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The Horrors of the Duty Finder.Follow

#1 Jul 07 2013 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
I didn't get much time to play this weekend, but when I hopped on yesterday evening I decided to run all of the guildhests for the bonus exp. I decided to do them as CNJ since it seemed to get instant queues and oh boy was I in for a special treat. I ran all of them twice, once solo and once with my friend. In all of those instances there was only one where I didn't end up CNJ tanking the entire time. The worst of which was the level 25 goblin one where the tank only used flash once, after I said something, on a single mob.

Now I can understand not knowing how to tank properly at level 10, and those fights are geared toward that. However I don't understand how someone can level their class to 26+ and still not know how to use fundamental skills. I know it's the beta but there is a point where that excuse just doesn't fly anymore. It isn't difficult to hold threat on everything in this game. It is a bit more involved than WoW's spam AoE threat ability and then spam other 3+ target ability and win, but it isn't that bad. In fact, I find it rather enjoyable myself. Hopefully they don't feel the need to rework threat too much to pick up this slack. I know I could just tank every time I queue up, but I enjoy healing as well.. And I suppose I do end up tanking anyway XD.

Another issue I have with the Duty Finder and dungeons in general is the Need system. It works fine for the most part, but Tanks can need on medium armor and everyone can need on any accessory. I feel like this needs to be limited somewhat so that people can't just need on everything, even if they can't use it on their current character. I know more than once I've unintentionally needed on a piece of medium armor as a tank because the tooltip glitched and showed positive green defense. And with no way of canceling my need roll I end up getting the gear without any way to trade it to the DPS. Then there are accessories. Currently anyone can need on any accessory, regardless of stats. The Accessories are usually the rarest drops in the dungeons, only randomly coming from Treasure Coffers. This can be pretty frustrating when you are CNJ and the only caster earrings currently in the game until level 29 drop and go to a half naked LNC.

I really didn't intend for this to come off as a "people suck" thread, but my experiences with the Duty Finder as a healer were not enjoyable. I have a feeling that I will end up trying my hardest to get most of a full party outside of the Duty Finder before queueing up for a dungeon. I really hope this gets better after launch, otherwise this game might become "Revenge of the Casuals". If this is the level of competent play that will be taken to max level, I sense nerf bats coming to end game content constantly.
#2 Jul 07 2013 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I really hope this gets better after launch, otherwise this game might become "Revenge of the Casuals".

Where did THAT come from?

You definitely got some bad players there, and that's unavoidable if you aren't putting all your own parties together. But please don't equate players who play the game casually with players who play the game badly. They really aren't the same thing at all.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 Jul 07 2013 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
210 posts
What's the difference between a DF party and a pick-up party? I had equally horrifying experiences as a cnj well before the duty finder was implemented. I'm not really sure how our bad experiences can be blamed on DF.
#4 Jul 07 2013 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?
#5 Jul 07 2013 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
So far this game seems more complicated but also easier than your average FF game. I don't know if there's any getting around non-skilled players achieving deceptively high levels. I guess that's what Free Companies are for, but with Duty Finder it will span multiple servers so if you can get people in your party before engaging the Duty that should help since they will come with you if they are eligible for the quest.
#6 Jul 07 2013 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I really hope this gets better after launch, otherwise this game might become "Revenge of the Casuals".

Where did THAT come from?

You definitely got some bad players there, and that's unavoidable if you aren't putting all your own parties together. But please don't equate players who play the game casually with players who play the game badly. They really aren't the same thing at all.

I was in a party with 3 JP players and we couldn't get past the 2nd orb thingy in the deepcroft. The tank was clueless and the other CNJ (i was also CNJ) kept attacking stuff on his own. It was ridiculous. 2 minutes later my next group filled up and we absolutely whooped ***** It's really luck of the draw. I also saw only the most polite behavior in every run regarding drops. If you're having a crap time with a crap party there's always the option of bailing.
#7 Jul 07 2013 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I really hope this gets better after launch, otherwise this game might become "Revenge of the Casuals".

Where did THAT come from?

You definitely got some bad players there, and that's unavoidable if you aren't putting all your own parties together. But please don't equate players who play the game casually with players who play the game badly. They really aren't the same thing at all.


You went from "people don't know how to play their class" to insulting "casuals."

And yes, the quality and skill of people you finding thru a LFG tool (no matter what it's called) is always, on average, going to be less than the quality and/or skill of your friends. That's nothing new to MMOs.

It will get slightly better, but not by much. That's not an issue specific to FF XIV.
#8 Jul 07 2013 at 2:08 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.
#9 Jul 07 2013 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
ErikHighwind wrote:
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.

Yes, like that you cannot even sell on the AH until you progress fairly far. How many picked up on that?
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#10 Jul 07 2013 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,153 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
ErikHighwind wrote:
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.

Yes, like that you cannot even sell on the AH until you progress fairly far. How many picked up on that?

I guess most RMT botters did and are really pissed.
#11 Jul 07 2013 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
ErikHighwind wrote:
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.

Yes, like that you cannot even sell on the AH until you progress fairly far. How many picked up on that?

Oh I didn't realize that, but I needed cotton yarn and noticed there was very little selling on the Boards.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#12 Jul 07 2013 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Rinsui wrote:
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
ErikHighwind wrote:
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.

Yes, like that you cannot even sell on the AH until you progress fairly far. How many picked up on that?

I guess most RMT botters did and are really pissed.

Oh do you think RMT are really bothering with the Beta version? People really buying stuff from RMT?

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#13 Jul 07 2013 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Keep in mind also thay a feature in beta is after reaching level 20 people can bump every other class to
15. Im sure there were alot of people who did this and jumped into duty finder not fully knowing the job skills. Im sure after release it will be much better
#14 Jul 07 2013 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
That is the only problem with Duty Finder, you will find more horrible players. Good players tend to group with each other b.c they are in a FC. I play as a CNJ and have had my share of horrible players, I can usually heal through it. You have to take it for what it is, if you can't stand it you need to join a FC on your server and do it that way.

I never worried about this in games like WoW b.c I only grouped with people in my Guild then and in EQ everyone was pretty good b.c if you weren't then you would lose your body.

Death used to mean you had to learn how to play and become better at your class. Death now means you can @#%^ around not try b.c you have no real penalty if you do die.

Edited, Jul 7th 2013 4:38pm by Mopdaddy
#15 Jul 07 2013 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
125 posts
schneiderw wrote:
What's the difference between a DF party and a pick-up party? I had equally horrifying experiences as a cnj well before the duty finder was implemented. I'm not really sure how our bad experiences can be blamed on DF.

Not much, but in a pick up party the group can become better, and agree on running a dungeon 5-7 times making sure everyone comes out with some nice stuff, and form a plan around who's gonna lot what, versus a pick up party where some man is needing and greeding away cause he doesn't care how you feel lol... Plus, when you go multiple times with the same 4 people, eventually you are all passing on stuff because many of your members have those items already, and you get the gear for different classes pretty fast.

As far as the need, and greed. I like it. Then again I'm the type of player who likes to see my comrades get better. So even though I might have a conjurer, if I was on marauder I'm gonna get marauder gear that I "need", and pass that mage gear so my mages get better heading toward the final fight. I did play with some people who were bickering at the fact certain items didn't drop and were mad they lost lots, but you know how Final Fantasy online games work... It always seems the more you want an item, and look for it, the less it will drop all the time. Smiley: lol Plus, the more you worry about drops, and such the more the game becomes a job, or chore. I like to just enjoy the experience and work on communicating and making the game even more fun than it already is.

If you want a lot of items just be prepared for running lots of dungeon runs, and enjoy helping people get wins, getting people gear, and getting great experience points that you get in there. Smiley: grin

#16 Jul 07 2013 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Usually you don't run the same group more then once if the experience was horrible. Usually you are in /tells with the other good players about replacing the weak links. This is what usually happens more often then not.
#17 Jul 07 2013 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
I ran Guildhests through level 15 and the first two Satasha and Tam Tara through the duty finder and all groups went smoothly.

I got invited to a PUG for Copperbell and we wiped like 3 or 4 times. We eventually beat it, but really so far all of my groups have been decent.

Yes I'd rather group with friends or LS mates, and I know that PUGs will always be toss ups, but so far from what I've experienced and heard from others that the DF is a good tool that works.
#18 Jul 07 2013 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
Had 1 bad tank in all my lancer DF groups, decided to tank it myself lol.

I have a lot of experience with bad tanks as a {long time} WHM in ffxi, I realise hate seems to be a lot more polarised in ffxiv but I would totally just let everyone die and try to convince them that it was the tanks fault. Most instances you could fallback to a DPS tank I would hope, if you ARE going to play as healer though then I think you should have no trouble hand-picking people you roll with with little need to DF. DF I'm thankful for to just put on in the background and wait 20min for a group as DPS. :P
#19 Jul 07 2013 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I had the exact opposite experience. I used duty finder to do all of my guildheists (as CON) and did each of the Dungeons (level 15-17 as THM, everything higher as CON). I wasn't grouped into a single "bad" party. Each guildheist or dungeon I played was with a different party, and I never had to wait to find a party. I ran Brayflox with at least 5 different parties and had no hard times. Sure, my group died a few times on the poison guildheist... but that was the only one that was any trouble.

Oh and for the Goblin Guildheist, you as a CON, need to sleep all of the Goblins as the melee classes are attacking the blockades. When the blockade falls they should just pick them all off one by one. No flash necessary.

Duty finder rocks. There is no difference between using duty finder or just starting a party of your own like in the old days. Either way, you are playing with random people. This way, its much quicker and you have a pool of players across a number of servers. If it is not to your liking, then I suggest you find a large free company and linkshell (Zam here has a pretty big one). If you have a good enough community, then you won't need to use the DF.
#20 Jul 07 2013 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
free companies
#21 Jul 07 2013 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
ErikHighwind wrote:
geotrick wrote:
oh i logged into my character yesterday thats a 1.0 character and all of the duty finder things were locked. DO you have to do the storyline quests in order to unlock those?

Yup, your options start out rather limited until you progress in the main storyline quests.

Yes, like that you cannot even sell on the AH until you progress fairly far. How many picked up on that?

I guess most RMT botters did and are really pissed.

Oh do you think RMT are really bothering with the Beta version? People really buying stuff from RMT?

No word of a lie, RMT were crawling all over the 1.0 beta and brazenly shouting their sales in game even though everything was getting wiped. At the very least it's training for them.
#22 Jul 07 2013 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
220 posts
You can't stop RMT as long as people are willing to buy it.
#23 Jul 07 2013 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
To the original post: I'm really sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I, for one, had nothing but great experiences with the Duty Finder, and the groups I was matched up with. Each time, the groups were very courteous and never rolled on anything they couldn't use on their current character. All in all, I ended up with a wand, rope for my waist, and an earring. All of this from three different groups, and dungeons. I hope the groups you were matched with won't shatter your faith in the whole system.
#24 Jul 07 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Where did THAT come from?

I suppose I could have worded that differently, but what I was trying to get at is that the game is so catered to solo play that some players get to 20+ and still don't know/don't care to know how to use their class as it was intended in party play. If this weekend was any indication there are going to be a lot of players that are going to get to max level and then be completely blindsided by the proposed "hard" content.
#25 Jul 07 2013 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I don't know... I did a run this past weekend at level 17 and thought it was so low that it was going to go bad with new people not knowing their job but the tank was excellent. Anytime anyone got hate he got it back. Same with Tesee's run when I watched her... The tank was awsum.. I think FFXIV attracts more experienced players for some reason. Maybe because of FFXI reputation for being hard.

I do understand and see the point though, I like that you dont have to party all the time.. This game seems to have more paths, you can solo if need be or you can party or fight your way through and I hope it stays the same way all the way through... Why not offer both ways to level, missions or party.

Edited, Jul 7th 2013 8:03pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#26 Jul 07 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Caeylen wrote:
Oh and for the Goblin Guildheist, you as a CON, need to sleep all of the Goblins as the melee classes are attacking the blockades. When the blockade falls they should just pick them all off one by one. No flash necessary.

Well I was only level 25 when I went in, so no Redoubt yet, but believe me I will be spamming that spell more than cure XD. When your only CC is the Water spell it's hard to lock down 6 goblins running at your face. Also, please note that the tank in question also stood in every bomb toss throughout the event, including the boss. While I was able to heal through it just fine I ended up letting him die to the last one he was standing in as the boss died because that's how I teach. I wouldn't do that in a group with people I know, but my patience was wearing thin at that point.

But seriously as a tank I say flash is always necessary, even on single target. It gives a ton of threat and BLINDS for 12s. Not to mention it uses your otherwise completely useless and moderately sized MP pool... but that's just semantics and I see your point.
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