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Promyvion - The Emptiness - Get your game onFollow

#77 Sep 28 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
Here is what I know about recollections:

1. All three recollections can be dropped in any of the three zones.

2. Any mob type can drop a recollection. The large mob types (Thinkers, Gorgers, etc) have the highest drop rate. However I've randomly gotten a recollection from a wanderer (however 1/200 killed is not a good drop rate).

3. You can have all 3 recollections made into anima's for use on the same run. The NPC will continue to tell you the same thing after trading back the first anima. However, if you zone out and come back you can trade him a new recollection after he finishes with your first.

#78 Sep 28 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,711 posts
I went with a group of eighteen on Bahamut server and we died horribly. It wasn't any fun at all because everyone was arguing so much. More than the food and job choices, I have two strategies that I think every Promyvion group should follow:

1) Pick one leader and listen ONLY to them. Follow their every order, even if you don't agree, and even if you hate not being in charge. If you don't like the way someone is running your group, drop it while you're still in Jeuno, it's not worth the death.

2) Stay together at ALL TIMES! Don't explore on your own, especially on the upper floors. Don't bring agro back to the alliance unless you are designated as puller. Don't run ahead of the leader. Don't leave people behind on previous floors.

There were a few awesome people who came and for their sake I wish things had gone better. For example, Dlux, thanks for being a good sport and waiting so long for that raise. I never heard a complaint out of you ^^ There were also a couple of people who pretty much ruined it for everyone. I won't drop their names though, since they already had their asses handed to them by the rest of the alliance.

Please keep a good attitude in-game, because it doesn't just affect how fun the game is, it affects how successful you are.
#79 Sep 28 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
Rate up For someone posting something I didn't know ^^ (agentVahz) I sorta want to go farm 18 recollections and completely pwn a boss with them even though it would just be a gigantic waste it would be fun.

Thought i might suggest adding this Information

Once you complete the 3 Promyvions, you are Transported to Lufaise Meadows, and you have to do some Cutscene work again, then theres a Level 40 Capped thing you have to do.

""This part can be done with an alliance. You must travel through the ducts to the minotaur. You will use mostly sneak, (melee should bring silent oil to make it easier for the mages) except for a few mobs that are dinosaur/wyvern like. They have true sight. You must defeat them. Eventually you will find the Minotaur. PLD tank is fine here, and melee are fine also. The minotaur has the HNM ability suck you in. When it dies, it drops a key. Go further into and you'll find a door eventually. Have to trade key to door to open. Make sure your alliance gets through. Traveling further along you will find switches that have the 8 elements on them. That's where my 2 friends got stuck. Hope this helps. ""

Stolen from some other thread on here.

ps. thanks for the rateups, makes me want to continue sharing info as i get it ^^
#80 Sep 28 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
So is the only benefit of beating all of the BCNMs in Emptiness just a pass to Tavnasia Stronghold? I asked this before, but it kinda got lost in other questions and good info. I was hoping, when i heard I about the Emptines pre-launch, that since it is supposed to be a little Dynamis, there may be some kind of special armor dropped. Something like low-level AF armor. I gues this was just a dream, but that would be very cool. Does anyone know what the benefits are for beating all of the Emptiness areas, besides T. Stronghold?
#81 Sep 28 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
That's what I hear, dacypher, but don't underestimate the ability to actually earn experience on your main job while in a level-capped area -- it's a nice thing. It means you'll always be able to find enemies that give you experience points -- moreover, you'll always be able to kill enemies that give you experience points, however few.

Useful for those times when you can't find a party. ^^

Rate ups performed for good info.
#82 Sep 28 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Well Dacypher I don't know if I can convince you that its "worth" it to explore Promyvion, but I can tell you why I'm currently obsessed with it.

1. Its challenging as hell and requires serious teamwork. Try attacking a Memory Recipticle like you would a normal mob and you'll see what happens.

2. It allows me to play with ANYONE who has a lvl 30 job. This means that I can play with many of my lvl 75 friends who blew by me when I leveled up another job. I normally can't play with them because of the stupid "must be within 2 levels" to get experience rule.

3. I paid $29.99 for the silly game - I'm going to try to get everything I can out of it.

4. Imagine how hard it would be to level 25-30 without having Rise of Zilart. Eventually everyone will find a "spot" within the new regions and everyone will be required to go there to level. (not saying this is a good or bad thing - just stating a likely fact)

5. You can experience up with your main or sub job! Get a party and farm recollections on the second floor. I was using a lvl 60 job capped at 30 and I got 30-50 exp per kill. Another player had an actual lvl 30 job and got double that experience per kill.

From what I can see the COP missions increase in difficulty from 30 to 40 to 50 etc. This means that the content is accessible most players. I thought the difficulty curve for Rise of Zilart was far too focused on 65+ gameplay (ZM 8 anyone??) to be worth it.

And frankly - the emptiness looks freakin cool!

Edited, Tue Sep 28 15:43:43 2004 by agentvasz
#83 Sep 28 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Had a blm,whm,rng,rng,war/thf and I went as nin/war.

Let me say this, getting the BC is easy if the alliance works together. For many people this is there first alliance event and many become over zelous. If you want to make things easier, learn to walk around without angroing.

Items to bring for meele: 2 Hi Potions, 2 Selbina Milk, 2 Sleeping Motion. That's all you really should need.
#84 Sep 29 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
My theory on the flux gates is that after you beat a Promyv, or perhaps all the promyvs.. it will allow you to skip the more difficult floors (3 & 4) and take you right to the Burning Circle. This'd make sense if S-E wanted to add more BC battles here without making everyone go insane. Anyone tried examining a gate in a Promyv they've beaten?

As for the ???.. Someone I played with my first time through said he saw it on the 4th floor on a previous trip. Never heard of it on 1-3.

We got an Indigo Memosphere on the first level of Mea, don't remember which mob it was from though.

-Muka, Fairy
#85 Sep 29 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Last night our alliance beat Promyvion Dem 2/3 times!!! We used a very simple strategy of kiting the mob and having everyone immediately kill the offspring as soon as they popped. Almost no one in our party got into the yellow more than once.

If you go to Promyvion Dem remember these key tips:

1. KITE THE BOSS - just like you're flying a kite. Provoke then run in a circle around the arena. If you're playing NIN or /NIN have your party tell you when the mob goes after your RNG or mages. Recast Utsusemi and provoke again.

2. BRING RANGED DD's - RNG is the bomb in all these BCNM's. BLM's don't do great damage vs. the Dem boss so have them attack his offspring and heal you.

3. BRING A RED MAGE - Have the RDM sub BLM and elemental seal + GRAVITY on the mob to make it easier to string the mob around.

4. At 20% BOSS HEALTH UNLOAD ON IT - SMN, RNG, BLM 2 hour and nuke the crap out of it. Our SMN's 2 astral flows pretty much killed it outright. She used Titan which did awesome damage.

Follow these steps and you should do just fine.
#86 Sep 29 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
843 posts
Which is the best avatar to use for each one?

I'll be going as:

WAR/NIN,RNG/NIN,THF/NIN,BLM/WHM (maybe...RDM/BLM if we really need ES + Gravity), WHM/BLM and SMN/WHM

We heard they were weak to Thunder, so I was thinking of:

#1 Piercing Arrow
#2 Smash Axe - Induration
#3 SATA Shadowstich - Fragmentation
#4 MB With Astral Flow'd 2hr.
#5 Barrage
#6 Eagle Eye Shot

I figure doing this at 25-30% will kill it, ideas?

Also we have about 6 Terroanima's, 3 Psychoanimsas and 1 of the other (Recoll. of pain)

Now, we know Terroanima makes it run around like mad, making it hard for melees to attack, but does it attack us during this time?

Psychoanima we understand

Recollection of Pain we dont, does anyone have any more info on it. The only thing I could find was 'Stun' or 'Freeze'. Does it just stay in one spot? or...

Please help^^/
#87 Sep 29 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Hey Vince - A couple words of advice on your party config. Bring a RDM/BLM instead of BLM/WHM. BLM's do almost no damage to the boss of any of the BCNM. As for your skillchain idea that's fine but your THF better bring a ranged attack to get tp cause you CANNOT stand toe to toe with these bosses. They will eat you for breakfast. If your THF can get tp with throwing and then you stop for skillchain and the SMN 2hr that's fine (mob has to be stationary for SMN 2hr also).

Our SMN killed the Dem Boss with Titan. It seemed to do fairly good damage.

Other posts have indicated that Ramuh would be good versus Mea.

As for the anima's. I used 2 on the Dem boss and only the Psychoanima had any effect. Hysteroanima didn't appear to have any visible effect.

Good luck!

Edited, Wed Sep 29 15:56:15 2004 by agentvasz
#88 Sep 29 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
After completing the third Promyvion you are warped to Lufaise Meadows or at least thats what members of my alliance who had fullfilled the 3 promyvions were saying. Not sure what the cut scene has to do with but thats where they ended up ^^.

A question I have is, is it possible to teleport from the fourth level down to the third level? In an alliance last night at Promyvion - Dem we lost a couple members on the third level and we couldnt figure out how to get back down. Any answer would be nice ^^

Edited, Wed Sep 29 15:55:52 2004 by DarkChronus
#89 Sep 29 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
5,431 posts

Every time you defeat the MRs, and it's a real one, it opens a portal for you. Step through the portal, you're whisked away to a new section.

It then drops you very near another portal. If you enter this portal, it will take you back to the beginning of the previous area.
#90 Sep 29 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Hi Wingchild,

Great info! Thanks for your efforts. I'm here to confirm / answer questions you raised (I confirmed these all last night):

1. Beating the 3rd Promyvion *will* take you to Lufaise Meadows. It starts "Chapter 2" in the Missions (and is very cool)! :)

2. Trading a Memodrop to a "???" structure (we traded to them on the final floor leading to the BCNM) *will* get you a Map of that Promyvion.

3. (Once you beat all 3 Promyvions) Taking the Swirling Vortex in Qufim Island will take you to Misareaux Coast. Taking the Swirling Vortex in Valkurm Dunes will take you back Lufaise Meadows.

4. POST PROMYVION (MINOR SPOILERS): From either Lufaise Meadows or Misareaux Coast, you can reach Tavnazian Safehold. Once inside, speak w/ the Elder of the city (Top Floor) to activate Next Mission leading you into a Level 40 Capped: Phomiuna Aqueducts.

Hope this helps! :)

Edited, Wed Sep 29 17:06:02 2004 by exilekiss
#91 Sep 29 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
In Dem last night we got drops of Pain and Guilt. Pain form teh Gorgers and Fear from Weepers. Also got a Beryl memo from a Gorger, descriptions says it's Green, looks like the candy from easter/summerfest.

Tonight in Holla I've gotten Fear and Teal memodrop off of a thinker.

And yes, Guilt gets you a Terroanima.

Also of note, for those BLMs out there, pay attention to the color of the Empty's core, and know your elemental weaknesses. It's kinda hard to tell a few of em apart so I'll describe em

Fire ~ Red center, orange glow around
Earth ~ Brown/orange center with pieces of rock around
Water ~ Light blueish, bubbles like the elementals and synths
wind ~ Green with whisps of air, easy one
Ice ~ light blue, center looks like a solid rock, kinda dark
Lightning ~ Purple haze with a light center
Light ~ Whiteish, hard to tell from a distance really
Dark ~ Purple haze with a dark center

It also seems that, for the most part, Emptys of a certain element drop the memories needed to make an anima of that element.

Last but not least, I've meen markering stuff on a map (printed out) and I've noticed that the true and false memory streeams don't seem to move. Can anyone else confirm this? I'm going to try to put together good maps in photoshop or something soon.

Edited, Wed Sep 29 19:55:17 2004 by tekkub
#92 Sep 29 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
Hrrmm I heard from other posts that The dunes vortex takes you to lufaise meadows and that it is the Qufim vortex that takes you to misareaux coast. People /sea <name>'d some JP players tha went through the qufim vortex.

Edit: Ahh i see others have confirmed this.

Also I read on a different post that someone accessed Pso'xja through beaucidine glacier and had not yet done the promyvion missions, so it looks like you don't need to do the missions for simple entry...though there could be areas limited to those who have completed in theory.

Edited, Wed Sep 29 20:52:50 2004 by Pyke
#93 Sep 30 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
385 posts
No, you don't need to be on the mission to enter Pso'Jxa. But different entrances have different caps on them, from 40 to uncapped.
#94 Sep 30 2004 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
Dem is Beryl Memodrop, Had one Drop in 2nd Run through Dem.

Reco of Guilt Makes Terroanima

Holla BC Mob: Is a Thinker Type, all of the endbosses are a big form of the crag specific mob. Holla > Thinker, Mea > Craver, Dem > Gorger.

Mea's Strong Poison attack is Called Carosel, it does about 200-400 damage, reset's hate and gives 12 damage a tic poison. It is avoidable by being about halfway across the main room from the mob. Utsusemi Blocks it. First priority after it does this attack should be Utsusemi, not Curing.

Mea's Mega Boss also has Murk, AOE Slow/Gravity. Best suggestion for this fight is WAR/NIN, THF/NIN, RNG/NIN, RNG/NIN, WHM/whatever, RDM/BLM. Have the thief SA/TA Hate onto the War, then have the RDM/BLM Elemental Seal Gravity the boss, Then have the 2 rangers on opposite sides of the circle, and have the WAR and THF try to keep hate off the Rangers. When Mob is down to 15-20% Life, Both rangers 2hr to kill.

Completing the Three Basic Promyvions (Mea, Dem, and Holla) Will have you have a cutscene, then awaken in Lufaise Meadows. Head Westish to get to Tavnazian Safehold. Most mobs in Lufaise are around 45 or so.

Map of Tavnazia is received through doing a quest (which i don't know the name for) Through Elysia on the Middle floor of Tavnazia. You talk to her, then goto the top floor and tab around looking for a ???. Find the ??? then go back to Elysia and She will tell you to talk to P-something (whats with CoP and P-longnames) He is in the main hall on the 2nd floor, go talk to him for another cutscene and the map of tavnazia. This map has Lufaise, Tavnazian Safehold and M-something Coast.

When you First Enter Tavnazia you get a cutscene with Justinus, There are 2 other cutscenes you must see (One on top floor, one on Bottom), and then you have access to the Kill the Minotaur Mission. Killing the Minotaur Mission is level 40 Capped and involves Fomor <job> Monsters. (Fomor Beastmaster, Fomor summoner, etc) Havn't done this part yet as i havn't gotten 18 people through Promyvions ; ;.

Pso'xja is seperate from CoP Missions (at least as of the end of Chapter 2)

After completing all 3 Basic PRomyvions you are not restricted from reentering to help others.

Valkurm Portal goes to Lufaise Meadows, Same spot where you get put when you finish your 3rd Promyvion.

Completing the Minotaur Mission gives you Access to Riverne site #01 and one other zone thats name escapes me. Starts with a P i think ^^. Level Cap of 50 for the stuff after Minotaur Mission (notice a pattern? ^^)

Other random stuff.

There is a Level 40 Capped Escort Quest with a Fisherman in Tavnazian Safehold. Completed this Easily with a group of 40s. Reward was Glass Fiber Fishing Rod, Sinking Minnow, and a page from Dragon Chronicles.

There is also a quest to become a "Tavnazian Squire" You need to go to the south most lookout tower in Lufaise Meadows and click on a ???, this spawns a NM which was Easily Soloed by a level 61 THF. Go back to the NPC who gave you the quest "Quelveuiant" for 2100 gil and the title "Tavnazian Squire" Quest name is "A Hard Day's Knight"
#95 Sep 30 2004 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
Found Some Better Minotaur Mission Information From Spons and Thepyro

"This area is lvl 40 cap, and there is no BC at the end. There are torous type mobs that attack you with doom (10 second death countdown) Either dodge it by moving, or bring holy water to cure it.
There are gates wich need a bronze key (Only one that you have to open) We have no clue how to obtain the bronze key (The minitour does not drop it.), If you have a thief, he can pick the lock with thiefs tools.

Move deep into the place with the Resident Evil Ladder cutscenes, and have a ranger or beastmaster track the minatour. This is an easy fight, We had about 14 people, but You could probably do this with 6 (dont hold me to that.)

Once you defeat the minitour Head to H-8 and go in the gate there. You will get a cutscene at the ladder, once up top you will have to solve a puzzle. Take the North (I think, Left turn) Door to get to the library. In the first library(There are two, but the second is not needed to finnish the mission(I think)), there is a ?? that will give you a map..(2 of our guys got it... as it despawns). There is another ?? that opens a door to a hallway with oil lanterns. Here you want to play with the lanterns untill you get the door in the middle of the hallway to open. Open the ornate gate, and the other gate will give you your final cutscene.

Good Luck ^^

The next mission takes place in riverne Site #A01 (pretty bad *** place)"

"The key's drops from teh fomors(sp). They are rare/ex and once you use it to open the gate it breaks and becomes unuseable.
*note the minutar dosen't drop the key.
hope this info helps. this misson takes aprox. 2-3 hours to compleat. "
#96 Sep 30 2004 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
heard that once you had completed all of the promyvions and gotten all of the "Light of dem", light of holla, etc you cannot go back, ever. Do you just need to wipe your memory or is it true?

nope i went back 2 times for friends and was able to kill holla and mea again.
#97 Sep 30 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
it seems the Anima NPC in rulude is only active during certain hours, tho he doesnt state... started talking to me at 7am vanadiel time tho

and you can reset your memories and still get it
#98 Sep 30 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,230 posts
** Question: Has anyone tried trading the Memodrops to the Memory Flux gates found on the third floor? Is that the point that gives a Promyvion map? What the heck are the Flux gates? **

Mea - Indigo Memodrop
Holla - Teal Memodrop
Dem - Beryl (?) Memodrop

I recieved the beryl... Memoshpene and i try trading it with a lot of different things to no luck. The flux gates on 3rd and 4th level didn't do it, and I even tryed the large apparatuses in the hall of transference. ><

On a better note my group managed to beat the Dem boss last night. Went in with an 18 person alliance, but some got stranded/ died/ dced and only 12 made it up. We regrouped and went into the fight.

Pld/WAR - me

Took 10 minutes. I opened up with provoke and sentinel to grab hate. Threw some cures on me and we were off. WHM kept regen on me, and i drank 2 yagudo drinks during fight to keep mp refreshed. I held hate during the entire fight untill SMN used 2hr when babies popped. I used Invincible and regained hate of main boss, and babies.

Everyone opened up 2hrs and the mob went from 1/2 health to 0 in less than a minute. We used an anima at this time too (not sure which one). I only needed 3 hi-potions during battle, and whm and my own mp kept me well healed. Mages all used 1-2 hi-ethers.

I ate a boiled crab beforehand, but now i'm told that the mob steals my status effects. In any event the first 9 minutes were slow, but he only hit between 40-60 when they landed and a couple cureII and the occasional cure III from the whm kept me in shape. Overall it was not as difficult as i had forseen (i brought 6 hi and 4 X-potions and only used 3 hi).

I was equiped with the full set of Kampfen gear.

Good luck on your run.

Edit: Spell checking :)

Edited, Thu Sep 30 14:26:58 2004 by Arkenstone
#99 Sep 30 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
From what I understand, you trade the Memodrops to a ??? on the 3rd floor to get the map. We saw this when I did Holla last night with an alliance, but no one had the Key Item, and the ??? was surrounded by Empty. Obviously, we didn't bother to find out if it was, in fact, for the map. It seems to me like the maps to these areas are pretty useless anyways... The layout of the zone is fairly obvious.
#100 Sep 30 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
Further information added and coallated, further rate-ups performed; thanks for helping us put BradyGames to shame. ^^
#101 Sep 30 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
i can confirm not being able to re-enter EVER after completling all 3. after out dem alliance was ruined because 2 people DC for 15 min+ and were left behinde, and 3 did not make the third portal(i dont see why a smn wouldnt sacrifice carby and just run into the portal while he keeps strays busy), we ended picking up a whm and smn whose alliance met about the same fate.
needless to say, with an anima and the set up of pld, sam/rng, rdm/blm, whm, and 2 smn/whm, we won fairly comfortably. but for those 2, it was their final promyvion to clear.

when they touched the shattered telepoint crystal after we were ported out, they were warped to the medows(forgot exact name) area in the tavanzian region. from this, i can comfirm that you will not be able to re-enter promyvions, or even the hall of transferance to erase memorys.

also, never try one of the NM without a whm and a back up healer. a rdd/blm ele-seal and paralyze helps alot, and a smn 2hr does good dmg, as does a rng.
the most prefered set up, is whm, rdm/blm, sam/rng, rng/nin, pld, and smn/whm. iv yet to know anyone to fail with this set up, it works very well.

oh, and FYI, the NM at the spire of holla is a thinker type. iv fought a few times already, and it is obviously not a seether. seethers are tall, and have ball sacks for chins. the holla NM is round, low to the ground, and has multiple legs.
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