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#1 Apr 12 2007 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
So Alla merges with a huge company and all the site really gets is an admin that makes mediocre maps and does mediocre write ups on them? Have you seen what Wowhead and other sites are doing out there?

Are there plans to, I dont know...move the site to more up to date code/styling? Add features that other sites already have. Really all this site has going for it is the forum, and thats questionable at times.

You really need to watch whats going on or you risk losing all your customers/visitors, save the fanboys that are about to flame me and rate me down.
#2 Apr 12 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Thanks for letting us know.
#3 Apr 12 2007 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts
Ithurs wrote:
So Alla merges with a huge company and all the site really gets is an admin that makes mediocre maps and does mediocre write ups on them? Have you seen what Wowhead and other sites are doing out there?

Are there plans to, I dont know...move the site to more up to date code/styling? Add features that other sites already have. Really all this site has going for it is the forum, and thats questionable at times.

You really need to watch whats going on or you risk losing all your customers/visitors, save the fanboys that are about to flame me and rate me down.

Don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.
#4 Apr 12 2007 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
204 posts
You'd think with 1500+ psots I'd know who they were. Oh well, bye I guess.
#5 Apr 12 2007 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts

So, what mile marker post you avoiding now? Smiley: tongue
#6 Apr 12 2007 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:

So, what mile marker post you avoiding now? Smiley: tongue

Prom. [:giggle:]
#7 Apr 12 2007 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
204 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:

So, what mile marker post you avoiding now? Smiley: tongue

Prom. [:giggle:]

My brother is such a good dancer.

In actuality I wanted to work on a MMO design post, hopefully something worth reading.
#8 Apr 12 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
AllegoryJr wrote:
In actuality I wanted to work on a MMO design post, hopefully something worth reading.

Ah. Here's hoping.
#9 Apr 12 2007 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
204 posts
Is this how we roll in the People's Republic of Derail?
#10 Apr 12 2007 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
AllegoryJr wrote:
Is this how we roll in the People's Republic of Derail?

I never joined Derail formally, but this thread really served no purpose, so I feel no shame in ignoring the OP.
#11 Apr 13 2007 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
AllegoryJr wrote:
Is this how we roll in the People's Republic of Derail?

The president has issued a warning to the President-for-life of the People's Republic of Derail and asked them to immediately destroy their WMDs (Weapons of Mass Defaulting) on penalty of invasion. All funds for the People's Republic of Derail have been frozen under the Patriot Act. Any attempt at support for terrorist organizations like Al Flama will be severly punished.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 4:22am by ohmikeghod
#12 Apr 13 2007 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
i have not seen what the other sites are doing what are they doing?
#13 Apr 13 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
So Alla merges with a huge company and all the site really gets is an admin that makes mediocre maps and does mediocre write ups on them?

Thanks, I appreciate that. I've also filled in a majority of the quest chains in Outland (since WoWreader doesn't do 100% everything,) written some appetizers before BC and subsequently some guides on various things like jewelcrafting, tidied up a few of the pages that were out of date, and a number of more back-end things you don't see. But hey, who's counting?

No, I'm not a programmer. I'm sorry if I can't completely redesign the site for you. I can't speed up the servers. In that regard, I have slightly more clout in requesting changes to be made, but I can't actually make them. That doesn't mean I'm useless, though. Care to tell me what you'd like to see me work on instead?
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#14 Apr 13 2007 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
2,041 posts
Azuarc wrote:
So Alla merges with a huge company and all the site really gets is an admin that makes mediocre maps and does mediocre write ups on them?

Thanks, I appreciate that. I've also filled in a majority of the quest chains in Outland (since WoWreader doesn't do 100% everything,) written some appetizers before BC and subsequently some guides on various things like jewelcrafting, tidied up a few of the pages that were out of date, and a number of more back-end things you don't see. But hey, who's counting?

No, I'm not a programmer. I'm sorry if I can't completely redesign the site for you. I can't speed up the servers. In that regard, I have slightly more clout in requesting changes to be made, but I can't actually make them. That doesn't mean I'm useless, though. Care to tell me what you'd like to see me work on instead?

I have never found this site to be lacking in any way for me. I just want to say thanks for being here. This is the simplest and most straightforward site around.
#15 Apr 13 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Only reason I'm still here is the forums.

Everything else I can get elsewhere and better.

WoW Head, WoW-Loot, WoW Wiki, etc...

I think Az is doing a good job.

But the site does need a upgrade and update.

Back before it got sold, I supported the site and it's undeveloped state (compared to others out there) because it had that "garage band" and "grassroots" feel to it and I wanted to support that.

I always pictured Alla as a guy in his basement with a network of friends to admin this passion of theirs (running a gaming site).

Now that it's got bigger backing, the site should show that. It's no longer a garage band trying to get noticed, it's got major label backing and needs to roll with the times (i.e. get updated like the other sites) or risk going away.
#16 Apr 13 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Sometimes, I forget that this site has any content other than the forums. That won't stop me from supporting it though; I've wasted my fair share of bandwidth, and somebody needs to pay to feed the server gerbil.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#17 Apr 13 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
I use the site. Quests and items and maps and forums. I don't like using other sites, never have really.. they just seem foriegn to me. Thus, I gief meh moneyz.

#18 Apr 13 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
So Alla merges with a huge company and all the site really gets is an admin that makes mediocre maps and does mediocre write ups on them? Have you seen what Wowhead and other sites are doing out there?

Are there plans to, I dont know...move the site to more up to date code/styling? Add features that other sites already have. Really all this site has going for it is the forum, and thats questionable at times.

You really need to watch whats going on or you risk losing all your customers/visitors, save the fanboys that are about to flame me and rate me down.

The last time I posted an opinion like yours on this site ninjas were dispatched to assassinate my family.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 4:24pm by Khrystalmyth
#19 Apr 13 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
2,041 posts
SeomanP wrote:
WoW Head, WoW-Loot, WoW Wiki, etc...

I checked out WoW Head (still like Alla better), Wow-Loot is a decent place to find gear you might need and the only thing it has over Alla is that it has that Gear set up for each class, WoW Wiki is nothing like Alla at all.

Alla = greater then all.
#20 Apr 13 2007 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
AllegoryJr wrote:
You'd think with 1500+ psots I'd know who they were. Oh well, bye I guess.

1500+ posts and not even blue? *sigh*

OK! On topic edit: I use WoWWiki alot for knowledge. I use Alla for quests and items. *IF* I can't find what I want here.. I drop down to Thott (yes I know it's same umbrella.. but they have different 'collected' drop %ages and comments), then WoWHead.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 10:34am by Felicite
#21 Apr 13 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
SeomanP wrote:
Only reason I'm still here is the forums.

Everything else I can get elsewhere and better.

WoW Head, WoW-Loot, WoW Wiki, etc...

I think Az is doing a good job.

But the site does need a upgrade and update.

Back before it got sold, I supported the site and it's undeveloped state (compared to others out there) because it had that "garage band" and "grassroots" feel to it and I wanted to support that.

I always pictured Alla as a guy in his basement with a network of friends tadmin this passion of theirs (running a gaming site).

Now that it's got bigger backing, the site should show that. It's no longer a garage band trying to get noticed, it's got major label backing and needs to roll with the times (i.e. get updated like the other sites) or risk going away.


I recently put up a similar post. It got moved to the Feedback Forum. In the feedback forum they asked 'what do you feel is better about WoW-Head'. My simple response was ease of access to information. Finding info on their site is easy, on allas it is cumbersome. That and the manner in which they lay out the info is much more streamlined and appealing to the eye.

Which is why I, like many who post here, but use other sites to get my information.

The response to layout and format change has be one of resistance. It is never easy to change peoples minds when they have an entrenched point of view. Perhaps instead of making excuses of why it can't/won't work the people running the site might actually listen too and try to work with the community they claim to hold in such high esteem.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 1:38pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#23 Apr 13 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts
I don't think any *one* site has to offer everything. I just recently started to check out wowhead and it definitely is a very nice website. However, even though I'm sure I'll utilize features of that website I know that I'll continue to utilize features of Alla as well (which is a very nice website in its own right). Even last night I tried using wowhead for some quest referencing and found myself coming back here pretty quick because they just didn't have the massive set of notes that have accumulated here over the years.

In regards to the quality of work being done on this website... I totally disagree with your comments. I appreciate the good work being done here. It's really easy to criticize something... which is why you see so much of it on the internet.
#24 Apr 13 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Just wanted to say Azuarc, I like your Outlands write-ups. The info isn't exactly essential to me (I have various guides and maps printed out, and ordered the Bradygames TBC strat guide before TBC was even released) but I find them a pleasurable read, there's a certain comfortable familiarity to the prose rather than the cold, business-like tone most have.

Also, wanted to add, I still feel the same way I've felt since Jan (or somewhere around there) of last year when the news of the site's new corporate sponsors broke out. I loathe the iron-suit scuzzbuckets behind IGE, and have since EQ years and years ago, they basically got the whole RMT train rolling (at least in popularity and mainstream appeal) and I feel were one of the more contributing factors to the ruination of EQ (threw server economies completely out of whack, and this was EQ, money wasn't as easily attained as it is in WoW). Since then, I've had a seething hatred for anything their vile company touches.

I even vowed to quit using this site, which I obviously haven't completely, but I remain a ghost member lurking on these boards mostly because I enjoy the regulars here (a confession: I know he's sub-defaulted alot, but for some bizarre reason Shizzla cracks me up, feel free to downrate for me that). Though I don't post here (mostly because I can't let go of old grudges) I'm here everyday (the WoW boards, that is) and I've read every single one of your walkthroughs Azuarc, just wanted you to know someone appreciates them.
#25 Apr 13 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
Meh, wowhead needs to add a simple vbulletin and they would have a better forum software and their community size would kill this site in the matter of a few weeks, sad really

Hope you guys are enjoying the cash, lord knows its not going into anything visible on the site.
#26 Apr 13 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Ha! It's funny how many people here didn't know about Wowhead. I bet we've upped their traffic significantly today.

The number 1 thing I want is a better dungeon/instance loot page.

I want a page that has the bosses in order with the items they drop right under each boss

Ronald [Strat Discussion]
- Gloves of Awesome 20% (pic of the item box)
- Boots of Suck 5% (pic)

McCheese [Strat Discussion]
- Boots of Better
- Trinket of Narrow Usage

Top 5 Drops from Ronald McDonald
- Blue Pattern of Garbage

This site is looking old. It's not that it isn't functional, but the style here just doesn't hold a candle to WoWHead. It starts on the main WoW page. The main body of that page is just a mess. Information is too imbeded into the links. One click should get you to 85% of any information you want. Two clicks should get you there 95% of the time (Search engine not withstanding). There is a lot of information here, drop down menu's help you cheat the 2 click rule.

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