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Wrath of the Lich King : What we know thus far.Follow

#102 Aug 06 2007 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
vyodar wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned much, but... I rolled originally on a PVE server. I've been thinking of rerolling PVP, but having to start over is rather daunting... regardless, from a PVE that likes to PVP one of the things I am most looking forward to in the new expansion is a zone that is PVP flagged even on PVE servers!

I'm not. I don't PvP, and being "locked out" of a zone because I refuse to PvP is a bad idea, which should be done away with. If you want to run around flagged, re-roll on a PvP server. All I see is Blizz catering to players who made a mistake by being on the wrong server type to begin with. What they should do is change their policy on PvE->PvP transfers for those who want to PvP, like you do.

I think this "zone" is going to be more similar to Halaa than anything else. From what I've heard described, it's more of a place where there are PvP objectives and whatnot, except in an outdoor non-instanced area.

In other words, it's not mandatory to visit the area, it's just another attraction for those who enjoy World PvP.
#103 Aug 06 2007 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
knowing how people are... probably everything available to be complained about.
#104 Aug 06 2007 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Will you Two get a room and get it over with for crying out loud! the sexual tension is frustrating to watch!
#105 Aug 06 2007 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
vyodar wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned much, but... I rolled originally on a PVE server. I've been thinking of rerolling PVP, but having to start over is rather daunting... regardless, from a PVE that likes to PVP one of the things I am most looking forward to in the new expansion is a zone that is PVP flagged even on PVE servers!

I'm not. I don't PvP, and being "locked out" of a zone because I refuse to PvP is a bad idea, which should be done away with. If you want to run around flagged, re-roll on a PvP server. All I see is Blizz catering to players who made a mistake by being on the wrong server type to begin with. What they should do is change their policy on PvE->PvP transfers for those who want to PvP, like you do.

That would creat more problems than solve them. Specifically, players would feel that if you are allowed to transfer from PvE to PvP then many more people would roll characters on a PvE realm acquire gear then move to a PvP realm and start massecreing players. This is especially heinous if the PvP realm is a new realm where new players are being directed to. The same set of players who rolled their characters on a PvP realm feel that getting "ganked" is a rite of passage of sorts people who cannot stand being ganked do not have a place on a PvP realm. What could be better is that if you play in a PvE realm but accept quests for outdoor pvp or approach a outdoor pvp objective they should have their flags turned on. This prevents them from trying to bore the other side so that they can cap towers and can still chose to not go near the objectives while the objectives are available for taking.
#106 Aug 07 2007 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
Hero Classes are openable for all races? You just have to be able to unlock the quest line and complete them? Sort of like FFXI advanced jobs.

No, completing the quest line unlocks the Hero class for your account and then you can create a Deathknight as a new character. Your existing character gains no benefits from this aside from quest rewards and XP.

Thanks, does this also mean. If I unlock DK as a Ally Shaman, I can make a Tauren DK? I guess I get to create another name also.

What they should do is change their policy on PvE->PvP transfers for those who want to PvP, like you do.

I second this. I rolled on RP PVE. I had no idea how contested areas worked. If I did I would have started out on PvP.

Edited, Aug 7th 2007 6:07am by SothsayerAtlantis
#107 Aug 07 2007 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
SothsayerAtlantis wrote:

What they should do is change their policy on PvE->PvP transfers for those who want to PvP, like you do.

I second this. I rolled on RP PVE. I had no idea how contested areas worked. If I did I would have started out on PvP.

You are perfectly free to start a new character on a PVP server. You aren't limited to one character or one server.

Edited, Aug 7th 2007 7:02am by morghast

Edited, Aug 7th 2007 7:03am by morghast
#108 Aug 07 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I think the deathknight idea is great, my server has barely any tanks on it, this will definately generate more tanks, provided they don't have a viable dps tree :(
I just wish blizz would release a pure tank class...I mean locks/rogues/mages/hunters are pure dps...why not?
#109 Aug 07 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Onogg wrote:
I think the deathknight idea is great, my server has barely any tanks on it, this will definately generate more tanks, provided they don't have a viable dps tree :(
I just wish blizz would release a pure tank class...I mean locks/rogues/mages/hunters are pure dps...why not?

class design base rules from Blizzard in Blizzcon

1) MUST be able to solo to max level
2) have role in group/raid
3) be fun.

A pure tanking class would be a really class to level.
#110 Aug 07 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
I think the deathknight idea is great, my server has barely any tanks on it, this will definately generate more tanks

I'm not sure they are designed to be tanks. I read somewhere they cannot hold a shield, but can dual wield. Unless they have major dodge and parry, that could be a problem on bosses.

It's kind of interesting how the rumors fly around about these guys when it sounds like Blizz hasn't even completed it yet. I get the impression these guys are like plated, pet-less warlocks that wield ice instead of fire... but I definately could be wrong... that and they may change next week.
#111 Aug 07 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
arthas was a palladin then was corrupted by the scourge and became a death knight, death knight are most closely a pally/necromancer, as from wc3 exp they had the ability to heal with shadow spells (but were only able to heal other allies?) and do damage, they also had buffs like a palladin and were able to summon a minion, i dont think blizzard will change any of that
#112 Aug 07 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
42 posts
From what everyone's said so far the character doesn't change, only the account when you "open" the Death Knight ability. So you can now "make" a death knight. So much for "hero" class. It's just another hidden class. They should just call it "Gift Class" or "Collector's Class".
#113 Aug 07 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Is it just me or does anyone else see the hero classes becoming what Jedi were in SWG. I mean I really see it as having this somewhat hidden objective that when completed unlocks the slot giving you this horribly OP class. Now I know Blizzard says the class won't be OP but that is really debatable. Devs never try to create OP classes it is something that just happens.
#114 Aug 07 2007 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Blizzard Devs please take a look at this and consider it.

What I'm hoping, and a lot of other people I know as well, is that they'll have a way of adding character slots, if only for these new hero classes. There are a lot of people out there who have worked hard on all their characters with all their tradeskills and don't want to have to lose them because now Blizzard is putting in more classes than room to have them. Maybe have a button on the character select screen to access just the hero classes once they've been unlocked and limit it to one of each one, since they're planning on releasing more. Just an idea so people don't have to lose what they've worked so hard on while still keeping it limited.
#115 Aug 07 2007 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone comment on how treadmill-y this expansion's going to be? Is it 60-70 part 2, or is there more to it?
#116 Aug 08 2007 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
I want to agree with the ones that say that Death Knight will be a new toon and you won't need to forget the 80 lvl one. Still the fact it is called 'hero class' is quite alarming... I mean, if it is going to be just a new toon with just a new class like the rest of the classes, then why say 'Thraduil has accomplished to unlock a hero class' ???

On the other hand this doesn't make any sense. Even someone with low mentality (like myself :P ) can figure out that this will affect the ballance in all servers. Everybody (except the really faithfull to their class) will be curious to meet this new class, so all servers will have less damage dealers and healers and will be full of what? tanks?
#117 Aug 08 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
My take is that 'hero class' refers simply to the fact that it's a class totally based on a hero, namely Arthas. All the wannabe Arthases can now be his class.

Maybe another hero class could be Demon Hunter for Illidan, or Warden for Maiev.

I'm worried about balance etc., but hey, they have a year to work out the mechanics so hopefully the kinks can be worked out. And anyways, Northrend, yay!

Did anyone else notice that the press released mentioned a new race for the Horde but not Alliance? Or was I sleeping through that part?
#118 Aug 08 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
I would like to see an auction house in Dalaran....

...A portal/teleport spell to Gadgetzan.

Also, I think it would be interesting if you could level your toon up to 80, then complete a very difficult set of quests (think worse than warlock/pally mount) that can only be done solo (personal instance?) to earn the distinction of "elite." I'd like to see a gold dragon over my picture.
#119 Aug 08 2007 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
[small]I think the deathknight idea is great, my server has barely any tanks on it, this will definately generate more tanks, provided they don't have a viable dps tree [/small]

They are designed for tanking and dps so I would expect the majority of them to go dps unless they are somehow easier to tank with.

[small]arthas was a palladin then was corrupted by the scourge and became a death knight, death knight are most closely a pally/necromancer, as from wc3 exp they had the ability to heal with shadow spells (but were only able to heal other allies?) and do damage, they also had buffs like a palladin and were able to summon a minion, i dont think blizzard will change any of that[/small]

They will not be a pet class with a minion. According to what was said at the Con, they will probably have some sort of summoning abilities akin to the Water Elemental that frost Mages can summon.

[small]Did anyone else notice that the press released mentioned a new race for the Horde but not Alliance? Or was I sleeping through that part?[/small]

They said there would be no new playable races in this upcoming expansion. The new races would be enemies or additional factions like Sporregar.
#120 Aug 08 2007 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,025 posts
For me, when I think of the new Death Knight Class, In my head it resembles a cross between the ideas of a Rogue and a Shaman.

My reasons being that it's a non-mana based class based on a number of cooldowns.
The Deathknight works by using runes for Frost, Unholy (Shadow) and Blood (I'm guessing Blood is physical, much like a variety of Bleed effects), and from what it sounds like there will be some effects that will act like a proc on hit (like a Paladins Seal of Righteousness).

I could be right or wrong, but it is fun speculating about what the new class will be like, because all we know is these two spells so far wrote:

'Army of the Dead?'
Raises Several Temporary Undead Minions
[A possible Deathknight AoE Spell]

Unholy Embrace - Instant Cast. 5 min cooldown
Target is embraced by a silhouette of darkness for 6 seconds, corrupting any healing spells and effects cast upon or currently affecting the target to cause damage for 50% of their healing potential instead of restoring health. Any damage shields cast upon or currently affecting the target will also be instantly consumed, dealing 50% of their absorption potential in damage. Once afflicted with Unholy Embrace, the target cannot be afflicted with Unholy Embrace again for 1 minute.


I also very much like the Blizzard Unitframes for this class XD

Also //
Picture of the three types of runes Frost_and_Unholy[/Darkorchid">Crimson]Blood, Frost and [Darkorchid]Unholy[/Darkorchid

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 1:08am by KeikoMYA
#121 Aug 09 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
I know I'm kinda late in posting a message here, but for me and just watching the trailer....did it seem to anyone else that the Human Paladin could almost change AT WILL to the death knight? Maybe it'll be more along the lines of a posession that you can do at any time with a cooldown...

just a thought. When we was surrounded it seemed to me that the next time you saw him, he was a Death Knight.

#122 Aug 09 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
I'm not sure they are designed to be tanks. I read somewhere they cannot hold a shield, but can dual wield. Unless they have major dodge and parry, that could be a problem on bosses.

They are meant to be tank/dps hybrids, who use 2-handers or dual-wield. It is specifiacally stated that they won't use shields. How they're going to work as tanks remains to be seen, though I'd point out that druid tanks don't have shields. At the panel, it was jokingly mentioned that no self-respecting death knight would use a wussy shield.

According to Gamespot's interview with J. Alen Brack, you get your DK via a long quest chain where you free a DK from Arthas's control. At which point you can then role a DK as one of your alts, with a fairly high starting level that has yet to be set (50s, 60s, 70 mentioned).

The DK is said to be the equal of otehr classes. Different, not better. So they say. ^_^

The hero class concept seems to be that you get a new character, but you don't have to level up this character.

It was stated that no other hero class would be released with WotLK.

A DK uses a new resource system in place of mana, energy or rage: runes.

There are 3 types of runes: Frost, Blood, and Unholy.

You inscribe 6 runes onto your weapon, and your useage of spells/abilities consumes runes the same way as mana/rage/energy is consumed. Like those resources, runes regenerate. Mention was made (at the panel or interview) that there might be ways to increase rune regeneration rate.

You can inscribe runes in any combo when you're out of combat: 2/2/2, 6, 4/1/1, 3/2/1, 5/1, etc.

It's kind of interesting how the rumors fly around about these guys when it sounds like Blizz hasn't even completed it yet. I get the impression these guys are like plated, pet-less warlocks that wield ice instead of fire... but I definately could be wrong... that and they may change next week.

It's important to remember that Blizz has made it clear that WotLK is very much a work in progress.

WotLK won't be released until at least a year after TBC was released. Don't be surprised if it's still not out this time next year.
#123 Aug 09 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
I just thought of another thing that was brought up at the intro session: Guild Banks

Blizz is working on guild banks, where the guild leader is going to be able to control permissions for various sections. This might be in an upcoming patch rather than the Xpack, but they are in our future.
#124 Aug 09 2007 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,025 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
I just thought of another thing that was brought up at the intro session: Guild Banks

Blizz is working on guild banks, where the guild leader is going to be able to control permissions for various sections. This might be in an upcoming patch rather than the Xpack, but they are in our future.

I thought the guild banks were being added in 2.1.4 or 2.1.5? iirc, but I could be wrong xD

Edited, Aug 9th 2007 4:25pm by KeikoMYA
#125 Aug 09 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
I just thought of another thing that was brought up at the intro session: Guild Banks

Blizz is working on guild banks, where the guild leader is going to be able to control permissions for various sections. This might be in an upcoming patch rather than the Xpack, but they are in our future.

Yes, I remember hearing a small mention of this as well but never heard more on it during the convention. Since it wasn't advertised as part of the new expansion, it could very likely be in a patch before the expansion comes out.

It certainly gives me reason to hang onto the mostly-defunct Ally guild I ended up with leadership of. Unfortunately, most of my storage problems are on Horde and I'm pretty entrenched in a good casual guild and I like having my alts in there so I can watch the /gchat.
#126 Aug 10 2007 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
587 posts
All this talk about Death Knights being some type of tank without a shield reminds me of how Samurais in FFXI were intended to be tanks. Those of us who played that game know how well that turned out to be.

Nonetheless, I think that Blizz has done a pretty good job of well thought out classes. Hopefully, Death Knight will not be an exception.
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