Was thinking during the downtime, we often share our accomplishments criticism, complaints, and discussions in this community, but not often do we get to litterally see the game through each other's eyes.
So I got to thinking, why don't we have a monthly screenshot thread to share our distilled moments with one another and give a more tactile sense of how one another's game is?
Here's the idea in full:
Starting February, at the beginning of each month, I start a thread with a specific theme in mind. Then, whenever the moment strikes you to meet or answer the theme, people snap a screenshot and share it on the thread with us. It can be a direct link, or, if you're lucky enough to have premium, have a preview right up and ready for people. We can also use the thread for discussions of screenshots and the situation, or even for a bit of fun humor.
Then, if we want, at the end of each month, we can nominate our favorites of the month's batch. Not really a competition, but a review of what was shared.
Let me know what you guys think below. If I feel I've got enough people behind it, I'll start making the threads Febuary first. I've already got a theme in mind.