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Wrath of the Lich King : What we know thus far.Follow

#77 Aug 05 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
505 posts
Sounds great. But how many people will see full content of TBC??

Not many people who raid will get all the way to BT, MH especially if there only casual. Sucks.
#78 Aug 05 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
Eschatologist wrote:
There are three rune types: Blood, rune, and frost.

Rune runes?

Damn typos. Smiley: mad
#79 Aug 05 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Not many people who raid will get all the way to BT, MH especially if there only casual. Sucks.

I'd rather skip a few raids and get a full new xpac. They setup the serious raids for a select few people, those guilds with 40-60 hardcore dedicated members, who raid 5-7 times a week for 3-5 hours a session. Theres quite a number of these people, but for everyone else it just gets boring. I'm very happy a new xpac is coming, and I can care less that I'll never see Mt Hyjal or black temple before it launches.
#80 Aug 05 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly the more I read about the next expansion, the less I want to play warcraft during the expansion. First off, everyone and their mother will be trying to play a death knight, and while they're going to be incorporated in raiding, there will be so many people trying to play it, that a majority of people won't be able to actually get into raids. Then if you force people to play other characters and only have DKs as their alts, how does that make gameplay any different from what it is now? I imagine for pvp they'll be initially overpowered, then the people playing other classes will QQ so much that the DKs will get severely nerfed in pvp, to the point where they will have more flaws than bonuses. Raising the level cap again is annoying, it basically means that all the effort I'm putting into gearing my current characters is completely a waste of time, as there will be lvl 75 greens better than the epics I'm using now. And leveling... leveling 1-60 was a pain, 1-70 made me want to stab myself... I cannot imagine trying to do 1-80. Plus wouldn't that make all the outland content worthless? 60 content isn't used anymore, 70 content won't be... so what? 2/3 of the game no one will even do?

Yeah, the more I read about the expansion, the less I want to play it. I will be keeping my eye on Warhammer.

Edited, Aug 5th 2007 5:01pm by Dilbrt
#81 Aug 05 2007 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Honestly the more I read about the next expansion, the less I want to play warcraft during the expansion. First off, everyone and their mother will be trying to play a death knight, and while they're going to be incorporated in raiding, there will be so many people trying to play it, that a majority of people won't be able to actually get into raids.

Slow down there, Negative Nancy. There wasn't exactly a huge influx of raiding paladins and shamans in TBC; if anything, there are far fewer of them than other classes.

I imagine for pvp they'll be initially overpowered, then the people playing other classes will QQ so much that the DKs will get severely nerfed in pvp, to the point where they will have more flaws than bonuses.

What on earth are you basing this assumption on? Blizzard said that they will be no more powerful than the other classes.

And leveling... leveling 1-60 was a pain, 1-70 made me want to stab myself... I cannot imagine trying to do 1-80.

Blizz said that there will be some mechanism to make 1-68 easier.

But hey, if you want to play WAR, I'm not stopping you.
#82 Aug 05 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
Efreem wrote:
Hero Classes are openable for all races? You just have to be able to unlock the quest line and complete them? Sort of like FFXI advanced jobs.

No, completing the quest line unlocks the Hero class for your account and then you can create a Deathknight as a new character. Your existing character gains no benefits from this aside from quest rewards and XP.

Probably not XP. From what I gathered, the quest to unlock a Death Knight will be a level 80 quest. Since that's the cap, XP won't be gained, and I think that the only quest reward will be a Death Knight. What was said was that it would be similar in scope to the Paladin and Warlock quests for epic mounts, so expect for it to be long and expensive.
#83 Aug 05 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
codexia wrote:
According to the O-Boards (scary I know) there was something on the stream that had a conference with Blizzard reps (dont ask me what it is, but its regarded as fact on the O-Boards and not just rumor. Do I know if its fact? No, I dont. But I'm relaying what I read).

Hero Classes are unlocked after reaching level 80 and doing a long/hard chainquest. You lose your old character (not confirmed, but it IS confirmed you lose everything that character has gained: rep, keys, mounts, etc, so its possable you lose the old character entirely) and gain a Hero Class that is already leveled. The guess right now is level 68. This is to make it so you don't have to go through the 1-80 grind all over again.

They are entirely seperate characters, not addons to existing ones. The O-Boards is up in arms right now since it actually does look like you have to lose the character you went to 80 and unlocked the quest with. Again, that part isn't confirmed, but it's what is believed right now based on something the rep said.

"The O-boards is up in arms right now". What else is new? That bunch of whiners complaining about unfounded rumors has always been a continuing thing. Shame on you for listening to the O-boards. The ONLY things that you can believe there are in blue. Just about everything else is speculation and rumor.
#84 Aug 05 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
My hope is that Death Knights will be factionless. Once you decide to take that step and become a DK, you essentially break ties with your current faction. I have a feeling there is going to be some sort of consequence for being a DK. Also, in the video it appeared that a human DK was attackign alliance players, so who knows.
#85 Aug 05 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Am I the only one who's super-psyched about all new 1-60 content? I'm so tired of the same old Azeroth that I have a hard time leveling my alts. Maybe with this expansion I can finally have another high level character.
#86 Aug 05 2007 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
WoW! Way to take a joke /clap
#87 Aug 05 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Im just excited about the new talents/abilities of Paladins to level 80. Hopefully Ret gets some love in this exp.
#88 Aug 06 2007 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
Smells to me that they are still working out the details themselves.

Thus - Any specifics are still VERY questionable . . .

Just know Bliz too well from D1 days through.

All I know - they better have a level 80 class Katana-esque sword (duel wieldable) or I quit! ;) Enough of the stupid swords that are just slightly bigger then the engine block of a Ferrari . . . Let's get somewhat "realistic" bliz!!!!

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 4:19am by TheVoidsLeftHand

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 4:22am by TheVoidsLeftHand
#89 Aug 06 2007 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
morghast wrote:

Oh - I almost forgot. There was also some official mention of a WoW movie that's being worked on. I don't know any details though.

I can confirm this - it's being made by Legendary Pictures (the guys who did "300" and "Batman Begins") in association with Vivendi-Universal.
#90 Aug 06 2007 at 2:32 AM Rating: Excellent
From a sticky on the general forums it looks like there will be a built in threat meter in this expasion!!!!!!!!
#91 Aug 06 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
guys when it will be realeased ??
#92 Aug 06 2007 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Wow this sucks balls. Soooo many people will quit WOW if this is released within the next year. It is by far to soon for a new lvl cap etc... People need time to get the lvl 70 epics etc before they come out with more fing greens that are better.
#93 Aug 06 2007 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
587 posts
morghast wrote:

Oh - I almost forgot. There was also some official mention of a WoW movie that's being worked on. I don't know any details though.

I can confirm this - it's being made by Legendary Pictures (the guys who did "300" and "Batman Begins") in association with Vivendi-Universal.

I hope that, if they do this, it doesn't suck like many of the D&D movies.

Anyway, I agree with most of you that level cap should not be risen so fast. However, my main concern is that most of the player base has not delved into TBC deeply. I mean, faction-wise only, there is a lot to do for all crafters. PVE-wise, there still is much to do in instances and raids.

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 8:59am by Abidos
#94 Aug 06 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
Smells to me that they are still working out the details themselves.

Thus - Any specifics are still VERY questionable . . .

Yes, they were constantly telling us that much were being worked out and that things could change a lot between now and release (which really does sound quite a ways off). It seems like what they have mainly done is sketch out the zones and subzones and they have a 'plotline' to follow with the quests and have put together a rough cast of characters (mobs & npcs) to use. They aren't even close to working on details yet.

Even with the Starcraft II stuff, they said things could change a lot between now and release and I think Starcraft II is much closer to being ready to release than the Northrend expansion.

#95 Aug 06 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
755 posts
I don't know if this has been mentioned much, but... I rolled originally on a PVE server. I've been thinking of rerolling PVP, but having to start over is rather daunting... regardless, from a PVE that likes to PVP one of the things I am most looking forward to in the new expansion is a zone that is PVP flagged even on PVE servers!
#96 Aug 06 2007 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
Death Knights... I just hope that they aren't shadow damage based. There is too much shadow damage out there. It sounds like they will be frost and something... I hope is Arcane. If its shadow, I'm quitting PvP... a Death Knight, a Shadow Priest and a Warlock... I'm not sure I want to know how quickly they can wipe out opponents.

Edited, Aug 6th 2007 11:10am by ArcandCB
#97 Aug 06 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
With the new level cap, how long do you think it will be before we see a lvl 80 Holy/Prot Pally SOLO Onyxia?

What? You didn't hear that Onyxia is going to be the new warlock pet? :P

Seriously, y'all need to check out the interview with J. Allen Brack, on Gamespot (WotLK, Interview 1). Lots of interesting info nuggets there, including:

-Death Knight will be an alt (which should mean it won't replace your character, else it could not be an alt).

-Flying Mounts. You won't be able to use your flying mount when you first arrive in Northrend, as they want you to appreciate the scope of the land. However, at some point you will be able to use a flying mount. There will be new flying mounts, and it isn't clear if you'll be able to use your old flying mount, from this interview. Seems that this is an area they're still working on.
#98 Aug 06 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know if anyone already corrected this, but the topic post said that "Northrend will be acessible at lvl 68" (Those aren't the exact words by the way, I'm too lazy to quote exactly). Blizzard said that Northrend will be acessible at ANY level, but the quests are geared towards lvl 68+.
#99 Aug 06 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
Reading some of these posts makes me look forward to the next expansion even more, because maybe some of the noob 70s will finally up and quit. Then, maybe, all their friends would quit at around level 30 as a result of their being no level 70s, who are too inadequate to run instances for their level, to run them through Gnomer. Perhaps PUG'ing would be an option again.

I would expect that early Lich gear would be superior to end game BC gear. Why on Azeroth would you even play if your gear is going to transfer for an extended period of time? Getting to level 71 will be the next best thing to getting tier 6 gear for most players that just straight up suck at instancing or PvP (of course it really isn't too hard to rep farm).

I'm looking forward to the expansion. Meanwhile, I still look forward to instancing my way to greater tier gear, even though I know it'll be antequated by the next expansion. It's all part of the fun.

#100 Aug 06 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
vyodar wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned much, but... I rolled originally on a PVE server. I've been thinking of rerolling PVP, but having to start over is rather daunting... regardless, from a PVE that likes to PVP one of the things I am most looking forward to in the new expansion is a zone that is PVP flagged even on PVE servers!

I'm not. I don't PvP, and being "locked out" of a zone because I refuse to PvP is a bad idea, which should be done away with. If you want to run around flagged, re-roll on a PvP server. All I see is Blizz catering to players who made a mistake by being on the wrong server type to begin with. What they should do is change their policy on PvE->PvP transfers for those who want to PvP, like you do.
#101 Aug 06 2007 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
I think that the new PvP will be like the Gurubashi Arena, where if you step into the zone, you auto-flag, and when you step out, you unflag.

I'm concerned about Inscription and it's MATS.
I'm wondering how to aquire the mats... like... Disenchanting? Will Enchanting become a mat gathering skill like skinning?


Also, I'm looking forward to the Inscription and Enchanting sellers competing in the trade channel.

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