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#77 Mar 02 2008 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
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Wavedashing and L-canceling are gone from Brawl, which were the two most notable melee advanced techniques. Also I wouldn't expect to meet too many highly skillful players at the first level of competition. You probably have a reasonable chance of winning the first round Vataro.
#78 Mar 02 2008 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
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Well, unfortunately, several of my very good friends at my school are very good at melee and those techniques and at least 1-2 of them will be at the tourney Smiley: frown.
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#79 Mar 02 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Try it! You never know. And luck is a good factor too.
#80 Mar 02 2008 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
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Oh, I'll be playing, but for fun, not to win Smiley: tongue.
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#81 Mar 04 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
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That's loser talk. I plan on winning; I and my syringe full of atracurium are ready to take on all contenders!
#82 Mar 04 2008 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
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Just got back from Gamestop a bit ago; local tournament starts at around 9-9:30, so we should be done by the midnight release. Also, there's about a 95% chance that the tournament is going to be done on Brawl, not Melee like I thought.


IGN Review

And apparently the game does not use separate Friend Codes for the game; it works straight from your Address book on your Wii and auto detects others with the game. Smiley: thumbsup
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#83 Mar 04 2008 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
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The first level of competition will vary a bit from store to store. I spoke with the event coordinator from my local game stop, and he said that he will be taking signs ups beginning opening Thursday, and that they may have slightly more than thirty-two participants and even separated adult and child tournaments. All this differs with the official rules.

Brawl will be used for the tournament. It would be extremely unlikely for a store to sue melee, even taking into account local variations, because Gamestop is sending every store a game disk to be used for the tournament (which may be the full game or only a demo).

Edited, Mar 4th 2008 6:58pm by Allegory
#84 Mar 05 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
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Yea, the guy at my local Gamestop wasn't sure, but he was under the impression that they were sending a demo disk of Brawl to use for it (probably with all the characters unlocked already). Also, he already had a sign up sheet going, with about 10 people on it when we signed up. I expect there to be at least 20-30 this weekend. Now I just need to spend my time studying gameplay videos for Samus, Sonic, and Fox (not sure which one I want to use yet, although probably Samus).
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#85 Mar 05 2008 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
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The matches are supposed to be one minute matches, which greatly concerns me and has greatly influenced my choice of character. The issue being that is is really difficult to get a KO in under a minute in Brawl. Many characters have such excellent recoveries that unless they are knocked off the screen they will be able to return to the stage (barring edge guarding, which it is easier to avoid now).

If all characters are unlocked I believe Marth will be my best option. If only the starting roster is available I am unsure whether to go with Ike (enough damage and power for a one minute kill), Dedede (decent recovery, enough power for 1 minute kill, and ranged attack), or pikachu (revovery, ranged attack, and downsmash as a killing move).
#86 Mar 05 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
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If no KO happens in a minute, is it based on damage dealt? A minute does seem really short...
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#87 Mar 05 2008 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
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Normally you would go into sudden death mode. I am mostly certain for this tournament the players will simply rematch.

It seems quite poorly planned really. I assumed they thought the idea of timed matches would move the tournament along quickly, but I feel there are simply going to be several rematches.
#88 Mar 05 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
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Yea, I'm gonna practice with my friend (mentioned above) who's really good with yoshi and see if I can work a little on it...
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#89 Mar 05 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
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Whichever character you end up choosing for the competition make you sure know their high knockback moves. These will be the ones you want to use as sparingly as possible (because knockback diminishes with spamming), and only with the intent to kill the opponent.
#90 Mar 05 2008 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
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Assuming Samus' power missles are as good for knockback as they are in melee, I plan on using those... but I will need to remember to save them for later, as I can get a bit projectile happy with Samus sometimes Smiley: tongue.
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#91 Mar 05 2008 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
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Spamming ranged attack for damage isn't bad, and will help you rack of damage quickly. Assuming no significant changes in her melee move set your best killing moves will be fsmash, dsmash, and charged shot.
#92 Mar 06 2008 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
I have two gamestops in my area, and I'm wondering which one I should participate at...

I have no intention of winning and going to Cali, but I'm fortunate enough to have a round 3 location only two hours from I might really try.

Edited, Mar 6th 2008 8:33am by Himmelskralle
#93 Mar 06 2008 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
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Yea, the store here is also a round 2 location, so in the (highly) unlikely chance that I win, it wouldn't be a problem to get there, where I will definitely lose Smiley: tongue.

And yea, fsmash and dsmash are my friends... I also always try to have a fully charged energy blast ready Smiley: tongue. I'm thinking Samus more and more... especially since matches are only a minute long Smash balls will be few and far between, so I won't have to worry about that.
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#94 Mar 06 2008 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I just want to win round 1 and see if I get anything for it, then drop out. I'm too busy with college to drive around.
#95 Mar 06 2008 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
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I'm contestant number four!
#96 Mar 07 2008 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
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I played it tonight, and finished about an hour ago. Aside from the complete lack of wavedashing, L cancelling, crouch cancelling, and any type of canceling at all (@#%^ing @#%^ing @#%^ @#%^ @#%^berries) the physics are very, very different than in melee. Everything feels sloppy, from the running to the jumping to the fast-fall response. They are all things that I can get used to, but it's a huge change from melee.

Wavedashing and L-canceling are gone from Brawl, which were the two most notable melee advanced techniques. Also I wouldn't expect to meet too many highly skillful players at the first level of competition. You probably have a reasonable chance of winning the first round Vataro.

I'm pretty good at melee, but I lost the first three rounds I played before I started to get used to the physics (then won all of them until i left). If you are aiming to win then I highly recommend playing the N64 version of the game as much as possible before you fight in the real tournament. Brawl's physics seems to approximate the 64 version much closer than it does melee. The knockback, collision detection, gravity, and all of those things remind me totally of Smash Bros 1. I'm normally a Link guy so I can only really tell you what they changed foe him in great detail: he is the best projectile user in the game now, but his already long delays at close combat are even larger, and the tether system just sucks. The nice thing is that you can't edge-guard as fast without the wavedash, so the tether isn't rendered completely useless. It has a very short range though, and will not save you from anything that the spin attack would; basically, they exist now only as a strategic tool, rather than something that can extend your recovery distance.

Honestly my first impression of the game was horrible. Aside from the loss of nearly every cool glitch, it was very tough to get back into the physics of an N64 game. I'm hoping that cool other glitches will be found, but I'm absolutely hating the inability to even crouch cancel. The lack of a good midair dodge sucks also, meaning the neither samus nor link can quintuple jump anymore. I'll still play the game for fun, and for its online capabilites, but my first judgment is that the skill gap between the average players and the best will be much, much smaller than in melee. I guess that is better for parties, but until people start finding universally applicable glitches like the wavedash, it's not going to be for serious fights. I'm not getting rid of melee by any means.

I'm thinking Samus more and more... especially since matches are only a minute long Smash balls will be few and far between, so I won't have to worry about that.

She sucks now. Well, maybe I'm just a bit jaded. However, the way I played samus in melee (and I was just starting to get good with her also) is not longer possible. I was not able to shoot missiles upon landing at all, not to mention that she can't quintuple jump for a recovery. Also, the bomb jump is much more difficult to accomplish with her, and the lack of wavedashing means that you have the worst roll/dodge in the game. The lack of the air to ground missile really made me sad; it might be possible to still do it, but you'll still probaly have more lag.

Edited, Mar 7th 2008 11:36pm by Pensive
#97 Mar 07 2008 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
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By the way Allegory, Ike is pretty damn awesome.
#98 Mar 07 2008 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
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The nice thing is that you can't edge-guard as fast without the wavedash, so the tether isn't rendered completely useless.

Actually you can grab the ledge faster now. If you run off the ledge and almost immediately tap towards it you will ledge hog.

Tether recoveries are absolutely terrible.

For many characters ledge hodging does not matter, unless combined with edge game. Pit, meta knight, charizard, and rob are all capable of getting back to the stage no matter where they are sent provided they aren't KO'd. Most other characters have a good enough recovery that with survival DI they can easily make it back to the stage. The values of actual KOs and edge game has increased a lot.

Also worth noting is that although l canceling was removed from the game certain aerial moves now auto cancel, which is equivalent save the button pressing.

Samus can still missile cancel, but it is more difficult to do now.

And one minor thing, I think pit's arrows are better than any of Link's ranged attacks.
By the way Allegory, Ike is pretty damn awesome.

I watched a lot of Pit, Ike, and Dedede videos, and I would agree. But for this tournament I've mostly settled on Dedede. I feel he has the best factors for me going into this tournament with zero brawl experience.

-Having a ranged attack will be greatly useful against characters that do not, Pit has this, but Ike lacks it.
-He has an easy to use and good recovery, Pit has this, but I could easily mess up Ike's recovery with a wrong button press.
-He has attacks strong enough attacks to KO in one minute, Ike has this, Pit mostly lacks this.
-He is heavy enough that if I make a mistake while learning the game I will not easily risk being KO'd. Ike has this, Pit does not.
-He has an easy to use chain grab, and a very long grab range. Neither Pit nor Ike can compare.
-He is a giant penguin, which is just badass. Pit and Ike are both not giant penguins.

Dedede I think is best to minimize my chance of making a very simply but serious error.

Edited, Mar 8th 2008 1:20am by Allegory
#99 Mar 08 2008 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good



#100 Mar 08 2008 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
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I'll have to try her missile cancel more then. I just noted that the timing was completely different than before.

As for pits arrows, yeah they alone are better than any one of link's, but link has three! His bombs got a noticeable boost in power, to the point where I KO'd someone with them at 150% The boomerang is awesome for setting up melee combos as well, by dragging them toward you, and the bow just charges so fast now. Bomb-Boomerang spam can be replaced with bomb-arrow spam. I beat all of the Pits that I happened to fight though, but that might be a combination of me being very familiar with link and no one being at all familiar with pit, or any other factors as you can imagine.

I didn't realize that deal about getting to the edge so quickly. In melee I would run at an edge then turn around quickly, then wave-dash backwards onto the ledge. It's a good thing that the people I was playing didn't seem to know about it. The clawshot itself just has abyssmal range now, and I can't stand the fact that I can't use it as an areial attack. One of Link's best defenses was a dodge away from someone and then smacking them in the face with the longshot as a "back the **** off man" kinda move. THe one saving grace is that it seems you can grab the ledge itself from a much larger distance now. I made a few spin-attack recoveries that I just didn't think would be possible in melee.

But I still hate the loss of my longshot and my bomb jump. I'm still working on the bomb jump but I'm not very optimistic yet.
#101 Mar 08 2008 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
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Here are the scores thus far, for anyone who cares.

1up - A
IGN - 9.5
GS - 9.5

Metacritic Score thus far: 96

So if not Samus, then who should I go with? Never really played Ike in Melee Smiley: frown.
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