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#1 Jan 05 2004 at 8:18 AM Rating: Default
#2 Jan 05 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
i hate it when you get the we were campinghere first and then the flamings and then the buzz off you flame

i went to madmen yesterday and i was flamed out by this one guy so i had to go battle wildlife that day with my group cause i didnt want to cause any trouble but that guy was being plain old mean
#3 Jan 05 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
174 posts
I don't believe in "owning" a camp, but if a group is killing there, then I think they should be able to stay there for a bit. May not be to the "rule" but it is common etiquette. If someone asks and wants to share a camp then that is great. But if just anyone could come in and take over a camp, purhaps higher levels then no one would ever be able to level up. Personally that is one way I have become very familiar with the areas of the game.....looking for a camp. There are several places to camp for every level... Tunaria is quite big. That is just my opinion.

Oh and on the flaming....there is no reason for flaming...I'm sorry that person was just mean to you, hate that people like that ruin the game for others.
#4 Jan 05 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
personally , i hate when ppl say something like : go way d*mb azz or whatever. after they say they know we cant own a camp and its have respect to dont go at the same spot of another grp(its respectful to say go away d*mb azz?lol)when i go to a small spot and i see a grp i just leave and dont start ****...and i saw the badest thing in this game last week!my bro was an Orc camp and they pulled 2 mobs by accident.the wiz rooted 1. after an alchemist of another grp (called jugz btw ;))came and dont stop broke the root with potion...the hlr and me died, after i asked her for know why she did that and she said that was our PLUS she said root is only for urgence...i think whoever want to root a mob can and whenever...but Jugz said she will keep report the grp of my

Koagula - 31 necromancer MF server
Nerzul - 23 druid MF server
Mandragor - 17 alchemist MF server
Bladed - 18 monk MF server
#5 Jan 05 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
This is just me, but in real life, everything is survival of the fittest. The lion does not attack the healthiest animal, it will stalk and kill the weaker ones to conserve its well being. The strongest will survive, and weak will perish. In this, the gene pool stays clean and the species lives on. The same should be true with camps. No one owns any camp on EQOA. SONY owns EVERY camp on EQOA. Everyone pays to go to the camps, so no one person or group is better than another in that respect. Anyone can go to any camp, without having to ask permission from anyone at all.

Now I know the frusturation of grinding and another group showing up, and I really appreciate someone asking if they can share the camp, but if they don't, I don't start crying. This is where people need to stop complaining and do something. If they want to show up and try to take over, don't take it sitting down, kill faster. One thing is for sure, no group will miss the mobs they don't pull because they're going slow. If you can't go faster than another group, then you deserve to wait for a spawn or find another camp, cause there is no good reason that they should wait for kills when they clean the camp faster. Hey, I've been on both ends of this situation, and sometimes, it's tough, I'll admit, but life sucks, get a helmet.
#6 Jan 05 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Alot of people forget that in any mmorpg there is a lil thing called "Respect" that should be shown towards the people playing. What I mean by this is...if you see 2 grps at a certain camp...lets say the Troll's near BW, it is extreemly rude to "Assume" you can share the camp as most mobs have a diffrent spawning time and if one place gets overpopulated it slows the spawning time alot which kills the whole purpose of grinding. "Freedom to camp anywhere" is an excuse alot of immature players use to give themself justification to move in on someone elses camp, even tho it is true that not "One grp" can own any one camp.

Anywho what im trying to say is if you deem the camp is or will be overpopulated if your grp decides to move in then dont bother asking as it will just cause a problem and it is rude. As was said..."Tunaria is a big place".
#7 Jan 05 2004 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Im sorry for the dbl post but this has to be said...

Blackbeard wrote:
Now I know the frusturation of grinding and another group showing up, and I really appreciate someone asking if they can share the camp, but if they don't, I don't start crying. This is where people need to stop complaining and do something. If they want to show up and try to take over, don't take it sitting down, kill faster. One thing is for sure, no group will miss the mobs they don't pull because they're going slow. If you can't go faster than another group, then you deserve to wait for a spawn or find another camp, cause there is no good reason that they should wait for kills when they clean the camp faster. Hey, I've been on both ends of this situation, and sometimes, it's tough, I'll admit, but life sucks, get a helmet.

Im sorry I dont agree with that, its that kind of additude that ruins gaming for everyone else. If im at a place like the front of kappa bridge I dont mind if someone takes the mid top of it but I do mind if they move in on the same area that im in as it slows the spawn ALOT as I know from experience which as I said in my other post it kills the whole purpose of a grind. It dosnt take much common sense to realize this and instead of competing/arguing with the grp that was there before you you can spend that time going to the other 1000000 places to camp. One more dosnt suck, the people that do stuff like this suck.
#8 Jan 06 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
Wow nice words everyone and thanks for your words for everyone to here..... But the fact is we gotta follow the rules the agents give us....and the one that comes up every time we start up our every quest game:)
#9REDACTED, Posted: Jan 06 2004 at 2:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hehe...crybabies on both sides of the fence!
#10 Jan 06 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
Hey Sing I have seen the GM's step in but remember they can't be everywhere at once
#11 Jan 06 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
Hey Sing I have seen the GM's step in but remember they can't be everywhere at once
#12 Jan 08 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Default
I belive on not owning a camo but if u are camped there u just get that place and if another group comes along and trys to take it over just get a higher char to get them out. Like the other day at undead and I went in from front entrance And this guy trys to take it over are group is like wtf? So we told him could u plzz leave hes like no and then he left and the next thing I know I am getting hit by 5 more because he trained me and he said he was running from death
#13 Jan 09 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
that was the biggest mistake they ever made by making an announcment that no on owns a camp
#14 Jan 11 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
What ever happened to splitting respawns 5-5 or so. Or just not constantly complaining when someone moves in on a whole camp of deathfist that your using and takes every other one. Granted you will get fewer kills but you will save a ton of crying and whining about who was there first. I understand that you were there first but now your not there alone... deal with it. We don't go there to start crap, and won't kill steal, but we do need to level just as badly as you do. Talking smack is just gonna leave you 4 more people you can't grp with later.

Edited, Sun Jan 11 18:10:36 2004 by AlteregoLXIX
#15 Jan 12 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
I tried to let this go but I can't. You that say if you are too weak to KS another group that comes along and barges in on your camp and say either deal with it or move on, you're full of it. I know most of you cried like babies and probably used colorful language and those of you who just left without a word, yes the meek will inherit the earth, but only til those stronger than you tire of whatever charecter they are playing and PL an alt up to do the same exact thing.

It all boils down to ONE point. Respect. Either you have it, give it, and receive it, or you don't. Go ahead tell me all about how this is a game. How nothing here means nothing. Then show me your level 50+ toon that you spent weeks or months on. The way you act here is either a direct representation of who you are or because of the security of no one knowing who you are, it is a showing of that sad, sad repressed little child inside who was picked on and now uses this game as a tool to take revenge for all those bullies that abused you all your life.

I feel like a story. Earlier I was grouped with someone in a great team wiping out the entire colps camp that you get through that guy near the GM coach. Well as we were circling the whole camp, there was no one else there, during one pass we saw a level 55 Nec farming. He didn't interfere too much with what we were doing but while running around we talked a little about how if you are farming in an area used quite a bit by XP groups then you should find another place to go if/when an XP group shows up. I told them about how I like to farm at the bandits near DM and if a group shows up to XP I either make sure they have enough spawns to keep them busy or I shut up shop altogether. At that time one of my group members said, that's where I remember you from, his alt a 26 Bard had showed up at the bandits and I gave them the camp. At the time I was level 38 and could have just owned them.

Misquote "Better to have chosen a good name than great riches"
It goes something like that and if you don't know the meaning then ask your parents.

If someone moves in on your camp ask them respectfully to leave in a tell, don't use so many four letter words.

#16 Jan 12 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
684 posts
So you expect me to say ok I'll twiddle my thumbs while waiting for my share of respawns because I should be forced to share my camp with you or leave? Dude how about saying, ok neither one of us is going to xp real to the fullest of our potential and for the good of both of us we'll leave because you were here first. That's what I would do. My favorite place to xp and seems like everyone else's at mid 30's seems to be the mins. I was there last night, and it's getting a little slow especially after I dinged 39. Unfortunately, of the last 10 times I went there I would say all camps were taken 8 times. I would never say, there is no camps, please share. There's not enough respawns to satisify to groups, I move on and go elsewhere otherwise it's slow xp's.
#17 Jan 14 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
The only thing to use is RESPECT! Be respectful, if you need something at that camp, ask, and 4 times out of 5 the people will be like "sure".

People running up and ruining my work and training me, sucks. But it takes alot to get me to report to a GM, I only did it once, because some guy wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted 1000 tunar and a SOW. When I said I didn't have the money to give, he followed me around for a half hour until I reported him. (I was hunting for a specific item in a specific place) There is nothing more annoying than having someone send tells to you and call you horrible things. So I thought I might just put him on ignore, but he was really bad so i reported him.

RESPECT is the key.

Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#18 Jan 14 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
The only thing to use is RESPECT! Be respectful, if you need something at that camp, ask, and 4 times out of 5 the people will be like "sure".

People running up and ruining my work and training me, sucks. But it takes alot to get me to report to a GM, I only did it once, because some guy wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted 1000 tunar and a SOW. When I said I didn't have the money to give, he followed me around for a half hour until I reported him. (I was hunting for a specific item in a specific place) There is nothing more annoying than having someone send tells to you and call you horrible things. So I thought I might just put him on ignore, but he was really bad so i reported him.

RESPECT is the key.

Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#19 Jan 14 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
The only thing to use is RESPECT! Be respectful, if you need something at that camp, ask, and 4 times out of 5 the people will be like "sure".

People running up and ruining my work and training me, sucks. But it takes alot to get me to report to a GM, I only did it once, because some guy wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted 1000 tunar and a SOW. When I said I didn't have the money to give, he followed me around for a half hour until I reported him. (I was hunting for a specific item in a specific place) There is nothing more annoying than having someone send tells to you and call you horrible things. So I thought I might just put him on ignore, but he was really bad so i reported him.

RESPECT is the key.

Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#20 Jan 14 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
The only thing to use is RESPECT! Be respectful, if you need something at that camp, ask, and 4 times out of 5 the people will be like "sure".

People running up and ruining my work and training me, sucks. But it takes alot to get me to report to a GM, I only did it once, because some guy wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted 1000 tunar and a SOW. When I said I didn't have the money to give, he followed me around for a half hour until I reported him. (I was hunting for a specific item in a specific place) There is nothing more annoying than having someone send tells to you and call you horrible things. So I thought I might just put him on ignore, but he was really bad so i reported him.

RESPECT is the key.

Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#21 Jan 14 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
The only thing to use is RESPECT! Be respectful, if you need something at that camp, ask, and 4 times out of 5 the people will be like "sure".

People running up and ruining my work and training me, sucks. But it takes alot to get me to report to a GM, I only did it once, because some guy wouldn't leave me alone. He wanted 1000 tunar and a SOW. When I said I didn't have the money to give, he followed me around for a half hour until I reported him. (I was hunting for a specific item in a specific place) There is nothing more annoying than having someone send tells to you and call you horrible things. So I thought I might just put him on ignore, but he was really bad so i reported him.

RESPECT is the key.

Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#22 Jan 14 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default

Now I'm the spaming annoying idiot!!



Barbarian Shaman
31st season
#23 Jan 16 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
OK, heres a thought: This IS supposed to be an RPG, right? So maybe a human paladin should hail the group working camp and ask for permission to share. Maybe the delf necro would simply ignore the other group and go to work, if not thumb his nose in their general direction. The ogre would simply crash in and thump everything, while the Erudite Wizzy would simply leave the camp to the group already there, probably with a GL shouted on his way out. Of course on the real EQOA, all these chars are grouped together grinding with no thought to race or alignment other than "Wow that Erudite chick is stacked!"

Personally it depends on my mood. If I'm annoyed or close to ding or just wasted 45 minutes forming group then waiting for healer to bb, I'm pullin any mobs I can get to, and god forbid anyone says anything to the contrary. But many times I've asked politely for permission to share or simply moved on. I have weird mood swings i guess.

Oh yeah it seems everyone in my town plays EQOA because I could probably score plutonium faster than a game card, so anyone who I ever laugh at people with or group with, yeah I'm alive, be back in a few days.
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