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Hunter Twink at 19Follow

#27 Apr 05 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
Ugh... This is all very confusing. Try adding some linx to this thread instead of saying "That bow" or "Those legs". I'll make a list here and I'll even add some COLOURS, partly to make your eyes bleed, but also because it's sooo pretty!

- [Massive Battle Axe]. "of Agility" (+8 agi) or "of the Monkey" (+5 agi, +5 stam). Arguably THE best weapon for a hunter twink.
- [Venomstrike]. I personally think this bow absolutly devestates all other attempts of range weapons. It's got highest DPS out of ALL ranged weaps below lvl 20. It's also not a fast weapon lacking the burst DPS, but a 2.4:er which is really nice. The proc is absolutly awesome and goes off ridiculously often.

Legs - [Leggings of the Fang]. Best legs I know of.
Chest - [Blackened Defias Armor]. Best avalable to hordies. For alliance [Tunic of Westfall] is arguably a better choise.
Back - [Sentry Cloak]. Arguably the best, but much easier to get is [Glowing Lizardscale Cloak].
Wrists - [Forest Leather Bracers]. With +9 stam ench this is as good as it gets.
Shoulders - [Talbar Mantle]. You won't find better. End of.
Hands - [Scouting Gloves]. of the Monkey (+4 agi, +4 stam) is the best imo.
Head - [Lucky Fishing Hat]. More +stam than the engineer items. And since +spi is rather useless...
Waist - [Deviate Scale Belt]. Best there is I believe.
Feet - [Feet of the Lynx]. The only optional would be [Bristlebark Boots].
Neck - [Scout's Medallion] (Horde) [Sentinel's Medallion] (Alliance)
Ring 1 - [Seal of Sylvanas] (Horde). Don't know the Alliance equivalent.
Ring 2 - [Legionnaire's Band] (Horde) [Protector's Band].
Trinket 1 - [Insignia of the Horde] (Horde...) [Insignia of the Alliance] (Alliance...)
Trinket 2 - ???

Enchants you might want to use:
Head/Legs - Lesser Acranum of Voracity (+8 agi), Lesser Arcanum of Constitution (+100 HP > +8 stam (80 HP)).
Back - +12 Dodge Rating.
Chest - +4 All Stats, +100 HP.
Wrists - +9 Stam.
Hands - +15 Agi.
Feet - Minor Speed Increase, +7 Agi, +7 Stam.
Weapon - +25 Agi.
Ranged Weapon - +3 dmg (Accurate Scope).

Edited, Apr 5th 2007 3:12pm by Utarius
#28 Apr 06 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
scouting trousers of the monkey with clefthide legarmor is better then the legs u guys say ;)
#29 Apr 06 2007 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
If u have the money, obviously...
#30 Apr 07 2007 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
totally forgot meadow ring of eluding is also good, 12dodge and 1agi ;)
#31 Apr 08 2007 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Some of my thoughts after nearly finishing my 19 twink hunter:

Weapon - The cresent staff from WC i feel is better than Twisted Chanter Staff as although you lose 3 intel (not the best stat for hunters) you gain 1 stam and 7 spirit. You may not think of spirit as a useful stat but i've often gone oom while kiting a rogue warrior and relied on some mana regen to get another cus shot off. Also the mana regen from spirit it much greater than that given by the WSG reward staves.

Bow - Venomstrike with a +3 scope. Am wanting to try out lil timmy's peashooter but haven't got my hands on one yet.

Rings - Choice of Five(horde); Legionnaire's Band, Bronze Band of Force, Seal of Sylvanas, Slayers Band, Lavishly Jeweled Ring (haven't got this last one as i don't feel it's very good but have seen a few people with it).
At 19 these give me the following benefits:
Legionnaire's Band - 4 RAP (0.3 DPS), 0.43% crit and 20 HP
Bronze Band of Force - 0.4 DPS from the +1 weapon damage. Does the + 6 damage and healing affect arcane shot?
Seal of Sylvanas - 80 HP
Slayers Band - 0.68% crit and 30 HP

At the moment i use Legionnaire's Band and Bronze Band of Force for WSG and swap Bronze Band of Force for Seal of Sylvanas when i go into an arena. Slayers band is a good temporary ring while you get some WSG tokens and can be collected at a low level from the quest Quest: Wanted: Knucklerot and Luzran (Group).

Boots - I use Feet of the lynx with minor speed enchant and grizzled boots (SFK quest reward) with +7 stam.

A very useful guide and helped my out a lot when making my twink, thanks very much.
#32 Apr 08 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, if you're going all out, the best hat/boots are the ones from the fishing tournament in STV: +15 stam each AND they can supposedly take level 35+ BC enchants.

For trinkets, the "pvp trinket" is a must. For the second slot, engineering can give one that will unpoly/slightly heal allies. The lesser-known other pvp trinket costs 22000 or so honorable kills: Battle Standard. They're sweet, and scream pwnage like nothing else at 19.

Dark Leather pants (+8 agi) seem popular with the Clefthide Leg Armor, but don't forget Cobrahide Leg Armor too. If you're going more for +dmg than +stam, it's much better (but rarer and more expensive, at least on our AH).

Lastly, keep your head strategically.

Remember, the goal of the game is not to get the most hks or survive the whole time, it's capturing 3 flags before the enemy can, preferably avoiding ugly standoffs/turtles.

Your Track Humanoids (in pvp, this includes Undead) is terribly useful for finding the enemy flag carrier.
As you run over to conc. shot/kill them, remember to tell the rest of your team where the fc is heading - even if you only slow them down, your flag won't make it to the enemy base (assuming you have halfway decent teammates). If you can't reach the fc, slowing/distracting/killing the person healing their flag carrier is a good idea too.

When protecting your flag carrier, you may want to just stop and wing clip everything in sight, then conc. shot the one that gets past you. In the end, your goal is to win, and damage dealt/surviving is secondary to that. As a side note, clicking shift-m will bring up a map which will show your flag carrier's location so you can run to help him/her. In a stalemate (both flags out), it will also show the enemy flag carrier after a short time.

Oh, and if you see a priestess named Leyladin, she's harmless, leave her alone :P

I hope this helps.

PS: For twink critics: twinking is really more of a force multiplier - it can make a bad player suck slightly less with omgcool glowy weapons, or a great player unstoppable. Cruise the WoW official battlegroup forums sometime - a lot of the good players are really most concerned about fighing each other (where the difference is more skill), or large groups of nontwinks.
#33 Apr 08 2007 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
As nice as Cobrahide kit is on legs, I like the Clefthide. Mondo STAM and decent agi ftw! As tempted as I was to put it on the +8 agi pants, I put mine on the +5 agi/stam monkey pants and am very happy w/ my choice. Fifty more HP vs 3 more agi ... I don't like being a 'glass cannon.' I like having survivability from more hp's. But either pants work - just don't assume "W/ 8 more agi vs 5 more agi I'm going to have a higher dps and not need to last longer" ------ this doesn't always work - and this mentality multiplied by several items still doesn't always work.

Remember, you need to sometimes live long enough to break away and get to range and do your kiting magic. This is at least how I play. And I can't make it work if I die before I hit my stride, get away and circle-plink.

If u have the money, obviously...

Luckily I got a 66 hunter/skinner and can easily get all the clefthide kits I want... er, not easily, but I can farm em.

Next -

The cresent staff from WC i feel is better than Twisted Chanter Staff as although you lose 3 intel (not the best stat for hunters)

I used to think this way. But w/ my guild I often run out of mana. It depends on the people you play with, really. If you can count on dying a certain amount (i.e. u usually die before you go oom), then int is not a stat to worry about. If you're in a twink army, however, and you can count on some healing - then imho int IS a stat to boost some - and I mean some. Sta and agi are better - dodge rating is good - but some int is good.

Remember - if you are fed up w/ twinks and feel you just can't do it - but you do want to do 19 wsg - you can! Semi-twink a hunter! It actually works. Okay, you can't do as well as a real twink, but if you are a good kiter, w/ 1100 or so hp that you can get for lowish money (got my semi twink, who is not on my main's server, to over 1000 hps for under 10g and NO instance runs) - you can have fun and even beat full twinks. Nothing like killing a rogue whose had 300g or more spent on him (plus who knows how many hours in DM and WC) w/ your semi-twink whom you created for under 30g (and no hours slugging again and again and agan thru WC for Venomstrike - the blue Ghostlands bow ftw!)!!!

Sorry if I'm repeating this, but I want to stress to people that in the "twink or not to twink" world there is a third option - to semi-twink - and it can work! GL!
#34 Apr 09 2007 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry if I'm repeating this, but I want to stress to people that in the "twink or not to twink" world there is a third option - to semi-twink - and it can work! GL!

Totally agreed - I don't have a high-level sugar-daddy, so my hunter at 19 had decent gear and cheap enchants, and was still doing great damage/utility. I focused far more on +agi/dmg than +stam because I was playing mostly with a premade, so could count on the occasional heal and help. Some of the others in the premade are pretty nicely twinked and skilled - look up Skyte and Emocrusher @ Sentinels if you want examples on that.

Freshly at 29, I have most of the twink gear but no enchants/armor kits yet, and am doing pretty well (Dayalis@Sentinels if you feel like looking her up on the armory). I've been vacillating on +stam/+agi there, and just carry both gear sets around for whatever my mood/role then is. With mostly damage gear, I die more from rogue attacks, but usually can take out my target (the healer or fc or person trying to cap a node) before they finish wailing on me. 29 is nice too because you can get both the warsong gulch and arathi basin gear (not to mention the extra skills - ice and frost traps ftw).
#35 Apr 10 2007 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Heyhey, some time ago since i checked this post... Just wanted to add someting.

@ all of you guys saying twinks destroy the BG's

Statement:"Leave all notions of ever becoming a good PvPer behind"
Answer: False
A twink is a character that is made with money. A lot of money. I am not talking about the half twinked chars, running around in drops only without enchants, no, talking bout the real twinks here. (like mine)
These people playing these characters have a main (like me), a high lvl(70), where they got all the money from to pay this twink with.(like i did)
These people often create a twink the same class as their main (like i did) because they just love the class and they can play that class. (memememe)
I love hunters, i love em in PvE, questing, raiding, farming, and i adore em in PvP.
That my friend, is the reason why i love my hunter and my hunter twink, its like going back to the roots (spell-wise) and try to get the most out of your character with the few spells and points he has. I know how to PvP, and that is why i rule the BG with the twink.

Statement:"You will rely solely on gear and enchants to do your job for you"
Answer: Partially true
Ofcourse, the gear will boost you, and better gear will make your chances of being a real killer there also better. But having the best gear doesnt make you the best hunter.
Knowing your class, knowing the battleground combined with the knowledge of strategies and knowledge of the game tactics, that my friend is what makes me a good twink and a good pvp'er. I have seen a lot of twinks (mainly hunters and rogues) running up to me, their gear was so shiny they melted me eyes, and a few secs later they fell, one by one.

"no challenge whatsoever"
Answer: False
The challenge that I have in those Battlegrounds is to carry the most flag, defend the most flags, get the most killing blows, but still succeed in getting the most damage. Works out great.
The thing is that you dont have a real goal. The gear you can get from rewards is very very limited (ring/neck/staff/tabard) so you really do this for the fun.
My challenge is to always be the best, and not just farming. Because i don't need the honor, i just play the game like it should be played, trying to support flagcarriers, stealing the flag away...
Unlike the wsg's at higher lvls the players playing twinks in those brackets play the game like it should be played.

"All you have to do, is fire off the odd Concussive Shot"
Well, we dont have many spells, and conc + boar charge = dead flag carrier...

"Feel great about yourself"
Answer: True
Thats why I Twink, to have the prettiest character out there that is the best in BG.
If i suceed and i see the list popping up, and i am on top AND i did the most damage, I am proud.
You should see my face when I am on top, i have 35K damage done and the first behind me is at 22k (and i know they are twinks)

"You will completely ruin the BGs for those who doesn't have the time or the resources to equip their characters with the - let's face it - ridiculously overpowered enchants"
"You will become untouchable, and thus completely spoil the experience for those who merely run around in hard-earned blues"
Answer: X-tremely False

Maybe it is some time ago that you did the 19 bracket (can only talk for this bracket since i dont play the others) but it's hard. No serious, it really is.
Out of 20 players in a WSG there are 2-3 non twinked. Or unfinished twinks.
Seriously, go check it out!

It's true that the gear is ridiculously overpowered, but there are in every bg a few hunters that have the same gear and pet as me! Sometimes you see exact copies. When you are able to score better then them without ignoring the game as it is (participating by escorting fc, returning flags, carry flags) you are a skilled player, and it also proves one of your previous statements that best gear doesnt equal best player.

If you look at the old 60's and now the 70's BG's - there you find people in Marshals gear, T4, others have all green from quests and others have kara blue. Some have money to enchant, some have money for leg armors, others don't. This, my friend, is where you will find the big difference between peeps that have the gold and those ho havent. Between them with time and those who dont.
The most unfair battles are fought there in the big bracket BG's, and not in the twink bgs, since most that come there are twinks.
We are more equal gearwise, and also when you look at specs. Not many ways to go with those few points.

"Enjoy it"
I sure will, and so do all the others.

Final Conclusion:

True, a twink ruins the bg for the few that come there that arent. But i erspect them, and i help them. I bandage em up and i fight by their side. if they happen to be on the other team, bad luck for them if their people of their side dont support them.
But to be honest, if you aer a skilled player at lvl 19, you can kill a lot, and you will even be respected more for being a non-twink.
Also, if you play a lot of BG's you meet people there that you will remember and meet later on. The coolest thing is when you enter a BG, and peeps just say "hi again", they come to buff you up, mages come to me to give water, just cause they know I am good and they can rely on me. Flag carriers scream my name for help in defense for the fc or our flag, or when its nearly impossible to get the flag back or to get the others flag they ask me and my friends to go for it.

Without bragging, i have good gear, i have skills, so have many others. Twinking is an alternate way of having BG fun, and even though its unfair to non twinks, when you compare to the big backets, its the fairest type of pvp'ing out there.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 5:05am by Stormkraai
#36 Apr 20 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
wrong on some of the gear for hunters. Feet of the lynx arent the best, even as a hunter you want the most stamina. oh you also forgot to mention the FISHING GEAR! every week at Sunday between 2-4pm server time you can fish in stranglethorn vale for 2 rare fish called Keefer's Angelfish and some kind of blue striped racer, they can be turned in for a Lucky Fishing Hat (+15 stamina) and Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots (cloth +12 stamina, can have boar's speed enchant placed on them!!).

Rest of the guide is fine. You also didn't name the ring from the envelope quest, it's the Seal of Wrynn and is a long quest chain that takes you through the Stockades. You also said the Tunic of Westfall is the best leather peice, that's wrong, the best is the Blackened Defias Armor chestpiece which gives a lot more stamina and should also be used on warriors.

Good job with the rest of it, love the in-depth instance guides.
#37 Apr 21 2007 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
You also didn't name the ring from the envelope quest, it's the Seal of Wrynn and is a long quest chain that takes you through the Stockades.

Try reading it again. I saw it in there.
#38 Apr 21 2007 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
Trinket overview (since the trinket stuff is really spread out here), in order of difficulty to obtain

Engineering gives you the Minor Recombobulator, which un-sheeps an ally and gives them a little hp/mana (not that a formerly sheeped player should need any health)

The Insignia of the Alliance (usually just called the pvp trinket) - I assume you all are smart enough to figure out why this rocks. This costs 4k honor or so - it takes a little time, but isn't really difficult, especially if you enjoy pvping a bit between brackets. The Horde here still get some love too - Insignia of the Horde

Arena Grand Master trinket was mentioned earlier, but it deserves some more in-depth love. It's an absolute pain-in-the-butt to get: you have to 'win' the arena battle held every 3 hours (iirc) in the STV arena (having a 70 friend or two helps here), which gives you a level 35 trinket. Useless to you, right? No - it starts a quest where you're asked to get 12 more, which you can turn in for this. The +dodge is nice, and the shield is priceless.
You can equip two - they share a 30 minute cooldown, but you still get the +dodge (for extreme examples of this, look up levelten and neverdie in the armory, both level 10s with two of these - and >120% dodge rating. Too bad they're not in my battlegroup)

Lastly, there's the Alliance Battle Standard - 15% Stam buff for you and your party within range for 2 minutes* (but NOT raid, which means you may want the WSG bg leader to re-arrange the groups a bit for you). It costs over 20k honor, so don't expect to get it overnight.
*unless someone wastes time killing the standard first. pew pew!

Unless I missed one, there you go!

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