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Wrath of the Lich King : What we know thus far.Follow

#127 Aug 11 2007 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
Somehow, it seems like Rogues will be displaced by the introduction of a Plate-wearing, close combat DPS class. Especially in 25/10 man raids. Possibly even 5 mans. I'm not saying they won't have their uses but... in terms of guild preferences, I foresee Death Knights being above Rogues.

Although I'm also sure the extra 10 talent points will cause all sorts of fun things to happen. I just wish they'd bring out some information about the new skills for other classes.

I sincerely hope the balance of the game shifts away from the "bigger is better" idea, and more towards finesse. Though I suppose if they're going to give a 10 level buffer every year, the numbers are going to become bigger whether I like it or not...

Plus, the current max level is limited at 255... though I suppose if the game lasted 20 years, Blizzard would probably consider that a perfectly respectable run. Actually, I think any MMO would.
#128REDACTED, Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 1:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just hope they make the stats jump between items a little less drastic, because the day i bought burning crusade and did a few very easy quests, i had replaced my epics with greens because they were significantly better. Which is bad because hours of running ZG were wasted and my hard earned items became obsolete over night. Boo urns.
#129 Aug 11 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Default
90 posts
Hey all...

..found some niffty screen shots of what i'm guessing will be the new region with the new addon.
#130 Aug 11 2007 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
received an email from Gamespot which gave a release date of 12/31/2008.

Note - this is not posted on blizzard's main website or the Lich King page so it could just be pure speculation by Gamespot. I'm just passing it along

#131 Aug 12 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
171 posts
so when you make a death knight, they will be created at lvl 40-70, but what then? will you get them at lvl 50 with a lvl 1 1.4 dps axe and starting clothes, or will you be given a new set of armour which looks great, has great stats and automatically makes you outgear all the people at your level?

the way i see it the death knight will start off either over, or undergeared when they are first made . so they will in fact NOT be as powerful as 'any other class' at least not to start with
#132REDACTED, Posted: Aug 13 2007 at 6:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#133REDACTED, Posted: Aug 15 2007 at 3:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I know theres going to be new hairstyles...but what about facial hair?
#134 Aug 18 2007 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
Sound's like they are trying to make a new warrior type of class. Melee DPS? check (from what i hear-tanking) check DK has those too...
#135 Aug 19 2007 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
I'd hate to trade in my Druid for one of those Death Knights. I mean, Death Knights can do cool things and all, but can they turn into Trees?...I didn't think so. Also, do you think they will come up with new mounts or have the same quest-mount that pallies have for the DK?
#136 Aug 19 2007 at 7:43 PM Rating: Default
Jorox wrote:
Well, to all the people that haven't reached 70, you still probably have about 5-6 months if the expansion is released around the same time as the other one has.

Try 11-12 months.
#137 Aug 20 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
I used to think the new expansion would be a year, year and a half away. But now I'm not so sure. It might be much sooner.

#138 Aug 20 2007 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
It all sounds very interesting. I've been hooping that there would be more PvP content. My main (seeing as how two surgeries has put me at home and very, very broke) has nothing to do but PvP since TBC is still slightly out of my reach. I've come to really like PvP and I'm sure it will still be my main focus after all the expacs and tweaks that will come soon after new releases.

The DK really has no appeal to me. I'd rather focus on what I started out to make rather than see a ton of people running around with hunters (just to unlock DK). I'm sure that blizz will think of all this and take it all into account, but still... I shudder to think.
#139 Aug 20 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Dejoblue wrote:

Death Knight is rolled into the Retribution tree as its Hero Class and once you reach level 10 on your hero class you can embark on a quest that lets you create any class beginning at level 60. NOW they don't have to rebalance and change the low level content. Even less work for them.

some of us don't have level 70's yet.

#140 Aug 21 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I heard there was going to be an underwater city/area. Is this BS or are they really doig this?
#141 Aug 21 2007 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
BigBoyBattle wrote:
I heard there was going to be an underwater city/area. Is this BS or are they really doig this?

Sounds like BS. There had been speculation that there would be an underwater-themed expansion that deals with the Maelstrom and Queen Azshara, the naga forces and all that. But in any case, that's not in this one.
#142 Aug 21 2007 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
moneywagon wrote:
I just hope they make the stats jump between items a little less drastic, because the day i bought burning crusade and did a few very easy quests, i had replaced my epics with greens because they were significantly better. Which is bad because hours of running ZG were wasted and my hard earned items became obsolete over night. Boo urns.

So, how many levels do you want your L70 epics to last before you post a QQ on the o-boards? Or, more important, how many months of play do you want out of your L70 epics? If you have them now, you'll get to play with them until... OMG, the next instance with better gear gets released in a patch! Oh, no! You'll have been trivialized before WLK is released!

In other words, QQ more.
#143 Aug 21 2007 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
DaDrooid wrote:
I'd hate to trade in my Druid for one of those Death Knights. I mean, Death Knights can do cool things and all, but can they turn into Trees?...I didn't think so. Also, do you think they will come up with new mounts or have the same quest-mount that pallies have for the DK?

You will be able to use your flying mounts in Northrend.
#144 Aug 21 2007 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
DaDrooid wrote:
I'd hate to trade in my Druid for one of those Death Knights. I mean, Death Knights can do cool things and all, but can they turn into Trees?...I didn't think so. Also, do you think they will come up with new mounts or have the same quest-mount that pallies have for the DK?

You will be able to use your flying mounts in Northrend.

Indeed. Though I vaguely remember reading that you would not be able to do so at first, that it would be patched in later.
#145 Aug 22 2007 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
This expansion seems pretty tasty all together, I love the inclusion of a new sort of character class, even though the hero classes won't be overpowered, they will be a sort of mark of honor I suppose, you've actually got to work for them.

That being said, I'm not terribly excited about the initial one. While summoning the vile undead does sound like a hoot, I'm waiting for something a little more my speed. (something with a gun preferably)

All in all I don't much like cold places, and I look forward to when they finally make The Emerald Dream an accessible zone. Maybe in 2009?
#146 Aug 23 2007 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
New info here:

summary: interviewed Jeff Kaplan (Tigole) during the Games Convention today. We learned a few more things about WotLK.
The new Caverns of Time instance will be Stratholme (5 players, level 80 instance). You'll join the "old" (and good) Arthas to clean Stratholme and burn everything on your way !
The prereq level for Death Knight probably won't be 80 to avoid any leveling rush just to unlock it. It could possibly be between 55 and 60. Once you reached the required level you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight.
Runes combination will unlock different abilities for the Death Knight. You can use up to 6 runes and there isn't any restriction (6 unholy, 2 unholy 2 frost 2 blood, 3 frost 3 blood, etc ...). For example you will need blood an unholy runes to use "Army of the dead", and won't be able to use it if you've only got frost runes.
Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster.
#147 Aug 23 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,632 posts
Anobix wrote:
New info here:

summary: interviewed Jeff Kaplan (Tigole) during the Games Convention today. We learned a few more things about WotLK.
The new Caverns of Time instance will be Stratholme (5 players, level 80 instance). You'll join the "old" (and good) Arthas to clean Stratholme and burn everything on your way !
The prereq level for Death Knight probably won't be 80 to avoid any leveling rush just to unlock it. It could possibly be between 55 and 60. Once you reached the required level you create your Death Knight and face some challenges. If you have mastered them, you will get your Death Knight.
Runes combination will unlock different abilities for the Death Knight. You can use up to 6 runes and there isn't any restriction (6 unholy, 2 unholy 2 frost 2 blood, 3 frost 3 blood, etc ...). For example you will need blood an unholy runes to use "Army of the dead", and won't be able to use it if you've only got frost runes.
Future hero classes could be Demon Hunter, Arch Mage, and Blademaster.

Thanks for that link, updated the OP.
#148 Aug 24 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Another thing I have found. There have been a lot of questions if epic flying will go down in the expansion, according to Drysc, it will not:

Drysc (Blizzard Poster) wrote:
As Dominitus stated the mount costs going from the original game to BC was lowered to make it a smooth transition ranking through the mount riding skills. Really that 'smoothing' of the riding skill progression, now that it was being extended, was because there was somewhere for it to extend to. Flying mounts were being added. If you start a new character you can get your epic ground mount right around 60 without too much hassle, and then on to your flying mount at 70 without too much hassle.

So really, the lowering of the cost of the flying mounts would really depend on the riding skill being extended further, and at this time there are no plans to do so.

In summary there will not be a decrease.
#149 Aug 24 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Default
ArcandCB wrote:
I think the deathknight idea is great, my server has barely any tanks on it, this will definately generate more tanks

I'm not sure they are designed to be tanks. I read somewhere they cannot hold a shield, but can dual wield. Unless they have major dodge and parry, that could be a problem on bosses.

It's kind of interesting how the rumors fly around about these guys when it sounds like Blizz hasn't even completed it yet. I get the impression these guys are like plated, pet-less warlocks that wield ice instead of fire... but I definately could be wrong... that and they may change next week.

ummm. At Blizzcon, it was stated that the Death Knight would be able to tank while dual-wielding.
#150REDACTED, Posted: Aug 25 2007 at 2:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) all i know is that theres a new contenent, 2 new classes and enscripting
#151 Aug 25 2007 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
from Wrath of the Lich King Exclusive Interview (PC). This the reporter's view, not necessarily Blizzard's.

The whole Death Knight questline, if you can call it that, starts at around level 55 to level 70, so you won't be waiting till level 80 to start on that. You will be able to play with the Death Knight while keeping the old character. It's also not going to be this all-powerful unit, and when asked about how hard it would be to get a Death Knight, I got the sense that the team wants to make it as accessible as one such class would allow. I jokingly made a comment about a thousand Death Knights running around and they (also semi-jokingly) responded with approval to that comment. So, obviously, the Death Knight hero class is not something that they plan to keep exclusive to a select few of the most hardcore players. At least that's the impression I got.

Information on the Instances at Utgarde Keep from New Info Straight From Tigole at Leipzig

We first asked about Utgarde Keep, located in Howling Fjord. It's going to be a winged dungeon with two instances. One is a level 70 instance for players to level up in and the other - called "Utgarde Pinnacle" - will be for level 80 players. Both instances will of course have Normal and Heroic versions.

Information on the Inscriopion profession - also from Straight From Tigole at Leipzig

A bit later we asked if he could go into more details about the Inscription profession. It's being approached in a different manner than previous professions because the team doesn't want it to become a balancing necessity like "add 100 more spell damage" - something they quickly ran into with Alchemy in The Burning Crusade. Instead, they're leaning toward things such as Frost Nova having a wider radius, or the root portion lasting a bit longer(both examples which may not go in). Inscription will of course also work on melee abilities.

Finally, a blue post regarding flying mounts in Northrend:

From a design standpoint, we don’t want people to just fly over continent and skip things when they are leveling up. Instead we want people to explore and experience the environment around them when they first reach the shores of Northrend. You will walk (or ride) from one quest to another as the zones unfold before you instead of just flying over it without batting an eye.

At some point though you will definitely be able to fly in Northrend. We are currently thinking around level 78, but haven’t made a final call on this yet.

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