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#1 Dec 31 2012 at 12:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Monday, and the last day of 2012. I'm going to go ahead and post this early, since I'm on the other side of the planet.

WOW: I got the Hunter to Revered with the Order of the Cloud Serpent. Yay! Another reputation grind sped up and it is one that will give me access to some of my favorite mounts, even if it does mean repeating the grind with the rest of my toons! The Shadow Priest has been making good headway on Golden Lotus, but it takes time. Other than that, I'm having far too much fun with scenarios. For me, they break up the dailies nicely.

RL: I had a nice Sunday with Pink. We did pleasant, ordinary things like having dinner with random friends of hers and going grocery shopping. It was a comfortable evening with a charming companion and normally I would end the story there -- except she had also borrowed my flash drive so that she could share some of her favorite pictures of herself.

I don't know if it is popular where you guys are, but young women here sometimes splurge on professional pictures to make themselves feel better. One of my quasi adoptive daughters likes to do that. I think Pink is pretty, but I'm used to thinking of her as a practical young business woman. She wears attractive, but not sexy clothes and uses very light makeup. I've spent the afternoon being completely stunned. I knew she had done some modeling, but those picture were amazing! I'm left with an odd feeling of "what in the heck is wrong with the world, this young woman shouldn't even be giving me the time of day, let alone giggling with me about stuff in the grocery store"! Ouch. Feeling old today.

Here's hoping that the RNG treated you all well and may the New Year bring you enough joy to forget any frustrations from the last!

#2 Dec 31 2012 at 12:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
-Since then I have been hoping from game to game, still irritated that I lost over 30 hours of gameplay on FF5 and unable to save in FF6. Ended up working on KotOR. Not as enjoyable as FF6 but still a good game. Also I just rescued the jedi (what's her face) to give you a frame of reference on how far in I am.

I can play maybe 30 minutes of KotOR before I get bored out of my mind. While I see how people could enjoy a game like that I personally find it about as exciting as watching paint dry. -shrug-

@Lyrailis That would work if I was playing the old snes games. Alas I am playing Final Fantasy Anthology for the PS1. I suspect the problem lies with my memory card since I couldn't even save with Xenogears. Oh well, it isn't like memory cards are expensive. Smiley: tongue
#3 Dec 31 2012 at 4:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Didn't post any goals but finally got an epic caster mainhand! It took me more than 50 lootrolls (LFR bosses, normal mode bosses and bonusloot rolls combined) but finally Elegon nHC was kind enough to give me my epic wand.
A great moment for us all.

Other than that only got a few achievements done and pushed Shado-Pan to exalted.

In RL I had a film night with some friends and pizza + beer. And a few calm hours to prepare for tonight.

Edited, Dec 31st 2012 5:26am by TherealLogros
#4 Dec 31 2012 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Didn't get to play much this weekend, as I've got guests through the 2nd. I did play a fair amount on Wednesday; got all of the hard counters that I've caught so far up to 25 (Mech, Flying, Critter, Elemental, Aquatic, Magic, Undead, and Humanoid). That means I have, what... dragonkin and beast left? Dragonkin is the Scourged Whelpling, which sounds incredibly rare, and the only hard counter to beasts is the kite from the TCG... never going to get that.

So, yeah. Hard counters, check!

I also managed to do some of the Shieldwall dailies, and I'm more than halfway through revered. Killed all the rare NPCs, no invitation drop, so I bought it at the BMAH for 1000g. So I can start that when I want to do so!

Still need to kill the Elemental Spirits.
#5 Dec 31 2012 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
I have been off the wagon for about a month now, finally feel like playing again...

I was off last week so was able to play a little bit and get about 2k rep with Klaxi, tried out the new battleground zone and did 2 trips of dailies.

Started back to work on my achievements for WoTLK dungeons, only have 2 more heroic clears and then start working on the individual feats ...

Did about half of the Winterveil achievements and cleared quite a few instances, between frostweave and drops I made about 2500g
#6 Jan 01 2013 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
I didn't get anyone to 90 like I had planned, BUT I did do a few cool things between Friday and Today:

1). My human main got exalted with Cloud Serpents. Yay! Awesome questline, enjoyed it a lot.
2). Got the Spear of Xuen while doing archaeology for said Cloud Serpent dailies.
3). Got my Alliance druid (who is my scribe) from 85 to 87, using the spear to do ridiculous DPS, lol. Can't wait to stick that baby on my monk. I thought she was overpowered with 417 axes.... can't wait to see what she'll do with a 463 spear at 85.
4). Got my priest on 87 from 85 with the help of mom's hunter who went from barely 88 to almost 89 in the process. Also dinged the last few bars of one of her Paladin's 89->90.

Other than that, just been doing dailies, I think about 3-4 days and my horde paladin should be exalted with the August Celestials (so she can make bags, yaaay) and my Horde Blacksmith is almost halfway to Revered with Dom. Offensive.

Edited, Jan 1st 2013 6:51pm by Lyrailis
#7 Jan 02 2013 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

3). Got my Alliance druid (who is my scribe) from 85 to 87, using the spear to do ridiculous DPS, lol. Can't wait to stick that baby on my monk. I thought she was overpowered with 417 axes.... can't wait to see what she'll do with a 463 spear at 85.

Don't forget you can upgrade it to 471 for 1500 JP Smiley: grin
#8 Jan 02 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:

3). Got my Alliance druid (who is my scribe) from 85 to 87, using the spear to do ridiculous DPS, lol. Can't wait to stick that baby on my monk. I thought she was overpowered with 417 axes.... can't wait to see what she'll do with a 463 spear at 85.

Don't forget you can upgrade it to 471 for 1500 JP Smiley: grin

And you can still send it between characters?

That's almost as good as the 472 I can make with inscription....
#9 Jan 02 2013 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:

3). Got my Alliance druid (who is my scribe) from 85 to 87, using the spear to do ridiculous DPS, lol. Can't wait to stick that baby on my monk. I thought she was overpowered with 417 axes.... can't wait to see what she'll do with a 463 spear at 85.

Don't forget you can upgrade it to 471 for 1500 JP Smiley: grin

And you can still send it between characters?

That's almost as good as the 472 I can make with inscription....

Mine still says BoA, so I assume soSmiley: smile
#10 Jan 02 2013 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
Anyway,, well, I guess I better work on reputations. I'll have to do a little research to figure out how to get Golden Lotus going. I think I've opened up the Klaxxi. And, I'll keep going on Tillers. In between, I want to run as many heroics as I can fit in. I'm not sure there's much gear I can get from them, but it will be good practice for my healing. I'm sure there are probably a couple 463s I can use, just a matter of luck of the draw. Oh, and I want to run some scenarios. I still haven't done any of those yet. I'll try to grab a couple guildies and get a feel for them without the pressure of a PuG.

Finally, I want to do some farming. A guildie gave me the 13 lightsteel bars for the chest and gloves. He said don't worry about it, but I want to repay him. So, I've been farming mats and transmuting to pay him back. Also, I'll try to work in some herbing, with the intent of milling them and making some darkmoon cards.

And really finally, if I have time I'll work on picking up some more pets. I'm at 354. 400 is the goal, but in the short run, I guess I'll try for 375 this weekend.

Damn, that's a lot of goals...hope I have the time to really work on them. But, I may cheat and take a long weekend for New Years :-).

RL - Not much. I'm hoping for a nice chill weekend to unwind from the holiday.

WoW - Got going on Golden Lotus and Klaxxi dailies. Ugh, these are going to be a grind. Only 110 rep per quest with Golden Lotus, argh. Tillers is going well. Those dailies are pretty quick and easy. I do, however, keep getting OCD about the dark soil patches. It works out okay though, since there are plenty of ore nodes around the farms. I circle around and farm away.

Didn't run very many heroics. I realized I was not getting any VP for them, so I focused on dailies instead, since those were giving VP.

Ran a couple scenarios. Pretty quick and easy. Nothing special, in my opinion.

Professions - Repaid my guildie the 13 Lightsteel bars this morning. As part of this objective, I maxed my second Alchemist to get another transmute rolling. In addition, since I was farming so much ore, I decided to level up Engineering a little on my warrior alt. Got to the point where I need, it'll have to wait awhile since I don't intend to level the warrior any time soon. Did some herbing, but sent most to level my alchemist, not for milling on my scribe. Finally with professions, I went down and did some anglers stuff. Still need to max my Salty toon. That'll be a goal for next weekend.

Pets - picked up a few, but not really a focus. I did get the Jade Owl pattern on my JC, so that was cool. I'm about 362 or so now.

RL - Chill accomplished.
#11 Jan 02 2013 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
azwing wrote:
Didn't run very many heroics. I realized I was not getting any VP for them, so I focused on dailies instead, since those were giving VP.

That's odd. Did you run specific HCs or random ones? Because if the latter was the case you should definitely have gotten Valor Points. 80 for the first random HC of each day and 40 for every one after that.
#12 Jan 02 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
I was going to queue for a random heroic, but the only reward listed was gold, no VP. Is there a limit of seven per weekly reset? If so, then I ran more than seven last week.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2013 11:27am by azwing
#13 Jan 02 2013 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
To be honest I don't know if the limit of seven (for a VP reward) is still in place. Thanks to dailies, LFR and scenarios I rarely do more than 1 or 2 per ID and still reach the cap rather easily. But that could be the explanation. :)
#14 Jan 02 2013 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
azwing wrote:
I was going to queue for a random heroic, but the only reward listed was gold, no VP. Is there a limit of seven per weekly reset? If so, then I ran more than seven last week.

Limit One per day, and when you reach 1000 Vp for the week it stops awarding any. You also get a buff that increases all Vp gain on any alts you have on the account. So it's easier to cap them also. Problem is when your like me 3 becomes a challenge and 4 is almost impossible without spending tons of time in game. THey need to change it back to Cata's 7 a week instead of one a day. that way i can burn 7 heroics (560 VP, 45 dailies (for lesser charms, 250) and 2 LFR to get the buff then Just burn LFR/Heroics/Dailies to cap on 2nd toons.
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#15 Jan 02 2013 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
BeanX wrote:
azwing wrote:
I was going to queue for a random heroic, but the only reward listed was gold, no VP. Is there a limit of seven per weekly reset? If so, then I ran more than seven last week.

Limit One per day, and when you reach 1000 Vp for the week it stops awarding any.

Are you sure about this? I too could have sworn it was that the first per day was 80 VP, then all subsequent randoms were 40 VP.

I know for a fact random scenarios are 40 for the first, 20 on each subsequent one.
#16 Jan 02 2013 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
BeanX wrote:
azwing wrote:
I was going to queue for a random heroic, but the only reward listed was gold, no VP. Is there a limit of seven per weekly reset? If so, then I ran more than seven last week.

Limit One per day, and when you reach 1000 Vp for the week it stops awarding any.

Are you sure about this? I too could have sworn it was that the first per day was 80 VP, then all subsequent randoms were 40 VP.

I know for a fact random scenarios are 40 for the first, 20 on each subsequent one.

You are correct, I was thinking the bonus xp. Its 80 for the first heroic of the day, then 40 each after, after you hit 1k Vp though they no longer award them. When I said one per day I ment the bonus one as 40 vp isn't worth it at all for the time it takes usually to complete a heroic.

My bad sorry.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2013 5:38pm by BeanX
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#17 Jan 02 2013 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
Got a few randoms done, dailies, and hit 42 with my S/priest just working on archaeology and herbing.
Then...I installed Final Fantasy Dimensions on my iPad. Total nostalgia of my 10 yr old self playing the original FF.
Temporary adios to WoW. Smiley: grin
RL: Girlfriend got sick early New Years Eve, so we stayed in and drank wine. Was good.
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