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To powerful?Follow

#1 Jan 26 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
You think the vampiir class is to powerful it can take and tank a healer and a bowman all at once. I like Hib alot but thats just to powerful if you think about it. Because if just one could do that then think about what a full group of them can do they can almost take the keep!
#2 Jan 27 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
You obviously haven't fought a Warlock yet
#3 Jan 27 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Bah, all the Catacomb's classes are too powerful in general, Heretics mow down everything around em' Warlocks can chain cast those chambers and spank ya home to your mother with the double casts, vampiirs can take low purples, not sure about the female only classes cause ya don't see a whole hellofalot of them around.

I'm a ranger, what's it matter? We rock solo hardcore anyhow.
#4 Jan 27 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
lol i think warlocks are the worst of them =p but yeah, they're all fairly overpowered in their own right =p but the vampiir class does take a bit of skill and knowing what you're doing because of power, and banshees aren't necessarily overpowered but from what i've seen are pretty versatile =p but yeah, warlock is the most overpowered i think, fought a couple of them last i was in game and just wound up getting spanked =| valkyrie is a sweet class though, basically like a champ with aoe =p
#5 Feb 06 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
WOW!!!! A question of overpowered classes and not one person cried nerf!!! Good to see...and yes, all the cat classes are brutal, but as with any toon, its skill that gets the kill.
#6 Feb 08 2005 at 4:35 AM Rating: Default
Just to **** off the last guy...


I'm tired of watching Indecent on the Lancelot server get 50K rp a nite and mowing down 4fgs of albs in two hits.
#7 Feb 10 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Well, I'll say this Katie. No need to complain about a Hib class if your main haven is Albion. Those spoiled bytches have been getting the upper tier of everything, the best quality and most frequent of everything, even their Heretic is a machine. Your archers are priveleged only having to spread spec two skills primarily as opposed to the rangers and hunters having 3 to 4 places to spread, thankfully if you play a class right you can kick their **** (Soloed an even level scout from half health).

I mean, Bainshees work for it, and a full group of Albs deserves to be blistered, try some tactics instead of the usual Alb response of "Let's run it over in a Zerg." Seriously, I was in Thid, and I got reemed by a full group of Albs who felt it was their duty to all dog pile on a Lurikeen Ranger.

About the Warlocks, they're not AS bad if you can pick em' off from a distance, case and point, I rock and snipe em' every chance I get so that my fellow frontier rats can congratulate me lol.
#8 Feb 10 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
There is a guild on lancelot that 8v8 with 2 banshees. By the time we can scream INC we are dead. I'm ml 5, sc'd only rr 3 but DAMN! It's over so fast we cant get a mezz off. I'll find the video and link it so you can see.
#9 Feb 10 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
As promised < clikie
#10 Feb 11 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I think Im in love!!!!! HAHAHAHA
#11 Feb 11 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Dial-up, no videos for me.

But seriously, a well specced, buffed, and played character or group can run over alot. In your case, you're running the ever so rare to find Alb fighting even handed with the folk from the other realms. Now, pit a Bainshee or two against that FG of Albs, then do something that I guess isn't done much on your server. Use your head. If they are Cone AOE spec, run around the cone, if they're PBAOE, spread out, or if you're gonna stick to the zerg, tuck your head between your legs and kiss your *** good bye.
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
I really don't understand how anyone could feel that any Alb chars are " overpowered ". I have noticed that Heretics are purposefully singled out for destruction by enemy realms, but i don't know why. Their spells do little dmg, and in order for them to be " deadly " the heretic must stand there, unmoving, for a long time, in order for the spell to actually kill someone.

The best they can hope for is to syphon off some points from others kills, but them actually killing another player......... i don't see it hapening. They are usually sitting ducks for the hibs/mids. Unlike other caster chars, who can cast and scoot, heretics dont have the luxury of casting mega bomber spells to quickly kill other players, and no AOE spells, unless you count that lava spell that does minimal dmg but can slow an entire group, if that group is compact enough.

The deadliest spell the Heretic has, is the monster rez. If you have ever run across someone who has been monster rezzed, you know what i mean. My 50 paly, " who is a severly gimped two handed sword user due to Albs requiring 3 skills to be profecient 2 handers ", was monster rezzed and ran upstairs of a keep we were trying to take. Needless to say, the fight was over almost from the moment he entered the room as a monster. Its kinda hard for hib casters to cast when they are screaming in pain. And shrooms don't last long against the effects either. And those monsters are damn near invul, until the effect wears off.

Albs chars are the worst in the game. The deal was, hibs = strong magic, poor melee, mids = strong melee, poor magic, Albs = avg melee, avg magic. The great alb equalizer was supposed to be Plate Armor. Problem is, only two char types can wear plate, and its weakness is crush dmg. So, its no equalizer. Also, hibs are strong melees, and mids are strong magic. Albs got screwed. The only saving grace Albs have is in the numbers. Without the numbers, we would get steamrolled on a regular basis. Its funny though, even with the numbers, we are steamrolled on a regular basis.
#13 Feb 16 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
What server do you play on? The mentally handicapped one? You're missing the major stress points. That or you're just a moron. Case and point:

Mythic finally started giving back to Midgard and Hibernia, their levelling is god-awful long and scattered, for the longest time we were RVR bait, I remember in the early years Emain Macha was a regular spot to run out a bit and slaughter up some Hibernians.

Heretics, gimp, you must see some real ****** Heretics to come to that conclusion. I still have memories from that conc bolt holding me down and punching me in the sac.

On top of all that, Albion characters complain because Hibernia has efficient tanks, quality casters (about damn time, for the longest time the wizard reemed everyone) and you guys wanna call foul? Horse crap. Not our fault you can't stand having a backseat in an area they held for the longest time. I still remember the spoiled rants about "Eldritches shouldn't have a longer bolt than the wizard! Why change the way it's been done!" Of course Hibernia wasn't meant to be magical?

On the topic of Midgard, they earn all they get, for the longest time they were the middle child of the realms, getting good and bad, not terribly proficient at anything, the only terror they had was the zerker, then left axe got gimped. Man was Midgard in an uproar, but Alb just snickered and said "it was over-powering anyhow". Middies aren't too tough when it comes to straight out melee damage, it's their defense and Albs not knowing how to spec that gets their **** whipped.

Plate armor was never meant to be 'the great equalizer' it was meant to be a bonus to Albion, more absorb and what not. The problem with Albion is that you guys were on top in everything for so damn long, you can't stand actually having to PLAY a character correctly in order to be effective, your crap spec_01 won't suffice to steam roll Mids and Hibs anymore.

Suck it up princess, it's called balance.
#14 Feb 17 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
Dunno what planet you droped off of, but Albion chars have NEVER been as good as you make them out to be. The only thing Albion has EVER had going for it was its population, and i consider that as just balance. The tanks suck, which is why the main tank class " armsman " is becoming rare on the battlefield. What the hell good is a tank that can be mezzed then fried before he/she could even consider engaging anyone?

Hibs are not supposed to be good tanks, but they got some boss ones. Mids are not supposed to be good casters, but they got some boss ones. Albion was always the ones in the middle, not as good as Hibs in magic but better than mids, not as good as mids in melee but better than hibs. But all that has changed, thnx to pop bonuses. Now, on almost all servors, hibs and mids level faster, get ML,s faster, RP,s, RSP,s, and BP,s faster. And trust me, i know how much those ML,s can help as well as those RSP,s in RvR.

As to it being hard to level chars in midgard, well, i see everyday in Albion, folks having a hard time leveling. Its not just midgard, its all realms where there is no support from higher lvl chars to help lower lvl players lvl up. And it doesn't take long for those younguns to get disenchanted with the game and quit.

Anyway, without the numbers, about 2 to 1, Albions wouldnt stand a chance vs mids or hibs. And there are some mid and hib classes that can easily wipe out 3 grps of Albs as easy as peeling a banana. I see one grp of hibs, a caster grp, dunno what they are, but on my servor, you better have at least 4 grps or 2 grps of the highest ranked RvRers to take them down. They routinely shred 3 grps of Albs with ease.
#15 Feb 17 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Albion levelling is straight forward and simple. To find places to hunt in Hibernia or Midgard, you're left wandering the realms to find anything. I'm not even talking about higher level help, PLing is good, but I'm not saying it's definately a must.

I can't quite fathom what the crap server you play on. Mainly because Albion has never had much a problem raping Hibernians and Midgard folk.

The reason you see so few arsmen is just fads. Everyone goes out and plays the new classes cause they're 'shiny'. No one wants to put time into a pure melee character, they just don't find it fun. So people go to the paladin, which is a great tank in his own right, but not as focused as the armsman. Thankfully the people of Midgard see the sloth of the Albs, and have many warriors, their defensive abilities cause Albs to get hurt.

When it boils down to magic, Albs have always been priveleged. Only with the patches that have given Hibernians greater freedom on their spells and such have there actually been any huge improvements.

Short and simple, Albion has been too used to getting the clean end of the stick to play with, admit it, you're tired of seeing the other realms get better and Albion staying at its plateau, things are almost getting even finally.

One of your problems is population bonus you said. Well, hm, let's look at the 'crazy' logic behind this. If Albion outnumbers Hibernia or Midgard 2:1, then logic follows that if Albion plays as intelligent as Midgard or Hibernia, there should be SOME form of challenge. Oh yeah, wait, whiny *** Albs don't play intelligently. They zerg, and zerg, and zerg. Especially the stragglers, never have I seen such poor play-manship as when I get ganked by a FG of Albs as a ranger. Thankfully I made a Vampiir friend and we reemed down the friar that was botting up a minstrel.

What I'm trying to say is, suck it up, Hibernia and Midgard are finally able to stand toe to toe with Albion. Just because Albion is starting to get in-active because they're letting our boys show their stuff and we're getting converts, is no reason to wet your pants in anger.
#16 Feb 18 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Blath, before you make a bigger *** of your self, roll a character on lancelot/alb. Go check out the NF or any of the bg's for that matter. We are the underpopulated. I understand giving them extra power on underpopulated realms to make up for being underpop. Here though it is killing us. We had DF for the first time in about a year the other day. We kept it a total of two days. Even the alboin zergalots cant compete agains a full group of hibs. Watch that movie. I realize you have dial up (hiss) but watch it. You will see what I mean.
#17 Feb 20 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Ok, so maybe Lancelot/Alb is the Albion server for downies, it's not the case on most other servers.

I will give ya this, that icon is in good taste.
#19 Mar 27 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Ok, idiot, overpowered, means that the class is too powerful...
#20 Mar 29 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
A couple things about what Blath posted.

"Your archers are priveleged only having to spread spec two skills primarily as opposed to the rangers and hunters having 3 to 4 places to spread"

Um, archers have to spec in 4 different skills. Bow, stealth, shield, weapon. And I would gladly give up my shield in favor of the ranger's dual wield. Rangers > Scouts > Hunters in today's RvR.

"Seriously, I was in Thid, and I got reemed by a full group of Albs who felt it was their duty to all dog pile on a Lurikeen Ranger."

Lvl 20-24 RvR is not even close to the NF RvR. You can't base an entire realm's actions from just one little battleground. And it's not like mids and hibs don't zerg just as much in Thid.

"About the Warlocks, they're not AS bad if you can pick em' off from a distance, case and point, I rock and snipe em' every chance I get so that my fellow frontier rats can congratulate me lol."

Again, warlocks are much easier to kill solo in Thid (they only have 1 chamber, as opposed to having 3 at lvl 50) than in NF RvR.

"I remember in the early years Emain Macha was a regular spot to run out a bit and slaughter up some Hibernians."

That wasn't the reason at all for Emain being the main RvR spot. It wasn't just to pick on hibs. The terrain in Emain was just more RvR friendly. Easy for groups to roam and find other groups, easy for the 100000000009 stealthers to camp the milegate, less things to get in the way of LOS.

"(about damn time, for the longest time the wizard reemed everyone)"

The wizard does hit hard, but as far as utility, he has none. He has absolutely no soloing capabilities, one form of CC (base ice root), no pet to intercept.

"the only terror they (midgard) had was the zerker, then left axe got gimped. Man was Midgard in an uproar, but Alb just snickered and said "it was over-powering anyhow""

Brother, you can't tell me that LA wasn't overpowered before the nerf. Even zerkers will tell you that LA was overpowered before the nerf.

I'm not crying about albion's deficiencies or warlocks or bainshees or vampiirs or dragons or lamborghinis. I personally don't give a crap either way. You win some and you lose some. But you've made some pretty terrible points in your argument, and I just wanted to point them out.

Oh and the heretic and the valkyrie are sad excuses for a new class. If you would like for me to explain why, let me know.
#21 Mar 29 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
double post, my bad!

Edited, Tue Mar 29 15:11:03 2005 by Azrailis
#22 Mar 29 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
First and foremostly, take your head out of your ***.

Now, to get onto things.

The two most important skills for a scout to have are his bow and his gladius, now tell me, wouldn't a ranger be relatively well equipped to hold their own if they specced in such a manner? However, a ranger's bow and hunter's bow cannot fire as far, or hit as hard, our magics are a major part of our ability to do anything, and then we can focus on our weapons, so in all aspects, if it weren't for spells, the other archers wouldn't be able to hit as hard.

Second, I made that post at a time when my experience with Hib RVR was all the same, but I don't think you'd disagree with me when I say many habits start early. I've been working my way up through into actual RVR and guess what still prevails, the Alb Zerg. My merc is on Bedevere and they do have some spine to them, so maybe zerging isn't as abroad as it is on the other servers with you Azr, but it is in many cases.

If you can't effectively solo with a wizard just kill yourself now, the massive damage out of the fire line IS your snare spell, you make mobs buckle at their knees with fire and they barely ever get a chance to hit you, and wizards weren't meant to be utility, they were meant to be the nuker of Albion, they finally got replaced as the master nukers by their rightful class the Eldritch. After all, magic adeptness would lead to better abilities with it correct?

Yes, yes, many Middies will tell you LA was over-powered, but it was also their bread and butter, after the nerf, it became stale bread and they took the butter away. The force that used to come out of that skill, compared to what it is now, is a shamble.

Haven't played a Valkyrie so I don't know how they are, but I've been killed by plenty of Heretics, if they can pop out of the back and hold their focus nuke on you, kiss your **** good bye.
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