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Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest - Submission ThreadFollow

#52 Nov 17 2010 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
Class: Ranger
Skill Name: Nature's Decoy
Skill Description: Raise a stationary copy of yourself from the ground in your spot turning your actual self temporarily hidden from view. Decoy has 1/4th of your health, 1/4th of you attack power, and no energy or skills. Decoy remains alive for 5 seconds, until destroyed or until you attack or activate a skill which in turn brings you back into view.
Casting Time: 2 Seconds
Recharge Time: 90 Seconds
Usage: To aid with escape or to gain a position advantage through stealthy means.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 12:15am by Ancientwolf13
#53 Nov 17 2010 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
Mesmer (or equivalent) Skill
Name: "Stop Hitting Yourself!"

Instantly uses the primary weapon skill of the foe on himself, resetting it's cooldown.

Mana/Recharge could be some factor N times the mana/recharge of the skill of the foe that was used.
#54 Nov 18 2010 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
Warrior Utility Skill

Recharge: 45seconds
Cost: 2x copied skill

The skill slot Remise occupies constantly becomes a copy of the last melee attack skill you used. When Remise is activated the skill used previously is activated again dealing identical damage and effects.

If your last melee attack skill was blocked/evaded then the copy activated by Remise activates twice as fast, will deal bonus damage in addition to automatically being a critical hit and unblockable/unevadable.

Remise sets off a 45 second recharge time for itself, preventing the use of any further skills copied by Remise for 45 seconds. The energy cost of the skill will be twice as much as the skill copied.

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 1:35am by FelixInfelicium

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 1:36am by FelixInfelicium

Edited, Nov 18th 2010 3:11pm by FelixInfelicium
#55 Nov 18 2010 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Skill name: Sunder
Profession: Warrior
Elite Greatsword Skill

Skill Effect: Furiously plunge your Greatsword into the ground dealing damage to all adjacent foes and knocking them
down. For 15 seconds you deal 20% less damage but foes have -20 armor against your Greatsword attacks. If a foe was knocked down by this skill Your next melee attack will result in a critical hit.

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 1:18pm by Zagerus
#56 Nov 18 2010 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
Necromancer Skill

Virulent Siphon

The necromancer maintains a crackling green energy conduit with target ally.

  • Any conditions target ally would receive, are instead given to enemies standing in the path of the conduit.
  • Enemies standing in the path of the conduit will also suffer constant health degeneration.
  • If there are no enemies standing in the path of the energy conduit, then it is the necromancer maintaining the conduit that suffers health degeneration, as well as receiving any conditions target ally would.

  • * Ooops. Forget to say that if necromancer and ally get too far apart, then the Virulent Siphon's energy conduit breaks.

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:52am by Redfeather75
    #57 Nov 18 2010 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
    Mesmer intended skill

    I prefer to keep some values generic and focus on the mechanics of the skill.

    This skill would work in a similar way to a chain skill, except for the fact that the skill changes into another once the requirements are met.

    Triangle of Synergies: create a Triangle of Synergies (X life points, skills that target it have 25% chance of missing the target). The Triangle of Synergies keeps track of the next 3 skills you use. When the Triangle of Synergies memorizes 3 skills, you are enchanted with its power for W seconds, the recharge time of the skills tracked in the Triangle of Synergies is halved for the next time you activate them and this skill becomes Triangle of Mnemonics for Y seconds.

    Triangle of Mnemonics: create a Triangle of Mnemonics (X' life points, skills that target it have 33% chance of missing the target, 50% chance that it teleports to an adjacent location when it receives damage). The Triangle of Mnemonics keeps track of the next 3 skills you use. When the Triange of Mnemonics memorizes 3 skills, you are enchanted with its power for W' seconds, the skills tracked in the Triangle of Mnemonics are recharged 75% faster for the next time you activate them and this skill becomes Pyramid of Cognos for Y' seconds.

    Pyramid of Cognos: create a Pyramid of Cognos (X'' life points, skills that target it have 50% chance of missing the target, attacks every second with a Ray of Chaos that deals Z damage). The pyramid keeps track of the next 3 skills you use. When the Pyramid of Cognos memorizes 3 skills, you are enchanted with its power for W'' seconds, the skills tracked in the Pyramid of Cognos deal an additional Z' damage and when you activate the Pyramid of Cognos again, it explodes and inflicts Z'' damage and blackout for 2 seconds to nearby foes.
    #58 Nov 18 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent

    TYPE: Ranger Nature Ritual Elite
    COST: 15
    CASTING TIME: 5 seconds
    RECHARGE: 30 seconds
    EFFECT: Nature Ritual. Cast only at night. Creates a level 1...5...6 spirit (1...25...31 second lifespan). While they remain in the area, your pet and pets controlled by your allies are transformed into Monstrous Wolves. All of their attacks deal +5...25...30 damage and inflict Poison for 1...5...6 seconds.

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 9:20am by RadiationSings
    #59 Nov 18 2010 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Profession: Necromancer
    Skill Name: I Am Become Death
    Description: For X seconds, all sources of life force are doubled.

    It's basically a neat, simple skill that, used tactically, will let a Necro enter Death Shroud earlier. If linked to something, the time and/or multiplier could be variable.

    Hope ya like it!
    #60 Nov 18 2010 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
    This skill is a heal party skill for the Sylvari race.

    Skill name: SONGS FROM THE WOOD
    (Inspired by the Jethro Tull song)

    Cast time: 1-2 sec
    Duration: 5 sec
    Recharge: 1 minute

    While going into a meditation/trance the caster of the skill elevates about 2 feet of the ground and his/hers feets morphs into roots that connects them to the ground. (The animation of the skill happens during casttime (1-2 sec) and the caster stays elevated for 3-4 sec. 5 seconds altogether.)
    Then in an area around the sylvari the team members gets an aura of "flowers and forest magic", and in a small area around the sylvari there could be some animation of (sun-)light and healing rain, but at least some "forest ground" that shows that the sylvari is using the skill.

    The effect of this skill is a regeneration of partymembers hp (heal) and to reduce the time of/slowly remove negative conditions they have. How much/fast hp-regeneration and how many conditions removed should be based upon the skilllevel of the caster.

    The caster is in trance/meditation in 3-4 seconds (+1-2 sec casttime) and cant do anything else during that period.

    To get a feel of my inspiration here is the lyrics of the song:

    Let me bring you songs from the wood
    to make you feel much better than you could know.
    Dust you down from tip to toe.
    Show you how the garden grows.
    Hold you steady as you go.
    Join the chorus if you can:
    it'll make of you an honest man.
    Let me bring you love from the field:
    poppies red and roses filled with summer rain.
    To heal the wound and still the pain,
    that threatens again and again,
    as you drag down every lover's lane.
    Life's long celebration's here.
    I'll toast you all in penny cheer.
    Let me bring you all things refined:
    galliards and lute songs served in chilling ale.
    Greetings well met fellow, hail!
    I am the wind to fill your sail.
    I am the cross to take your nail:
    A singer of these ageless times,
    With kitchen prose and gutter rhymes.
    Songs from the wood make you feel much better.


    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 10:02am by Avathor

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 10:07am by Avathor
    #61 Nov 18 2010 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
    Necromancer skill

    Pit of Bones: Mark: enemies within this mark take x damage every second they are in the mark. For every foe that dies while in the mark a bone minion(ghoul, horror, etc.) is summoned in your control. These minions live for x seconds.
    Cast time: 2-3 seconds
    Recharge: To be dertermined
    #62 Nov 18 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Boss Skill: Summon "Lumo the Mime"
    Description: Summons Lumo the Mime
    Casted Target: Must mimic an emote used by Lumo the Mime, if a player should make an error that player suffers a random condition or takes damage.
    #63 Nov 18 2010 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
    "Inner Mounting Flame" Elite Fire Ele

    For some reason that song came to mind by Mahavishnu Orchestra. If it was an elite ele skill, I imagine upon activation it would continue increasing fire dmg of every skill the longer it is active. It could be a sort of meditation, movement or taking damage could interrupt the process. If you manage to keep it activated for the full charge up you ride around (mounting) on a fireball, or maybe a phoenix, with increased movement speed while inflicting massive fire damage to any enemy you collide with on your high speed rampage! YARRR!
    #64 Nov 18 2010 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
    Strength of Serenity's Will

    Description: Finding ones inner serenity for pure control over the mind, body and soul to overcome any obstacle in your path...

    TYPE: Warrior Strength Elite
    COST: 10
    CASTING TIME: 5 seconds
    RECHARGE: 60 seconds
    EFFECT: Cannot be interrupted if alone or outside any earshot range. You gain maximum adrenaline, all adrenaline skills cost half the original cost and you gain twice the amount of adrenaline for every attack for 30 seconds. You attack 25% faster. End effect: You regain any lost energy but lose all adrenaline.

    (willing to pay postage if i win a prize as im in the UK)

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 4:05pm by Hu7chy

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 4:05pm by Hu7chy
    #65 Nov 18 2010 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
    My apologizes for my English, i'm French.

    Elementalist Fire Skill:

    Name: Hell Flames (fr: Flammes de l'Enfer)
    Description: You have 30 seconds to draw a fire circle around one or several targets. If you success, the target with the most starting HPs will be affect by a buff named like the skill.
    Buff Affect: The target will take 150% of all damage during 20 seconds.
    Cast Time: 1 to 30 seconds
    Recharge Time: 20 minutes

    --------- In French ---------
    Sort Elémentaliste de type feu :

    Nom : Flammes de l'Enfer
    Description : Vous avez 30 secondes pour dessiner un cercle de feu autour d'une ou plusieurs cibles. Si vous réussissez, la cible avec le plus de PVs initiaux sera affectée par un buff nommé comme le sort.
    Effet du buff : La cible prendra 150% de tous les dommages subis pendant 20 secondes.
    Durée de cast : 1 à 30 secondes
    Temps de recharge : 20 minutes
    #66 Nov 18 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Ranger proffesion Skill

    Skill Name: Soar
    Skill Affect: You view the world through the eyes of your bird pet. You are able to fly and scout out the area. While in this state you are able to use several skills unique to your pet. Any damage done to the bird is transfered to the Ranger after this spell ends. This skill lasts for 30seconds and cannot be used in combat.
    Cast Time: 3Seconds.
    Recharge Time: 45seconds.

    The attempt of this skill is for players who enjoy exploration.

    Join a new PvP area? Need to see where the flag is? Take your sidekick bird friend for a little joyride!
    Dont know whats over that mountain? Send your pet in to check whats there!
    Whats around that corner?
    Whats that in the distance?
    Omg whos that guy and why is he so sexy but I dont want to be a stalker!
    Send the pet in for your spying needs!

    The bird itself is able to heal, attack/evade and recall to his master through its bestial skills.

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 1:27pm by grabus
    #67 Nov 18 2010 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Necromancer Elite Skill

    Skill Name:
    Minion show
    Skill Effect: Spawns 1 Minion next to every enemy in the area for 5 seconds. The Minions got the same health, armor and damage as the caster and will only attack the enemy they spawned next to.

    Minion show chaining skill: Necrotic Manifestation
    Skill Effect: can only be cast on one of the spawned Minions. When activated the caster gets teleported to the position of the chosen Minion and causes Fear at every surrounding enemy for 3 seconds. All Minions get destroyed when Necrotic Manifestation gets activated.

    Animation: The Minions may look like mummies and raise of the earth. When Necrotic Manifestation gets activated the caster decays to dust and appear inside the mummie, tearing the bandages.

    Cast time: 2 seconds
    Recast time: 180 seconds

    Mfg MidnightDesaster
    #68 Nov 18 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
    Warrior Skill
    Weapon: Rifle
    Name: Called Shot
    Type: Ranged Charge Attack

    Description: The Warrior kneels and takes careful aim, staring at his target down the scope of the long weapon. Breathing gradually getting shallower to steady the aim, before finally firing the shot.

    Effect: Armor damage reduction is reduced, or possible ignored. Increased damage for duration of charge. Bonus damage applies if the target is at full health. Bonus damage aplies if the Warrior is at full health. If game balance is needed the Warrior suffers more damage while using this skill.

    Other Possible Effects: Increase the effective range of the attack based on charge duration. At full charge shot disables a random weapon skill for 10 seconds.

    Intended Use: Ranged support attacks or an attack used to initiate combat. Could be used to pull enemies in PVE.
    #69 Nov 18 2010 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
    Elementalist skill

    Regenerative Tomb of Ra'ah

    Elite Earth Spell

    Cause damage to nearby foes while protecting ally in danger of death.

    Short description:
    Causes up to 42 damage and causes knock-down to foes nearby targeted ally, then 42 more damage, reduces physical and elemental damage to targeted ally by 75% for 14 seconds. Target ally cannot move for 14 seconds.

    Long Description:
    Spell causes five small eruptions of earth surrounding targeted ally at a "nearby" distance. Eruptions cause 42 damage to foes adjacent to each eruption, also causing knock-down. Debris flies to target ally, causing projectile damage to foes adjacent to target ally up to 42 points. Target ally is then encased in a temporary stone sarcophagus, reducing physical and elemental damage by 75% for 14 seconds. Effect: Target ally cannot move for 14 seconds.

    Kelandyr Nightfire

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 2:21pm by Kelandyr
    #70 Nov 18 2010 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
    This is for warriors.


    Only usable while Downed.

    You cannot Rally after activating this skill. You will not be allowed to Rally for the duration of the skill. Your revive timer will be reset to the maximum length available upon completion of the skill. You will be Defeated at the end of the skill.

    Target's revive timer will be set to the maximum length available after the successful completion of this skill. Target is not allowed to rally for the duration of the skill. Target will be defeated at the successful completion of this skill.

    This skill is only available if the Downed Warrior is adjacent to any enemy

    The Warrior decides to take his foe down with him, no matter the cost. Upon activation the Warrior Shouts, tosses the target in a random direction, and charges him. Upon reaching the target the warrior will begin performing a Death Chain, dealing immense amounts of damage to the target, culminating in the death of the target. The target cannot move, but is free to fight back.

    The Death Cry (shout) the warrior performs before the toss reduce the damage done by every enemy affected in range.

    While in a Death Wish state, a warrior cannot be affected by anything other than damage. The warrior will also receive less damage from all sources. The warrior cannot be healed.

    "I die, you die" - Purported last words of Sanhart Reindler, Warlord

    The idea is to shatter an enemy formation by breaking it up and immobilising one of them.

    Edited, Nov 19th 2010 12:18am by Queersen
    #71 Nov 18 2010 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Mesmer Skill: Lucid Dream Phantom (Like a lucid dream but for reality)

    Elite Skill:
    For 60 seconds, you enter a dream state (Makes the environment all black and purpley with some muffled noise and maybe some foggy edges.) in the real world. While in the dream state, you gain a new skill bar which can manipulate the environment in ways that would be similar to what one can do in a lucid dream. i.e. hurtle large boulders and create minions to do your bidding... and possibly fly.... Flying is fun in lucid dreams. After the skill ends, all skills are disabled for 30 seconds due to the immense mental exhaustion.

    #72 Nov 18 2010 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
    Elementalist Skill

    Name: Splash Attack
    Splash water into a nearby opponents eye causing slow down and temporary blindness for X seconds. If in water (like a pond or something) recharge time is instant other wise it is 2 seconds

    Necromancer Skill

    Name: Vera's Wrath
    Description: If an opponent is knocked down summon a sword from a fallen soldier and pierce the opponent's torso causing bleeding for X seconds.
    Other Effects: Opponent will remain knocked down for an additional X seconds and while in effect all nearby lightning strikes will be directed to opponent and cause an additional Y damage (as the sword will act as a conductive rod)

    #73 Nov 18 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Mesmer skill: Derision

    The target is highlighted by a halo of pink kitten for X seconds. During that time, his/her allies roll on the floor laughing.

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 1:36pm by grenouillette

    Edited, Nov 18th 2010 1:38pm by grenouillette
    #74 Nov 18 2010 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Ranger skill: Nature's Intervention
    Effects will vary with terrain and surroundings, but essentially, the ranger calls for Nature to help out in some way. If in a forest, trees can bind enemies (or seaweed underwater); a rock slide in the mountains for damage and/or knockdown; mud can form to slow the enemy; or bees could swarm the enemy causing damage if nothing else.
    #75 Nov 18 2010 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Profession: Elementalist
    Name: Energy doppelgänger
    Cast Time: 1 sec.
    Recharge: 120...60 sec. (depending on Elementalist's primary attribute)
    Range: 1...3 times aggro range. (depending on Elementalist's primary attribute)

    Effect: create a doppelgänger of the caster in the selected spot on the field (or near the targeted enemy).
    It cannot attack, but can receive spells and buffs (it can be healed only by other classes).
    Its health is equal to the caster's primary attribute multiplied by 5...20 (depending on Elementalist's primary attribute).
    The caster's health and mana are equal to the sum of his and the doppelgänger's ones and each condition on the doppelgänger is transferred on the caster while standing next to him.
    If the caster leaves the doppelgänger (was near and leaves) the spell ends.
    If the doppelgänger health is reduced to 0 from direct damage, the spell ends and the caster receive 0....20% of his maximum health (depending on the caster's race) and 0...5% of his maximum mana (depending on the caster's race).
    The doppelgänger is neither friendly nor a foe: it can be targeted to force its death and it is subject to area damages.
    If the caster is near the doppelgänger and receives damage, health is subtracted from the doppelgänger first, but it counts as indirect damage.
    #76 Nov 18 2010 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
    Profession: Warrior
    Name: "When It's Ready!"
    Energy Cost: 5
    Cast Time: 3/4 of a second
    Recharge: This skill is disabled until someone uses a shout that targets you.

    Shout. For 30 seconds all players, pets and minions in earshot except you cannot move, attack or cast spells. The effect of this shout ends if you use a skill.
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