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[Chocobo Feather] Recruiting ALL for launch of 2.0! (NA/EU)Follow

#1 Mar 18 2013 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
FC Charter:
Base Region: North America / European
Time Zone: Eastern (EST)


Chocobo Feather is a Free Company located on the Excalibur server. We label ourselves as a mid-core group of players. This is a home for everyone no matter what type of playstyle that they are looking for. We have a private Teamspeak3 server that is free for use by all members. As a group we do numerous weekly events and all members are free to signup for as many or as few as they can fit into their play schedule. The goal of the Free Company is to create a comfortable, respectful environment for all members. We want to accomplish all that the game offers while having fun and making memories along the way.

The linkshell is built on a set of key principles that define and inform every part of the group. While the key principles are certainly important, in order to understand them in the proper context, attention must be paid to the charter as a whole. No single principle can accurately reflect an entire Free Company; as such the key principles are not numbered. Each principle holds an equally important weight.[/CENTER]

A Free Company is not "good" because it progresses; it progresses because it is "good."
Linkshells that are able to progress smoothly through content do so because they work well together. A Free Company that works well together and plays well together will, by virtue of that, progress through content. If the players of the Free Company do not work together, it does not matter how skilled any single player may be, content will be extraordinarily challenging.

The Free Company comes first.
This principle shows up everywhere. It represents an attitude that the whole is more important than the parts. No matter what the situation, the strength of the Free Company is more important than a single character being strong. Similarly, it also shows an understanding that what is best for the Free company is best for the individual in the long term.

Effective communication brings good results.
This principle applies not only to what is said by members, but how, when and to whom it is said. To be an asset to the FC, players need to be able to communicate effectively (and respectfully) with other Free Company members, and those outside the Free Company as well. Part of this principle involves using the tools provided to increase, enhance, or simplify communication with others, including the Free Company website and voice chat server. It also involves the way problems with others are handled, how issues are raised or the timing of a comment. It further involves using the Free Company, and Free Company members, as a resource for learning different or more effective play styles or for sharing such tips with others. What is always key though, regardless of the situation, is that communication is effective only when all parties involved are treated with the proper amount of respect.

We are looking for mature players over the age of 18. If you are a good person and respectful to others then this might be the place for you! We are also only looking for those who are dedicated to the game. If you are under the age of 18 then you must have a family member already in the FC who is willing to take full responsibility for you joining should you get accepted.

These rules are very basic, however we do take them seriously. So please be mindful when interacting with others in the Free Company. These rules are also subject to change as things develop. [/CENTER]

[*]Be Respectful, I know this is not always easy but please keep this in mind when interacting with the linkshell / free company members. This rule does not only apply to the members, it also applies the officers and leaders as well. We would like to keep a positive environment for everyone so this rule is VERY IMPORTANT to follow.
[*]No spam in chat.
[*]When wearing the linkshell / free company crest it is very important that you conduct yourself in a dignified manner. We do not care so much how you act outside of the group, however when representing our faction please keep us in mind.
[*]Be open, ask for help when you need it! We are a helpful group of people.
[*]You MUST sign up for FC events if you wish to attend. You can view upcoming events as well as sign up for them under the "Events" tab in the top menu of the webpage. Those who do not sign up and still wish to attend may do so if there is room available.
[*]If you sign up for an FC event, you are expected to show up.

[CENTER]When you submit an application to this FC you agree to abide by the C.O.C. Also remember the meaning of the word "Respect". This includes every form of the word respect. If you think before you act and it could be seen as negative then chances are you are not abiding by the C.O.C.

If anyone has an issue with another member then they need to talk to an officer privately. No one shall be discussing other members and their personal situations in public.

Those who wish to act out and go against the principles that they agreed to before applying and joining will have consequences for their actions. The free company will use a three strike rule for violations. If a leader speaks with you and you do not show any form of improvement by the third strike, you will be removed from the linkshell / free company and you will forfeit all rights and items that come along with said membership.

The Leadership team also reserves the right to kick any member at any time even before a third strike is reached to maintain a positive environment for all members.

Please note that the DKP system is subject to change should the game develop to a point where it will not be needed. For example a token based system.

As a Free Company who participates in end-game content, one of the issues that must be addressed is the acquisition and distribution of items from end game content. This issue can be addressed in any number of ways and most systems have pros and cons to consider. Much thought was put into what system could best serve the interest of Chocobo Feather. The system itself will be detailed but first a small note on gearing. Each player should understand fully the fundamentals of the class and job spec they choose to play. In relation to gearing this means knowing which stats are important, why they are important, and what numbers you should be trying to attain on those specific stats.

We have decided to use a DKP loot system. We feel that this system will best serve the Free Company while providing our most active members with the greatest rewards. [/CENTER]

1 point - showing up to an event that you have signed up for.
2 points - for staying the ENTIRE time.
This gives each member a chance to earn as many as 3 points for any given event. There will be no issuing of partial points for staying the majority of the time.

Each piece of gear that drops will having a starting bid according to how rare it is to get as well as how difficult it is to obtain determined at the sole discretion of the leadership team. Once the starting bid has been determined, everyone in attendance to the event is free to bid on the item as long as they are able to use it at the time of bidding and have the points which they have bid. Once the item has been purchased the points will be deducted from the top bidders account. It is extremely important that all participants go to the website and find out how many points they have prior to the event starting.

Under no circumstances will anyone be permitted to sell or trade any item acquired from doing an event.

Special Applications: The DKP system will only be used for organized free company events, and end game content that requires large amounts of people or is relatively difficult to complete. For small group content or member created events, the loot system used in the game will be the primary method used. If you have a question please feel free to ask a leader or one of the officers.

The primary schedule for end game content is still to be determined once the game has released. Free Company events will be posted using the website at least 1-week before the event. Anyone who wishes to attend the event should sign-up. If a person is unable to make it to the event they have already signed up for, contact one of the leaders, in-game or using the website’s private message if at all possible so a replacement can be found and the event can continue as scheduled.

Regardless of the event, in order to facilitate the best use of time for all members involved, players are required to be online 15-minutes before the start time to allow themselves enough time to be at the appropriate location with all necessary gear and items needed for their character. Replacements will be found if someone has not arrived for their slot within a reasonable timeframe. FC events may conclude early if objectives are achieved before the end time, and will not continue beyond the posted end time (by more than a few minutes) without the unanimous vote of all members involved.[/CENTER]

Free Company members are allowed to create their own events that they can ask to be posted on the "events" page of the website. One of the unique advantages to this is members will be able to keep track of the event via the event tracker on the front page of the website (to the right of the latest threads).

You must fit the following criteria in order to request an event. If you fit the criteria listed below and wish to request to have an event scheduled please speak to one of the team leaders.

[*]You must be a member of the Free Company (FC).
[*]You must have a job leveled to the appropriate level in order to lead the event.

These are the free company events that are neither raiding nor member sponsored events. These events will be lead by an officer. The schedule time for these events will vary depending on what members want. These events can be anything from primal fights to exp / instance parties.

Raiding is the 24 man end game content of the game. Only those with the "Raider" rank can participate in raiding events. We have two types of raids that will both be held on the same time schedule. Events will be held 3 times a week, they are subject to change due to member availability. We will decide on what type of raid to do each night based on the restrictions of the game and the progress of the core raiding group.

[*]Tuesday: 10pm - 1am EST
[*]Thursday - 10pm - 1am EST
[*]Friday - 10pm - 1am EST

Progressive Raids: This is our core group of players. It will be the same 24 (+3-4 people as backup) people every time, we want to create a synergy with the core group and this is the best way to do it. Progression raid members will be chosen based on their performance and ability to learn. In other words everyone is eligible for a position in the core raiding group. The core progression team will not receive any special treatment aside from priority invites on progression nights.

Farm Raids: These raids are for regular members. They will be on the same schedule as progressive raids. These raids are designed to not only farm the same content as the core group, but to also give other members who are not a part of the core raiding group a chance to improve and hone their skills. We will be switching as many members out as we can while still being able to down the content. This is to ensure that everyone gets a chance to play.

Raider Rank: The "Raider" rank is more of the "mid-core" aspect of the group. This is the branch of Chocobo Feather that will be doing organized events as well as participating in progression content for FFXIV ARR. As of right now anyone can join the FC. Please keep in mind tho that all of that may change depending on how the game develops. Free company raiders will have 100% access to all of the benefits of being in Chocobo Feather. They include but not limited to the following: Membership as a raider in the FC may become a little more difficult as the game progresses.

[*]FC Members will have access to the FC Bank. Some items may be restricted based on type.
[*]FC Members will be able to create their own scheduled FC events.
[*]FC Members will have access to the FC housing once it is implemented and obtained.

Member Rank: The "member" rank is a rank given to those who are just into the "social" aspect of the game. There are a few restrictions that those interested in applying for this rank should keep in mind before doing so:

[*]You will not be able to participate in "Raiding" events.
[*]You will not be allowed to utilize the Free Company Bank.
[*]You will not be able to create topics in the "Free Company" section of the forums.

[CENTER] For any wishing to join Chocobo Feather, there is a simple process that must be adhered to. To better server the member and to allow everyone to sign up for events all members must place an application on the Free Company website found [URL=""]HERE[/URL]. Once an application has been submitted, contact a leadership member in game. If you do not know if a leader is online, contact any online member to ask who is available at that time. Once the decision has been made on acceptance into the Free company, a leader will contact you and let you know the results. While we would love to take everyone, we have to realize that this might not be the best home for all players.[/CENTER]

Inactive Members: This rule will start taking effect after the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn on August 27th, 2013. Please keep in mind this is to prevent any issues with membership. We want to make sure we have room in the Free Company for active members.

[*]Free Company members with the rank "Raider" are expected to participate in at least 4 events a month. Slack will be given should it be necessary.
[*]All members who are inactive for 60 days or more will get moved to the "inactive" group on the website.
[*]Inactive members may lose their spot in the Free Company if room becomes an issue. Those who get removed due to inactivity are free to join again provided there is still room.
[*]Inactive members DO NOT lose their website privileges This is to ensure you can keep up with LS / FC events and information as well as inform us of your return.

Special Applications: This rule may change should the following apply. Those who wish to put in a leave of absence on the forums and reserve their spot in the FC may do so. You must first talk to an officer if you wish to do this.

All those wishing to apply to the free company will undergo a 2 week trial period. Within this 2 week trial period you will be monitored for not only your attendance, but your performance as a whole. We want to make sure each and every member fits in with what we want for Chocobo Feather. When on trial you will be subject to a few ground rules. Please keep these in mind when applying for the Free Company.[/CENTER]

[*]You will not be able to obtain DKP.
[*]You will not be able to acquire any loot / items from FC events unless it goes up for free for all.
[*]You will not have access to the Free Company bank.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 6:43pm by KiwiBerry
#2 Mar 24 2013 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry for double posting, I just want everyone to know we are still recruiting! We will be recruiting until well after 2.0 launch.
#3 Mar 30 2013 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
just wanted to let you all know that I updated the DKP system with a little note. I have noticed there are many people who are getting confused as to what the DKP system is used for. So I took some time to break it down to make it easier to understand. I added this to the original description as well.

The DKP system will only be applied to end game content that requires large amounts of people (12-24), or is relatively difficult to complete. If there is no "raiding" in 2.0, then we will only be using the DKP system when it becomes available. All other instances or methods of getting gear will be organized based on the individual groups. Meaning, the loot system used in the game will be the primary method used for anything that does not fit the above description. For those that do not know this, the loot system in 2.0 is based on a NEED vs GREED type of system.
#4 May 09 2013 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
-bump- ^^ we are still recruiting!
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#5 Jun 11 2013 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
-bump- we are still recruiting :)
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#6 Jun 11 2013 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
sounds like a fun shell kiwi, what server are u guys rolling on?
#7 Jun 19 2013 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
We will be on Excalibur ^^. Sorry for the wait on a reply. Just so you know we are still recruiting, only 5 spots left tho!
#8 Jun 19 2013 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
damm ill be rolling on balmung since is where more of the EST time zone peeps are, saw u guys were in est and tho u would be rolling there may I ask why the decision to go on Excalibur?
#9 Jun 22 2013 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
It has the coolest name :) and I played 1.0 so a lot of the members are people who come from Excalibur.
#10 Jun 23 2013 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
ahh ok good with ls then im staying in balmung more est time players there.
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