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How do You Rate the Revamped Freeport?Follow

#52 Feb 27 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
Boomba is located in East Freeport now - near the docks - hard to describe his location (didn't get a loc at the time, hire a friendly ranger) but he *is* there and he *still* has pickles =)

*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
#53 Feb 27 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
I give it a 3.5...

My favorite part of the update is the town crier -- he actually cries headlines when you hail him, which is kinda cool.

It's all very prety ...but... I don't really have any more reason to go there than I had before the revamp. It's a pass-through zone on the way to Arcstone. I rather hope some of the actual roleplay guilds will claim it at a stage for some of their events.

Beware that in East Freeport the "evil" guildmasters are now openly above ground -- if you are kos to them they won't hesitate to send you packing to the zoneline or your bind spot =)

I have found all the old quest mobs but even with the assistance of a Ranger I cannot find Elia Frikniller -- if anyone sees her lemme know.

The water seems to be empty of sharks, and there is no "take" that I can find anywhere under the water to complete the old Tier'Dal rogue's quest.
*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
#54 Feb 27 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
KEC wrote:
Gave it a 0 only because there weren't any negative numbers...

LMAO Smiley: lol

#55 Feb 28 2006 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
Gave it a 3.

looks great 'BUT' its to big,all looks the same & a huge waste of time IMO, i mean why bother?, the starting city's & newbee zone 'experience' has been completely destroyed by the tutorial. the starting citys are now ghosttowns & the newbee zones that surround them now barren wastelands devoid of newbees out exploring the vast world for the first time, now replaced by 'ONE' tutorial zone & when done that pushed out into nothing more then a fast-food world of fast exp & zero exploration. its almost painful when i go back to these once great zones just teeming with newbees running around egar for some buffs hehe. their is just so much that im sure a new player today will never get to exp,so many special zones & mobs that today are almost never seen, I find it very sad. :-(

you gota see the view of the wall of the city from the NRO side tho = WOW! :-)

the NRO/SRO re-make is nice to,now only two big zone's instead of three 'BUT' again a huge waste of time & space that will never be used,just a shadow of what was once a HUGELY popular area FULL of PC's now completely barren. :-(

I think the tutorial should be 'COMPLETELY SEPARATE' from the actual game, like it used to be & i think it is in EQ2?. & when your ready to start playing the real thing you should start in your starting city & newbee areas like you always did.

all I know is this tutorial thing has completely destroyed the 'NEWBEE EXP' of EQ IMO & something needs to be done to RIGHT this WRONG.

TY. :-)

Couldnt agree more.. I loved running through Nro seeing all the derv camps camped and having to wait for a group... the orc highway groups.. sitting at the docs killing crocs.. but no one does it anymore...
#56 Feb 28 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Where is ~the~ forge? (Antonican Forge) I need it!
#57 Feb 28 2006 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
all I know is this tutorial thing has completely destroyed the 'NEWBEE EXP' of EQ IMO & something needs to be done to RIGHT this WRONG.

I totally agree.
And before you say why waste new players time, let them keep the charm for their time in tutorial let them keep the charm.
There are many old time players that never had charms like that, let alone a tutorial to help them start out.
#58 Feb 28 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
As for the overwriting labeled maps, I've started putting all my labels on Layer 2. The <mapfoo>_2.txt file doesn't seem to get overwritten by anything so far.
#59 Feb 28 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
I gave it a 1. Hate it. The old Freeport had personality. This is just a big wall with tents that probably took 2 days to create. the Arcane science building is cool but thats the only thing. I was really disappointed that they did away with the old freeport. As far as North and South Ro go I understand consolidating that. Lot of empty space and graphics noone needed. At least it kept it's general feeling.

70th Druid Erollis Marr
#60 Feb 28 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
0. Yea the graphics looks newer but so what. Don't see any reason why it had to be changed, and why the faction needed to be screwed up (taking away nfp). Same thing goes for nektulos forest..why the hell did a newbie zone need a revamp. Don't mess with any more hometowns.
#61 Feb 28 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Havent stepped in it, my faction is toast.
Never had a reason to go there anyways.
I too have to question the "why"s of why they changed Freeport ... a newbie town long lost to their "Please, come play our game for a fee" tutorial.
#62 Feb 28 2006 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent

I scored it 3.

While the outer walls look great. The banners etc..

The inside is just an overgrown castle with very few doors???

Cities are built over time by multiple people. This looks like one person ordered 'One city to go' As result most of the residents are in the streets or wandering around homeless.

As for the 'bad' side of town I was hoping for a Terry Pratchett's "Ank Morpork - Shades" a maze of narrow passages that any sane or sober person would never go near. Instead we get more castle plus a couple of boarded-up doors.

So overall graphics good Smiley: smile. Actual Content & planning Bad Smiley: disappointed

If it is just a EQII copy. I am glad I didn't buy EQII
#63 Feb 28 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
Having played EQ2, id have to say, that this new version of Freeport looks similar to the EQ2 Freeport. The walls are huge and grey and seem to blend in, not much color in the city which makes it to appear really drab. In the old days, NFP was used as our "bazaar", i can't imagine people returning to hang out in this city much, even though it has grown by 10 times fold. Need to add a bit more color and be consistent with "the changing of the guard", change all NPC's to new models. Overall, i gave it a 2, it's better than what was there before, but lacks functionability because it's so large. Add some spice Sony, come on now.

Krastus, 63 Cleric of Tunare
Strommare, 58 Magician of Tunare
#64 Feb 28 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, as an added comment to my above post for those who haven't played EQ2....This Freeport doesn't compare in the least to any graphics supplied by EQ2. The Freeport in EQ2 is actually much better, with better models overall. EQ2 just didnt have the out-of-city content to keep me with the game. EQ2 was all about the 2 cities of Qeynos and Freeport, with a big chunk of desert outside ;)
#65 Feb 28 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I agree!!! Freeport isn't Freeport without Boomba... I miss my Gnome pickles =(
#66 Mar 01 2006 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
I gave it a 0. Not because I have any problem with the graphics or layout of it but because they've destroyed yet another old zone without good reason or explanation. To some of you newer players I can see why you might be unconcerned and think that its just a standard graphics update but honestly I am truly saddened to see one of the places I grew up (from a certain point of view) destroyed, never to return. You can say its just a game and it doesn't matter all you want but everything in the whole world is only as important or unimportant as you make it to yourselves and the old Everquest world was and is important to me and to see it ruined like this really tears at my heart. Worst of all there wasn't even any reason to destroy it or any of the other old zones that have been ruined recently in the first place. Everquest had a very deep and interesting story at one time but thats long long gone. They could have just made a new city somewhere else like in the sky or in space or something stupid like that and had a mindless rock that you click on to take you there, its not like anyone would have cared. To keep redrawing the map and adding places on that weren't there the night before and offer no explanation of how they appeared over night is really.. sad. Now there is just one more place to add to the list that you can forget any memories you might have had there.. They're gone forever
#67 Mar 01 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
426 posts
Well, I'm sort of an old fart and really don't like cahnge. That said, I gave it a 3. But, only because my wife liked it. It took me forever as a new player to figure out how to get around in this town - and now they go and change it without improving it.

A comment on the tutorial, I think one of the negatives from my point of view is that you can no longer go into one of the starting cities, find a brand new level 1 or 2 and drop some "uber" item on them. When I first started playing, way back in the dark ages, everyone of my characters were given some nice gear by some high level player who just dropped it on me, said take, and ran off. I have allways tried to carry on that tradition - but there aren't any level 1 or 2 players out there any more.

I recentally made several quivers and did a who-all for Rangers 1-5 to try to give them away in PoK. There weren't any there, nor could I find any all the way up to level 10. I finally threw them on the groud in front of the samll bank and watched people pick them up and throw them down. As a new ranger, I would have given half of my bank accout to have a weight reduction quiver - but then that would have been only a few silver.
#68 Mar 01 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I agree!!! Freeport isn't Freeport without Boomba... I miss my Gnome pickles =(

Why do people keep saying Boomba is gone? For probably then umpteenth time, HE IS STILL THERE!!!!! Hes in the SE corner of efp.
#69 Mar 01 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
I personally gave it a 2. the graphics are nice .. i was just infuriated by the treatment of monks in Freeport .... our humble little shack has been knocked down and they replaced it with a dilapidated tool-shed.

ROFL, I just loved this /agreed
#70 Mar 01 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts

Boomba is there, but he is just another vendor.

That is an example of what I don't like about it. It appears to have been done by people who didn't know/care about the old Freeport. Too many things moved and disappeared for no apparent reason. The old connections and relationships were not retained.

They could have kept Boomba by the gate, without taking away from what they have done... and maintained an old tradition.

It looks awesome, but if I hadn't spent time on EQ2, I wouldn't be able to say that it "Looks like Freeport".
#71 Mar 02 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
the only thing that could possably make it better, is the ability to "FIND" anything!

GET THE FIND OPTION WORKING!! I cant even locate a spell because the cleric spell vendor that has it isnt anywhere near the other cleric spell vendors, and since find dosnt work.... welll you know.
#72 Mar 02 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
yes but he is not where he should be! By The Gate! where he has always been.
the new freeport is so open to much wasted space everything is to far apart, and you cant find anything.
I dont have 2 hours to find something.. I liked things where they were.
#73 Mar 02 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Big fat 0. This game is obviously being remade into something to draw in people who get tired of WoW but still wish to put forth no effort, time, or ability. This is no longer everquest, therefore they are outright lying when they take my money every month and every expansion. They will continue to destroy this game in such a manner until it is no longer recognizable. All I can hope to come from this whole experience is to free up my on-line time for when Vanguard is released. If there is any justice the creators of EQ can save a lot of people time and money weeding through the crap and provide a real game yet again before they were pushed aside by Sony...

Liveye (lvl 70 Wizard)
#74 Mar 02 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
I hate it. Definitely reminds me of EQ2, which I hated.
I agree, like EQ2 zones, there is too much wasted space. I hate that I have to run for 30 seconds (or longer) real time just to go from 1 end of the docks to the other. Really sucks for us mele types that would like to make it back to PoK in 30mins or less. If I need something it that zone, it'll take at least 30mins to run to it and get it.

The added lag is also a pain. I like(d) the old world zones because the lack of lag.

In addition, the map doesnt work properly. When you zone in the correct(new) map comes up, but if you use the atlas to see another zone then click the freeport map back on, the old world map comes up.

How about revamping a zone people would actually goto. I don't think I've hit Freeport for years until now. Why not revamp a dungeon that actually gives decent xp and people will goto?
How about Sebilis? Too bad all the old world dungeons are abandoned now. The xp and loot is so bad compared to new zones that the best (old) dungeons are empty. Guess those were paid for years who cares now.
#75 Mar 02 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Initial reaction was, "whoa, neat!" This soon degraded as I began to feel like I was in an upgraded Katta. Little too clean, perhaps. All those green marks on the map lead to balconies to, what? Look at the beautiful city cooridors? At least it is profoundly easier to get around the city now. I'm all for combining 3 into 2 zones. There are some really nifty additions too, like the Bard's theatre and fairgrounds (great party/guild meeting spot) and the harbor with a great view from the southern tower (that unfortunately does not allow you to levitate off of it. WTF?) I too was apalled by the continued use of old NPC models along side new ones. Why not leave in the old rat/bat models too? :) I did get a kick out of the soldier squads roaming about (hint of things to come in the new expansion.)

Initial reaction score: 4
Score after meditating: 3

Oh, and did I mention the FIND tool is not working? :)
#76 Mar 02 2006 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
i gave a 3. It is neat on the new graffix but is pretty laggy and a bit of a chore to navigate around
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