Archmage Callinon wrote:
Yoshi P, I believe, has stated that he didn't like how arcanist turned out with its branching jobs. I kind of agree with him there.. it muddies the identities of both summoner and scholar to have them tied to arcanist like that.
Personally, I don't think the base classes really contribute that much to the game. I'd be happy to see them go away entirely.
The dead stop on that, of course is the Lore and story that's dug so deep into the class system that there's no way really to just pluck the classes away.
As far as Yoshi P stating that he did not like how Arcanist turned out, please site source. Saw nothing of the sort and I've been following closely. The complaint I heard was that the class system of existing jobs felt restrictive to them on making secondary jobs, and that they were thinking of perhaps hybrid jobs that combine Classes together more seamlessly. That was before the release of info about Dark Knight, going on about a year as far as last peep on that.
Other droplets of info referred to the idea that each class/job was supposed to preform two roles, one that was easy, and one that was more difficult to execute. But the wording on this wasn't clear - were they referring to the Jobs performing two roles, in which case, where does that work in practicality? It certainly does not display itself in the current Class/Job mechanics unless you're referring to the healers and tanks that can support DPS at times. The DPS classes certainly don't have much for auxiliary functions. A couple defensive cooldowns does not a secondary role make.
If they're referring to Class/Jobs in the sense of how Arcanist works with Scholar and Summoner, then they need to make some pretty heavy base class changes to Thaumaturge, Archer and Gladiator to enable them to encompass a secondary role. That's more difficult for Thaumaturege than the other two, however. (Gladiator's class can have a trait that turns eminity into damage, Archer can be converted to a Pet-based tank, as was brainstormed by other players in various communities including this one.)
Either way, I feel as if this system is caught in a rut. To remove it, you're talking majror lore revisions and the tearing apart of Arcanist. To keep it, they're going to have to make a lot of mechanical changes to accommodate the 'two role' concept they were talking about.
(brain, why you no work today?) Edited, Jan 5th 2015 3:06pm by Hyrist