two levels and 15 AAs on my boxed Shaman.
Sunday:Woke up about 9ish to meet my MM pals (regular Team Speak group), Knocked out 50 some AAs on my Main, Bard camped to let friend in to fill a slot, AA'd shammy till his spot was needed by another friend, but shammy still picked up 30 some AAs.
Monday: "cough", "cough", a Perfect "Y" day Another 50 some AAs on my main, Bard hit 63, picked up fading memories and another 2 dozen AA's, Camped Shammy to add AAs to my Main cleric healer, roughly 45+AAs on cleric to take care of rest of healing AAs.

Was it fun? Oh Heck yea!!! It is always fun when the Team speak group gets together, no matter what we are doing! We did not run the MM the same way two times in a row. After all why should we? Ya cannot actually fail them? On Monday we actually had enough on line to run two groups through! Just glad we all do not live in the same area, how would we explain the blue flue on Monday?

Yea, yea, yea, calling in sick for a game? If you look at it like that it is lame. Calling in sick to hang out with friends? Maybe a little less lame. But none the less, its not like I took off a week to play EQ with my friends full time. Here I am at work today writing about it. LMAO!

Hoping everyone had as much fun this weekend with the double XP as my friends and I did!!!
#44 Jan 24 2006 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
Hm, lesse...

Friday - POed most of the day due to rollbacks and losing all my druid's gear (level 24 twink). After work I hopped into an MPG group with guildies, then we did a couple raids (don't even remember what they were today ><)

Saturday - Wee double exp...except for server stability. For most of the day, between instance issues and crappy groups I managed a whoppiing 7 AA. Got into an MM group with some good friends afterwards though, that made up for it. (No raid due to exp)

Sunday - Eyes bleeding MM day. A bunch done with my old friends. Did a couple ranger epic raids, then hit up NC with friends hoping to get some runes.

Monday - A few more MMs with guildies, no-raid again due to the double exp :(. Ground in the Nest later on for some nice exp and realized that poor Stubby isn't quite ready to tank there. (At least I kept the cleric on his toes :p)
#45 Jan 24 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Over the weekend and Monday Night, 75AA's on both Shammy and Wizzy, Switched between them and alts on MM's, and got my Warrior and Cleric from 30 to 50, my skills are so going to stink for a few, but will start by bumping them up the GM first, then grinding skillups. Now i have alts that can go on PoP raids with the guild and get flags, so that i can bring what is needed as needed, not that a lvl 50 warr and cleric can help much. Once both of them hit 51 will dump all xp to AA's till i am happy with their skills. That should get them to 100 AA's each

My eyes are still bleeding from doing those MM's though.
#46 Jan 24 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
What I did this weekend:

47 AA on my Primary
41 AA on my Seconday
1134 Radiant Crystals earned, then spent
7 Metallic Drake scales
5 Glossy Drake Hides
1 Coarse Silk

Thank goodness for Instanced Content.
#47 Jan 24 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Friday 1/2 half of Time raid
Sat cancled-2nd half to Time raid would not let us zone in (Bug due to patch that morning for the double exp we assumed)
so did a few epics then some MM's
Sun MM's
Monday Lost Gnomes Mission
#48 Jan 24 2006 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
WUT! u people crazy? I did High Keep MM again and again and again it gives 40-60% normal xp or 2aas whenever you do it. I got from lvl 58-62 and got 13aa for my SK aa horse! the thing is soooo fast

Anyway if u didnt do the HK MM u missed out.
#49 Jan 24 2006 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I worked more of the weekend than I had hoped - but did get some decent playing time in:

Friday - Watched a movie - "Jarhead". I liked it.

Saturday - Got a tipt trial done finally so I can now get into Kod Taz without begging. Also, got about 30 AAs. Maxed out Chaotic Potential and got Origin (woot, no more gate potions!)

Sunday - Tried to do a few MMs with the druid but when the instances kept crashing I headed over to Vxed. Soloed my way to 67.5 (from 66), then decided to get together with some old friends and do a DoN mission. Sadly a bad pull and unprepared mezzer wiped us and rather than recover and try again they all decided it was better to just do MMs. It's tough competing against no risk, good reward. I decided to call it a nite then.

Monday - Guild finally kicked the **** outta Ikky3! It's been a long time coming and it was boring as hell but we won and that's what matters. Moving on to Ikky 4 this week.
#50 Jan 24 2006 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not going to be able to give a day by day account since it's all one big blur.

Started out early Sat AM. Quasi-5 boxed a Dranik Hollow's instance for an hour before the patch (really just dragged my wife's two toons along with invis and /follow). That much I remember. After that it gets blurry since right after the patch I started out 2 boxing my 49 ranger and 70 warrior in HHK mm's.

At some point I added in the cleric who started at lvl 67. He ding'd 70 at some point and I swapped him out for my wife's 68 enchanter. Ding 70 on her as well. Some point during Sunday I ended up 4 boxing the ranger, warrior, cleric and enchanter with two guildies. Really the cleric just sat at the entrance while I 3 boxed the others. This continued until mid-day Tuesday when the double xp ended. Slept about 8 hours Sun. and only 4 on Monday night.

All totaled here's what was accomplished:

Warrior: Started at 143 AA's and had a goal of getting to 300. Almost made it as I got to 291 AA's. So that's +148 AA's. Full Def now! Yeah!

Ranger: Started at lvl 49. Ended 4% away from lvl 65. Did one AA somewhere in there. (If I hadn't, 65 would have happened. Oh well.) Got the shoulder upgrade (max stats) on the very last MM I did. So 16 lvls on the ranger and 1 AA.

Cleric: Started at lvl 67 and ended at 18% into lvl 70. Also did AA's and did somewhere around 40ish AA's (didn't quite keep track on him).

Enchanter: Started at lvl 68 and ended at 13% into lvl 70. Also did AA's and did 42 AA's on her as well.

Why play so many at once and only in MM's? Well, for me, this weekend was more about what was going on in RL as my wife's mother is quite sick. I stayed at home while she took care of her mom. Thanks to two excellent guildies who helped out in the MM's I was able to work her toons along with mine since she really wanted to but couldn't.

If we had been at home together, I'm quite sure we would have not done many (if any) MM's and probably gone and exp'd in some of the normal zones. But as mentioned, due to RL, the MM's were the easiest way to achive the in-game goals in the shortest possible time.
#51 Jan 24 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Got to love double xp! Got 52 AA's on my main from doing 3 DODH spell missions, 3 DON missions and some HHK MM's. Was getting 20% of an AA per kill with lesson up in DODH missions. Went from 40 to 45 on mage in HHK. On my enchanter went from 66-68 and got 37 AA's doing HHK, 1 DoDH spell mission and 2 DON's. Waiting for SOE to ***** up again and offer us another bribe. With the new expansion coming so soon might not have to wait long.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 17:49:12 2006 by Saffaron
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