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Pandamonium -- Gearing at 90Follow

#1 Dec 23 2012 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
My Monk has finally hit 90 but things have been a bit hectic at the end of the semester and I haven't kept up on the current tricks for getting geared up. I'm going to be on break for several weeks and would like to get my characters up to speed. Currently, none of them are even LFR ready. I'll be working on a Hunter (BM/SV), Priest (SP/Disc) and Monk (WW/Brew). They are more or less freshly dinged, with little reputation progress. I'm on a PVE server and I'm not really a fan of PVP.

So, let's hear it, what does one do in 5.1 to get started at 90?

I'd link Armory, but it would be in Chinese
#2 Dec 23 2012 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Basically, you get yourself the Contender's _____ set for your character (depending on your class/specs), do Arena of Annihilation for your weapon and do all of Dread Wastes quests to have at least 437s/442s in the rings/trinks slots.

You could also try killing a few Vale Rares (the Fish, Yaungol and Panda are fairly easy) until one of them drops a 440 cape. They always drop capes, and they are all random capes.

Once you get those, or while you get those, do 1 scenario (which can possibly reward 450/463/472 gear, rarely) and 1 heroic dungeon every day while doing your daily quests. You'll start by doing Klaxxi and Golden Lotus, once you hit Revered with Golden Lotus, you can then do Shado-Pan (do quests in Townlong Steppes and a few in Kun-Lai to maximize your non-daily rep gain) and August Celestials. You only need revered to buy VP items (some items are even Honored)!

Also, don't forget the Alliance/Horde Offensives in Krasarang Wilds (you'll get a quest named "Meet the Scout" as soon as you ding 90 and go to your Shrine). They sell 496 jewelry (so don't buy the 489s from the other vendors!).

You'll soon start getting enough VP to buy stuff and you'll be hitting LFR in no time.

Edit: PvP Gear is OK for PvE; PvP Stats of Off-Budget just in case you missed the memo during Beta. The two are equal to each other of the same I-level. The only exception is Plate Tank and there's a 450 set of Plate Tank BoE that can be made instead of the Contender's set.

Edit2: Baah I WILL get done editing this post sometime today.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2012 9:47pm by Lyrailis
#3 Dec 23 2012 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
You can also buy a 450 cape from AH. They shouldn't be too expensive.
#4 Dec 23 2012 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
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fronglo wrote:
You can also buy a 450 cape from AH. They shouldn't be too expensive.


Right, I forgot about that. The crafted cape. haha.

Thanks for reminding me; my Alliance Leatherworker just got Exalted with the Tillers today (I'll be finishing Haohan's vote quest tomorrow)... so I can start making those with the songbells.
#5 Dec 23 2012 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
1st I would decide what one to "start" with. If they are all fresh, then you do not have all the dailies unlocked. So you are pretty much limited to doing: The Klaxxi, Golden Lotus, Tillers, Alliance/Horde Offensive, Anglers and the Cloud Serpents. Once Revered with any group in MoP you can spend 35g to buy a Rep Token/coin thing that Ups the rep gained, however this can only be bought once Revered and thus my reason for you to pick One of your characters. I think you would get burned out very quickly if you were doing 3 set of dailies.
You for sure want to do the Klaxxi (bug people), Golden Lotus (Have to get to Friendly or Honored to unlock Shado-pan & A.C), and the Offensive set each day. The Anglers and Cloud Serpent dailies are not a must, as their dailies do no lead to Gear.
There is a once a week quest in the main lv90 town for 3 Golden coins, get them each week. They let you roll for extra stuff when you kill a boss. You will have to decide when/where to use.

Buy the Blue lv90 set as said above (Contender's), This is a good base set to start with. It will get you into Heroics. has a pretty good best in slot/gear to aim for while gearing up section for each class/spec. So run heroics to replace the Contender's. Either run Random or just pick the Heroic (My Monk Tank has still not ran all the heroics...heck I don't even know most of them lol). Scenarios suck for gearing up, imo.
There are a few purples you can buy at 90.
Fight Sha of... Anger? Each week. 1st kill should get you a item for a quest that should end in some kindof gear (I got boots on my monk). He drops a wide range of stuff (Ive got a pvp mantel, and I think my tier14 gloves off him). He is killed Raid style, so just jump in and learn. He isn't to hard. I've yet to ever wipe on him.

Once able to do LFR, do so. I ran them as DPS until I learned what was needed (still do for the last 2 raids, as they are the only 2 I know usually run [trying to get another tier14 item for set bonus :p)
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Dec 24 2012 at 4:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Depending on how much money you have willing to spend. As other said contenders work to start out, just dont pay much they are ilvl440 which is crap. Greyshadow Chestguard (Ilvl 476 epic) and Greyshadow Handwraps or w/e are ussually cheap (Server dependent) as they mats are easily farmed/obtained, kinda depends on the price of spirits the crafter charges, (On my server it ranges from 300~800 per), both Chest and hands take 8, so pre mats your looking at anywhere from 2400g~6k. You MAY want to look into the 496 as Blood Spirits are dropping in price rather fast, as it seems there might be some duping trick RMT found (lvl 1 characters selling 31+) these pieces wont be upgraded as fast as 476 but cost much more.

As for stats I can only speak on monk but Haste is stupidly weighted for dps monks you want to pretty much get haste up til around 5 or 6k (less if you noticing your energy capping from to high of energy regen) then crit, mastery is terrible kinda, and the more mastery you have the less haste you need because mastery procs make tiger punch/blakoutkick proc free. So you need to balance haste mastery really weird and since its RNG procs its a pain, so most spreadsheets go Hit>Agi>Exp>Haste>Crit>Mastery.

If you have archeology, I lvled my monk with an upgraded Spear of Xuen (Which is OP its a 463 and can be upgraded to a 471 and equipped at 85). I kept that on til I was stupid lucky and got a Sha touched agi staff to drop off LFR(without tokens, yet my rogue who has his legendary gem waiting for 4 weeks now, has wasted 10 tokens +6kills trying to get the Sha touched dagger, I've gotten 2 teir tokens, 3 trinkets(which are ranked worst then heroic trinkets), and 2 belts. Oh and all of those items are useless since I already had better in those spots)

Currently dual-wield is more Dps then 2handed by a small margin, but 1handed agi weapons hate me and I never see em drop, and I believe this is more of the effect of being able to get dancing steel x2 vs alone on a 2hander.

Just want to point out one thing about reps, dont level anymore toons til you get the revered rep tokens with atleast Klaxxi, Shado-pan, and Tillers. I was silly and leveled my rogue week 1, then my Warrior by week 3 or 4 of expansion, then 5.1 came out and introduced the tokens. Now on Dracian I grinded dailies til exalted with all for mounts/etc to see all the stories, bacon did as little as possible to get lesser charms every week. I leveled my Monk and Dk next after 5.1 and they BOTH are way afarther in reps all reps then Bacon who had almost a month and a half head start. Hell, I exalted Klaxxi on monk, and War is still at lik 12k revered, and that was doing a week ish of only Klaxxi dailies on monk.

With the Revered tokens all rep gains are increased 100% across all toons forever. I was able to barely be revered after doing townlong steppes + 1 quest turn in of sha of anger claw with Shado-pan, and I was 8k ish into revered just doing Klaxxi rep while leveling 89-90. Tillers I was revered after opening quests (did while in Four winds@ 86) and 1 day of dailies at 90, you can hit exalted and have a fully unlocked farm after 4 days if you time it right, or 5 days. Those sets of dailies take approx 10 mins, maybe a tad longer if you do em at a busy time.

Anyway hope this helped.

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 4:20am by BeanX
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#7 Dec 24 2012 at 4:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Don't forget to do Sha of Anger. Until a character is decked out in 489/496 equip there are usually many upgrades one can get from him/her(?). At this point Sha is one of the best targets for the bonusroll Sandinmygum mentioned.
Same applies for Galleon/Warband but that world boss is infinitely harder to catch (the spawnrate will most likely change in 5.2 but not sooner).

Don't know about the other classes/specs but at least for your SPriest you can find a great pre-raid BiS list on Helped me immensely in gearing up.
#8 Dec 24 2012 at 5:34 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Scenarios suck for gearing up, imo.

The main reason to run a Scenario is not for the loot bag, but more for the VP; if you're not getting 1k valor per week, scenarios can help fill the gap, since that's an extra 280VP per week if you do it every day. Obviously, you could do it less if you're capping valor, or do more if you're falling short.

They DID, however, add more stuff to the loot bags. My Horde DK got a 463 strength spear out of one of his. A strength spear? Why its been _forever_ since I've used one of those!
#9 Dec 24 2012 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Thanks to all who have posted so far. Several of you have probably saved me a few headaches!

I look forward to seeing what other tricks might be lurking out there.
#10 Dec 24 2012 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Everybody else has great tips on getting gear. Let me also suggest that you know what piece of gear for each slot you are going for, and where it comes from. Use Wowhead, and do database searches for each slot. Specify minimum ilevel, your class and spec, and sort by source. That way for each slot you will know where you can get what gear. Make a document and paste in the info for each slot of what you are looking for (I do screen captures of the gear I want and put it in a document by slot).

Don't make the mistake I did, which is to spend resources on something like a neckpiece, then find out an epic 489 one comes from the final quest for the Golden Lotus "The Final Power". If I had looked it up sooner, I would have known that.

Join a Sha of Anger 40 man group and get yourself some epic 476 boots guaranteed on your first kill.

Oh, and one last thing. Be absolutely certain that each time you hit revered with a faction, that you spend a couple gold and buy the item from their quartermaster that doubles your rep gain for all your characters. Then revered to exalted goes twice as fast with that character, and all your alts benefit too.

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 7:45am by dadanox
#11 Dec 24 2012 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
The Honorable dadanox wrote:

Don't make the mistake I did, which is to spend resources on something like a neckpiece, then find out an epic 489 one comes from the final quest for the Golden Lotus "The Final Power". If I had looked it up sooner, I would have known that.

Is this quest unlocked after so much rep? It is the only one I do not have done (well the Welcome Home quest line) have done in the Vale >.>
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Dec 24 2012 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Its at exalted, which if you dont mind the grinding with rep boosts now takes about a week and a half, or like 3 weeks with no rep boost, if you do every daily every day. it saves you 1250 VP so its kinda up for you to decide if its worth doing dailies or not. Klaxxi at exalted get a ring (489) and go much much faster than Golden Lotus. @ Exalted bonus quests are:
Klaxxi: 489 ring
Lotus: 489 Necklace
Cloud Serpent: Cloudserpent riding, mount
Tillers: 16 Plots
Shado-pan: Onyx Cloud Mount
Anglers: Nothing (Ability to buy Heirloom fishing book +50 Skill for (8?k) useable item for alts.)
Offensive: No clue not even revered yet, I've been slacking bad.
August Celestials: Nothing again, maybe? Trying to finish all the Red Crane quests but RNG has been making em only pop like once a week.

Edit In: Also every Faction has 1-3 mounts you can buy at Exalted:
-Tillers:Riding Goats(3 colors)
-Klaxxi: Scorpion(1)
-August Celestials: Golden Cloud Serpent(Need Cloud riding, also need Exalted to ride Alani rare spawn mount even if you farmed the Skyshards pre-exalted)
-Shado-pan: Armored Tiger mounts(3 colors, one is green with yellow stripes looks like He-mans tiger)
-Cloud Serpents: Cloud Serpent(3 you get one of the colors for exalting them)
-Golden Lotus: Riding Cranes(3)
-Anglers: Water Skimmer(1, Has waterwalking at all times)
-Offensive: Armored Wyvern/Gryphon (1, I think)

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 1:20pm by BeanX
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#13 Dec 24 2012 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
BeanX wrote:
Its at exalted
-Offensive: Armored Wyvern/Gryphon (1, I think)

Getting exalted with the different groups is all I really have left to do, basically just did all the main peeps today -.- Not sure if ill do that each day this week while im off work, but I may just break it down to 2 groups at a time ('cuz who doesn't need gold).

As for the last mount listed, you actually get 2. You unlock this (Armored) one at Exalted, but you also get (Horde does, I assume alliance does as well) the non-armored one from the last quest (Horde, it is after you ring the bell. I don't play alliance so I don't know for them).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#14 Dec 24 2012 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
- Shadopan, get a cool hat for transmog if you are so inclined (my avatar).
- The water skimmer from the anglers makes a great mount for your non-flying alts as you zip across rivers while questing, or any area or scenario where you cant fly.
- The August Celestials let me taylor my 4 Royal Sachels for plenty of bag space.

Plus I got the nifty title "The Beloved".

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 4:42pm by dadanox
#15 Dec 24 2012 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
The Klaxxi give you a 489 Ring after reaching Exalted with them, btw.

Once you get Exalted, you have to do a couple quests and then they show you a mildly shocking plot twist and give you a 489 epic ring of your choice.

Whoops, someone beat me to the punch. Oh well. lol. It is worth mentioning again so you don't end up buying more than one ring.

Also, don't buy the 489 VP rings; the Alliance/Horde Offensives offer 496s instead of 489s.

Edited, Dec 24th 2012 5:27pm by Lyrailis
#16 Dec 24 2012 at 7:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lots of good advice.

I always say focus on one main & one spec. A jack of all trades, a master of none, yadda yadda. I would recommend levelling your crafting for each. Healers and tanks queue faster, I would queue as heals on my shaman and ask if I could roll on caster gear.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Dec 26 2012 at 6:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts

The advice on commendations was a big help. That was one of the 5.1 changes that I was vaguely aware of but hadn't really incorporated into my plans. My Hunter was far enough along on Tillers and Klaaxi to get those out of the way. My Priest was about even on the rest of the rep, so I'll switch to her for the Human rep boost.

Scenarios have been a surprise. Queue times have been one minute or less, people seem to have them down and it is easy to follow their lead, and although not every reward has given me gear it has been a steady source of upgrades simply because they go so quickly.

One reason for leveling the Hunter first was that he has Inscription; that gave me the BtA staves for the Priest and Monk. The Priest has Enchanting and Tailoring, which gives me another reason to get her rep to the point she can get patterns and enchants. My Druid has gotten enough play to have Leatherworking up to the level for cloaks.

All in all, things seem to be falling into place. Thanks to everyone for the help!
#18 Dec 26 2012 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:

Scenarios have been a surprise. Queue times have been one minute or less, people seem to have them down and it is easy to follow their lead, and although not every reward has given me gear it has been a steady source of upgrades simply because they go so quickly.

I personally like scenarios. You're pretty much guaranteed to complete them without a wipe in under 20 minutes, and get JP for the final boss and VP for completing them. And the bags drops good, potentially great, stuff. They added 476 epics into the mix since 5.1, but in ~10 scenarios I haven't seen any. I HAVE received like 6 blues, either 450 or 463. They aren't bad for plugging ilvl holes and seem to drop quickly.

Mainly I like scenarios because it's almost impossible to wipe, and the queue is almost instant.
#19 Dec 27 2012 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
554 posts
How about some one who wants to suddenly go back to healing on paladin like me but has 0 gear for it atm. I'm 90 and just been questing but want to get back to group healing. Eventually I will get back into pvp healing but for now I been thinking about doing some group pve healing... I have 0 gear for it and haven't done it since Cata... I don't know where to start >.<

(This seemed like a good thread to ask since every one is giving advice)
#20 Dec 27 2012 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Devildawgs wrote:
How about some one who wants to suddenly go back to healing on paladin like me but has 0 gear for it atm. I'm 90 and just been questing but want to get back to group healing. Eventually I will get back into pvp healing but for now I been thinking about doing some group pve healing... I have 0 gear for it and haven't done it since Cata... I don't know where to start >.<

(This seemed like a good thread to ask since every one is giving advice)

Buy the Contender's Spiritguard Plate.

In MoP, PvP Stats are Off-Budget and this stuff is 450 which is great to help you get started.

For a weapon, if you already did the Arena of Annihilation, I'm not sure what to suggest for a weapon other than perhaps making or buying a Masterwork Forgewire Axe (this will be mildly pricey as it takes 5 Spirits of Harmony). The shield can be crafted with very little trouble (2 Trillium Bars are the worst of the recipe), and you'd just need to get a neck (go kill some rares in Townlong Steppes until the Int neck drops if your server isn't High Pop), Cape (Vale Rares can drop these), and Rings.

Not sure what to suggest as far as getting your mitts on some rings, though. Maybe check the AH?

And trinks, not sure either.
#21 Dec 27 2012 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Actually there is a 450 tank and Healing Plate set that has no pvp stats on it for tanks and healers to start off with. Masterwork Spiritguard/Lightsteel Sets.
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#22 Dec 27 2012 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
The gear optimizer at askmrrobot has been updated

You can configure the level you want to configure for best in slot, like pre-raid, or LFR. It's pretty fun. Check it out.

#23 Dec 27 2012 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
Not sure what to suggest as far as getting your mitts on some rings, though. Maybe check the AH?

Band of Blood is a JC crafted ring. ILvl 450. Haste can be reforged, but otherwise, good stats. It's a pretty easy ring to make. And, they are not unique-equipped, so you can fill both slots if you need to (I did).

If you can afford them, grab the Living Steel Breastplate and Living Steel Gauntlets. Pricey for sure, but both are upgradeable iLvl 476. Very good pieces. If you've got a BS guildie, you may be able to get them at a discount.

Oh, and go kill Sha of Anger for the boots.
#24 Dec 27 2012 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

I personally like scenarios. You're pretty much guaranteed to complete them without a wipe in under 20 minutes, and get JP for the final boss and VP for completing them. And the bags drops good, potentially great, stuff. They added 476 epics into the mix since 5.1, but in ~10 scenarios I haven't seen any. I HAVE received like 6 blues, either 450 or 463. They aren't bad for plugging ilvl holes and seem to drop quickly.

I like them too. They're quick, varied, and low-key - and you can do things like pet-tanking without the pressure of a possible wipe if you don't play perfectly. And it's really easy to grab three guildies for a quick guild commendation.

Oh, and for hunters in particular, the 476 epic loot table includes ranged weapons (I got a gun my first post-5.1 scenario, there might be bows and/or crossbows too). Since they're random suffix it's up to RNG, but a good suffix is at least equal to the 1% drop from the last boss of Gate of the Setting Sun - which is the best pre-raid weapon that isn't Flintlocke's Blasthammer.
#25 Dec 27 2012 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
BeanX wrote:
Actually there is a 450 tank and Healing Plate set that has no pvp stats on it for tanks and healers to start off with. Masterwork Spiritguard/Lightsteel Sets.

Interestingly enough, some of the PvP pieces have more spirit than the PvE pieces. Both have the same amount of stamina and intellect. Also, the PvP power may provide bonus healing in open-world content (like Sha).
#26 Dec 28 2012 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
BeanX wrote:
Actually there is a 450 tank and Healing Plate set that has no pvp stats on it for tanks and healers to start off with. Masterwork Spiritguard/Lightsteel Sets.

Interestingly enough, some of the PvP pieces have more spirit than the PvE pieces. Both have the same amount of stamina and intellect. Also, the PvP power may provide bonus healing in open-world content (like Sha).

And the PvP resilience... well it won't protect you from Conquest-geared players, but yet it doesn't hurt, either should anything PvP happen.
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