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Considering a return...Follow

#1 Dec 21 2012 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
First off, I apologize for making one of these threads but I'm really heavily thinking about this.

I played FFXI 2004-2008. Then I came to WoW until ICC came out (I had a daughter, took all my time lol). I then joined the Army, went to Afghanistan and got back into FFXI due to mutual friends. They since play less and I've lost my desire to play it. Also, my ladyfriend likes WoW and would play with me.

My concerns: I've heard a lot of bad things about Cataclysm but not many good. However, to be fair, I know very few WoW players anymore. The biggest issue is I had a 5th ranked Retadin/9th ranked Protadin on Alleria when I quit. I lost -everything- and was 1 event from the ?Twilight?(The one from the full event completion) Drake. I even had the ones from Sarth 3D both battles. (I forgot alliance sizes in WoW... 6/18? 7/21? I'm old. I forget things) so that hurts. I would run BC raids for fun to make gold and fund my other adventures.

Is it possible to play without a guild now with all that has happened? I enjoy raiding but the lady does not so we'd likely just play together for fun. Could we manage in however the economy has turned without raid loot to auction off?

I know these threads appear too often here and on other game forums but I'd like the words of people currently playing over the gamble since it's pricy to jump into the game. Right now, I found a deal to let me buy two copies of everything (Battle Chest, Wrath, Cata, and Panda) for $110.

So I'm tempted, despite my losses, to begin anew and give this a shot. Is it still a worthy game for "brand new" players?
#2 Dec 21 2012 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
There is a tremendous amount of things to do in the game.
-On the more guildless fun Blizzard has made it so you can zone in an old raid without being in a raid group which is a big + in my book.
-They nerfed some of the encounters that would make it range from extremely difficult to downright impossible to manageable. A classic example is Razergore is now easily soloable for all classes, not just hunters (I miss 1500g runs on my hunter Smiley: frown). Again big +.
-Speaking of gold, they nerfed the gold from raids so that you will get <x> gold from an encounter regardless it is a full 40 man raid or you are just punching C'thun in the eye by yourself. A - in my book.
-Pet battles. It is like pokemon in a way but with a WoW twist. Almost all your pets can fight, you can collect pets in the wild some of which are very rare and hard to find, some raid bosses drop pets. A massively big + in my book if you enjoy that type of thing, otherwise you can easily look it over.
-Speaking of pets, both them and your mounts are shared across your account minus some exceptions. PvP and class mounts are character specific (will still count towards your "collect <x> mounts" achiev though). Faction mounts are faction specific, including the Traveling Tundra. Which raises a complaint in my book I have the achiev for TT, I should be able to ride it dangit! A big + with a minor annoying - concerning some achiev mounts.
-Achievements and titles are account bound also. Not much to say here that isn't obvious enough. A +.
-There are scenario's that you can do for gold and the occasional piece of gear. It gives lore plus they are generally short. A +.
-You can now queue for a raid and, if people aren't pants on head retarded, will be able to kill bosses for a chance at loot. They also changed the looting so now loot rolls are personal with a token you can get from doing dailies that can be used for an extra roll. No longer will you have to worry about a hunter in full heroic raid gear rolling on your gear and then bragging about how he is just going to sell it and call you all scrubs since you are not in the super awesome uber gear that he is in. ...No, I am not bitter at all... Smiley: glare
-Dailies are taking more of a precedence now. Some people will argue that they are mandatory for gear progression but those people are full of crap. They were mandatory for those that wanted to push server firsts, after that they are a boost, nothing more nothing less. Dailies will range from you helping bug men, to you killing them, fishing, farming (literally), working on your cloud serpent, to cursing your fellow gamers when they keep ninja'ing mobs around you. A + for me but I can understand how some people will consider dailies to be a -.

I am sure I am missing things but if you were enjoying yourself before I am sure you are going to have an utter blast in Mists of Pandaria. Good luck with your adventure and ignore the haters.
#3 Dec 21 2012 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, thank you. I missed out on my shipping making it here by 24th but... 26th is fine! Thank you much.
#4 Dec 21 2012 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Just wanted to pipe in Wrath is already included in Battle chest, also if you Scroll of rez your old account it gets upgraded to Cata for free, plus the rezzer gets a free mount. also you get a free character at 80 with decent lvling gear, and a free server transfer to the rezzers realm/Faction if you wish. Many here would help you with that. (My wife has been wanting it but the scrolls she sent from her account havent subbed). Right now Blizz has Battlechests for 5, Cata for 10, and if you can find MoP cheap might be able to lower your initial cost.

If you are planning on both starting new accounts, make sure you both RAF, its 300% xp when grouped together from 1-80, the ability to port the other person to the first persons location, and the person that was recruiting can gift half of the levels they've earned to the recruiter's alt. So if you can chain Scroll of rez on your old account, get Free Cata upgrade + an 80, and (Transfer to another realm if you choose), then recruit a friend her new account, that way you haveto only buy MoPx2, Battlechest x1, Cata x1.

As for guildless, you could do it but there is tons of Older Casual guilds(guilds have levels now that give perks Xp boost/Rep Boost, Crafting boosts etc) that have Mature* players, might need to do a bit of selective searching though.

Hope this helps.
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#5 Dec 21 2012 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Mists of Pandaria is an awesome, awesome expansion.

You've got a lot to look forward to.

Yes, Cataclysm was.... not.... the best era of WoW, sadly. In fact, many players agree it had some of the worst times WoW has offered.

However, MoP turned that around quite nicely.

Starting out anew is totally feasible; you can easily get Level 90 within a month depending on how much you actually play the game. Two months, tops, even starting out at Level 1.

They've made many changes to classes that make the lower levels fast and easy so you can get into the "good stuff" sooner rather than dragging it out.

Then, when you get Level 85... you get to the "meat" of the current game, Jade Forest and other Pandaria areas. Monk (the newest class to be added) is also a very solid and fun class, though if you haven't played WoW in awhile, not sure it is your best option, as it is easy to learn, but difficult to master. It has a huge toolbox which might be overwhelming depending on player skill.
#6 Dec 22 2012 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
A big plus that Cata brought us was the old world revamp. Leveling 1-60 is vastly improved. Sure, apart from t11 the raid content had its flaws but since we're now in Pandaria that should hardly concern the OP. ;)
#7 Dec 22 2012 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
OK, I'll bite ...

The biggest issue is I had a 5th ranked Retadin/9th ranked Protadin on Alleria when I quit. I lost -everything- and was 1 event from the ?Twilight?(The one from the full event completion) Drake. I even had the ones from Sarth 3D both battles.

So, why not get your old account restored and pick up from there?
#8 Dec 22 2012 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
A big plus that Cata brought us was the old world revamp. Leveling 1-60 is vastly improved. Sure, apart from t11 the raid content had its flaws but since we're now in Pandaria that should hardly concern the OP. ;)

Unless of course the OP is a leatherworker playing a leather or mail class and wants to craft armor for his/her own use....

#9 Dec 22 2012 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Cata was a steaming ****. When MoP was announced it sounded like it was going to be a runny dump of fail.

Turns out they managed to make a very solid expansion. Lots of dailies, pet battles, tillers etc, features that are casual friendly. Also you can go into old raids without forming a raid, I farm Kaelthas and Attumen + Onyxia for mounts each week. Also LFR (Looking for Raid), you queue for a raid, takes about 20-40 minutes to complete a wing (think ICC dungeon in length) and you get a chance at loot.

I would say go for it.

Edited, Dec 22nd 2012 11:38am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Dec 22 2012 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
To echo most everyone, I have to admit that MoP is definitely the most solid expansion since TBC. PvP is in a pretty good state right now.

I'm really happy with the game in it's current condition, and with more and more nerfs happening to spriests, warriors, mages, and warlocks in PvP (proc based that allowed them to 100-0 full-resil players in one or two GCDs), it's only going to get better.
#11 Dec 22 2012 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
To echo most everyone, I have to admit that MoP is definitely the most solid expansion since TBC. PvP is in a pretty good state right now.

I'm really happy with the game in it's current condition, and with more and more nerfs happening to spriests, warriors, mages, and warlocks in PvP (proc based that allowed them to 100-0 full-resil players in one or two GCDs), it's only going to get better.

I doubt many are going to agree with me on this, because it seems everybody and their brother worships TBC, but eh...

I never liked TBC much.

Sure, sure, it was better than Vanilla, but yet there just wasn't much for the casual player to do whatsoever.

They didn't put any actually Good dailies in the game until Sunwell Plateau was released (Isle of Quel'Danas), other than Netherwing. And Netherwing required a 5-man group quest that was difficult to find groups for (it took me a solid 3 weeks of logging on regularly, near-begging for a Zuluhed run). Without the group quest, there were no dailies.

So, once you got to Level 70.... that's it. You were done, unless you had a good guild willing to carry you through Karazhan until you were up to speed or close-to. There literally was nothing else to do other than level alts.

Wrath came out, and sure it made everything easier (which angered a lot of hardcores), but yet it gave casual players/guildless players something to DO. There were dailies one could do without needing 5-man group quests. LFD appeared mid-expansion to actually allow people to go into Heroics and who knows, maybe even get geared for PUG raids of lesser tiers. And then the Argent Tournament came, and then people had plenty of solo stuff to do.

Then came Cataclysm.

The 1-60 revamp was awesome and sorely needed, but it killed Endgame. IMO, they should have delayed Cata's release by about 3 months to add more Endgame. Dailies got hit hard; you couldn't even max out your then-25 limit unless your faction owned Tol Barad and then it was just barely maxed if you did every Cataclysm daily in the game until Patch 4.2 came along and added Firelands. Firelands finally gave people something to do, but with the atrocious grind to get Marks of the World Tree to unlock anything worthwhile, people didn't want to do alts much because it just plain took too long to get stuff unlocked.

Now we have MoP. People complain about there being too many dailies, but once you get Revered once, it is not that bad. You can get Revered + 50% with the Klaxxi on day one. You can be almost Revered with the Shado-Pan on Day One. You get very close to being Honored with the Golden Lotus on Day One. It takes two days to get Revered with the Tillers now, another 3 or so to get Exalted.

One thing is for sure, though -- MoP offers lots and lots of things to do. I very rarely feel like I have nothing to do these days. There's always SOMETHING I can do.
#12 Dec 23 2012 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
To echo most everyone, I have to admit that MoP is definitely the most solid expansion since TBC. PvP is in a pretty good state right now.

I'm really happy with the game in it's current condition, and with more and more nerfs happening to spriests, warriors, mages, and warlocks in PvP (proc based that allowed them to 100-0 full-resil players in one or two GCDs), it's only going to get better.

I doubt many are going to agree with me on this, because it seems everybody and their brother worships TBC, but eh...

I never liked TBC much.

Sure, sure, it was better than Vanilla, but yet there just wasn't much for the casual player to do whatsoever.

They didn't put any actually Good dailies in the game until Sunwell Plateau was released (Isle of Quel'Danas), other than Netherwing. And Netherwing required a 5-man group quest that was difficult to find groups for (it took me a solid 3 weeks of logging on regularly, near-begging for a Zuluhed run). Without the group quest, there were no dailies.

So, once you got to Level 70.... that's it. You were done, unless you had a good guild willing to carry you through Karazhan until you were up to speed or close-to. There literally was nothing else to do other than level alts.

You're speaking from the point of view of someone who isn't social in a social game.

If you had nothing to do at 70 once you got there, you were playing the game wrong. There wasn't as much as now when you ding 90, but there was a ton of stuff to do. Like run heroics so you didn't have to be carried in Kara, or running arenas so you could get decent weapons so you didn't have to be carried.

For me, as soon as I hit 70 I was doing instances to get reps to get keyed for heroics, getting my Kara key, grinding BGs and arenas for the amazing gear they provided (keep in mind that S1/S2 weapons were amazingly good at the time, outside of BiS), and then when I was done with that stuff, I was raiding and doing arenas hardcore.

It's not like there was a whole lot more to do in WotLK other than dailies. And I'm sorry, if you judge an expansion off of the dailies, you have no idea what this game involves. Let's not forget that WotLK had ridiculously easy PvE content, and PvP was laughably balanced towards DKs for 99% of the expansion.
#13 Dec 23 2012 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Things I remember about TBC:

At the beginning of TBC, if your class didn't have CC, it was really hard to get into a heroic pug. My first 70 was a druid, so I ended up tanking most of the time. My second 70 was a warlock, because I thought juggling CC was fun. In the right pull, I could fear-kite one mob by swapping CoEx and CoR, Banish another, enslave a third, and have the enslaved demon tank a 4th.

I only ever went feral DPS on guild heroics, and for raiding I was the token bearcat for fights where we needed another tank, but not enough to have a warrior switch to Prot. On a few occasions when one of our tanks was having a fail-tastic night, I would be DPSing in bear gear so I could shift and pick up the boss.

On fights where I could go all-out DPS, I didn't have a threat dump. There were times I had to literally step back from the boss and sit on my paws to let the tank get more threat.

There were also some bosses (VR comes to mind) that didn't bleed. There goes a huge chunk of my DPS (and threat, from Lacerate).

I had to wear PvP shoulders for tanking because it was better item-budget-wise to get crit suppression from Resilience and stack dodge than to get crit suppression from defense rating.

My only fear-break was on a 3 min CD, so I couldn't tank a boss that could cast fear.

Resto was OP in arena, and I was constantly being asked to spec Resto to help people get their weekly points, or to join their team (and I really don't like PvP).

There was no good catch-up mechanic for raiding. People would join a guild that was in Kara, and then try to hop to a guild doing 25s. Guilds in Kara would try to switch to 25s, but due to constantly losing some of their best-geared players to 25-man guilds, the switch was difficult. I personally saw 2 guilds die on the switch to 25s before I jumped to a guild already in 25s. Even then, guilds in SSC and TK would feed off guilds fighting HKM/Gruul and Mag. And guilds in Hyjaal and BT would feed off SSC and TK guilds. My server didn't have anyone that made much progress into SPlat 25. I do think LK and Cata went too far in that regard, because no one ran old content except for mounts and achievements. Raid-Finder may help solve that, so people can easily find groups for the old raids, and then progress into current tier.

The idea for badges started out well. It was a way for non-raiders to get more gear, and a way for raiders to upgrade the one or two slots that RNG was making it difficult to upgrade, Now JP and VP are mostly there as an alternate progression path to raiding.

In some ways, gearing was more interesting in BC and early Cata. There were some pieces of lower tier gear that were just better than higher pieces. DST, for example, that the rogue in my 25-man guild never could get to drop. We saw exactly one the whole time we were killing Gruul, and he wasn't there that night. It was probably the only night he missed. I had the cloak from Ulduar of General Vezaxx (10H) that was better than anything else until it was nerfed in a patch. The cloak was over-budged for agility, under-budget for stamina, and had 2 sockets. I still have it in my bank, and I remember having to explain to my raid leader (a holy pally) why a cloak from Uld-10 was better than anything from 25H.
#14 Dec 23 2012 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
You're speaking from the point of view of someone who isn't social in a social game.

If you had nothing to do at 70 once you got there, you were playing the game wrong. There wasn't as much as now when you ding 90, but there was a ton of stuff to do. Like run heroics so you didn't have to be carried in Kara, or running arenas so you could get decent weapons so you didn't have to be carried.

I hit 70 during Black Temple time -- I needed better gear before doing anything. There were Heroics and Karazhan, but my class (Warrior) was not wanted as a DPS. Tank or go home, and that was it. But, gearing a tank back then was MUCH harder, with things like Defense Rating existing. I needed gear from NORMAL dungeons.

But, the majority of the playerbase had no use for normal dungeons -- no badges dropped there and they outgeared the instances. Raiding guilds didn't want me because they didn't want to have to spend weeks carrying me through Heroics and/or Karazhan before I was of any use to them. And shouting in Trade/LookingForGroup didn't yield many results to speak of, because again.. very few players wanted normals.

And I'm not really the PvP sort, nor should anyone be forced to do PvP to get PvE gear.

It's not like there was a whole lot more to do in WotLK other than dailies. And I'm sorry, if you judge an expansion off of the dailies, you have no idea what this game involves. Let's not forget that WotLK had ridiculously easy PvE content, and PvP was laughably balanced towards DKs for 99% of the expansion.

Dailies DO help, though, when you've done your dungeon for the day, or if you've done your raids for the week. I'm not saying they're all there is to do, however, MoP gives us so much different stuff to do, dailies, Pet Battles, dungeons, scenarios, LFR, etc, that we're in a much better place now. As for Wrath, well, Pre-LFD kinda sucked. Again, I was a bit of a late-comer (it wasn't until about a month before Ulduar before I got Lv80 for the first time) so I again missed the crowd that were actually doing Normals. When LFD came out, though, I did eventually get into doing dungeons, and I was fine with that -- things were all jolly good. Much better than TBC ever gave me.
#15 Dec 23 2012 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
You're speaking from the point of view of someone who isn't social in a social game.

If you had nothing to do at 70 once you got there, you were playing the game wrong. There wasn't as much as now when you ding 90, but there was a ton of stuff to do. Like run heroics so you didn't have to be carried in Kara, or running arenas so you could get decent weapons so you didn't have to be carried.

I hit 70 during Black Temple time -- I needed better gear before doing anything. There were Heroics and Karazhan, but my class (Warrior) was not wanted as a DPS. Tank or go home, and that was it. But, gearing a tank back then was MUCH harder, with things like Defense Rating existing. I needed gear from NORMAL dungeons.

But, the majority of the playerbase had no use for normal dungeons -- no badges dropped there and they outgeared the instances. Raiding guilds didn't want me because they didn't want to have to spend weeks carrying me through Heroics and/or Karazhan before I was of any use to them. And shouting in Trade/LookingForGroup didn't yield many results to speak of, because again.. very few players wanted normals.

And I'm not really the PvP sort, nor should anyone be forced to do PvP to get PvE gear.

It's not like there was a whole lot more to do in WotLK other than dailies. And I'm sorry, if you judge an expansion off of the dailies, you have no idea what this game involves. Let's not forget that WotLK had ridiculously easy PvE content, and PvP was laughably balanced towards DKs for 99% of the expansion.

Dailies DO help, though, when you've done your dungeon for the day, or if you've done your raids for the week. I'm not saying they're all there is to do, however, MoP gives us so much different stuff to do, dailies, Pet Battles, dungeons, scenarios, LFR, etc, that we're in a much better place now. As for Wrath, well, Pre-LFD kinda sucked. Again, I was a bit of a late-comer (it wasn't until about a month before Ulduar before I got Lv80 for the first time) so I again missed the crowd that were actually doing Normals. When LFD came out, though, I did eventually get into doing dungeons, and I was fine with that -- things were all jolly good. Much better than TBC ever gave me.

So basically what you're telling me is that because you played for less than half of the expansion, the expansion sucked. Duly noted.

This also in, when you play MoP for less than half of the expansion, it'll suck too because the reps will take too long to grind.

You're biased in this, and it's not a fair assumption to make that someone couldn't find a group to raid with just because you couldn't because you didn't want to do the legwork to get your gear up.

"Dungeon for the day"? Dungeons aren't limited. Heroics are, but you weren't geared for heroics; you were geared for normal dungeons, as you just said. You should have been pugging the crap out of normals until you could get to do heroics, and then you should have been doing as many heroics as possible.

Warriors were definitely accepted as a DPS class in TBC, they've always been an accepted DPS class. I did arena and raided with one of the best warriors I've ever played with (got to 2200+ with him in 5s as a 4-DPS cleave before it was in-vogue) and he never went prot except for laughs in premade BGs. I'll draw a comparison to FFXI: for a long time, RNG wasn't seen as a decent DPS class (mostly because no one knew how to play it well). I started playing it and doing math with others over at killingifrit, and proving in my EXP parties that RNG was actually an amazing DPS class, and all of a sudden RNG was the DPS class to bring.

The point is that if you want to DPS as a class that has a DPS spec, it's always viable. You will always be able to find a group that's willing to take a DPS that knows what they're doing with their class.

You seem like you're far too unwilling to actually put yourself out there and actually try to do something, so you just throw up your hands and say it can't be done. You love the solo content, and seem to have an aversion to the real content in the game (well, anything that would actually require you to socialize, so anything before LFD).
#16 Dec 23 2012 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
So basically what you're telling me is that because you played for less than half of the expansion, the expansion sucked. Duly noted.

This also in, when you play MoP for less than half of the expansion, it'll suck too because the reps will take too long to grind.

No, because MoP gives a lot of "catch up" opportunities like Cataclysm (and Wrath) did. The reps do not take long at all to grind (about 2-3 weeks), and there is LFD and LFR to help you catch up. A Fresh 90 today could be geared for LFR within a month.

Try doing THAT in TBC -- getting a Fresh 70 geared to Honest-To-God Raiding Karazhan (NOT being carried) without being in a guild that is at your beck-and-call. You couldn't do it, period.

You're biased in this, and it's not a fair assumption to make that someone couldn't find a group to raid with just because you couldn't because you didn't want to do the legwork to get your gear up.

Excuse me?

I tried. Do you have any idea how many hours I spent in cities looking for either a guild that would take me, or a normal dungeon run to get geared? Many hours.

I did eventually get Karazhan-ready with my tank, but only after they added the Isle of Quel'Danas and its rep vendor rewards (sword and shield). And even then, I was just barely able to meet the requirements.

"Dungeon for the day"? Dungeons aren't limited. Heroics are, but you weren't geared for heroics; you were geared for normal dungeons, as you just said. You should have been pugging the crap out of normals until you could get to do heroics, and then you should have been doing as many heroics as possible.

The "Dungeon for the Day" comment was directed at Lich King and MoP -- you get extra rewards from your first dungeon done in the day. I obviously did not mean "Dungeon for the Day" when referring to TBC dungeons. Although, with how FEW players did Normals during Black Temple days, you were lucky you got 1 run a day.

Warriors were definitely accepted as a DPS class in TBC, they've always been an accepted DPS class. I did arena and raided with one of the best warriors I've ever played with (got to 2200+ with him in 5s as a 4-DPS cleave before it was in-vogue) and he never went prot except for laughs in premade BGs. I'll draw a comparison to FFXI: for a long time, RNG wasn't seen as a decent DPS class (mostly because no one knew how to play it well). I started playing it and doing math with others over at killingifrit, and proving in my EXP parties that RNG was actually an amazing DPS class, and all of a sudden RNG was the DPS class to bring.

Warriors worked as DPS when they were geared up to high levels. You don't get that when you first start out -- damage output absolutely sucked during the entry gear levels and if you wanted a group, if you were a Warrior, you were told that you should be a tank. Those DPS warriors you saw? I'm willing to bet a lot of them were tanking Karazhan until they got the gear to do good DPS and then they went as DPS.

The point is that if you want to DPS as a class that has a DPS spec, it's always viable. You will always be able to find a group that's willing to take a DPS that knows what they're doing with their class.

That is the case now, but not so much then during TBC.

You seem like you're far too unwilling to actually put yourself out there and actually try to do something, so you just throw up your hands and say it can't be done. You love the solo content, and seem to have an aversion to the real content in the game (well, anything that would actually require you to socialize, so anything before LFD).

My IRL job does not allow for an actual raiding guild; my hours vary day-to-day, week-to-week. I kinda-sorta have to play when I can. That is why I am not in a raiding guild. That is why I love LFD/LFR. It has nothing to do with my social skills.

Edit: Back in Cataclysm, I actually took somewhat of a break from Endgame -- I went Alt Leveling Hardcore until Patch 4.2 came out.

And even during 4.2, I didn't touch Heroics at all.

I started Patch 4.3 by being *barely* able to do HoT Heroics (which one could get by doing a week of solid Normals, two weeks of Normals if you only did a few a day).

I killed Deathwing in LFR about 2 months later, well in time before Patch 5.0.1 came out.

That shows how much the game has improved in the "Catch-Up" sense.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2012 6:00pm by Lyrailis
#17 Dec 23 2012 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
Well, thank you all IMMENSELY for everything you put together for me. I really appreciate the information.
I'll have to check out the Blizzard deals because I bought the Amazon ones... Battle Chest was only $13 but I had to buy Wrath for $7 so it became $20, Cata was 20 and MoP was 20... I can return though and I got shipping for free so I'd only lose the cost of shipping but $5 vs 20 for Chest/Wrath? Yes please.

As for why I can't just grab my old account...
I have no idea what the email is or what card I used. I've changed emails dozens of times (no longer with the person I was engaged to at that point, so I removed myself from all of that and I've done so many times since to keep things separate. I have zero idea on what in the world it could be. I know what address (physical) and such but no card numbers or the like. Which is really too bad because I'd love to get that Scroll of Rez for my lady~ We'll see how it goes I suppose.
#18 Dec 23 2012 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Dinishte wrote:
Well, thank you all IMMENSELY for everything you put together for me. I really appreciate the information.
I'll have to check out the Blizzard deals because I bought the Amazon ones... Battle Chest was only $13 but I had to buy Wrath for $7 so it became $20, Cata was 20 and MoP was 20... I can return though and I got shipping for free so I'd only lose the cost of shipping but $5 vs 20 for Chest/Wrath? Yes please.

As for why I can't just grab my old account...
I have no idea what the email is or what card I used. I've changed emails dozens of times (no longer with the person I was engaged to at that point, so I removed myself from all of that and I've done so many times since to keep things separate. I have zero idea on what in the world it could be. I know what address (physical) and such but no card numbers or the like. Which is really too bad because I'd love to get that Scroll of Rez for my lady~ We'll see how it goes I suppose.

Can't you call Blizzard Support, give them your real life address and name, and they should be able to find your account that way? Tell them that your credit cards have long since changed, yadda yadda?
#19 Dec 23 2012 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Dinishte wrote:
Well, thank you all IMMENSELY for everything you put together for me. I really appreciate the information.
I'll have to check out the Blizzard deals because I bought the Amazon ones... Battle Chest was only $13 but I had to buy Wrath for $7 so it became $20, Cata was 20 and MoP was 20... I can return though and I got shipping for free so I'd only lose the cost of shipping but $5 vs 20 for Chest/Wrath? Yes please.

As for why I can't just grab my old account...
I have no idea what the email is or what card I used. I've changed emails dozens of times (no longer with the person I was engaged to at that point, so I removed myself from all of that and I've done so many times since to keep things separate. I have zero idea on what in the world it could be. I know what address (physical) and such but no card numbers or the like. Which is really too bad because I'd love to get that Scroll of Rez for my lady~ We'll see how it goes I suppose.

Ouch that sucks, its not stated but all battlechests now have wrath rolled into it. Lets say you buy a battlechest from Walmart down the street, yes it says it has Vanilla + BC in it but when you would go online it would just give you Wrath also. Last expansion they just started rolling old expansions into "vanilla" I believe so even if you had a Classic just plain WoW game code, once activated it would be upgraded to BC or I think Wrath now. Honestly not really sure, I havent seen a Vanilla wow box anywhere in a while.

But yeah figured It would save you a few but 5 for battlechest 10 for Cata, and I would keep the Mop you got for 20 since its 30 dollars on Blizz store and not having to wait for shipping since its all digital. Thats 70 bucks for everything Vs what you were going to pay.

But when you both setup accounts I highly suggest the Recruit a friend, setup your (or her) account first then in your account settings there's a referrals button or something, when she pays for her first month you'll get a free month(added to your first 30 days, after it actually pays) then after she pays for 3 months youll get a special mount that changes you into a flying tiger and she can ride you around. Again this is after it actually comes out, so I suggest buying a digital gametime cards from Bliz store(as this adds the time right away) or some at a local Walmart/bestbuy w/e. That will get you your mount and Free extra month instantly instead of waiting for 4 months to get your mount. Also you get 300% xp boost(When grouped together) like I was mentioning

Edited, Dec 23rd 2012 9:21pm by BeanX
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#20 Dec 23 2012 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
I can't imagine them actually doing anything to help me in regards to recovery but I will give it a try and hope for the best. Maybe I'll get lucky.
#21 Dec 23 2012 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Dinishte wrote:
I can't imagine them actually doing anything to help me in regards to recovery but I will give it a try and hope for the best. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Blizzard Support (despite the whiners' claims) are actually very nice people. You might be pleasantly surprised. They most definitely want to treat their customers right, and every experience I ever had with them was quite the positive one. It is definitely worth a shot.
#22 Dec 23 2012 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
Thanks! I'm used to Square Enix FFXI support and that.... Ugh...

Anyhow, does anyone know at all if you buy the physical copies at Blizzard... can I still get the codes online? I really enjoy having a physical copy but I don't feel like waiting until next year.
#23 Dec 23 2012 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Warriors were definitely accepted as a DPS class in TBC, they've always been an accepted DPS class. I did arena and raided with one of the best warriors I've ever played with (got to 2200+ with him in 5s as a 4-DPS cleave before it was in-vogue) and he never went prot except for laughs in premade BGs. I'll draw a comparison to FFXI: for a long time, RNG wasn't seen as a decent DPS class (mostly because no one knew how to play it well). I started playing it and doing math with others over at killingifrit, and proving in my EXP parties that RNG was actually an amazing DPS class, and all of a sudden RNG was the DPS class to bring.

Warriors worked as DPS when they were geared up to high levels. You don't get that when you first start out -- damage output absolutely sucked during the entry gear levels and if you wanted a group, if you were a Warrior, you were told that you should be a tank. Those DPS warriors you saw? I'm willing to bet a lot of them were tanking Karazhan until they got the gear to do good DPS and then they went as DPS.

The point is that if you want to DPS as a class that has a DPS spec, it's always viable. You will always be able to find a group that's willing to take a DPS that knows what they're doing with their class.

That is the case now, but not so much then during TBC.

I don't really care to reply to the rest of your long and lengthy whine about why TBC was hard.

But you're wrong on the above points. I knew 3-4 warriors who easily DPSed content with myself and my brother (my brother was a druid tank) all through TBC. They didn't do as much damage as I did on bosses until later in the expansion (because warriors scaled much better with gear than rogues did minus glaives), but they did enough that we brought them over a couple other people we knew because they were better players than the other guys were.

So no, you're wrong.
#24 Dec 24 2012 at 12:29 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
It was less common to just pug a warrior as dps to be fair. If I was making a group, and I usually was, I'd obviously look for a mage or something else with easy CC, but I still ran with a fair number of dps warriors who I knew were good.

I loved TBC, but my main reason is that I loved the whole aspect of having to find good people and build up a friends list. It was the only way to have fun running heroics, but it turned the game into this place where you wanted to go, because you'd have a bunch of friend online to hang out with. This is what I've been missing since LFG came out. It removed the incentive and thus more or less the ability to meet random people and actually run with them over and over in a non guild basis.

I also started playing during TBC, so Kara was my first raid, and it was such an amazingly cool way to be introduced to WoW.
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#25 Dec 24 2012 at 1:52 AM Rating: Excellent
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In TBC(and beyond, though it wasn't necessary in Mid-Late WotLK), we always broke up our heroics groups into Tank, Healer, CC(instance appropriate), DPS DPS. Most of the time, I ran with a friend or three, so we had 2-4 of the slots filled. Only time we wouldn't take a warrior as DPS was if s/he wouldn't agree that the tank got first dibs on tank gear.

Only instance where we would switch that up was H MgT, where we made sure we had at least two forms of CC, though we could use the various different types of mobs within to our advantage to allow us to make use of just about any class with a CC of any type for the second slot. And we'd been known to do things like use two paladins to chain stun a mob long enough to kill one or two other foes in a pack when a proper CC was lacking for the second slot.
#26 Dec 24 2012 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
I knew 3-4 warriors who easily DPSed content with myself and my brother (my brother was a druid tank) all through TBC. They didn't do as much damage as I did on bosses until later in the expansion (because warriors scaled much better with gear than rogues did minus glaives),

There you go.

You admit that:

1). You (and the warrior friends you are talking about) started Endgame at the BEGINNING of TBC, thus had plenty of time to gear up through Normals when the majority of the playerbase was currently at that progression.

2). Warriors scale better with gear than rogues (and some other DPS too).

These two points were the core of my argument against TBC:

A). There was very little to no methods for "Catching Up" if you arrived late (you needed normals that few players wanted/had incentive to do)
B). Warriors' gear is a big factor (or was, then) in their damage output which compounds the problem I faced in A).

Which you just admitted to being absolutely true.

Had I arrived at Level 70 during the first few weeks to 2 months of TBC, I bet I could have gotten geared up too!

But sadly, I didn't arrive at Level 70 until the expansion was half over which is the whole point of the discussion about TBC.

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 4:51am by Lyrailis
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