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Vrtra defeatedFollow

#52 May 23 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
First of all i wanna say to Hoodlum, Killush*tty and Rustyd*ck that you guys really suck.... We work hard to kill something that no one have been able to do on Bismarck so far.

2) I don't you are well placed Kill to talk about gill buyers... i saw a screenshot of YOU when i was in diamond with a kraken club scorp harness + other **** and 58mil... And you dare talk about other people buying gil t-.-t

3) the day you gonna get you "HNMLS" to kill Leaping lizzy with 80+ people /tell me this is the only thing you guys can kill.

4) Just for you to know we don't need to Call for help on HNM or to do sh*tty post like thise to get fame we are getting our respect HONESTLY unlike you guys that a mule dont even respect you...

#53 May 23 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
For the love of god gfive GROW UP ALREADY! Who the flying hell cares what they did or didn't do, they KILLED it. How many people can say they did it? It doesn't matter if someone else made the tactics, because if someone else was taking the time to perfect these allegedly stolen tactics, why haven't they worked yet? And even if they were perfected by someone else, it's apparent that only this one group was able to make it work. So congratulations to all of you, good work, and don't let anyone tell you different. You did what some other people can only dream to do, joint effort or not. And I might add that this entire game is about working together towards a common goal.

If this not a big deal to you, gfive and lackey, I highly recommend you two take the advice that was given to you and do it yourself, fraps it, and show it to the world. Then, and only then, will people ever take anything you say seriously.

You say you don't care what people think about you, then stop posting. If you don't care about people's opinions, why then do you come here and flame people in the most obscene manners? And I'm not just talking about this thread either.

It's people like you who make fun of others for taking the game too seriously. Well guess who is now? You for fretting about stolen tactics, joint efforts, and something you could never, ever, dream to do.


And another thing, who are you trying to impress? People don't just come to message boards and randomly insult people like this just for the fun of it, unless they truly are someone who never leaves their basement. If you're trying to be the voice of your LS, you're not doing much for it. If you're trying to be a role model, no sound minded individual would respect you. And if you're just a general ignorant nobody, then I guess my point proves itself. GET. OVER. IT.

Congratulations again, and hope to hear more of your accomplishments in the future.

Edited, Mon May 23 22:23:56 2005 by seraphimhunter
#54 May 24 2005 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
I love how you hate us...

me and mario know you sweat us and we kinda like it...
everytime mario's or my name comes outta your mouth its like 'holy **** he loves us'... i don't know why you sweat us so bad but i find it quite ammusing... you love me don't you... you wanna be me don't you... i got bad news for ya brother... you can't be mario... you can't be me... you gotta just deal with the fact that you are (remaining nameless)... i am DEEPLY sorry for you... but anytime you wanna borrow my SAM af and pretend you were badass like me... just ask... although you prolly won't give me my gear back lol


Edited, Tue May 24 01:14:05 2005 by BronxBoy
#55 May 24 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
225 posts
Maybe it's just me but i don't think anyone in DragonSlayers thought "we can't have to many people or Rustymetal/killuminati/hoodlum won't think we're cool!".

there were quite a number of people watching, not involved in the fight.

Do you honestly think someone in that LS that was online at the time would have said "hmmm, no i don't want attend the first killing of Vrtra on Bismarck"?

Grow up you fools. -.-;

Congrats to DragonSlayers again!(^^)b
#56 May 24 2005 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
first and foremost, thanks to all who have said "grats" means alot...

and for the 3 worries...keep your **** up...there will be a GM there every single time to stop your feeble attempts to mess with can count on that 100%....we still win even with you claiming and trying to MPK suck at life...oh wait, I just got word that Deadly Dodo is guys! may get it!
#57 May 24 2005 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
IRON was the 1st to use the tactics(to kill vrtra) on Bismarck, yours failed terribly every week you would try, and try, and try untill you stoped for a few weeks, and IRON have it a shot. IRON did a great job trying the few times they did, but now I can see that there tactics were flawed, because they didnt have a extra 40+ holding there hand.

Its funny because "DragonSlayers" stoped trying untill IRON almost killed it the 1st try. Like I said, the more your blowing this up into a big deal turns into the the more respect your losing by every post you(AD+Lunia) make.

Really? then what were we using if it wasn't tactics when we had Vinny down to 10-15% about 2 months ago? and that was with 45-50 people and that was the last time we properly tried until Sunday.

The reason we stopped then started again had nothing to do with IRON trying, and also IRON didn't come close to killing it on their first try or - any other so far as I'm aware - so if your going to make up stuff try make it a bit believable huh.

How do you class us getting Vinny down to 10-15% a terrible failure but IRON getting it to 85% or so counts as almost killing it?

Really, if your going to post such drivel, try and put a bit of credibility into it or you are just making yourself look dumber by the post. Especially when IRON members themselves refute facts you post a few lines after your ridiculous claims.

#58 May 24 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
I was not going to reply to this because frankly I dont care for your negative comments.

The fact is due to the combined teamwork and effort of some dedicated players, we were able to succeed and finally defeat this challenge.

And due to the fact that GM's now seem to have new methods of dealing with griefing actions, the people who tried to spoil it failed.

Edited, Tue May 24 07:31:38 2005 by LeilaniFFXI
#59REDACTED, Posted: May 24 2005 at 7:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol bronx, sounds like mario been letting you take a ride on his wheels. Yes I am that cold. I still remember the day you two joined that ls, thats when you two changed into stuck-up ****. The start of your "Im too cool to hang out with you" attitude started from you both. If you don't believe me im sure big and army would say the same. Sorry, I actualy don't wan't to be you. I'm not the kind to back stab people.
#60 May 24 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Excellent
26 posts
Stop posting, your making yourself look bad. This goes for all 3 of you. Seriously, you've come to the wrong place to try to pick an argument. You can't prove anything you say, every post you make reguarding our tactics and teamwork is a lie. Hoodlum if you had two cents of common sence you'd realize that I'm not wrong. I refuse to be wrong when it comes to arguing with anyone who has the thinking capacity of a broken Jack - in - the - Box.

So stop posting if you can't back up your words and don't just say "oh he's right" because he's not. When it comes to trying to prove this point your in way over your head.
#61 May 24 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
i believe a lil less than a month ago... before you CFH on your first HNM... i saw you in jueno and said hello to you and asked how you were... you weren't G5's **** just yet... i even defended you a couple of times to people saying you weren't as bad as hoodlum and G5 and you just got caught up w/ the wrong cats... boy was i the fool...

bottom line rusty you turned into the a$$hole you used to get picked on by when me and andretti would stick up for you... whats worse is the kids you look up to now are the one's we defended you from... its funny how **** turns out... i remember when you lvled a certain female's BLM from 70 to 75 for her (just to get her phone number) and kids ABUSED you for it... who was the one that told them to leave you the *** alone and stop pickin on you? me and mario changed? you got nerve...

you are a young kid who is trying to be kool and fit in... but look who you're tryin to fit in with... its a shame... this will be my last reply to you and your boys... i'll be in enough trouble w/ my LS for makin this reply to you... and the whole 'you wanna be me' thing rusty... thats not for you... thats for the main cat you look up to... cause everything that comes outta your mouth has been directed from his...

Edited, Tue May 24 11:25:23 2005 by BronxBoy
#62 May 24 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Aside from all this trash talking...

Just wanna congradulate you all. Keep up the good work!
#63 May 24 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
Not many servers have accomplished this. Regardless of what the Eminem fanboys say, it's a job well done.
#64 May 24 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
forget all the HNMLS bull....congrats guys. job well done.
#65 May 25 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
Congratulations! When I first heard I went out of my way to send tells to all my friends in DS to see what the drops were! Mainly because I want to see that BRD body. Please make a traveling BRD body showcase once you have a few! Thanks! ;-)

Seriously though, biggest congrats and hope to do it someday too!
#66 May 25 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
BronxBoy wrote:
i believe a lil less than a month ago... before you CFH on your first HNM... i saw you in jueno and said hello to you and asked how you were... you weren't G5's **** just yet... i even defended you a couple of times to people saying you weren't as bad as hoodlum and G5 and you just got caught up w/ the wrong cats... boy was i the fool...

bottom line rusty you turned into the a$$hole you used to get picked on by when me and andretti would stick up for you... whats worse is the kids you look up to now are the one's we defended you from... its funny how **** turns out... i remember when you lvled a certain female's BLM from 70 to 75 for her (just to get her phone number) and kids ABUSED you for it... who was the one that told them to leave you the *** alone and stop pickin on you? me and mario changed? you got nerve...

you are a young kid who is trying to be kool and fit in... but look who you're tryin to fit in with... its a shame... this will be my last reply to you and your boys... i'll be in enough trouble w/ my LS for makin this reply to you... and the whole 'you wanna be me' thing rusty... thats not for you... thats for the main cat you look up to... cause everything that comes outta your mouth has been directed from his...

Edited, Tue May 24 11:25:23 2005 by BronxBoy

Hear hear,

I remember when I was a 45ish BLM and I seen Rusty and his good companion Jigga do ZM6-14 with my good friend Vimien. I was amazed and the power of those 2 BLMs.
I have befriended Jigga and I remember I sent Rusty a tell one time about somthing and he snapped back saying oh she's a ****, I hate her and I hope she dies blah blah blah...That was the turning point of Rusty where he became a Home-boy with the other 2 J-to-the-R-O-C homos.

Rusty, Indeed you are that little kid you put a picture up on ffxiplayers, I feel bad for you cuz your only trying to fit in with other "kids" you think are cool.

I did hear your name once as being a good well-respected player. hard to believe.
#67 May 25 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
And now we drift back on topic! Enough of the fighting about nothing (because that is what happened.... nothing). I know that 2 joined LSs became one linkshell for 2.5 hours and defeated the most difficult monster currently roaming our virtual world. Congratulations to the Dragonslayers linkshell for the awesome fight. Now it is IRON's turn to take down this dragon.... and we're going to kill him in 2 hours flat! ^^
#68 May 25 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Rusty Killu and Hood have been friends for probably years...
#69 May 25 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
4 years to be exact
#70 May 25 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
I remember when I was a 45ish BLM and I seen Rusty and his good companion Jigga do ZM6-14 with my good friend Vimien. I was amazed and the power of those 2 BLMs.
I have befriended Jigga and I remember I sent Rusty a tell one time about somthing and he snapped back saying oh she's a ****, I hate her and I hope she dies blah blah blah...That was the turning point of Rusty where he became a Home-boy with the other 2 J-to-the-R-O-C homos.

I can probably shed some light on what made him change. He used to spend all his time with Jigga. He was practically attached to her. He developed a crush on her but she didn't feel the same way. They also got into an argument over something he did which further split them up. He felt rejected so went and joined up with Killuminati and Hoodlum.

Killuminati made a thread somewhere talking about Jigga and such which is where I saw what happened between Rustymetal and Jigga. I can't remember which forum it was.
#71 May 25 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
You kids are retarded, Don't talk about things you know nothing of. What happend between me and jigga dosent concern any of you really. As to why I joined 'the dark side'. Let me start off by saying after I was 74/75 I got load of merits and then start dynamis with IRON. (Maybe 6 months back now) I started dynamis with them every week and merits in between. This is the time I stopped talked to jigga and joined IRON ls during their merger. As of that point I attend all LS events for about 4 months.

I was a good little boy. I liked iron ls alot, I wanted to stay in iron. One of irons rules was that you went alowed to talk **** to other linkshells. When im at fafnir camp, its always nice to listen to qumdi run his mouth is /say about how iron use to cheat or what not. If your at KB, Aspid, Fafnir, KEEP YOUR ******* MOUTH SHUT ******. What ever I took it so I could stay in the shell (like every one else did). I did not call for help, mpk, or do anything wrong because I valued my linkperal, I though about doing the ****, I WANTED to do it, but I didn't. (Though out all this time I still was in contact with hoodlum/killuminati every day.) After some time I developed 'differences' with some of the leadership. Then I left iron LS without fully thinking though it.

This is the point in where I 'joined the dark side'. I had no reason not to mpk, cfh, steal, that or any of that fun stuff im doing now. This is how I became a sith lord. Now stop making up storys unless you actuly know wtf your talking about.
#72 May 25 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
They still littles kids that try to kill our reputation and he's jealous that AD + Lunariansls killed before IRON ( No offece to IRON. I know you guys will kill it soon)... That's why they try tyo call for help on our mobs and not IRON's they just want them to be superior to us..

(Really i didn't make that post to offence anyone except those *&%&?$*?&)

#73 May 25 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Don't talk about things you know nothing of.

Maybe you should heed your own advice eh.
#74 May 25 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Hey Ljarin, this is a bit off topic from this post..

But how you like those prices of Platinum Rings?

Would you like it have me make them for you and sell them at a cheaper rate for you?
#75 May 25 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Congratulations on the kill, guys. Job well done.

I'd just like to take this little spot on these vast forums to remind everyone:

The snozberries still taste like snozberries.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#76 May 25 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Well... regardless of the overwhelming sense of negativity flying around on here, I'm definitely impressed. Awesome job guys ^^

lol I remember getting a /tell from a buddy in AD as soon as it went down, I was wayy excited for you all and still am. Congratulations.
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