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Getting AntzyFollow

#1 Nov 03 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
544 posts
ok, so I'm getting extrememly antzy here... I'm having Mission Withdrawl BIG TIME!!

I'll be lvl 45 tonight YES I WILL!

Whats the minimal lvl I can do 5.1? I know its a lvl 50 cap.. but I'm jonsing big time.

Are there any lvl 50 mnks who want to go and do this and take me along? please?

ok I tried < end of begging. >

Just thought I'd express to everyone how insane I'm going.

and to think 10 more lvls before Rank 6 and Rank 1 Zillart.


No one ever needs me for Promivion and the thrill has worn for that, I dont see anyone recruiting for it.
Would I be helpful to anyone for Rank 4?? Would I aggro anything in the Tower? If not I'll be more than happy to go repeat that one ^^

Keys... anyone need keys? I'm good at that :-)

If I had my lvl 25 gettup I could slay a dragon or two

I'm dying here.. send me a bone!

I can tractor ^^
#2 Nov 03 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
LOL! Bro get a few more people and I'll help you out for 5-1. I've offered my MNK services here before but I never get any feed back.
I tend to forget **** alot so if you can send me an in game /tell. Me and if possible another MNK can take care of the Boss. We just need someone to divert the other skeletons, a PLD if possible. Anyways...if you can schedule something up let me know and I'll be more than glad to help^^
#3 Nov 03 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I would like to do 5-1 also, count me in ^^

Name: Suriander
Race: Hume
Rank: 5
Currently Leveling: 47 blm/whm
#4 Nov 03 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
544 posts
47 Sur??? And here I was happy that I was hitting 45 by the time Koolaid got back :-P

#5 Nov 03 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,215 posts
I have done 5-1 4 times, one yesterday, one today, and 2 a few month ago^^

Would like to try it with 2 or more MNK's ^^
#6 Nov 03 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Perhaps we can get a Record Time....
That would be awesome!

Archlich Taber'quoan: BWAHAHAHA WHO'S NEXT?! I'm bad to the BOOOOONE!!!
AncientWarrior1:ROTFLMAO!!!! YAY BOSS!
AncientWarrior3:d0t d0t d0t
Archlich Taber'quoan: What did you say?!

*AncientWarrior6 looks at Archlich Taber'quoan in fear*

AncientWarrior6:NOTHING BOSS! You're the greatest!
AncientWarrior5:Yeah boss you're the best!
AncientWarrior4:I wanna be just like you when I grow up boss!
AncientWarrior3:j00 r teh r0x0rz bo55!!1111oneone!!eleven
AncientWarrior1:Nothing can stop you!
Archlich Taber'quoan:YEEEES! That's right my sibblings! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

/t AncientWarrior6: Dude...I'm so sick of his ****! Everyday he's in denial! He's suck a ******* ***!
/t AncientWarrior5: I know! Always screaming those corny *** lines..."I'm bad to the booone!"....what a ******* assfag!
/t AncientWarrior6: DUDE! I forgot to tell you! You know how Monks are always ripping him a new one?
/t AncientWarrior5: Yeah! LOL! Good thing nobody ever pays attention to us! HAHAHA!
/t AncientWarrior6:Right! Well yesterday a WHM cured him to death! LMAO! He's such a *****!
/t AncientWarrior5: HAHAHAHA! What a lil *****!
/t AncientWarrior6:Dude we should totally overthrow him! Or go on stike or **************** it let's kick his ***!
/t AncientWarrior5:What about #1? He's always kissing assfag's ***! I swear I just wanna rip his ribcage right off him sometimes!
/t AncientWarrior6: Forget him too! Let's kick his *** sea bass!

Archlich Taber'quoan: MY CHILDREN LISTEN!!
AncientWarrior1:YES BOSS!
Archlich Taber'quoan: I hear those pityful mortals on their way here! PREPARE FOR DEATH YOU MORTALS! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
AncientWarrior3:w3 0wnz +h053 n00bs!
AncientWarrior5:............yes boss....
AncientWarrior6:............yes boss....
/t AncientWarrior5: Here we go again...
/t AncientWarrior6: will assfag be killed this time...

*A PLD a WHM and 4 MNKs enter the room*
Archlich Taber'quoan: PITYFUL MONKS! DON"T YOU KNOW I'M BAD TO....
*Monks rape/own/pawn/kill Archlich Taber'quoan*
Archlich Taber'quoan: HOW CAN THIS BE?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
AncientWarrior1: BOOOOOSSSS!!! NOOOO! NOT AGAIN! /cry
AncientWarrior3:0mG b005 g0+ 53rv3d!
AncientWarrior5:ROTFLMAO! Oh God that was great!
AncientWarrior6:ROTFLMAO! I take back what I said earlier! I love this job!

Man...I think I have just a bit TOO MUCH spare time in my job.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 17:55:02 2004 by Desnia

Edited, Wed Nov 3 17:56:56 2004 by Desnia
#7 Nov 03 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
LOL. You sound like me. I'm always trying to find people to help, although no one usually needs it ><

If I ever get to lvl 50, I can help :)
#8 Nov 04 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
544 posts
If I can ever get to 45 that would be even nicer.. let alone 50.

Can I tell you about the party I had last night>??

Can I tell you how the leader took us all the way out to Onzozo... drug us out to the middle... scattering people all over the place... we finally killed a few mobs and then he left.

Can I tell you I was so erked I decided not to lvl.


Foret will probably go off more than I will. Hopefully he got his 47 last night
#9 Nov 04 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Yes Desnia you definitely have too much times on your hands. :-)
I get to do 5-1 soon!!! My SP is at 50 and doesn't it get capped at 50? I need to read on this one.
#10 Nov 04 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Blah...yeah I do...Anyways, yeah your right 50 is the cap lvl till you get your genkai 1 items. Then you have to do it again at lvl 55 cause you know...the game isn't hard enough to lvl as it is already -_-
#11 Nov 04 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
First off-Hey Desnia!. 2nd i'll join. i want rank 6 bad ><. i'm like 670 till lvl55pld. name's Riuoken if u need some helps i'd love to join in =)
#12 Nov 04 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
[lg][/lg][b][/b][Orange][/Orange]LMAO Desnia you got definitively got too much time in your hands, but guess what you cracked me up, rate up for that good laugh.


Sandorian Hero Rank 5 Elvaan Lord

AF1 Honor Sword---------------[x]
AF2 Gallant Leggings----------[x]
AF3 Gallant Surcoat-----------[ ]
AF4 Gallant Gauntlets---------[x] Pure Hell In Helldieme
AF5 Gallant Coronet-----------[x]
AF6 Gallant Breeches----------[ ] Next
Gluttony Sword----------------[x] 600k Burn in hell AH price gougers

#13 Nov 04 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Riuoken! SUP BRO!^_^ Yeah man I'd like to get 5-2 over with already...don't I have to be 55 though? Is there anything special I get at rank 6?

RVASQ, thanks man! Been in tech support all day numbs the mind, drives me insane, bores me to death. That's how these post come about. Actually I wish people would come up with some spoofs like this more often. Wasn't there a GM on the boards who did this?
With like...that Kmartaru and some other ****? Where's that link?
#14 Nov 04 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm in for this...

lvl 50 RNG here
#15 Nov 04 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
About getting Rank 6...

M5-1. BCNM50. Get yourself a Monk (or Monks) and a Bard. Bard is used to sleep the other skeletons. And Monk + Hundred Fist = Broken Bones. Sleepga does not work well against undead. Too bad that you cannot use Sleepga II in M5-1 >.<;

M5-2. No Cap BCNM. Black Mage is essential. Magic is the most effective way to deal with the 2nd form of Shadow Lord. Doing M5-2 as level 55 is a of a strecth. Tank should be at least high 50s or low 60s to do it safely. Invisible all the way to Throne Room may not be easy to do. I love to kill everything on the way XD (which is what I did when I did 5-2)

Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#16 Nov 04 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
well few things Rank 6 gets you. 1- 20k! hey any cash atm is great in my book lmao. 2- u can start the Zilart missions.
#17 Nov 05 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
274 posts
Hey Matt, if you need a whm when you do it give me a tell. I still need 5-1 and I think most of my under 50 equipment is either being used now or in my MH. I want to get this done so I can sell some of those items. ><
#18 Nov 05 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
544 posts

I was invited to a party last night, asked at beginning if everyone would be around for a while... Yes they would... Haul all the way out to the desert after paying 1k for a teleport. Die on the way to the camp due to a manticore.
Pay 1k more to teleport... get to camp lets roll.

1/2 hour later party disbands.

Get another party, hop on choco head for crawlers.
Party ready to go.. tank realizes we have BRD and SMN but no WHM. PLD disbands, party dies.

Back to jeuno

Get another party, hop on choco head for rolanberry PARTY DISBANDS BEFORE INVITE GETS SENT

Back to Jeuno

Try to jump off Jeuno Bridge, but fails due to invisible gaming wall.

sigh... 1800 till 45
#19 Nov 05 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Just did 5-1 last night! Man I love being a Monk. Leetfade readies raging fists. Archlich whatever takes 886 damage. Leetfade readies raging fist. Archlich takes 664 damage. Clock with eagle eye ofr 300 something. Dragonsaiyan with a few self detonation SCs for good damage. Archlic gets owned in 3mins 20seconds. We so would have had the record but someone zoned early and we had to wait for our WHM to get full mp.

OH and btw. ***** sleeping them. We just went in guns blazing. :-)I'm up to help anyone out with this cuz it was a lot of fun and I get to flex my monk muscles a bit. :-b Nice break from friggin beetles and crawlers that make us monks look a little silly. :-/
#20 Nov 05 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
544 posts
#21 Nov 05 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LoL. Yeah we got all 5 papyrus last night Mattea then went and did this. Let me know when you get another group together and I'll try to go with you. :-). I think with you, me, desnia, and a couple healers we could go nuts on that stupid skele. Let me know.
#22 Nov 05 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Did 5-1 again last night^^ Mattea bro....You got a team here! I love mission 5-1^_^

*Leetfade and Desnia flex monk muscles*

Archlich Taber'quoan: STOP RAPING ME!!!!

#23 Nov 05 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Yeah it's funny watching those minions just standing around like wtf just happened as you warp out victorious. The only tought thing about that whole thing is Blood Sabre. If the mages stay out of range of that, it's cake.
#24 Nov 05 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Got my BLM to 49 now, and I'm ready to do this. If you have any plans for doing so this weekend, let me know.

Name: Suriander
Rank: 5
Currently Leveling: 49 blm/whm
#25 Nov 05 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
544 posts
SUR???? What happened to the static party??? where are you finding all these parties?
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