Killua125 wrote:
So, there's no chance of that changing?
It seems to me like people down vote posts that they don't agree with. I give my points of view in a clear, non-provocative manner. The ZAM forums seem to have a sort of caste system where like-minded people are at the top and anyone with a dissenting voice becomes a pariah.
If you are making a whole new FFXIVhead(?) forum, you should probably look into a more modern karma system that's fair to everybody.
In response to your reasoning, I don't think anyone would be able to use voting privileges to 'retaliate' because they wouldn't know who voted them down.
Edited, Apr 17th 2013 9:07pm by Killua125
I'm going to give you a little bit of advice here.
First, your posts aren't clear and non-provacative. They are Troll. What that means, is that your posts pretty much all argue a point, from which you have no base of reference or any inside knowledge, and then you subsequently refuse to accept any opposing viewpoints that are contrary to what you have already decided to believe. That is classic definition of Troll.
What you can do to correct this problem is completely delete your current account. Just get rid of it entirely. Then, start over and try not to be so close-minded and arrogant as if you have a clue what is even going on here.
This isn't a white knight forum. It never has been. Most of us, myself included, have been around since 1.0's massive fail and believe me I'm one of the ones who was most vocal about my disappointment. However, as improvements were made, my opinion changed and now I am no longer "cautiously optimistic"; I'm counting down the days to reactivating my account. The reason for that is because I don't allow blind hatred for systems in other games to cloud my judgment of this game. Your biggest problem is "hating" wow because of its great success. It is successful for a reason, and that reason isn't pretty graphics. It's systems that are accessible, make sense, and that promote fun gameplay. Yoshi-P taking lessons from that isn't the end of the world. On the contrary, it's the beginning of a new one.
As for the topic at hand, WoWhead is a terrific informational resource. A FFXIV equivalent would go a long way to keep the Zam brand relevant. I'd rather keep all my browsing in this one place than try to traverse another wiki, though the XI wiki for a time was excellent.