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QUIT EQ!!!Follow

#1 Mar 09 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
Hello I recently quit EQ. The game just got to the point of absurdity and pointlessness. I am looking for a game that gives me a reason to improve my character. By that I mean things that I accomplish will have someffect in my game world. I hear the realm pvp in DAoC offers this experience. I am not interested in PVP unless it is team or diety based or something along those lines. In EQ the only reason you want3ed to get buffer was so that you could go someplace to get even more uber in a pointless cycle. I never understood why I would want to put raid force together to go kill the god i worship LOL.

One other thing that bothered me was EQ insistance on grouping and nerfing of melee classes.

Does DAoC require grouping as EQ does?
Can melee classes effectively solo?
Is there a vibrant team pvp structure in DAoC?
IS the games challenge level more like EQ or like WOW?
Would this be a game a mature adult would like playing?


edit: What wuld be a good class choice for someone who is dying for melee soloability?

Edited, Wed Mar 9 13:07:40 2005 by dracoboars
#2 Mar 09 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
I am a retired EQ'r. I love DAoC. Another board you may want to check out for better information is
#3 Mar 09 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Ok, I have no reason why you had to post this thread three times. Unfortunately you couldn'tve been bothered to read any of the other threads where this type of question has been posted, sadly one of them had a very good write-up with links to important websites and whatnot.

EQ required grouping to advance your character, it forced everyone to work together. DAoC classes can all solo effectively if you can play them well. Grouping becomes a must for Master Levels, RVR is always a group endeavor, and with the advent of instance levels, if ya wanna solo, go for it.

If you want to play a melee class that can solo, pick any of em' if you're an intelligent gamer you should be able to solo any melee class.
#4 Mar 10 2005 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
Or, it could have been a refresh/triple post issue (you know, where you accidentally click twice, or the website doesn't refresh so you click again), Blath. Sometimes that happens.. no need to get on his case.
#5 Mar 10 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
That is exactly wht happened. I am sure that is exactly what happens everytime I or someone else double/triple post
#6 Mar 10 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
Dont worry about Blath.. he's a grumpy angsty teen who hasnt seen sunlight in the past 4 years while living in his mother's basement being the leet DAoC plater that he is... 8P
#7 Mar 11 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
DAoC plater? I make it look all nice and pretty before you eat it?

I never necessarily got on his case for the triple post matter, just that, this type of thread is asked so often, and people are too lazy to look at any thread that has a similar title. It's not that hard to look around for a question you might have, rather than ask someone to drole out the same thing they've already had to.
#8 Mar 16 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
I also quit EQ almost 4 months ago after 3 1/2 years, but I digress. Ok here's my two cents worth on DAoC and I play on the Co-op server for PvE.

I love the newbie quests unlike the EQ newbie quests you can actually complete them and end up with a nice set of armor, weapons and jewelry by the time you reach level 5.

The newbie startup guild is such a great idea, why? Well not are there plenty of newbs in the guild there are many older established players starting thier new toons to answer questions.

The quest system works, you can quest yourself to death and get some pretty neat items.

You can actually kill mobs at your level that drop items you can use for your level or higher. Unlike EQ where the mob drops rusted weapons and crap items. I mean really how often did your level 50 palading kill a mob and got those very items, ok I am digressing again.

I like not having to practice my skills to get better, I like not having to purchase my spells, I don't, don't, don't, miss either of them from EQ.

I like the styles for different melee combat attacks. I stink at melee toons but DAoC is much more forgiving than EQ was for the melee handicapped like me.

As for soloing, melee's can solo but it is difficult, no where as difficult as in EQ. I found playing a Shadowblade the most difficult to level up. If you don't mind spending a little more time per exp the task dungeons a melee can solo easily.

Task dungeons I love them, on days I just don't have time to play or group, I still feel like I am accomplishing something.

Instance Dungeons are pretty darn cool and you can invite others while you are in and ID. I wish Mythic would offer more ID's for the level ranges, after a while you get them memorized.

Finally a customer service group that actually contacts you ingame and tries to help you. Wow what a concept people in the game helping the player, shssssh Sony may hear of that and implement a change in their customer service. Of the 5 /appeals I have made over the last couple months 4 were corrected within 1 day, the other was just something they couldn't fix. After 3 1/2 years in EQ I never, never had a problem resolved by the guides, never, did I say never?

Now what I don't like;

Pet pathing in DAoC just plain sucks, dungeons are extremly dangerous as the pets will run close to the mobs and arrgo them. Or you turn and your pet disappears into the wall behind you. Look out because now the mobs on the other side are arrgoed, you die, the group dies. EQ did have this down pat and my hats off to them for that. Mythic needs to make a big effort to correct, this is a game buster for me.

"Can't see target" message is just ridiculous, there are instances where I can be on top of the mob and still get the "can't see target" message. And it's not just the mobs, as a healer there have been several instances where I get the same message when trying to heal a group member. Last thing you want to hear from your healer is "hey I can't target you, get ready to die". It is absolutely terrible in dungeons, again this is a game breaker for me.

Why a game breaker well these two problems practically eliminate dungeons for me to explore or group in. Since I am paying Mythic to experience all of the game I am paying for what I can't use. Yes there are plenty of outdoor zones to experience but I should not be limited to the outdoor zones because of poor programing.

Anyway try DAoC, get the platinum edition advertised here, you get the new classes and go ahead and invest in the Catacombs expansion well worth it for the Instanced Dungeons.

Good luck!

#9 Apr 10 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Hi quit DAOC today and will miss it. The reason I quit is I enjoy playing melee classes. Here is the rub in pve the melee classes are fun to play and effective, but in pvp they are worthless. Do not in any circumstance roll an armsman they are so worthless that once you get high lvl people wont even talk to you much less group with you. The only classes worth playing in pvp have ranged attacks. After getting to lvl 50 with a paladin and discovering how useless they are on the battle field I made a scout and used him as a sniper. This how it normally works, (the battle goes like this) mezz, nukes (damage spells), release and do it again. Which ever group gets the drop on the other uses a mezz spell (makes you not be able to move or react in any way, all you can do is watch, thankfully it is normally quick) then they hit you with high damage spells that kill you quick. The fights are soo fast you are wondering what happened. Very rarely are there any battles. This basically means that for each realm there are few classes that are useful in pvp (melee classes are definitely not in that group unless you like dieing) I for one am tired of either wining with no competition or dieing so fast I don’t have time to react. Also be careful what you whish for. I too don’t enjoy grouping all the time but soloing in this game is real boring. Instance dungeons are cool, but hear is the deal, kill some thing sit for 10 minutes to heal then again kill and heal. So for every hour of play 40-45 minutes are spent sitting and healing. If you have some one to talk too it can be fun, or if you watch tv wile healing not so bad. In you low level it is fairly easy to find groups as you go up in level it becomes harder to the point where you almost have to play solo. For a long time I stressed about all the grouping then I got to the point where I had to solo. I played for about 2 years in the first year there where plenty of groups available but lately it is becoming real hard to find any. I am not sure if this is a side effect of Catacombs or just drop in over all population. With all the down time playing solo is amazingly boring. You will probably have to purchase two accounts to find a healer to group with to cut down on the down time. Here is the sad part if you make a healer class you will find it just as hard to find a group because most people use their second account for that (in DAOC we call that a bot as in robot healer) If you get into a good guild then you are pretty much set (in that they will help you with the TOA stuff. Which requires 6 hour missions with sometime not even getting the item drop at the end, that requires 2-4 full group teams. With out the help of a good guild this is almost impossible.), but again here is the rub, rarely will you meet some one from a good guild because very few people group anymore. I got lucky that way I meet some one in a good guild and got invited in when people still grouped. One of the great things about this game is people are generally friendly and will answer questions when you ask. I just started playing everquest 2 and am missing the friendly atmosphere. If you go into new frontier with out the toa equipment and try to engage in rvr regardless of which class you are playing expect to lose. Once you get the toa equipment it will be fun steam rolling every body but that gets old after awhile. If you do come across some one to fight who is close to your specs then it is all about getting off the mezz first. And yes there are ways to counter the mezz spell but by the time you use it your already nuked to death. Of course the other group knows you are trying to counter it.
Good Bye Old Friend I will miss you Dark Ages of Camelot
#10 Apr 11 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
oh man cucchulainnn, so many negative vibes in that post.. lol

I'm in a good guild on Kay and we do group alot, for PvE and PVP. Yes alot of people do have 2nd accounts with clerics (healers) but most groups will take a real live playing cleric over someones bot. My main account is a cleic and I can find groups pretty easily, and when I am not playing him to help groups out I use him for a buffbot for my Infiltrator :)

TOA, yeah it would have been better if ML's and Artifacts weren't in the mix, but you can still play w/o them. My Cleric doesnt have any and my infiltrator only has one (for stealthlore)

I like soloing in DF with my Infiltrator, it can be fun :)

Well give the game a try man, you might like it, or try Dark N Light when it comes out :)
#11 Apr 13 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
I quit DAOC too. I'm an old EQ'r. DAOC is dead. The RvR is so off balanced its unreal, the realms so off balanced it makes me want to cry, the people are great though. I had fun times playing. It just wasn't worth the **** we put up from mythic anymore. I'm going to be playing GuildWars when it comes out. I gave away my house and a bunch of my stuff to some guild friends and havnt looked back.
#12 Apr 21 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Don't listen to Katie about balance, she played Albion, after work was necessary for that realm they threw in the towel.
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