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Tips For Enjoying Levelling in a Progression SituationFollow

#1 Dec 05 2015 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Let's share our tips for making a progression (whether self imposed on a live server, or on a special ruleset server) fun. Here's a few from me:

1. Remember that you are playing progression. It's supposed to be slower and harder than the tutorial/TSS leveling path. Try different leveling paths, especially if you have an old routine you have always done. Enjoy the journey.

2. Be honest about your playtime. If you are going to login for 3 hours a week, you probably want an efficient solo class vs. trying to level a warrior. Set reasonable content goals and accept that some people are going to (probably) play a lot more than you and push the content. If you're on a server where others will dictate the pace, come to grip with that before you start. Remember that GoD was terrible at launch and extensively retuned... a lot of people love it in hindsight (though I shudder saying that). The point being, your memory of the content may not match the progression reality. I suggest have an open mind and try to enjoy it all.

3. Halflings get an XP bonus on levelling xp. When in doubt, (if you want to level faster) be a halfling. You can always racechange. Decide if you are willing to pay Daybreak $ to do so... starting an Sk in original and turning it into an Iksar makes more sense than starting over in Kunark (unless your enjoyment is going to be starting over in Kunark). At the same time, all races end up pretty equal and most progression situations are so short term that the early penalties in stats really won't matter that much (or at least long). Personally I tend to sink most of my starter points into stamina, then agility (especially if it is below 75). Know thyself.

4. Caster classes are the least gear dependent in Progression classic due to overpowered spells, focus effects from a later era (some on easily obtained gear) and the pet classes have super-strong pets. There's more than one reason mages rule all. Necromancers are the most popular "just soloing one account" class. If you are going to play a lot... it may even make sense to level a caster first to pay the way for your harder to level rogue or whatever (unless the slow painful way is your fun). Boxing (whether "true box" as per TLP 4.0 ruleset or something else) is an obvious powerup to the process. So is guilding up and making friends.

5. Don't sweat death when you aren't losing xp for dying. If a death saves you a couple of zonings to buy spells, die. It's a game, even if you are a warrior soloing and that death just cost you 40 minutes of XP... remember this is what you signed up for. It's not like you have to do corpse runs or lose all your stuff.

6. Loot everything that stacks, and be picky on the non-stackable stuff. For example most GFay loot sells for copper, whereas poison glands sell for gold. Cracked staffs are worth way more than most other weapons in newbie areas. Figure out what sells best in your hunting area and focus looting on that [this tactic pays off huge in TSS expac by the way].

7. Kill near a vendor if you are low level, poor and lack bag space. Kill the skellies... bone chips can sell or be saved for quests, and skellies drop a lot of armor. +1 AC actually does something if you get a full set under level 10. Home city vendor armor is kind of terrible, but at the same time sells back for close to the cost --might be worth it, and being dressed is nice.

8. Save the quest drops. Orc scalps drop like mad in Gfay and such which is half the world away from where you want to turn them in. Maybe worth your while to make the run, or just save them for an alt that is going to grow up closer to the quest turn in. You can kill it in Kunark saving the curscale armor quest drops for a level 1 alt to do for example, or crushbone belts and so on. Enjoy questing, remembering that they were sadistic in design for years and implemented with a huge population in the it might take you a week of casual play to get that cubert to spawn enough times to actually get the decent earring from the quest. You can preloot some Epic 1.0 things before Kunark is live as well... but don't expect to do your epic in Kunark unless you are in a top progression guild.

9. Look up your home city, some places have a great series of quests to do as a newbie. For example a lot of the Rivervale stuff is active on progression servers at launch. At the same time, if your start is crummy (Erudites pre-warrens come to mind) then don't be afraid to move to the population, or at least a friendlier place. If you know you are going somewhere... make sure there isn't a delivery quest on the way there or back again... if there is you might want to do it.

10. Don't buy stuff you don't need. Casters don't need a fair number of their spells leveling up. If you are leveling fast there are spells you will never cast due to getting to an upgrade. At the same time, don't miss the powerful things. Enchanter pets at lower level were seriously improved from the past for example... you want shiny bob at current level for the first 10 levels at least. Be aware of your toolkit... necromancers have a silly amount of utility in the Pre-Luclin game (can mez non-undead short-duration for example). You may be able to do things in progression that aren't something your class has been known for PoP and later.

11. Doing stuff you are familiar with can be fun. Sometimes greater attachment comes from trying something new. Personal example is I have gone back to enchanter it looks like on Lockjaw TLP (my old main years ago that I haven't seriously played the class since OoW) and my #2 alt is probably going to be a paladin (a class I have never played).

12. Remember the features they have added to the game. Unless you are being super "pure" and refusing to use them, things like the origin AA and "return home" really are handy especially for non porters and non-gaters.

Alright, that's all I got right now. Got other ideas? Disagree (feel free)? Let's hear some insight... we have a very experienced player-base so let's share that knowledge!

Edited, Dec 5th 2015 9:38pm by snailish
#2 Dec 05 2015 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent

I would add, as a tip to help out some of the looting, is to find the quest givers that give you those quest bags and get the ones you can. That will help in the looting process with a little more room. Also remember that there will be an 8-slot backpack in your bank, remember to pick that up before you go out hunting.

Try to find some other people with similar playing time, whether in a guild or not. IMO, the game is always more fun with other people and I have met some absolutely fantastic people that way that I keep in touch with outside EQ. Those were the people that would always save me a slot, and would be willing to help me in some obscure area get a quest drop or item that I wanted.

#3 Dec 07 2015 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
Best tip is to stop and smell the roses. In other words, enjoy the low-level experience, group with others, make friends, explore that world, etc. I've always found the MOST fun I ever had with a new toon is when I didn't focus entirely on leveling and actually allowed myself "non-maximally productive time", i.e. doing things which didn't necessarily accelerate my leveling. Being goal-orientated naturally, it always ends up with me focusing on leveling and then I find the game experience gets less enjoyable and once I max out the levels, the chase is over and I lose interest. Old World raiding, to be honest, is kind of limited, boring and tedious. The dragon encounters (Permafrost, SolB) and epic raids (once Kunark is introduced), those are fun because they don't involve so much endless clearing of trash. Plane of Fear and Plane of Hate are fun on first visit, but those raids get god-awfully boring after the 5th or so time, especially when you consider the armor drops are kind of crappy, anyway, even in Old School EQ. Kunark helps a lot with interesting raids in zones like Seb, City of Mist and Karnor's. Which says a lot for why they're going to bring Kunark on-line in 90 days no matter what in this new progression server.

Smell those flowers! Smiley: flowers
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#4 Dec 12 2015 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Now that Phinny is live a new tip is needed: Be aware of the server's XP curve.

Phinny is the slowest XP curve seen in EQ since original classic. It's not as slow as classic was, but a lot of quests gave more xp back then too.

What this does: hardcore types are going to be slowed down by maybe a week vs. last progression servers (Ragefire & Lockjaw which actually have a pretty generous XP curve) and then will do the heavy raiding they came to do with the instancing. Casual types are going to level much slower. This is not bad, but be prepared for a pile of hours to get to level 10. Soloing appears to be much slower vs. grouping so they may have done something there as well.

Note that quest XP does not appeared to be "nerfed" on Phinny. The trick is finding a quest that still gives good xp past level 3. Crushbone belts are pretty popular at the moment...
#5 Dec 12 2015 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
I agree, Snailish, about the slow XP. At level 2 killing blues solo, even with a +25% potion is ridiculously slow, like 1-2% per kill. On the other hand, yellows were giving me 5-7%. But by level 3, yellows dropped to 2-3%. I haven't had the spare time to get into a group and see if the group XP bonus, along with the faster pace of group killing, is more effective.

The XP pace is definitely "classic", but you're right that the lack of decent noobie quests to provide an XP bonus plus some extra coin and gear, is discouraging. CB belts are still good, I'm told, but not realistic until you reach level 5 or 6 and can tackle the orcs that drop the belts. I'm advised that the bone chips quest is miserably nerfed. Too bad, since they can be pharmed even at level 1.

One thing that's messed up is that skells in BB and GFay are indifferent, at least to Halfling druids. The whole POINT of undead mobs is that they attack everything, even players waaaay above their level. They're wacky that way. This coding has nothing to do with "classic" or "progression"; IMO it's just screwed up.

Another messed up oddity I've seen so far is the pathing. I pull at range with a nuke, obviously, and quite a few times instead of running directly TO me the mob runs perpendicular, in other words, to my left. Sometimes it's just for a second and then it turns toward me, which strikes me as just a pathing issue. But I've seen some where the mob seriously gets fouled up on invisible paths leading to me getting off several nukes before it even engages me in melee. This is odd because I can't see why a new progression server would have to mess around with established pathing code. Smiley: confused

Edited, Dec 12th 2015 7:18pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#6 Dec 12 2015 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Sippin wrote:
I agree, Snailish, about the slow XP. At level 2 killing blues solo, even with a +25% potion is ridiculously slow, like 1-2% per kill. On the other hand, yellows were giving me 5-7%. But by level 3, yellows dropped to 2-3%. I haven't had the spare time to get into a group and see if the group XP bonus, along with the faster pace of group killing, is more effective.

The XP pace is definitely "classic", but you're right that the lack of decent noobie quests to provide an XP bonus plus some extra coin and gear, is discouraging. CB belts are still good, I'm told, but not realistic until you reach level 5 or 6 and can tackle the orcs that drop the belts. I'm advised that the bone chips quest is miserably nerfed. Too bad, since they can be pharmed even at level 1.

One thing that's messed up is that skells in BB and GFay are indifferent, at least to Halfling druids. The whole POINT of undead mobs is that they attack everything, even players waaaay above their level. They're wacky that way. This coding has nothing to do with "classic" or "progression"; IMO it's just screwed up.

Another messed up oddity I've seen so far is the pathing. I pull at range with a nuke, obviously, and quite a few times instead of running directly TO me the mob runs perpendicular, in other words, to my left. Sometimes it's just for a second and then it turns toward me, which strikes me as just a pathing issue. But I've seen some where the mob seriously gets fouled up on invisible paths leading to me getting off several nukes before it even engages me in melee. This is odd because I can't see why a new progression server would have to mess around with established pathing code. Smiley: confused

Edited, Dec 12th 2015 7:18pm by Sippin

Some Gfay comments: --hadn't played there in years.
-Never noticed the crazy pathing of mobs near Felwithe on the little hills before, but never really killed there before. Have had people tell me that is actually longstanding.
-Never saw mobs roaming up in the tree city before (elven skeleton, a wasp the guards beat down when it pathed to them) and had people tell me this is not as it was in classic, but has been for a while.
-remember /pickzone if you are not able to get mobs. There was 10 instances of GFay up last night!
-remember to use the guards if you get orcs piling on (really the only thing that is risky aggro I have seen).

-I feel like undead in newbie areas were indifferent when I was leveling tons of lowbie characters back in PoP/LoY era... maybe they were KoS originally though?
-What I do remember is Kurn's tower being an awesome nest of undead aggro... and logging in there a few years ago to the most babied over undead zone possible.

Not sure why they changed stance on undead mobs (especially those above level 5). I would like to see it changed back... level 6 skellies should aggro level 105 players and chase them across the zone. How dare you be alive?
#7 Dec 13 2015 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
Interesting how I am having fun leveling this new druid. Brings back all the memories of the challenge of tackling yellow mobs, mana and HP management, debating when to run to a guard, the frustration of getting jumped by an orc when you've beaten down a mob to 5% and you're at 10% and the orc kills you before you earn XP for the kill., LOL. Carefully husbanding what meager plat and gold I have and turning down purchasing some crappy cloth armor in favor of getting the key spells. Remembering why the platforms of Kelethin are so annoying that I can only stand living in this zone for so long before I have to get out!

The /pick command is a Godsend, and it's also a boon to anyone who wants to box since in essence you can box in your own "instanced" regular zone. I don't know if the /pick command works for every level zone but it's great at noobie level. I left a GFay with 150 people for one with 10. This morning I "picked" one where I was alone. At real low levels, with a solo-capable class, I think it's best to solo since you can get 5% XP per kill off yellow mobs. Once I ding 6 or 7 I want to move to Crushbone and then Unrest for grouping fun.

A few more oddities: I'm finding orc and goblin camps that appear to be empty of static spawns. This is over hours so it's not that someone is clearing them. Specially the camp near the crossroads in BB (on the way to Dagnor's) and the other camp to the left of the Kaladim entrance, a bit after the building with the vendors on the left path. The tents are up but no goblins. I wonder if originally these camps were added with a later patch so for this new release they only have the fixed tents (as part of the geometry) but not the NPC spawns. Strange, that...

Edited, Dec 14th 2015 4:31pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#8 Dec 13 2015 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
snailish wrote:
6. Loot everything that stacks, and be picky on the non-stackable stuff. For example most GFay loot sells for copper, whereas poison glands sell for gold. Cracked staffs are worth way more than most other weapons in newbie areas. Figure out what sells best in your hunting area and focus looting on that [this tactic pays off huge in TSS expac by the way].

This is an important point, that I wanted to quote it for highlight and emphasis. Most of the non-stackable things sell for pittance and are not worth pointing out, but as snailish points out, there area few things that do sell well. Cracked staffs sell for 9 gold to 1 platinum, always always always take those and delete other things if you don't have room. Other weapons (rusty ones) are hit and miss. Some sell better than others.

Also as noted, the giant wasp poison glands in Greater Faydark also sell for about 4 gold.

So the suggestion to learn the newbie area and what sells well is really important. I usually loot everything and make frequent runs back to the vendor to learn it that way.

snailish wrote:
Note that quest XP does not appeared to be "nerfed" on Phinny. The trick is finding a quest that still gives good xp past level 3. Crushbone belts are pretty popular at the moment...

I have been doing the Freeport to Kelethin mail run. (Credit Azazael on the EQLive forums. Link at the end).

Freeport to Kelethin (16 minutes, rewards exp and 2.1 platinum): AM edit: it's about 20% XP per quest at level 1 and 2, at level 3, it dropps to ~10%, but the plat stays the same so you get 40% XP and 3.4plat round trip (including bringing the mail back from Kelethin to Freeport) at level 3, which, IMO, is still pretty good.

1) First travel to east Freeport and go to the bards guild hall. Upstairs you will find a gentleman who will give you a quest to deliver a parcel to the bards of Kelethin. Accept the parcel and travel to Butcherblock.

2) Once you arrive to Butcherblock, hail the half-elf bard under a tent at the docks. She will give you an envelope to also deliver to Kelethin. Next, make your way to Kaladim.

3) After entering the gates of Kaladim, make a left and you will quickly find a wood elf who yet again, needs you to deliver a piece of mail to Kelethin. Grab the letter and head over to Kelethin.

4) Once you zone into Greater Faydark, run northeast through the forest to quickly find Kelethin. Take the nearest lift and go to the Bards guild. Deliver these three items, and you will be granted 21 gold for your troubles.

There is one pouch back to Freeport. I had been dying in Kelethin and going back to the soulbinder in Freeport, but the one mail pouch bac gave me 20% xp at level 1 and 1 platinum, 2 gold. Worth the trip.

Read about another one in Qeynos Hills. Kill rabid wolves and rabid grizzlies and turn a diseased wolf pelt or a putrid bear hide in to Priestess Caulria in Qeynos and she is supposed to give you decent XP and stuff. I have not checked this one myself yet, but it's on the list to check out, and I will report back when I get there. I'm going to futz around with the mail quest another 2 or 3 times to get to level 4, so I have the strength (and invis?) to make the run to Qeynos Hills.

EDIT: OK finished this one for the first time this morning. Diseased Wolf Pelt from a Rabid Wolf. Gave me 12% XP at level 4, which is pretty good, but the Rabid Wolf was pretty rare. Tracking would help (not there yet with my druid). I did pass a Rabid Grizzly but he was yellow and I didn't want to chance it. There was no coin reward, just the XP.

Edited, Dec 14th 2015 3:06am by amastropolo

Edited, Dec 15th 2015 6:03am by amastropolo
#9 Dec 13 2015 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
599 posts
Dumpster diving g'fay instances may be an interesting way to find quest items, farm bone chips/orc belts and earn credits - kinda like 4x'ing EQ.

A few more oddities: I'm finding orc and goblin camps that appear to be empty of static spawns.

I'm reasonably certain the goblin camps near Dragnor's have always been there (and the three goblin tents near Pegleg's camp, too.) I've seen goblins stuck in hill geometry near those very same camps when playing on Fippy. Or it's simply broken. The aqua goblin camps near the BB docks came much later - again - this stuff is pretty hazy so pinch of salt and all that. Track may reveal stuck mobs.

Edited, Dec 13th 2015 1:34pm by Trappin
#10 Dec 13 2015 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Yeah, I'd bring a tracker and check that. Mobs getting stuck in geometry is pretty common.

I remember way back when, I needed some kind of special mud from Gorge of King Xorbb (whatever that zone name was) for tradeskills, and could never find the mobs up. Eventually used tracking, to find they were all stuck up on a wall, all in a little mob ball just ready to be AoE'ed to death :)

Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#11 Dec 13 2015 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
66 posts
Another good quest in kelethin involves pixie dust. Both the rogue and ranger guild master give a quest that requires you to combine six pixie dusts in a bag and hand back. At level five I got around 16% or so, plus or minus a couple percent. Just killing around the lifts or out in front of felwithe should get you some dusts. Also, vendors near the lifts tend to have some as players just dump all their junk right after coming up the lift. I'm not sure if all gms have the quest but for sure Expin the rogue GM and my friend got it from one of the ranger gms as well.

I know it has been noted that the bone chip quests have been nerfed as far as exp is concerned, but you still get a random low level item in return for each one you turn in. It is worth hanging on to your bone chips to make the run to kaladim just for selling the items you receive, and you do still get some exp, albeit a very minor amount.
#12 Dec 13 2015 at 5:53 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
tatankaseventh wrote:
Yeah, I'd bring a tracker and check that. Mobs getting stuck in geometry is pretty common.

I remember way back when, I needed some kind of special mud from Gorge of King Xorbb (whatever that zone name was) for tradeskills, and could never find the mobs up. Eventually used tracking, to find they were all stuck up on a wall, all in a little mob ball just ready to be AoE'ed to death :)


The Gorge of King Xorbb was massively messed up for a long time in respects to pathing and spawns. We have several years worth of posts on that topic. It was fixed (for live servers) a while back.

I had the named aqua goblin aggro me on Lockjaw progression a couple of weeks ago. So unless they (BB aquas) were added on TLP for Kunark, they are in early.

I have used /pick to get to an instance of GFay that I knew the one vendor had a huge stack of bone chips and bat wings (both quest items... bat wings not sure was worth it -I was experimenting). I noticed this because I was logging between alts.
#13 Dec 14 2015 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
3,032 posts
Trappin wrote:
Dumpster diving g'fay instances may be an interesting way to find quest items, farm bone chips/orc belts and earn credits - kinda like 4x'ing EQ.

A few more oddities: I'm finding orc and goblin camps that appear to be empty of static spawns.

I'm reasonably certain the goblin camps near Dragnor's have always been there (and the three goblin tents near Pegleg's camp, too.) I've seen goblins stuck in hill geometry near those very same camps when playing on Fippy. Or it's simply broken. The aqua goblin camps near the BB docks came much later - again - this stuff is pretty hazy so pinch of salt and all that. Track may reveal stuck mobs.

Edited, Dec 13th 2015 1:34pm by Trappin

Ironically, the aqua goblins ARE in full spawn mode!
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#14 Dec 14 2015 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
snailish wrote:
skellies drop a lot of armor. +1 AC actually does something if you get a full set under level 10
I'm not playing so I don't know what the loot tables look like on this server but ruined wolf/cat pelts plus some spiderling silk used to be a quick way of covering your nakedness with tattered armor. I never played a large race to know if bear cubs are as easy prey as wolves and pumas.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Dec 14 2015 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
114 posts
If a res isn't available and your embarrassed of your dead lifeless corpse, target the sucker and do /decay Smiley: nod

#16 Dec 15 2015 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Another thing to consider (if you don't mind splitting up your playtime) is spreading alts among level ranges. With Phinny's current XP curve you may want to focus solely on one character. I'm having trouble picking a main on it and Lockjaw so here's what I have done:

On Lockjaw: Got my monk up to level 8, saved every coin and bone chip. Started losing interest, so I rolled an enchanter which I sent all the stuff to. The little bit of coin from the monk let me buy my spells right away. Turning in the bone chips, a couple of crushbone belts and orc scalps boosted me through a few levels and upped my plat count. Enchanter pet is really strong in the early levels... leveling was way faster to get to 6ish. Enchanter is now level 9 and farming crushbone belts while getting xp. Turned in about 14 crushbone belts on my level 4 ranger, nearly taking it to level 6, ranger also got lucky and got a runic carver off a vendor (it was fuzzlecutter so it cost me way more than if off a vendor that liked me). The ranger can kill dark blues with ease... the challenge is the # it takes to move the bar.

On Phinny: I'm being harder on myself playing a ranger as my first character. I haven't had time to get in a group (the smartest thing) so it's been a little bit of xp here and there. Unless another class really tempts me I probably won't get into an alt until I have a bag of gear and quest turn ins. This probably means at least level 20 before seriously looking at an alt.

I'm playing good characters so I haven't tested this yet, but apparently the Red Wine quest in Neriak is also giving decent low level xp*. In the meantime, crushbone belts seem to be the one. With Lockjaw in Kunark there may be a quest or two there worth the travel.

I'd suggest at least getting a character to level 10 range before working a second. Phinny is so busy atm that farming crushbone belts while getting xp is less doable than on Lockjaw where most people are past that stage (but low level grouping opportunities on Phinny are plentiful... so just level your character). If you spread your alts out by about 10 levels (so newbie, 10ish, 20ish, 30ish, 40ish, etc.) before starting the next one you will probably end up with them clustered in the 40-60 range (come Kunark). This gives you the grouping flexibility (especially if in a guild) to be able to join whoever is on and leveling on a particular day.

I know people that used to do it 1 character capped before first alt started. There's many variations a person could use.

*Edit: the red wine quest gave my level 5 necro 2% xp, and I had a 25% XP potion buff on at the time. Crushbone belts stands alone at the moment...

Edited, Dec 24th 2015 3:47pm by snailish
#17 Dec 15 2015 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
I need to qualify the thing about aqua goblins. The aqua goblins that rush out of the water at the BB docks and run towards Kaladim have always been there - Glubsink has always dropped Riptide Spear. Check the comment dates.

The aqua goblin tented camps 500 yards from the BB docks (along the shore) were added much later.

#19 Dec 24 2015 at 2:45 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Another thing I am doing is dabbling with tradeskills (I know, friends don't let friends do tradeskills...) while I am getting XP for killing (for example) the spiderlings and spiders. I have failed twice to make a chest item I would need to equip, but my skill has hit 27ish without costing me much at all.

So now I can make leather padding which is a useful subcombine that other tradeskillers often want. I also made myself some rat sandwiches to munch on.

The only other tradeskill I have dabbled in so far is smithing. I've been turning rusty weapons into tarnished and then melting the tarnished down into bricks.

This has made me need to go into town to deal with my full bags often, so it is breaking up the long stretches of killing the same mobs.

The newer "combine all" button does make this much better than ever before.
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