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#27 Feb 18 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Put simply, if you don't want the new expansion, quit your crying, no-one wants to hear it.

well put.
#28 Feb 18 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Just a bit confused. Does the DL come sans the horse ?? like one expansion when I got the CD (with 2 potions) and the same expansion for my second account as a DL and with no potions. Is it like that? Which will give me a big, slow butt horse? Or will both? I would think that Sony would encourage DL method, but I'm so wrong so very often on EQ , lol .
#29 Feb 18 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Masterbob wrote:
Put simply, if you don't want the new expansion, quit your crying, no-one wants to hear it.
well put.
Yeah, God forbid people use a thread about whether or not you're buying the expansion to express their views on whether or not they're buying the expansion.

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#30 Feb 19 2006 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Mispost! Wewhew. But on the subject, stating opinions is one thing, people ranting avidly about stuff totally off the topic of the expansion just to prove a point is another. Calm Down people! It isn't Oprah. o.O

I think they're going a bit fast but more content is fine by me. Sony's going for the "more options, more attention, more time spent" approach. It works. =) Only slow casual players like myself tend to complain... Hey, I'm not happy that I finally got into Time and now my stuff is gimped by new expansions. But I was happy to have been able to explore it. Same with most stuff. I don't have much but I work at what I do get until I get it, and love every minute. Yes, I'm cussing at my screen out of love.

Thirty bucks for more bank space is money well spent so BOOYAH. Amen.

Edited, Sun Feb 19 04:38:12 2006 by Jemnisimi
#31 Feb 19 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
Please don't whine about people who's demeaning to yourself. People have the right to complain when they don't like something,just as YOU complain about THEM. Please don't be a hypocrate. Just buy the expansion,if you want it.

I,myself,don't think this expansion is worth the money,especially when you consider the extra bank slots will most likely be added to everyone's bank eventually. There's already plenty of zones to hunt in,many you can be completely alone in. Warhorse? heh...if you can't afford the cheapest horse in-game,you don't know how easy it is to make plat(without buying on internet). It's just a matter of knowing what to buy/sell.

With every expansion,SOE pushes away more old-timer members. They don't care,because every expansion brings in a few hundred new kids. The fact that most won't stick with the game doesn't matter to SOE. They'll already have the money.

Here comes another expansion.
#32 Feb 19 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
I would also like to order the expansion and be ready to go when it launches BUT, Sony want $29.99 for each boxed copy (my Ranger needs a pony) and $29.00 to post it to Europe. Talk about creaming it in. 60 bucks for each boxed copy and then when your boxing more than one account SOE are laughing at us.
UK on the other hand only want 27 Pounds for the expansion without postage, they have a funny exchange rate over there.
No I'll wait until the new expansion hits mainland Europe and pay for it off the shelf. I dont want to be responsible for making those GM's richer fatter and lazier than they already are.
#33 Feb 19 2006 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
I am personally not paying $30 for bank slots and an ugly horse. I'll wait and see if there's anything worthwhile for me, like new content, spells, aa, etc...
#34 Feb 19 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
I'm not in a hard core raiding guild anymore ( Last was the PoTime rotation) so theres realy not alot of content for me anymore on these exspantions, they seem to be molded for the guild raid stuff so I'll just sit back and do my exp in friendly zones
Dyfast Rezneeded - 90 Ranger / 95 Woodworker
Slayan Darkworshiper - 91 Shadowknight / 95 Weaponsmith
#35 Feb 19 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
When the expansion came out with the Plane of Knowledge in it we were told that you could only enter the plane if you bought the expansion, well we all know what happened there, after about 6 weeks it was decided EVERYONE would be allowed to enter PoK whether they paid for it or not. So I guess I wasted my money on that expansion.

6 weeks? Try well over a year before they opened PoK up.
#36 Feb 19 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
I,myself,don't think this expansion is worth the money,especially when you consider the extra bank slots will most likely be added to everyone's bank eventually.

I think you are wrong in this line of thinking, they still haven't given everyone the extra 8 slots from the Ykesha expansion. I wouldn't hold my breath for that happening.
#37 Feb 19 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
who cares about 8 more bank slots and spells/AA's that I cant use yet anyway !!

There are no new AA's.

When the expansion came out with the Plane of Knowledge in it we were told that you could only enter the plane if you bought the expansion, well we all know what happened there, after about 6 weeks it was decided EVERYONE would be allowed to enter PoK whether they paid for it or not. So I guess I wasted my money on that expansion.

There are a couple dozen other zones in Planes of Power. Get level 46 and you may notice them.

Most players don't move through the new content in the 6 months before another expansion comes out.

Yes, they do.

I think you are wrong in this line of thinking, they still haven't given everyone the extra 8 slots from the Ykesha expansion. I wouldn't hold my breath for that happening.

What? If you own LoY, you have extra slots. Plain and simple.

Oh, as for the Poll. I am not buying it. I no longer play Everquest. It was a fun 6 years nonetheless. I just Troll these boards because I am a loser.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#38 Feb 19 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
ROFL im still trying to get my time access and just started DoN Teir progression lol who cares about 8 more bank slots and spells/AA's that I cant use yet anyway !!

there's a very small amount of spells and aa's that are being added with this expansion. mostly just new zones and the new bank slots.. and a few new features
#39 Feb 19 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the correction.
Still it is about like the people that are buying the titanium edition with all the expansions for $20.
I hope everyone has fun and enjoy this game while you can.
#40 Feb 19 2006 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
Jemnisimi wrote:
Mispost! Wewhew. But on the subject, stating opinions is one thing, people ranting avidly about stuff totally off the topic of the expansion just to prove a point is another. Calm Down people! It isn't Oprah. o.O
Edited, Sun Feb 19 04:38:12 2006 by Jemnisimi

Mmm, sorry to say, but it is for the most part.

On the topic, it looks like the new expansion has something for everyone, no matter where you are up to in "progression".

Seems more like LDoN/DoN to me in terms of accessibility.

Regardless of missions, quests etc, I'd buy it for the graphics. The new guys are creating something superb!
#41 Feb 19 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
One of the great things about this game is that there are so many different ways to play. If you are a causal player exploring all of an expansion before moving on then you can buy this one at a discount later.

I'm a tradeskills player. Almost all I do is related to leveling for the next enchanter spell or gaining plat for the next tradeskill project. For me bank slots and buff block is wanted, so yes I have it ordered.

Different ways to play for different players, way to remember everyone Sony!

Edited, Sun Feb 19 21:26:35 2006 by hcs
#42 Feb 19 2006 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't made up my mind whether or not to get this one. I'm sure I will at some point, but I'm starting to wonder why I bother. I started playing right around the time Omens came out and there's so much I have yet to see, mobs to fight as well as quests to do from the everything before this. I wish they'd slow down putting out expansions and let everyone catch up. How are you supposed to get people to stick with the game if you're constantly adding stuff and changing stuff without 1st getting the bugs outta the old things. Maybe it's just me, or maybe not. They'll end up getting my 30 bucks at some point :p

Venerran V'Xnesh
67 Shadowknight of Undying Alliance - Maelin Starpyre
#43 Feb 19 2006 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
i agree with what you have to say. Players need to play at their own pace expansion or no expansion. If you want it get, if you dont, then dont bother. But on the same note, i dont have anything past discord and IM getting tired of hearing people say "wow your behind! you need to catch up!". No i dont, like i said, i play at my own pace and want to see all of one expansion before moving on. So if your a power gamer and love every expansion, or a casual player still in Velious, i say your own game and dont worry about anybody else
#44 Feb 20 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
i am amazed at how "buggy" people say EQ is....

i play everyday, and i never have a problem that majory effects ANYTHING i do.

sure sometimes see a pathing issue, or some other thing. but for the complexity of the game, it is very bugg free. especialy the last few expantions that came out. they went VERY smooth. what was it, LoY that took patch after patch to fix? the last few were smooth, a couple server resets was all. they are getting BETTER not worse. go back in time a few years ago. server crashes, zone crashes, new expansion ment a month of patches.


if don't like it, don't pay and don't play.

oh, for the record ;-P i am going to buy the CD's. get tired of having to download it all if cpu craps out. so i have a bunch on cd, and a bunch i have to download. so all the new ones now i go buy discs

Edited, Mon Feb 20 00:47:01 2006 by Keyera
#45 Feb 20 2006 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
I'm buying 2 copies at the store the instant it comes out. Don't really care if anyone else is planning to or not. Don't really care if anyone else thinks it's a waste of money or whether they think they're coming out too fast. I want the expansions, so I'm buying them. For me, the release pace and the constant variety is perfect. It keeps me interested. If you don't want them, don't buy them. It won't affect me either way. To each his/her own.
#46 Feb 20 2006 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
Everyone has the right to play the game as they chose. I bought the expansion through EBGames. My bank slots are all full and it probably won't take long to fill them with working on tradeskills.
My 66 human cleric is using the roboboar, 52 human wizard has a white horse, and I could use a free horse for my 27 wood elf druid.
I probably spend 40 hours a week playing EQ. I know I have no life, but my kid is all grown up and I'm retired so I have plenty of time to explore.
Safe Journies Peoples!

Jarri Jarri 66 Cleric
Jadean Wizardsong 52 Wizard
Tanas Thesand 27 Druid
#47 Feb 20 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Im still not sure if I want this expansion. Extra bank slots are great, but remember the extra spell gem? Needed an AA for it, nowhere did it say that, and while the slots will likely be there, I dont want to buy it until I know what the expansion is.
#48 Feb 20 2006 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, Im gonna wait till price drop on this one too, for One I havnt seen even a small fraction of whats in game now. That and work is insane now so very little quality EQ time :(

My wife, probably will ( if she hasnt DDL it already..note to self, check wifes account ) But she is a power player, so I cant blame her.

Ever since I bought SE-DOOM3 for the xbox for 59.99, and then like 30 or so days later it was 25, now 19, Ive taken alot more time before Ill buy another game when it hits the shelves. Just got GTA-SA 19.99 :) and I see Halo2 is 29 so I figure another month till target price. 10 buck here and 20 bucks there adds up quick.

But when I do buy it..and I will, it as always will be in a box.

safe hunts and happy shopping!
#49 Feb 20 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
I utilized the EBgames link on the front page of Allakhazam, and used my Allakhazam ten percent discount and ordered three copies for each of my accounts!

Thanks Allakhazam for your partnership with EBgames.
I like it when I can save even a couple of bucks on a game.

Yes, fix old content, yes, nerf the exploits, yes, keep the fresh material here so I do not tire of it.

And SoE, your GMs suck branschwager!!
#50 Feb 20 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent

picture of warhorse fer ye all.
looks a bit bald to me.
I still preffer those skeleton horses, but eh ill settle for a nice black AA horse.
Not gettin PoR- i still have yet to find this island im looking for in OOT or soem other ocean.... never was too sure.

Edited, Mon Feb 20 17:32:48 2006 by summersnite
Edit: link

Edited, Mon Feb 20 18:00:47 2006 by summersnite
#51 Feb 20 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
in reply to saxjaxs on 19 Feb...

I know exactly what you mean, but one correction (yes, I live in Germany). The extra $29.00 is not for Sony, its for your local neighborhood tax folks (Import duty fees, don't you know). Hey folks, remember, while you are crying about gasoline coming in just under $3.00, we in Europe have to deal with average $6.70 a gallon (%78 percent tax on the euro/dollar) and from 50-80% tax and import duty on items shipped from the states...and an 18% sales tax in Germany alone to boot...

Oh well, such is life in beautiful Europe...

And hell yes, will buy it as soon as it hits the shelves...

Edited, Mon Feb 20 18:05:08 2006 by Tarmuar
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