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#1 Oct 30 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Pooooof gone.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 11:31:27 2004 by Sarrsari
#2 Oct 30 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
FIRST of all paragraphs PLEASE.

other than that, i'm sorry everyone has their bad experiences in the game some are far worse than others. just log take a break for the night and start all over tomorrow :) /comfort.
#3 Oct 30 2004 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
Man, I already said I didn't feel I could give much of a damn on making more space betwean entries. Just... Take my word for it, they were ****. ;d
#4 Oct 30 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
524 posts
everyone has bad days, take a break, tomorrow or next week will be fine.
#5 Oct 30 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
488 posts
musta been really tough in that pt. Dont worry what they say keep focus of what you can do, and what you can bring to a pt. If those other people couldnt accept what you have done, then it isnt your fault, and as everyone else has pointed out just relax breathe and try again next time. /comfort /comfort cause it looks like you need a double pat.
#6 Oct 30 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, guess a break did me better. Just pisses me off that someone can blame me for that.
#7 Oct 31 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
Hi, This is the Leader of that o' so terrible pt. And I would just like to make a comment. Im not gonna come on here and bash u like u just did to us but i would like u to know that during the time that people died due to mine and Total's disconnetion, it was because we had a City Wide Power Outage. We made u aware of this when we were finally able to log back on about 15 minutes later. This was an uncontollable situation. We apoligized several times over for this problem. Im sorry that u feel u had such a bad experience with us. Also when u were killing urself intentionally I (the White Mage) was the one who cured back to full health. At the time of this incident I was unaware of what u were doing and merely wanted to make sure u lived although the mob u pulled killed the entire pt. OH, and one more thing the Monk Mauddib, War Daryoush and Black Mage Totalpackage that u slammed so terribly on this, are all people that I have leveled with for at least the past 5 levels. I would like all who reads this to know that since I have met these people my gaming experience has been much more enjoyable. Again Im sorry ur experience with us was so awful. Good Luck in ur Gaming.
#8 Oct 31 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Default
It's about time one of you showed up. Now first, I never said anything bad about Daryoush. Because he didn't bash the living **** out of me when I tried suiciding. And even though you were UNAWARE of what I was doing, which truly isn't my problem because I warned you all specificly, because of you rainbowed screen from the blackout, after you healed me, I TOLD YOU TO RUN. And I even tried saving your life by provoking it. And like I said, there's confirmation that I said 'aphro run or it'll catch up on you once I die, you pulled hate off of it'. But Mauddib just said something like 'OMg lol these things don't aggro'. Boom, I die and you're up for the next call. Not only was that death of yours not my fault, but I'm surprised to see that you like curing people out of your party, but I'll be damned if you keep someone alive when they're in it. I tried apologizing for everything that had happened. NOT BECAUSE I DID IT, but because it DID happen, but your friend Total just gave me the finger and said stuff to make furious.

Mauddib mentioned that I was horrible from the all beginning.... How was I horrible? The only time where I was even a bit edgy was when I begged Aphro to move the camp from the zone where there were like 6 parties or something. So, you're not gonna come and bash me... Everything I've said is true, even the part where you disconnected, nobody gives a **** if it was an earthquake or if you stepped on the plugs. So I'm not bashing. You didn't care for my apology, and you shouted out warnings all over the desert for people never to party with me.. At first I thought you bought your characters because any dumb *** would know that when you're not in a party with someone, you don't get hit by the monsters others fight, UNLESS YOU MAKE IT MAD BY CURING THE GUY FIGHTING IT!
#9 Oct 31 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
ok Aphro i can already tell that if you have so much DC DONT MAKE A ******* PT! if you DC more then 5x i am amazed they didnt ******* replace the person. Just boot and go ya hear? One pt member should be replaced if this happens so much. And if i was in a pt that bad b/c of a bad leader i would bash this up your *** all over the whole ******* server as well
#10 Nov 01 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
hello, I'm Mauddib and i have a few things to say... first of all to this

ok Aphro i can already tell that if you have so much DC DONT MAKE A @#%^ING PT!

she's only dc once in the weeks i've known her and that was b'c of a power outtage, that was made clear. i don't know whay you assumed she always disconnected. Please do not cuss at people when you're making assumptions, at least try to have some information other than heresay.
But that's off topic

I just want to make one thing clear that is very important. Only a parties puller should pull a mob back to camp, unless of course they're a pop in camp, then you talk about it first. After the incident w/ the Dhalmel I checked the chat log, this is what you said (I checked it THOROUGHLY)


and then a dhalmel comes up and starts attacking us. NOBODY told you to get it, and as I said earlier you were not the puller, Daryoush had been pulling all night.

And when 2 people died during Aph and Totals blackout, you only survived b'c you disengaged and let me almost die (I ended w/ 24/744 health). You never thanked me from keeping you from dying.
Now i admit i lost my temper after you got everybody killed, and i apologize for that, but that is the only thing i should apologize for. You tried to control that party the entire time you were in it. We were in Rabao for 15 min (not an hour like you said, i pay a good bit of attention the clock when i have to work the next morning) and you kept annoying everybody to hurry up.
And unlike what you said Daryoush only d/c twice, that's probably why i've never seen him start a party. But it's ok that he d/c b'c he is an extremely entertaining guy and I never get bored when he's around.

Now all of this is stuff that irritated me but what was worse was the way you talked about aph and total during their blackout. You were trash talking them constantly, and after that it was pretty much impossible for me to like you. Even though I've only known them a few weeks they've completely changed my in game experience and I always have fun when they're around.

And when I called you Sar, I wasn't thinking of the disease and I WILL NOT apologize for you missinterpreting my words. I'm not responsible for the reactions that go on in your brain, you are.

BUT AGAIN, for you to talk the way you did about aph and total while the d/c was unacceptable in my book. I apologize for telling people not to party w/ you, I was very pissed off w/ you at the time and i did soon regret. However I believe you owe EVERYBODY in that party an apology, both for the way you acted during the party and the way you acted after.

For all the people who responded to your first post I thank you for just telling him to calm down and not just assume that everything he said was correct, b'c most of it was either made-up or EXTREME exageration.

Thank you, especially if you made it all the way to the end of this post.

To Aph, Total, Enigma (and oh yeah, so what if he had to leave, some people that play this game actually do have real lives), Dary, Ex, Dia, Jug, Rednck (<---Clark Kent w/o glasses), and all the others (I know i'm missing several names) who I've befriended over the past few weeks, I'm damn glad I met ya'll.
#11 Nov 01 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
Okay, first.
When we the dhalmel was like 5 feet away from the camp I engaged in a battle with it and The Darkknight followed quickly, and as soon as I hit it, it wasn't like the entire party wasn't ready, EVERYONE WAS FULL OF HP AND MP and you melees engaged like 2 secs after I pulled it, so it's not like I pulled when someone was AFK, and yet again I apologized for that. And the problem you guys died again wasn't because I pulled when you weren't ready, it was because (Aphror or Total, whoever it was) they admitted that their screens were are weird and colorful and they said sorry.

Btw, as mostly I do overexaggurate(sp) on some stuff, they're as good as half right. You can't honestly say we were in that party for about 2-3 hours? And can't you honestly say we killed about a total of 3-4 mobs? And I don't care about how good you did before. Because that's irrelevant. All I know is that I was incredibly cranky and in a bad mood. And the cussing is bad of course, just don't blame me ALONE for that. Because Dary cussed about just as much as me. And even the DRK called them Midgets and said something, forgot what. So I'm not to blame alone for that, everyone was mad. The only reason you weren't is because you were busy stopping us from badmouthing your friends, and I guess that's when you and me got off in the wrong foot. But if it's unacceptable for you when people trash talk your friends, then I should bring my friends so they can have fun with you. Because what you did was worse. Shouted out I was a certain death to party with. But thing is, from the beginning of the party, I was nice. I shared Monk talks with you, talked about stats and gear, and conversating like normal. But you said:"You've been an *** ever since you joined this party", then you gave the people of ALTEPA a juicy shout about me when your white mage actually had gotten you guys the hate, and not me.

Oh and the Enigma thing. Are you saying I got mad at him just because he had to leave? Where'd you get that impression? What do I care where he went or what he did, point is he left, and I wrote that in my post.... O_o

However... I did try to apologise, did try to make up, did try to explain the situation for total who just stood there in zone and repeated my words like one time when I said: 'It was Not Not Not my fault!' and he replied with: "IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT". So I guessed trying to become friends again was no good because Dary told me you guys BLACK LISTED me halfway through the last conversation we had in tunnel when I apologised for what I didn't do. And I got furious and that's how it was. You could've accepted the apology, but you had to go trash my name for these following reasons:

A: That I'm an ***, and you can't talk to me for more than 10 seconds without getting into a fight.. WRONG

B: I pull without parties being ready, and the white mages have 0 mp at all.. WRONG, I pulled with at least one person in engage and full party there and ready, except poor apgro had purple screens and I get the **** for that.

C: I attack monsters while not in a party, and I secretly make the monster attack any white mage that blows a big Cure III on me, and I rename that manipulating to HATE control.

Oh and one more thing... HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A COWARD IN BATTLE! Every ******* battle we fought out there, I ended up with about 10hp, THAT'S WHY I RESTED. What're you blind or something? While fighting it, I had full tank until the beetle did a special skill and I went down to 45 hp, then it hit me again with no provoke and I went down to 10, finally for some reason it turned and hit the DRK for his tough damage and I went down to sit until one of you two provoked it. DO NOT SAY you saved my life, and especially don't say I left the battle for you to die. When we were gonna use our 2hrs, I WAS THE FIRST TO USE IT, and you know that, so don't try to make me look bad Maud.

#12 Nov 01 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
F*ck you Sarrsari, you were an *** that whole night, you didn't have to get yourself killed or anything, and the DRK was Deceptacon, remember, he is in your LS, oh, and you said you didn't say anything about me on here, well, apparently thats a lie, there was a power outage where the mages live, you can't blame them for that sh*t. And if your gonna bash somebody, atleast get there whole name, and spell it correctly, you f*cking dumb*ss. and there was no way they were down for an hour, try 5 minutes, you over exaggerate beyond belief in that, I only DC'd 3 times, and that was because of the mass amount of people by the zone like you said, I'll give you that, that is about the only true thing taht you said. Overall, our party came out ahead 5k EXP despite all teh deaths. I don't see why you have to bring this sh*t online, it was only one bad experience. You wanna know how many bad parties I've been in? I've had this game since July 21, 2004, my WAR is only lvl 34, I have 22 Game Days logged in, see, that is a ton of bad party's, pure death from stupid mother f*ckers bringing trains and insufficient WHM's. From my view, your lucky that, that is one of your only bad parties.
#13REDACTED, Posted: Nov 01 2004 at 2:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't care if the party is bad or not you ******* dolt. But fact still remains that you told me to kill myself, I got pissed and finally left the party and went to kill myself. And btw, you were the first one to say bad **** about the mages when they got disconnected you big pathetic excuse of a speller. The only good thing you did in your post down there full of stupid curse words and words you can't even understand yourself is that you eventually stopped writing on it.
#14 Nov 01 2004 at 3:07 AM Rating: Default
Hey Dar, how long you think we can keep him ranting?
#15 Nov 01 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
wow, you kids still in school? there are good times, and bad times in life. grow up, and move on. If you don't like someone, then don't PT with them.
#16 Nov 01 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
I bet we can keep him going for a week!
#17 Nov 01 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Guess what....

My **** is bigger than all you so get over it.

OMG people this is one of the reason's I am leaving this game. It's the 5 y/o mentality shown by people, in an out of game.

"I'm right U~~R TEH SUXORZ!!!one!11"

#18 Nov 01 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
Daryoush and Mauddib: Holy crap that's some signs of intelligence. I gotta say you guys make me feel so owned by saying stuff like 'omg lol i thinks he r gonna go liek dis all week roofles.. he r teh nubs kkkkthx'.
Shut the fuuuuuck up.
#19 Nov 02 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
Yay. Rate downs for you dumbasses.

I'm so glad that this is Cerberus' new generation of players in the making.

#20 Nov 02 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
What good are you doing here anyway, idiot?
You not only bump the post up to the top, you also make yourself look like you're at the bottom of the food chain by rating us down and giving us a worthless flame. Go away scum.
#21 Nov 02 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
Seriously, I would rate you 4 down too. There was really no reason for any of this. Ok, so maybe you wanted to rant a bit.
Understandable. That aphro-chick wanted to express her views. Ok~

But it didn't need to be turned into this giant war which is clogging the board. Seriously, instead of arguing here, why not argue in a /tell? It would save us all from this >.>

If you think it would help people see your way or anything, thats totally lost (even more so now that you decided to get all crappy with the person who stated that he/she rated you all down) And the same goes with the other three.

Honestly, this is the type of thing that has been making me seriously consider leaving the game.

43 smn / 52 whm / 30 blm / 25 brd

Windurst: rank 6
Lastok: Rank 1
Sandy: Rank 1
#22 Nov 02 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
433 posts
just to keep the post at the top of the thread! :)

it's super drama that people should avoid, a good lesson to read. the more mature would read this and be amused. the less mature would be flaming others for finding this the least bit amusing.

a comment on PT problems:

Aphrodite, thanks for the clarification. i'm sure that by the little that you've said, you've already managed to unveil the truth of the matter to those intelligent enough to matter.

Sarrsari, learn to control your anger. we're all in this game for fun, so don't think that you're the only person who knows how to play. we've enough of THEM people to deal with, what with adolescence and raging testosterone levels.

Warf, man, it's a few bad eggs. >< there are nice people too. :) my mom (yea, sad that i have to quote her... need to learn from my experiences first before i can set myself as a source of credibilty) always said that it takes all sorts of people to make this world, the good and the bad, and the extremely ugly. so just cos you've seen a few (lots, ga-zilions) ugly ones doesn't mean there aren't enough good ones around. have faith, if you're intending to at least keep one char in the game while you explore WoW. else, good luck with the new MMORPG. :)

Jeryhn, kudos. :) you deserve more than just an honorary mention for that sarcastic (but very true) remark.

the rest of the party, Aphrodite already clarified, so any additional words you say only undermine her credibility. flaming in response to Sarrsari's taunts can only put more credibility in Sarrsari's favor. it's quite important to be rather cool about the issue. :) but either way, i think most of the readers share your pain.

last words on the subject: everyone needs to vent, and there are times and places for it. but when you vent, don't exaggerate. state facts, not fiction. by concocting events and/or embellishing (oops, do you guys know that word?) events with lies to tip the scales in the vent-er's favor, you only lose reputation when the truth eventually is unveiled. and if you think reputation isn't important... heh. :)
#23 Nov 02 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
#24 Nov 02 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
Sarrsari, you made a mistake bringing this sh*t on here...
#25 Nov 02 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
Enthuz, sometimes the truth needs to be told to people regardless of whether or not they like it.

Sarrsari, lemme tell you a little bit of backstory about Cerberus. We are regarded as the one server with the very most cheatery, linkshell breaks, and general drama crap that ruins the good play experience. As a result, the NA population is the extreme minority when compared to the JP population on Cerberus, as naturally, it's a lower populated server, that had a greater number of JP to NA in the first place. Because of the smaller NA population, most people on the server tend to know each other, or know of each other. And from there, people tend to take sides, and ***** around trying to be king of the mountain, which causes other people to not want to be involved and burn out. In layman's terms, people tend to leave this server, for better.

Now, I've lost some good friends on this server to the high school-esque drama that goes on KI and Allakhazam and carries over and spreads to the relatively small NA community. I'm getting sick and tired of it.

You, ranting here, and then flaming people when they care to respond to what you say, only perpetuates the argument that causes good people, like Warf, for one, to leave our server. All you have done here is prove that the community of Cerberus is continually getting worse for the NA, when in reality, we should be working to make it better, rather than acting antagonistic towards each other.

What good are you doing here anyway, idiot?
You not only bump the post up to the top, you also make yourself look like you're at the bottom of the food chain by rating us down and giving us a worthless flame. Go away scum.

This is why you were rated down. This stupid sentence here.

The example must be made. Those that contribute to the defacing of the good names of many NA on our server is not acceptable.

From now on, when you have a bad party, ***** at your Linkshell, so they can break your pearl, rather than smother the rest of us on the boards.

EDIT: I posted this on KI awhile ago. I think it fits your scheme perfectly Sarrsari.

Edited, Tue Nov 2 21:26:33 2004 by Jeryhn
#26 Nov 03 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
I'll gladly listen to anyone's side of the story and/or opinions except yours Jerhyn. Go away.

And to everyone else.
I don't need anger management. I didn't get pissed off for nothing. I was accused of killing their entire party by soloing a monster and they wouldn't even accept an apology for it, then even shout out my name, SO I'LL BE DAMNED IF I DON'T MENTION THEM.

Daryous: You don't intimidate me, you haven't had a good thing to say about this except maybe ***** you', and won't even accept me talking to you in game when I try saying anything, you just end it up with a ***** you sar', so shut up already.

I'm no longer posting here, because of the true fact. It IS bringing down our server, and me. I'll leave them hating me and be too bigheaded to see the faults they've done and just look at the faults I did. I won't be surprised if there's gonna be some posts like: 'OMG LOL he stopped writing what a noob, WE WIN!' as soon as I post this Dary, and Maud. Speaking of the nice little posts of very intelligent points and facts: "Hey Dar, how long you think we can keep him ranting?"
and: "I bet we can keep him going for a week!"
At first these posts were so hard to reply to. So I figured a dot, some digits and randomly mashed keys would bring out a more intelligent outcome.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 01:35:21 2004 by Sarrsari
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