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Jueno, World of WTF!Follow

#1 Oct 02 2004 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
This is just attempt at getting a list together off all the respectable people in jueno that should be reaping the benifits of being honest. For example, someone that will not cheat you if you over pay for a teleport. Someone who has a reputation for doing what they are supposed to do, and also get a list of the possibly valid casinos. I have a few casinos that i play cause i have found them to be honest and Actualy give you your winnings when you win.

im sure im gunna catch major flames for starting this post, but i figure it would be a good idea to get a list of people you can trust because of all the scams and crap out there now adays.

My list is:
For Teleports:
Hisisy and Bokeli. (yes they are spammers but they take me to where I want to go, when I want to go there.)
For Casinos:
Goaty, Odin, and Shuta
Always get my money. Nuf Said

So flame me if you chose, but if you would be so kind as to post your lists. It may help people out who are looking for a trustworty means of teleport or doing a little gambling.
#2 Oct 02 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
6,357 posts
Congrats on 100

On the topic of Bokeli and Hisisy I've always had a good experence with them and have even gotten afew free teleports.

I always trust Tolite when it comes to teleports but then again I have know him for 14ish years.
#3 Oct 03 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Hisisy and Bokeli. (yes they are spammers but they take me to where I want to go, when I want to go there.)

Yes praise to all gil farmers!! Thanks for breaking the SE-agreement policy and ruining our economy. I absolutly love chinese gil-farmers. That will teach all those other teleporters who are trying to make gil for actual armor and spells. Much more important are those who will spam 24/7 bad english in Jeuno, so we can buy our gil online. Please purchase your gil from these guys. We need more high-levels, who bought their way to where they are.

Thanks again, Bokeli and Hisisy. You guys are great (all 12 of you). And don't forget Leox! Remeber that dude can all the teleports. Can all the teleports. Can all the teleports. Can all the teleports.
#4 Oct 03 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
vawn go to hell, Look i said this once before bokeli and hisisy are real people and they are just one person. reason i know this is because they are in my linkshell you ***. Stop your ******** just because they make money that way and they prefer to do so of any other way. When you want gil what do you do, farm, kill things, what the **** you must be a camper did you ever hunt nms for gil. Holly **** i hate you how dare you make gil that way you are creating hell for everyone else because you are camping nms. WTF does it matter how they make their money. We all make our money some how. I make mine from ah, and camping nms. I am sure as hell not a bot. But i sure as hell make tons of gil. because i prefer to do it that way by not lvling all the time and farming in the ways i do. The people that ***** about those 2 must be poor or can not get nms, or can not find a way to make gil. Grow the **** up its an honest way to make money let those 2 alone. Second of all I have pted with them, I have hunted nms with them, as well I have done af. So dont *****.
#5 Oct 03 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
ohhh please dont turn this into a Bokeli and Hisisy thread... we already have like 3 of those >.<
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#6 Oct 03 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
495 posts
Yes, I do agree that we have too many "bokeli and hisisy are stupid gilfarming azzholes" threads.

As far as people to turn to for help, here is my list

Faded ( a really great bard!)

Thanks, guys, for all the help!

One thing that is not so cool:
Last week I was lvling in crawlers nest with a party i'd put together. I had an hour, and knew with the combination we had, we had great potential for some serious XP.
Soon, though, I start getting tells from other party members that our thf is acting weird, and soon the thf, while pulling is dead. She starts joking that she's high, so she's a little slow.
THen she proceeds to continue talking about toking up, that she's high, etc. Now, I'd taken some time finding the perfect combination, I was pissed. So at there requests of the other party members, and bc I was lead, I found a replacement for her, and then explained to her in party chat mode that she was being replaced for being high, we didn't want someone that was high in our party especially since it was effecting the whole team. I mean, we'd all taken the time to come get xp, and one person is gonna drag us down? nope.
Well, she calls me a (insert your own choice word here) and starts running around /shouting to everyone about what a ***** I am, etc.
But you know what? we got 3k xp in like 40 mins. No one in that party was sorry we kicked her. And, we'd do it again.

Moral of the story: if you can't handle your substances, don't expect to stay in the party very long.
#7 Oct 04 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
171 posts
Eh. I smell something. Hmm..I think. It's a dead body of a CERTAIN animal..but I just can't quite gras- A-HAH! IT'S A HORSE!
Edit: rate up to..everyone in this thread that somehow got rated down. What with lamneth saying 'congratulations', and all.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 10:41:59 2004 by Supermare
#8 Oct 04 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
vawn go to hell, Look i said this once before bokeli and hisisy are real people and they are just one person.

Well now. (If you read the rest of his post you can see just how badly he wants me to go to hell). The fact is you missed the point of my comments. I don't mind people shouting for teleports in Jeuno. In fact, I do find it useful to know someone is going to be there. But I definitly have a problem with gil farmers. In case you are confused on the definition of a gil farmer -- its someone who does ANYTHING to make a ton of gil, to SELL it online.

Do not sit there and tell me Bokeli and Hisisy are each one person. There is one thing that all people, no matter what race, religion, color, etc have in common. We all sleep! The fact is, Bokeli and Hisisy went about 2 months without sleeping, spamming teleport ads in Jeuno. And the fact that at certain times they spoke fluent english, and other times no english at all, proves they are not one person. No matter what you tell me to go to hell in, it isn't going to change these facts.

But the real problem is gil farmers. Things like this damage the game. Along with botters its the #1 MMORPG sin. And don't tell me that they aren't gil farmers. You do not need that amount of gil to camp Jeuno 24/7 (and when I say 24/7 I mean 24/7) for that many weeks for anything in this game EXCEPT to sell it online. The fact that at certain times they only spoke chinese also proves this, in my opinion.
#9 Oct 04 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
btw, i agree with vawn, come what may. I don't know why that didn't come across in my post.
#10 Oct 04 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Vawn while I totally agree with you about gil farmers I don't think this is the place to discuss about it, sorry.

Also appart from Hisisy and Bokeli I don't think anyone stays at Jeuno all the time, so this kind of defeats the purpose of this thread.

As for casinos I never tried so I can't tell.
#11 Oct 04 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
241 posts
Hmmm... Im glad that i get rated down for starting an honest thread, and than someone else turning it into a Bokeli Hisisy thread. (Sense the sarcasm anyone?) All i wanted was some incite on who to use for teles and Casinos, ect... Cause maybe, if you guys would look into it a bit more, you would realize that, why would i ask you people about who you use for such things. OH! Maybe its because im looking for another way around Bokeli and Hisisi. They make plenty of money, and excuse me for trying to help people that really need it by using their teleport services instead. The thread basicly becomes a flame and, of course the thread starter gets a rate down. For some reason i dont understand the motive behind it. Yes i know Bokeli and Hisisy have to be played by multiple people. There really is no option there. And i also agree that gil farmers are ruining the game and are a strain on the economy, but honestly guys, WTF is with the rate down? lol i cant get over that. But whatever, guess its nothing to run home about. Anyway, lets try this again shall we. PLEASE tell me who else is a good person to use fr teleports. Im not one who enjoys being left at the wrong locations.

P.S. Vawn, Stay on topic. :P (or as close to it as you can)
P.S.S. Thank you Lamnethx for the congrats.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 16:59:18 2004 by Manwea
#12 Oct 04 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
Well, I've had some great help, and did post it :)

and I still got rated down.
So apparently it doesn't matter.

oh yeah
i consider myself one of the decent people
i teleport for free
and i gor raise when ppl ask.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 16:57:26 2004 by TaruMistressshadow
#13 Oct 04 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Yes ^^

Mistressshadow is very friendly.

She gave me some free teleports even though I insisted to pay her.

She is very nice to talk to, I like her.
#14 Oct 04 2004 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
you know,
I'm a whm. I know how much our scrolls cost.
I also remember being screwed over by countless whms while needing a teleport. Even while doing my teleport scroll quests!! I couldn't believe it.

After charging for teleports for a while, I realized that it makes more money to garden and farm.

Plus, after being pissed about being screwed over by teleport spamming whms, I now give teleports for free.

I told someone today that I would give them a teleport for free and got a /tell from a whm telling me that I was a *****. because I was trying to be nice.

you know what? fk them. i'm going to continue being nice and giving teleports for free.

this game needs more nice people.
#15 Oct 04 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
To everyone posting positively on this thread, major rate up :) Im glad to see that there are ppl on this server that loo at the bright side of issues...btw, Salsira is an awesome tele service :) she's always really nice to everyone

P.S. Vawn, a rate down to u for being such a sourpuss ^^
#16 Oct 04 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
Bokeli always greets me with a "hi^^"
Doesn't expect me to pay until he teleports me...which I find rather nice. He doesn't even have to spam anymore because he's so well known. I don't think that Bokeli and Hisisy are doing anything wrong in terms of the Chinese gilfarmer issue. The only thing that I find wrong is taking advantage of grabbing all the spawns of a NM and creating a monopoly. (600k archer rings anyone?)
#17 Oct 04 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Am I in the Twlight Zone here? I am being accused of being "off-topic" and a "sourpuss". I re-read the original post just to make sure I am not crazy.... Yup it's a thread praising Bokeli and Hisisy (oh and everyone else who blesses us with their constant Lower Jeuno shouts). I didn't turn this into a Bokeli and Hisisy thread, it was started as one. It just started by listing their activities in a positive light. Sorry, I chose to respond to it, but the fact is, their illegal gil-farming activities should not be praised. That was the reason for my response.

As far as being a "sourpuss", I thought I made my comments in a very non-sourpuss manner. It was meant to be humerous, because, frankly, starting a thread to praise everyone who spams in Lower Jeuno (and especially our favorite gil farmers), is kind of a funny thing to do. Now, if that's not what this thread was meant to be, please explain it. But to me, its pretty obvious that is what it is and the reason why people rated it down.
#18 Oct 04 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
You tell them Vawn! I was wondering how that was off subject too ^^

#19 Oct 04 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
495 posts
ok i agree with vawn, cuz hisisy has ripped me off big time.


other are right,
this thread was supposed to give props to helpful people.

you could like tell everyone why you're so helpful vawn :)

#20 Oct 06 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
Ok. I am so useful for two reasons.

1. I warn people of how gil farmers ruin the game.

2. I am gonna save the F-ing Day!!!!!!!!

Edited, Wed Oct 6 12:36:38 2004 by VawnLakshimi
#21 Oct 08 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Vawn, would ya just chill out a bit? Did you happen to see the :p after i said stay on topic? It was just a joke. I was just making a comment because i didnt initialy start talking about Bokeli and Hisisy, but if you want to get upset about it, im not gunna argue with you. To each his own. Go ahead, make this your own personaly bokeli and hisisy ***** thread. whatever, dosent bother me. I just wanted to let you know that i was joking. If you would just maybe concentrate on the comment a bit before you get pissed and react.
#22 Oct 08 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
VawnLakshimi wrote:
Ok. I am so useful for two reasons.
1. I warn people of how gil farmers ruin the game.
2. I am gonna save the F-ing Day!!!!!!!!

you forgot

3. excellent at debating economics... lol

you still mad at me or what?


i agree with vawn... the last people that you need to put a thread for good work is his/bok... i think anyone who has been to jeuno once has met them and the second time had to shut their /sh chat filter off...

not that they don't PERFORM A SERVICE or anything... why don't we post about other teleporters who don't spam and spam and spam...

i've come across quite a few good people... can't think of any names off the top of my head... but i've also never been ripped off before either (might have something to do with not using casino's)
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