Nashred wrote:
Valkayree wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Well didn't have a lot planned out of the ordinary:
Capped tomes.
Complete Ixali dailies for oaknots.
Only thing different is we wanted to work more on our lights..
UGGG this is horrible and I thought this would be the best and easiest part.. I thought I could get there just by doing our normal stuff like daily roulette etc. and would be the best part with no grinding. Started them right away too after this part of the relic quest was added..Spent almost the whole weekend on them and still only 2/3 the way. This is the longest part.. Did Garuda lights when ever they were up and ran allot of ST's when they were not. Now I feel so far behind on my relic when I was always caught up.
Oh yea, I ran into Catwho in ST this weekend, that was pretty cool. Didn't know it was her right away though since she uses a different name than on the forum. /wave
That is the best site I have found to let you know when things are in bonus. All servers are on the same rotation, so don't worry about it being for Excalibur. You can change the server to Ultros and get the same thing. This is a system that pings data off of people running a guildwork client. Actually, if you switch over to your server you can see shouts and party finder, and weather, and fates that are up, and all kinds of other cool.
With that said, I didn't use the site until I was at around 1000 light. It took me about 3 1/2 months to get the nexus, averaging about 20 light per day. Fortunately now that I am on my second go I can do all the dungeon runs for my zodiac dungeon drops while gathering light on the nexus step, and gather soldiery for the zodiac step at the same time. That is the true definition of multitasking!
Best light grinds are Garuda HM and T4 when they are in bonus. I also like running frontlines in bonus. Nothing better than 12 points for basically standing on a flag for 20 minutes. Garuda HM in bonus is fastest, at 4 light per minute but gives the least amount of extras. T4 is a bit slower, but has some nice goodies + can get you a mount if you run it 200 times and are tank. Although if you are on your second go I definitely recommend doing the zodiac runs while gathering light to maximize your time, and pray that SE nerfs the process somewhere in the middle of it all.
Edited, Jan 12th 2015 3:19pm by Valkayree Thank you.
Yea I have been using Guildworks site and this one: .
I started using the sites at about 1000 lights too...
I found Shiva is also very fast if not on par with Garuda.. I usually do which ever is up at the time..
I have not tried T4 for lights, I will have to give it a try for something different.
I just thought I would get their doing my normal stuff and ended up way behind now so now I have to step it up. I finished the Alexandrites on time.. This phase just put me behind.
I was researching the next phase, wow expensive.
Not sure I can catch up there..
Another new phase is coming out soon too..
Looks like they are starting to separating those who really want a relic and those who dont want to put in the time or have the time.
I think with other weapons being so close like coil or ironworks etc I think allot will start opting out of the relic
The nexus grind took me 3 1/2 months, the grind to get the excalibur / aegis zodiac took me 2 1/2 weeks (if that). Don't give up! It really is about time management more than anything. You can actually start working on it right now! You can do all the main parts, so later its not so bad. I didn't spend nearly the amount of time with my lightbulb nexus set as I thought I would. There are going to be three quest givers in Mor Dhona and one in Central Than, so you work on everything at the same time, which is nice.
Here are the things you can do now, which account for 75% of the entire quest. The sacred spring water grind is the worst, but since you are doing a crapton of stuff for your nexus and getting all that soldiery, you might as well put it to good use! I wish I had this option, my healers would still be ilvl 70. No telling how much soldiery I spent to get them to ilvl 100 simply because there was nothing else to spend it on...
First gather 400k gil. Go to the following places and buy the items:
Bronze Lake Crystal (100,000 gil; Junkmonger (26,26) Upper La Noscea)
Allagan Resin (100,000 gil; Merchant (15,29) Southern Thanalan)
Furite Sands (100,000 gil; Merchant (13,16) Coerthas)
Brass Kettle (100,000 gil; Vendor (29,19) North Shroud)
Gather your GC seals. Lot on everything, trade it in. Do the daily turn ins. If you buy ventures with GC seals, try buying them with allied seals instead. Gather 80k GC seals total, and buy 4 Bombard Cores (Grand Company 20,000 seals).
Stack 4 Sacred Spring Water (1,600 Tomes of Soldiery [Auriana] Mor Dhona). This is the limiting factor here. You have these your life is easier. Period. My nexus step for bard will be devoted to gathering these.
K, here comes the expensive part (used to be, but now not so much). You can buy all these off the auction house, but if you have a crafter good enough to HQ the material needed to turn in to unlock the 4 star stuff, you are overqualified to HQ these. On my LTW, I can't even HQ the water logged straps needed to unlock 4 star (RNG sucks) but I can HQ perfect vellum about 75% of the time. Its still a fair turnaround to make some and sell them to offset the cost. I'll put up the approximate costs on Lamia the last time I checked...
Obtain a High Quality page of perfect Vellum (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-250k
Obtain a pinch of perfect pounce (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300k
Obtain a High Quality tailor-made eel pie (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~300-500k
Obtain a piece of perfect cloth (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Obtain a perfect mortar (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~250k
Obtain a perfect pestle (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~120k
Obtain a High Quality Furnace Ring (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~80-90k
Obtain a Bundle of Perfect Firewood (Desynth aged goods from Silver Bazaar; Craft Item HQ) ~200-300k
Now, with all these in hand, once you get your nexus (you will definitely know when you are done, the message sprawls across your screen like George Bush's Mission Accomplished banner) all you need to do is turn in the items you need to the right people until they want you to dungeon grind to get specific items. You can grind with whatever job you want, fortunately, so you can instaqueue with tank if that is your preference. The only two that are level capped that are included in the mix up are Dzmael Darkhold and Aurum Vale. The rest are lvl 50 dungeons so the runs go very fast except for the three new dungeons (snowcloak, sastasha hm, qarn hm) which people for the most part still kinda suck at. Wanderer's Palace and AK runs are particularly fun.
You will notice if you got the item once you leave the dungeon. In the middle of the load screen between when you leave and get back to wherever you were when you spawned in, you will get a message in similar fashion to when you acquired an atma. These are key items, they aren't in your inventory. The drop rates vary, I swear they are higher for the higher level ones like snowcloak etc, but maybe it is just my luck. I've heard that the drop rate is anywhere from 10-20%. I've went 1/1 on about a 1/4 of them, 1/2 on several, 1/3-1/4 on most, and some, like stone vigil hm, snowcloak, and sastasha hm I ran at least 15 times each before I saw a drop.
After all that, you got your zodiac. Its not nearly as bad as the books for animus, and definitely not as bad as the ridiculous nexus grind, if you ask me. SE would do very well to reduce the light needed to 1000. That is much more reasonable.
Edited, Jan 13th 2015 10:55am by Valkayree