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LFR is Awesome...Follow

#1 Feb 05 2013 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Before I get flamethrowers on me...

I'll say that yes yes I know LFR is easy blah blah.

But you know what?

I love LFR.

I'm a guy who has such a variable schedule, joining a Raiding Guild is not an option for me, or at least not a feasible one. And due to burn out, it is probably not healthy that I join one, and I'm not really of the mindset of the progression raider -- I play mainly to see the sights, to sit back, relax, and have a fun time.


Before Patch 4.3 came out, I was starting to lose faith that I'd ever see any of that "fun" stuff that people do in-game. Then they announced LFR, but... it was somewhat difficult (for me) to get in, because I hated the 30-45min wait times on DPS queues, my tanks weren't geared for HoT, the old heroics were too hard that most PUGs wiped and/or the sheer fail Qing up was staggering...

Well, thankfully, I knew these two awesome guys RL, one played a healer, the other played a DPS. We Q'd up, enjoyed 3 min queues and I got geared for LFR fairly quickly, a week or two at the most once I started doing Heroics with them. Did LFR only twice, though... managed to get Deathwing on the first week, the second one failed in the 2nd half. Didn't touch it since, esp since both guys no longer play due to their RLs.

Fast-Forward to Pandaria.

Up until a Month ago, I was too deep into leveling alts and crafts that I never had time to gear a "main" up for LFR. My Blacksmith on the Horde side did eventually get into an LFR or two, but meh. I didn't really pursue that much.

A couple weeks later, I pushed our Alliance paladins up to 460+.

This is the third consecutive week I've done LFRs (Mine are already done this week, need to see to hers now).

I'm loving this whole LFR thing. It is fun, it is rewarding (476s are way better than 450s, the difference is VERY noticable!!) and I'm only missing 3 or so pieces out of MSV and I'm only 2 I-level under Heart of Fear. Used 4 coins today, only got the Pants from Will that I already had... gaaaah. I think this week I'll focus on getting the necklace out of Golden Lotus -- that might push me up to 470 so I can start HoF next week.

If that doesn't do it, I'll buy a damn 476 cape from the AH, lol. I want HoF next week. *grumble*

Anyways, yeah.

I'm loving LFR.

It is awesome stuff. I also did a few Heroics with aforementioned Paladin.

Mists of Pandaria is... I don't know... a Golden Age of WoW for me. It just... clicks in all the right ways. I haven't had this much fun in WoW for like.... ever. I finally feel at least somewhat viable (except in PvP which I don't do) and somewhat able to progress my character past the level cap.

So yeah, just... musing and posting random thoughts I guess.

TL;DR: LFR is awesome, I love MoP. Almost done with MSV. Wanna do HoF Next Week.
#2 Feb 06 2013 at 1:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
I think it's great that LFR gives you the opportunity to see content you'd otherwise miss out on. It shows that Blizzard did accomplish the goal they created LFR for in the first place. If you haven't done so already you should probably try to get Wrathions legendary Questline. At least up until now all of it that requires a raid can be completed via the Raidfinder.

I have mostly stopped doing LFR at this point. I don't need any more gear from it and while it is a great way to earn Valor Points I always find myself struggling not to fall asleep during it. That is, sadly, not an exaggeration. I have done every part of LFR pretty often plus I've seen every single one of these bosses in normal mode rather often too.
Add to that the fact how in LFR most mechanics get ignored and bosses just get zerged down... yeah to me at least it is not really very thrilling any more. ;)
#3 Feb 06 2013 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
I think it's great that LFR gives you the opportunity to see content you'd otherwise miss out on. It shows that Blizzard did accomplish the goal they created LFR for in the first place. If you haven't done so already you should probably try to get Wrathions legendary Questline. At least up until now all of it that requires a raid can be completed via the Raidfinder.

Yeah, I'm currently on 6/10 Sigils of Power... hoping that a Sha weapon will actually drop by the time I get the gem for it.

I have mostly stopped doing LFR at this point. I don't need any more gear from it and while it is a great way to earn Valor Points I always find myself struggling not to fall asleep during it. That is, sadly, not an exaggeration. I have done every part of LFR pretty often plus I've seen every single one of these bosses in normal mode rather often too.
Add to that the fact how in LFR most mechanics get ignored and bosses just get zerged down... yeah to me at least it is not really very thrilling any more. ;)

I can relate to that... a couple of the LFR MSV fights aren't all that interesting, at least not to a melee... like... Gara'jal. You stand there and pound on what is basically a training dummy until he dies. However, fights like the Spirit Kings and Will are more fun as there's more to actually Do.
#4 Feb 06 2013 at 7:20 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Despite having a 481 ilevel, I still have yet to do any raids Smiley: glare It's on my to-do list, I swear!

Sadly, by the time I actually start doing them, most of my gear will probably be better than what drops! I think I only have 5 blues; the only thing I REALLY want from LFR is a sha-touched weapon to replace my beloved Spear of Xuen. Everything else I can find a VP equivalent that is 489 or better.
#5 Feb 06 2013 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Despite having a 481 ilevel, I still have yet to do any raids Smiley: glare It's on my to-do list, I swear!

Sadly, by the time I actually start doing them, most of my gear will probably be better than what drops! I think I only have 5 blues; the only thing I REALLY want from LFR is a sha-touched weapon to replace my beloved Spear of Xuen. Everything else I can find a VP equivalent that is 489 or better.

You'll have to do each raid once for the achievements, since later raids in LFR are locked until you finish the earlier ones. 481 is plenty good enough for MSV and easily enough for Heart of Fear/Terrace too. Actually, 481 is enough for 5.2 LFR too lol.

IMO, the earlier you start on killing the Sha in Terrace, the more likely you're to get a weapon off him. I'd save all the coins for him to be honest.
#6 Feb 06 2013 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Despite having a 481 ilevel, I still have yet to do any raids Smiley: glare It's on my to-do list, I swear!

Sadly, by the time I actually start doing them, most of my gear will probably be better than what drops! I think I only have 5 blues; the only thing I REALLY want from LFR is a sha-touched weapon to replace my beloved Spear of Xuen. Everything else I can find a VP equivalent that is 489 or better.

You'll have to do each raid once for the achievements, since later raids in LFR are locked until you finish the earlier ones. 481 is plenty good enough for MSV and easily enough for Heart of Fear/Terrace too. Actually, 481 is enough for 5.2 LFR too lol.

IMO, the earlier you start on killing the Sha in Terrace, the more likely you're to get a weapon off him. I'd save all the coins for him to be honest.

Yeah... my issue is that I play as a tank and I'm worried about going in and messing up somehow. I think I'll rope some friends into going with me so they can tell me what to watch out for Smiley: tongue I'm a pretty good tank; I just don't know the tactics of the fights, and haven't been motivated enough to learn them, haha!
#7 Feb 06 2013 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,700 posts
You have my interest piqued so going to ask a few questions ...

Lyrailis wrote:
it is rewarding (476s are way better than 450s, the difference is VERY noticable!!)

I just did a quick google search and it said the drops from MSV (item levle 460 required) were 489 which is the same as the valor epics, but you say they are 476, are the heroics 489 and the normal are 476?

How long do the raids take? I hit the item level requirement the other day (all heroic with 5 to 6 epics) and am horribly bored with doing Panda Heroics, so this could be a good option if the time frame is ok. I just remember the original raids took like 4 hours and do not want to dedicate that amount of time ...

Last question ... do you still get justice points for any kills or is it all valor points? I'm a little behind on the whole justice point thing and need 4-5k more to finish out my final heirloom pieces :(

#8 Feb 06 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Kronig wrote:
You have my interest piqued so going to ask a few questions ...

Lyrailis wrote:
it is rewarding (476s are way better than 450s, the difference is VERY noticable!!)

I just did a quick google search and it said the drops from MSV (item levle 460 required) were 489 which is the same as the valor epics, but you say they are 476, are the heroics 489 and the normal are 476?

LFR epics are 476, normal are 489, heroic are 502.

Last question ... do you still get justice points for any kills or is it all valor points? I'm a little behind on the whole justice point thing and need 4-5k more to finish out my final heirloom pieces :(

AFAIK, all VP. A good tip for JP acquisition that I used last week - the Shieldwall/Dominance rare spawns (the same ones that drop the Brawler's Guild invitation) have like 20-30 minute respawns, and drop commendations worth a baseline 250 honor points. Honor points can be converted into Justice Points at a ratio of 375-250. 10 minutes of farming the spawns will give you about 935 honor points (assuming you use your battle standard when you consume the commendation, and if you have the guild boosts). Do that a few times a day and you cap your HP (and later your JP) very quickly. Plus, you know, achievements, invitations, semi-worthless PvP ilevel 489 trinkets, gold, and miscellaneous crafting mats.
#9 Feb 06 2013 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
For me, I don't really enjoy LFR very much. I should be running it, since I still need some gear from it, but I just don't feel like it. It ends up just being a means to an end (i.e., getting better gear to do normal raids). Something I have to do, rather than something I want to do...a chore.

I've posted about this before, but I have two main issues with LFR:

1. The raids are too big for my taste. I prefer 10-man. In 25, it just doesn't seem to matter much what I do, or don't do. I've grown to like the smaller size raid and the feeling that everyone has to bring it, or you'll fail. I've been the fail at times, but to me, the challenge of it is more appealing than just being 1 of 25.

2. The raids are too faceroll for my taste. I'm no elitist, by any stretch. But, the LFR mechanics just aren't enough of a challenge, in my opinion.

Another problem with LFR is the typical lack of social interaction. I'm not a huge talker, but I enjoy being part of a guild group that cares about each other and is working toward a goal together. LFR just feels like a bunch of NPCs going nuts. There's not much coordination, a lot of gogogo, and the occasional asshat to brighten everyone's day.

That being said, I think it's great that LFR allows people to see the content. It lets folks that might not otherwise raid, get a taste of it.

So, there's my 2 copper. (No flamethrowing, just my opinion)

(edit: spelling, because flamthrowing may be a sport somewhere, but it doesn't have the heat that flamethrowing does)

Edited, Feb 6th 2013 9:38am by azwing
#10 Feb 06 2013 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,700 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
LFR epics are 476, normal are 489, heroic are 502.

Gotcha, thanks!

LockeColeMA wrote:
AFAIK, all VP. A good tip for JP acquisition that I used last week - the Shieldwall/Dominance rare spawns (the same ones that drop the Brawler's Guild invitation) have like 20-30 minute respawns, and drop commendations worth a baseline 250 honor points. Honor points can be converted into Justice Points at a ratio of 375-250. 10 minutes of farming the spawns will give you about 935 honor points (assuming you use your battle standard when you consume the commendation, and if you have the guild boosts). Do that a few times a day and you cap your HP (and later your JP) very quickly. Plus, you know, achievements, invitations, semi-worthless PvP ilevel 489 trinkets, gold, and miscellaneous crafting mats.

Have not tried those before, will have to look into it. I did figure out that Wintergrasp is also another viable option. On my server or cross server few if any people participate, so I just load up and kill the mobs then smash through the gates to win, takes about 20-25 minutes and you earn about 850 HP's and then you clear out VoA for another 125 HP's. Granted VoA is only once a week but Wintergraps is every couple of hours with repeatable quest.
#11 Feb 06 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
I could be wrong but I think you get VP only when you finish any of the LFR parts, not when you kill an individual boss in there. Also I don't think you get any JP in there.
#12 Feb 06 2013 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
I could be wrong but I think you get VP only when you finish any of the LFR parts, not when you kill an individual boss in there. Also I don't think you get any JP in there.

This is 100% accurate.

You gain 90 VP for the first clear of any LFR raid currently. You get 45 VP for subsequent clears, but you do not get any loot on any subsequent times you kill the bosses, however you CAN use Elder Coins.

For example, if you do Vault of Mysteries (MSV 2nd half), and you get into a group that already killed the Spirit Kings, you can go through, and kill Elegon and Will of the Emperor. You will get 90 VP plus whatever any bosses might have dropped.

You can Q up for Vault of Mysteries again, and the LFR system will try its hardest to put you into a fresh run. Assuming you get a Fresh Run (I've never NOT gotten a Fresh Run on the 2nd try) you'll get loot from the Spirit Kings (since that was already dead on your first trip). You will NOT get loot from Elegon or Will of the Emperor, BUT you can use any Elder Coins you have on those if you want/need any of the items they drop. You will get 45 VP for that run.
#13 Feb 07 2013 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
You will NOT get loot from Elegon or Will of the Emperor, BUT you can use any Elder Coins you have on those if you want/need any of the items they drop

This threw me off last night ... I ran 3 raids and on the first boss I was given a chest piece /dance, I kept using coins on each boss and 8/9 times I got gold and the other time I got a ring. I was also given some gloves and a bracer at some point during the fights, why was I awared these items? Did everyone else already have them or is it an entirely random system? Guess I need to atlasloot lookup the bosses to see who to use the coints on /noob

The system is pretty nice and the mechanics of the fights were somewhat interesting. I have to say that overall it was typical boring raiding with a few moments of good gaming mixed in.

Edited, Feb 7th 2013 8:38am by Kronig
#14 Feb 07 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Kronig wrote:
I was also given some gloves and a bracer at some point during the fights, why was I awared these items?

Maybe they were random drops from Trashmobs that just took some people a little while to press Greed/Need. Other than that I cannot explain why you should get Items during a boss fight instead of after.

And your loot in LFR is only influenced by the other 24 players when it comes to the random drops from Trashmobs. Bossloot is totally unaffected by others. That also applies to the Drops/Gold from your Bonusrolls.
#15 Feb 07 2013 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,700 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Other than that I cannot explain why you should get Items during a boss fight instead of after.

I misspoke there, these were level 476 epic's I was awareded after the bosses were downed, no random rolling or coin usage, boss died and it said you had won so and so ... my bad on the phrasing.

TherealLogros wrote:
Bossloot is totally unaffected by others. That also applies to the Drops/Gold from your Bonusrolls.

That answers my question!

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