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Partial lift of NDA?Follow

#27 Apr 27 2013 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Yes, nothing more annoying than having a lot of LS chat happening and seeing:

Cloudnine >> So what are we doing?
XxSephirothxX >> I need BCNM60, anyone down?

loading zone...

Tifashott >> AHHH HA HA HA OMFG Coud!
XxSephirothxX >> xD xD xD xD
IKickYoDog >> -_-
#28 Apr 27 2013 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Gridania is much, much nicer, and the zone breaks aren't bad at all.
Thayos Redblade
#29 Apr 27 2013 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint wrote:
As long as they don't take you outside of the city, sure. Class quests I think a lot of people would like to hear about, the ARC one was a lot of fun where you had to go find targets around in the city.

The advice given in the thread on the beta forums: if you aren't sure, err on the side of caution. I will try to police this thread and help out, but if you do it on purpose (Ostia, I'm looking at you), then the banhammer might be wielded.

I guess I cant talk about archer combat?

#30 Apr 27 2013 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
My only issue (which is a very minor nitpick) is how proportional everything is compared to your character. It feels, small while your char is a giant. Could be the Galka, could be the feel they're going with Grid since you're in a forest, but something seems off. Overall though, massive improvement and things feel alive which is the main part of a MMO world.

#31 Apr 27 2013 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
I never minded zones and in fact prefer them if the content/area on the other-side is different and better. Is that the case?
#32 Apr 27 2013 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
As for character creation, I rolled as a lady Roegadyn, and I've affirmed my decision to change Cat Who over to one permanently for the full version of the game. (What was that Sea Wolf name I came up with.... Ornlona something or other?) Some of the skin tones are really weird, but for the Sea Wolf I came up with, the pale green made me feel like sea creature, all right. I like that they kept the hair highlight options for 1.0 and the starter gear is vastly improved in appearance (no more burlap sacks!)
#33 Apr 27 2013 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
My only issue (which is a very minor nitpick) is how proportional everything is compared to your character. It feels, small while your char is a giant. Could be the Galka, could be the feel they're going with Grid since you're in a forest, but something seems off. Overall though, massive improvement and things feel alive which is the main part of a MMO world.

um....wut. The video Yoshi put up with the lalafel was the opposite. Everything was HUGE compared to his character. Running up the stairs looked terrible because each stair was taller than the lallafel. I guess the argument is still valid: Proportions
#34 Apr 27 2013 at 6:31 PM Rating: Excellent
My beta character is a male miquote, and the proportions all seem fine.

My only complaint about Gridania is there are some places that still have invisible walls, like sections of fencing alongside swinging gates. I'm hoping these things are cleaned up before the game launches.

One thing I really appreciate about FFXIV is that all of the NPCs in Gridania seem to say things of value... as in the reference ongoing events, or lore, etc. This is very refreshing after playing Guild Wars 2, where it seems like every other NPC just says, "How can I help you," or "Seize the moment."
Thayos Redblade
#35 Apr 27 2013 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
My beta character is a male miquote, and the proportions all seem fine.

My only complaint about Gridania is there are some places that still have invisible walls, like sections of fencing alongside swinging gates. I'm hoping these things are cleaned up before the game launches.

One thing I really appreciate about FFXIV is that all of the NPCs in Gridania seem to say things of value... as in the reference ongoing events, or lore, etc. This is very refreshing after playing Guild Wars 2, where it seems like every other NPC just says, "How can I help you," or "Seize the moment."

I used to be an adventurer, like you, before I took an arrow to the knee.
#36 Apr 27 2013 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh, I wanted to mention that some time ago Kachi expressed concern regarding some copy-paste stars. Those have been replaced (they were temp) and now the star map is rich, beautiful, varied, and the stars twinkle :D
#37 Apr 28 2013 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Gridania i agree too is really lively, i like the whole place a lot. I will admit that it probably looks even more lively cause of all the testers being there but even then it does have a nice feel to it. The CNJ place for the class quests in Gridania is pretty awesome too! All in all as a town i give it a 10 out of 10 and no i am not saying this as a fan boy but only as a person that played a lot of MMO and seen a lot of starting towns. That one is pretty awesome. I would prefer it didn't have "zones" but it doesn't really matter since the loading is really fast anyway.

I have a lalafell CNJ and the options it has for creation are pretty awesome. Yes in some choices like certain body shapes may have less options but overall it has a lot of customization. Even if they leave it like this i wouldn't mind. I mean really, tail size? It has really, small, small, large or something like that...its a small detail that i wouldn't even think to be honest (and no i am not talking for my lalafell he doesn't have a tail :P) so i believe they are doing good with the character creation.

As a last statement i would say that Gridania has a really good feeling, the atmosphere is really nice and certainly fitted for a city inside a giant forest. So i do not know for the rest but SE got at least Gridania right!

Edited, Apr 28th 2013 6:08am by Teravibe
#38 Apr 28 2013 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
Ok I didn't mind the character creation but I never really do much other than skin tattoos , scars and hair (scars/skin art or whatever that 2nd option is) the thing that got me about Gridania is that after doing the local quests I ran out of quests except local guild quests. So if change classes your stuck to a long lvl up grind? I'm generally a solo guy unless invited on a quest I know this defeats the purpose of an MMO but I do heal people on the whim who need it so its not like I don't chip in! I just wished that new city independent quests would re apear every so often or updated to individual skills?
#40 Apr 28 2013 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
I had a ton of fun with character creation and running around town. I'm not in love with loading screens splitting the town in half (especially when you aren't familiar with the layout and may have to run back and forth a bit to complete a quest), but otherwise Gridania is one of my favorite places in the MMO-verse.

That said, I'm not convinced of the wisdom of starting players in a major city. It's a bit overwhelming.
#41 Apr 28 2013 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
I feel like character creation is very limited. There are a lot of options, but they are all very subtle changes (chin, eyebrows, eyeshape, mouth, etc).
#42 Apr 28 2013 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
electromagnet83 wrote:
I feel like character creation is very limited. There are a lot of options, but they are all very subtle changes (chin, eyebrows, eyeshape, mouth, etc).

Thinking about it I agree I didn't see big enough changes to keep tinkering with my character another reason I kept it to the options I listed above.
#43 Apr 28 2013 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Like most MMOs, very few people are going to ever get close enough to really see the fine detail in your avatar's face. The dramatic attributes are noticed: hair, hair color, height, shape.

It isn't really worthwhile having 74 different sliders to adjust the number and exact positioning of the freckles on the left under-side of your nose when 99% of people you encounter will never bother to look at your face at all. That being said, providing too many fine controls for customization can lead to some pretty horrific results. Aion had that problem in spades. And if you don't think being able to create the stuff of nightmares is something people will do if given the opportunity, you haven't been paying enough attention to the internet.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#44 Apr 28 2013 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Like most MMOs, very few people are going to ever get close enough to really see the fine detail in your avatar's face. The dramatic attributes are noticed: hair, hair color, height, shape.

It isn't really worthwhile having 74 different sliders to adjust the number and exact positioning of the freckles on the left under-side of your nose when 99% of people you encounter will never bother to look at your face at all. That being said, providing too many fine controls for customization can lead to some pretty horrific results. Aion had that problem in spades. And if you don't think being able to create the stuff of nightmares is something people will do if given the opportunity, you haven't been paying enough attention to the internet.

#45 Apr 29 2013 at 3:29 AM Rating: Excellent
644 posts
Male Mi'quote /sit = Epic.

I personally like all the New changes to creation. I hated the tatoo's at 1st but after tinkering, some are very worth the look though most show better on a darker face. More voice options is welcome. Female Rog and Highlander Females are very "Death by Snoo Snno". Also the preview of your character in full AF on chosen job is a bonus.

Market Boards (AH) much welcomed change. The overall atmosphere in town is lively and helpful so much excitement and friendly banter in the /shout stream.
#46 Apr 29 2013 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
Dalans wrote:
Male Mi'quote /sit = Epic.
More voice options is welcome. Female Rog and Highlander Females are very "Death by Snoo Snno"..

I thought most of the female ROG. sound like **** stars in full ******. Smiley: sly
#47 Apr 29 2013 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:

It isn't really worthwhile having 74 different sliders to adjust the number and exact positioning of the freckles on the left under-side of your nose when 99% of people you encounter will never bother to look at your face at all. That being said, providing too many fine controls for customization can lead to some pretty horrific results. Aion had that problem in spades. And if you don't think being able to create the stuff of nightmares is something people will do if given the opportunity, you haven't been paying enough attention to the internet.

Listen to this man like for the realz guyz! I would do things that should not be inside the game more secret than the NDA.. :P
#48 Apr 29 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Character creation is great, though I was sad that I couldn't re-create my old Elezan character, as they limited the hair colors further and I will probably not be able to keep my golden lockes...

But I made a Manthra and really like how Zidane-esque their mannerisms are.

Also, here is something weird that I am pumped for: It seems that they are finally going to utilize the racial backgrounds and differences. And I'm not talking stats either. For example (Warning, weird tangent.)

Those who played FFXI know about the Elvaan superiority complex. When 1.0 was first teased, they showed the races and their descriptions. I was happy to see that the Elezen were of a similar mindset. The hyur expanded, conquered over the Elezen and forced them into the forests and caves, so in the lore of the Elezen, the cave-dwellers hate and despise the Hyur and other "lesser" races, while the Wildwoods started to mingle.

None of this was ever present in the games release. So imagine my delight when I went through the Archer's guild storyline, only to be discriminated against my their Duskwight Elezen guildmate for my inferiority, and hear all his disgruntled ramblings.

TL;DR: They are actually using the lore they gave the races.
#49 Apr 29 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Catwho wrote:
As for character creation, I rolled as a lady Roegadyn, and I've affirmed my decision to change Cat Who over to one permanently for the full version of the game. (What was that Sea Wolf name I came up with.... Ornlona something or other?) Some of the skin tones are really weird, but for the Sea Wolf I came up with, the pale green made me feel like sea creature, all right. I like that they kept the hair highlight options for 1.0 and the starter gear is vastly improved in appearance (no more burlap sacks!)

I think I'm going with a female rog as well. Very elegant characters. Everyone was so worried they would be too masculine or whatever but SE knocked this one out of the park.

The only thing I didn't like about the character creation was the sequence of options. I expected sex and race to be the immediate first options, but I had to go through a few unrelated questions looking at the default male before I got there. For a moment I thought perhaps only male characters were unlocked in the beta. It's a small thing to be sure and not something to get worked up over, but it was something I noticed right away.

The town was pretty average for an mmo. The size felt good, and the map is 999999999999999% better than the unreadable parchment we had before. This map actually makes sense and helps you navigate. It's nice to be able to look around you at the city and then look at the map for the city and be able to say, "ah, that's where I go next".

#50 Apr 29 2013 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
For a moment I thought perhaps only male characters were unlocked in the beta.

I had that same thought when I made my first character. Race and sex should definitely be selected together.

Also any idea what the nameday selection does? The character creator makes a big deal out of both it and the deity selection. Just wondering if those are supposed to do something.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#51 Apr 29 2013 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
They didn't do anything in 1.0.

I think they were placeholders for content that was never added in.

I'd like to get a letter from the moogle when my in game Nameday rolls around that says "Happy Birthday, kupo~!"
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