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Is healing in a duel cheap/cheating?Follow

#1 Apr 09 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
I was dueling my friend who is a 52 Hunter. Im a 41 pally so i asked him to not use his pet since he has 11 levels on me and his pet would most likely kill me by itself. I end up winning since i bubbled and healed, then finished him off. He claims i cheated since i healed when he couldn't use his pet. i took away his advantage while i used he right or did he just get plain old beat by someone 11 levels lower then him and should bow his head in disgrace.
#2 Apr 09 2007 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
If he's 11 levels higher than you, he should have won even if he didn't have his pet. If you beat him then you are either extremely good or he is extremely bad.

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 11:18pm by TyroVersionTwo
#3 Apr 09 2007 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'd say healing would be fine, but if you took away his pet (which shouldn't make too big a difference unless he's BM) you shouldn't have bubbled.

Of course, if he's 11 levels up, a handicap is expected, although a hunter should have been able to finish you off pretty easily if he knew what he was doing.
#4 Apr 09 2007 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
Healing is always fine in duels.

WTF if healing wasn't allowed then whats the points of a paladin.

They nerfed us because we can heal! So then w/o healing we're just a nerfed warrior!

I hate when people say "you cheater f*cking healing, then /spit /slap /laugh and run away.Lol ok run away, just remember i beat you ;)
#5 Apr 09 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well im a low lvl paladin, but ive done a few duels I have yet to loose 1 vs same lvls and they allways complain, "w/o bubble id won"

well its a skill we have, just like rougues can stealth locks fear etc, all classes has disadvantages and advantages its just bs whining about bubble heals.

btw at 29 im gonna do some BG:s any tips on how to win vs the different classes?
#6 Apr 10 2007 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
ELhoffa wrote:
btw at 29 im gonna do some BG:s any tips on how to win vs the different classes?

My favorite way is to follow someone else and heal all that damage that the enemy is doing. Also, I throw grenades. Smiley: grin

But if you're retribution specced, you'll find you have quite a bit of burst damage comparatively at that level, so you can, in theory, burst someone down. Remember to Blessing of Freedom against those damned kiting mages and shamans(I've seen shamans purge 4 times in all the time I've BG'ed). Kiting hunters will outrun you with Aspect of the Cheetah, unless you can find a way to close the distance(grenades are my usual method). Once you catch them, though, it's all good(if you've specced Guardian's Favor).

And don't be afraid to carry potions. Always a good idea.
#7 Apr 10 2007 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
ok... gotta love the whining beeyatches who say you cant bubble and you cant heal. but of course they can use vanish and their pets and all the weapons and skills in their ********

too many ten year olds play this game.

of course you can heal and bubble and use the extremely low pally dps too...

#8 Apr 10 2007 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,096 posts
skribs wrote:
Of course, if he's 11 levels up, a handicap is expected, although a hunter should have been able to finish you off pretty easily if he knew what he was doing.

True to an extent. 11 levels is quite a gap, but a late-fight full heal is a hard obstacle to overcome.
#9 Apr 10 2007 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
hunter got pwnt! end of story QQ
#10 Apr 10 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
Some people look at duels as "I pwn u n00b" fights, but in reality it's the best way to learn how to fight a certain class. Fighting someone of equal or higher levels will help you learn to maximize your skills in a serious fight, especially if you are on a PvP server. That being said, from the sounds of it you were looking to test out your skills, so a better fight would have been a hunter close to your level with a pet. That is more realistic to what you will face rather than one that is "gimped" with range only. It's a good idea to learn how to deal with both the ranged and pet issues of a hunter.

BUT, since it was a duel, there is nothing wrong with testing out one aspect of a fight (i.e. range only). If your hunter buddy was a tool for you to learn off of, then healing is perfectly acceptable. In fact, it always is. Bubbles, heals, buffs, etc are all part of the bags of tricks we have, so to intentionally not use them in duels means you aren't learning every aspect of your character. From the sounds of it, your hunter buddy figured he'd still hammer you without his pet and was a little surprised when you won. A different of 11 levels is significant and, just perhaps, there was a little embarrassment at losing.
#11 Apr 10 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
I don't find healing cheating, it is part of your class, however long cooldowns I find aren't tasteful, so I try to stay away from Lay on Hands in duels. It just seems unfair in a friendly duel that some people do it.

If I'm ever dueling a paladin, on any kind of character, as soon as they use Lay on Hands, I quit fighting and let them kill me, I won't duel someone who has to resort to a 60minute cooldown to win, and before I stopped that, they usually didn't win anyways :/
#12 Apr 10 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
127 posts
Gotwa wrote:
I don't find healing cheating, it is part of your class, however long cooldowns I find aren't tasteful, so I try to stay away from Lay on Hands in duels. It just seems unfair in a friendly duel that some people do it.

I have to agree with Gotwa on this one. I try to shy away from using anything that wouldn't be available for me to use if my opponent or I requests a re-match (bubble, LoH, etc). Of course, if I notice my opponent using one of their similar abilities, then the gloves are off.

Also, I'd always use healing unless I had specifically agreed not to before-hand for some reason (perhaps I'm higher level than my opponent). Staying power is one of our biggest advantages, and without healing, we're giving up a lot of our staying power.

Oh, and congrats on beating your hunter friend Magnus. You should try and take him on with his pet and see how you do.
#13 Apr 10 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
I see anything as fair in a duel besides outside influence, such as a mob either accidently or intentionally being used to aide a fighter (If this is an accident I always ask for a rematch. if they refuse or purposefully tried to use said mob, I usually put them on my ignore list.), or someone else healing or buffing another person during the duel (Or begining the duel with buffs given by someone else.).

Basically any item you own or buff you can provide yourself seems fair to me.
#14 Apr 10 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Gotta agree with Gotwa here. I feel you should definitely be able to use heals in battle, and I'd go as far as to say bubbles are fine too. For those who disagree on the bubble part because of a longer cool down time, then what's the line? 1 minute? 2 minutes? Just out of curiosity I'd like to know. Also, if Pallys can't heal, then rogues can't use vanish, no fear or demons for locks, no traps or pets for get my point? But I completely agree with Lay on Hands. Plus, I'd feel like a real *** if I ran an instance after the duel, and someone in the instance could've used a LoH so the group didn't get wiped, and I have to say, "Oh, sorry, 20 min left I used it in a duel." That would go over real well. =D
#15 Apr 10 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
I duel with my friends all time we have these kind of debates all the time. we have came to the conclusion if you are more then 8 level high you have such of a advantage over the other player that it shouldn't matter if they use all of their abilities. I say healing yourself is not unfair if it a part what you do such as pally,preist,druid & shaman. I don't like when people us pots to heal themselves but it is not unfair to do so. Unless he told you not to use the bubble what you did was total fair and his a sore loser imo. I say enjoy your win.
#16 Apr 10 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
my view on dueling:

EVERYTHING goes. generally, the point is victory. whether you feel a 1-hour cooldown or a 3g pot is worth expending to win is up to you. whether your reputation is worth expending, again is up to you.

in BGs, people often complain of the other team using pots. the people that complain are just not as willing to win. dont fault someone for being more dedicated than you. same goes for twinks, if you complain about twinks in the lower levels then quit showing up for NASCAR in your mom's minivan.
#17 Apr 11 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Maybe its because I don't PvP or duel very much or because I'm new to the paladin class but why would we not be able to use any of our skills. That goes for anyone. Not using an ability of your class is not playing him. I don't understand the "you can't use your cooldowns"! Why not? just means if they want a rematch then I won't have that for the next match. Oh well maybe I should duel more might understand better. just seems sillly I guess. Well there is my two cents.
#18 Apr 11 2007 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Well I did duel him two more times after that night. Once without heals/bubbles and pets and once with everything. We even laid some money on the line since we actually know eachother. Without my heals/bubbles, I got him to about 1/4 health before he stunned me and raped me from a far. He likes to fight up close as a hunter, or else I wouldn't have even gotten him that far. The third and final duel where "anything goes" was in play, we acctually were at so long i had the chance to bubble twice. I even used LoH to get a full heal. I pulled out the final win with a LoH, Seal of Command, HoJ, Judement combo that crit so i got real lucky. was out of mana and had no potions, so it was a last ditch effort that paid off. He learned more then i did out of all this...hunters range attacks do ALOT more damage then a hunters melee attacks, so intill im a closer level, this was our last duel. got 2 bucks outta of it too!hah
#19 Apr 11 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Uhm... frankly, if a level 51 hunter in an anything goes duel loses to a pallie 9 levels below him there's something seriously wrong with his playstyle.
Of course, if he is at least smart enough to realize his ranged damage might be better than melee for the remaining 19 levels, he'll indeed have learned a valuable lesson (41 levels past the point he could have figured it out, but heck).

Just my 5 cents, mind you.

As for burning LoH, if people don't like it, they should just ask for a rematch.
#20 Apr 12 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I totally agree with ELhoffa =D
Healing is part of a paladins class as is it part of a preists class but I rarely hear complaining about a preist putting up their sheild and healing themsleves!?

I am a paladin myself and we take as much slander as any other class but.....the Bubble/healing complaining really should be stopped. If it really was such an unfair advantage over every other class Blizz would have nerfed us even more =P
#21 Apr 12 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
If it really was such an unfair advantage over every other class Blizz would have nerfed us even more =P

careful, the gods are listening. Forebearance says 0% today, but tomorrow???
#22 Apr 13 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
tommyguns wrote:
If it really was such an unfair advantage over every other class Blizz would have nerfed us even more =P

careful, the gods are listening. Forebearance says 0% today, but tomorrow???

They heard us. . . .

#23 Apr 13 2007 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
CobraMisfit wrote:

They heard us. . . .

The good thing is, we can now officially blame the illumination nerf on Linalious. You brought this on us, you *******. :-D
#24 Apr 14 2007 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
Yup. I totaly agree with you Linalious. The shield and the healing powers are a part of our class. Both in PvP and PvE, in fact the healing skill need to be used rapidly to kill most of the Players you meet. Throw Seal of crusader on the enemy, hit them a litle bit, Heal before you get under 50% in health, bash them some more, use the SoComand HoJ combo when they start to when they got quite a low health and brutaly slaugher them with HoW. A palladin kill other players by slowly grinding them down into a pile of minced meat. But what is the shield good for? Simple, Its a red button skill, Do only use it when you are near death (somewhere between 50% and 30% health points). In fact, a shield in the right second can turn the whole table to your advantage. And if someone starts to whine about the healing or shield stuff. He/she can go and delete her char of learn how to kill you, and if a Horde/alliance starts to use the /chicken macro, just give them a very good beating as a punishment for not fleeing when they had the chance.
By the way. I made this talent tree in the way I think a palla should fight in PvP:

Let's see what the enemies think when they meet someone with the complete tree eh?
#25 Apr 14 2007 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
This is a funny thread...

Here's my two cents...

I frequently duel with friend of mine who plays a Shaman that is really only about 200 xp different from my Pally. Dueling with him really illustrates why you can't restrict what a class can do during a duel because it's going to have different effects depending on who you are fighting anyway.

Every time I think I'm going to be slick and make myself invulnerable and heal up halfway through a duel with him, guess what? He just uses the opportunity to heal himself, so it's totally useless in that instance... imagine how silly it would be for him to "ban" that?

Just my two cents...
#26 Apr 14 2007 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
By the way. I made this talent tree in the way I think a palla should fight in PvP:

Let's see what the enemies think when they meet someone with the complete tree eh?

u'd get pwnt by a prot/holy spec ><
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