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#1 Oct 21 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
i'll put 20 to 1 odds that what i am about to post is common knowledge to the people who read these forums...

people of lakshmi...

last night i was invited to a party out in crawlers nest (/sigh)

anyways... i ask the standard questions to make sure its worth me going out there from jeuno...

me: "am i a replacement?"
leader: "yes"
me: "is everyone going to be hanging around?"
leader: "yes"
me: "are there 5 of you waiting on me?
leader: "yes"

so, being a "somewhat" courterious(i don't think thats how to spell it) player i go check out the prices of chocobo's... SWEET 200g... hope the choco and head out, into Rolanberry... i get the invite, and 5 other names pop up on my screen... good stuff...

then i see...

pld: "have you found a replacement for me yet?"
leader: "no i'm still looking"
pld: "well hurry i have to go"
me: "sigh"

i arrive in crawlers nest...

pld: "i gotta go..."
me: "i thought you said everyone was staying!"
pld: "ohh, well i got my level plus buffer... i need to leave"
leader: "i have war on route"
pld: "well then i'm out"
pld disbands and leaves
me: "sigh"

so i'm waiting with the rest of the pt, 10 mins later war shows up...

5 fights (1000exp) - drg levels

drg: "k, i'm leaving..."
me: "when?"
drg: "now!"
me: "sigh"
leader: "inviteing"
drg disbands and leaves

so i'm waiting with the rest of the pt, 20 mins later rng shows up...

2 fights (400exp) - guy levels

rdm (main healer): "i have to go"
me: "when?"
rdm: "now"
me: "sigh"
rdm: "replacement on way..."

so i'm waiting with the rest of the pt, 30 mins later smn shows up...

2 fights in, our rng dies... someone went off and raised him, 2 people went afk... came back and said they were leaving...

so the leader and another guy leave... (not one of the guys who's afk doing his household CHORES)... but ofcourse our leader gives leader to the guy who is afk - doing chores

so... 3hrs.. 1.5k exp

now, i can see this on other servers, because ofcourse they aren't as good as lakshmi... but people please, finding a replacement for yourself means waiting for the other person to show up... your leaving means 5 people are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses... again i know the people who read these forums realize this is all common sense/courtesy..

and ofcourse there are always situations that arise above your control, but, spend the time looking and after you find the person, wait til they arrive... don't be an *** and make 5 of us sit around...

thanks, sorry for the rant... that was just the worst pt i've EVER been in... both for exp and for the people who were in it...
#2 Oct 21 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I call those "Revolving Door" parties. Someone leaves, wait 20 mins, someone comes, fight a bit, someone leaves again, rinse and repeat. You probably spend as much time waiting for replacements as you do actually fighting.

We had a thread on a similar topic about what prompts you to leave parties a few weeks ago, and this one is one of the scenarios where I leave the party. If two people leave the party in a span of an hour, I usually call it quits. The exceptions to the rule are if I'm REALLY close to leveling or if the person who will be leaving stays there and fights until their replacement shows up and can take over without any break in XP flow.

I understand people have lives outside of the game and things to do, so I'm not saying that people should never leave parties and so on. I'm just saying that from experience, once you start getting this revolving door thing going it usually dosen't stop until the whole party is replaced. Take 5 people other than you in your party, multiplied by at least 20 minutes down time per replacement (and that's optimistic, assuming you find a replacement immediately), you are looking at an hour of downtime for maybe an hour of XP. If you're like me, and only have about 2 hours to play each night, this situation dosen't work well.
#3 Oct 21 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
its just so frustrating... the last thing that i want to be is one of those people who just gets up and leaves the party hanging...

but also on the other hand, when we were discussing disbanding vs. replacing... i refused to invite any because of the fact that i don't want to be known as that jerk who invited someone for a 10 minute party...

i remeber reading a thread about why people believe that jp's don't want to party with na's... and i remeber this being one of the main reasons they don't want to party with us...

as an elf/blm there are sometimes when i am lacking in invites, so you just want to take anything for the experience.. but once you get out there and deal with it... you wish you hadn't even logged on...

i think i pissed a couple of them off with my emotes though...

/em looks around... hmm... doesn't look like the dunes...
/em sits his *** down waiting for another party member
/em watches 100exp go running by...
/em watches chain#2 185exp go running by...
/em twiddling thumbs skill rises by 0.3

and i know its not their fault, who can control another person... but i thought it was funny! =)
#4 Oct 21 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
This is how I am with PTs...I late play late. People who PT late are usually there for the whole night. People who PT late are the freakish zombies no one wants to be, they're so obssessed with FFXI that they'd do all nighters without a second thought (and unfortunately I'm one of those people). I'm serious, you're guaranteed at least 3 hour's worth with the same people.

But when getting a member (some reason I'm always leader in my good PTs LOL), JP or NA alike, this is how I ask...something along these lines...

Me: "Hey there, are you on for the whole night? Would you like to PT?"
Member: "Sure yeah, I was just farming."
Me: "Well if you leave to go to sleep or anything tell me."

Gathering will take a hell load of time because of traveling distances (late at night you've got few pickings) yet if there's someone searching in Windy and I'm PTing in Yhoater Jungle, I'd ask those who'd have a more difficult time getting there first. The most I've waited for was a WHM coming in from Bastok to Kazham, that took 30 minutes. And to those who are already in the area...

Me: "Can you flag down and just busy yourself for 30 minutes?"
Member: "Sure, I've got nothing else to do."
#5 Oct 21 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
817 posts
Well, I'm not a zombie (/sigh...yes I am), and I normally working midnights. So on my days off, I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to stay up all night playing. I agree with you 100%. It takes forever to get a PT together, but once you have 6 people, the PT usually lasts the whole night. Yay Zombies! /sigh lol
#6 Oct 21 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
209 posts
During the summer, i had the GREATEST party ever. We lasted for 12 hours, flying from lvl 15-lvl 25. It was the greatest 12 hours of my life!
#7 Oct 21 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
OH MAN LOL! 12 hours?! That's great!
#8 Oct 22 2004 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
I'm beyond the zombie stage if such a thing is possible, I work from 6-7pm to 2-3 am most nights, EST time btw, and man oh man... I 'm so needing to play FFXI when I get home, I flag , search comment, and sit....and sit.... I know enough basic JPN to speak with JPN partys (Nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu ^^) but even that doesn't help much anymore, neither does being 71 blm , party's are getting less and less at my lvl grr.

But I'm a total addict, I call things stacks, I leave my game on when I sleep (the music is soothing) I force myself to binge play (once for 38 hours strait, I was camping Hoo Mjoo the Torrent nonstop)

I feel pain in my stomach and wonder if thats hunger or thirst, and realize were on chain 2 I can't go yet....

I hold in my bodly function until some unlucky (or lucky depending how you see it) event causes a delay.

And, I try to only get 4-6 hours of sleep, any more and i'm missing valuable seeking/party time.

I know... I'm a sad sad person, eventually I'll be in the news *died from playing too much FFXI*

I do other things though just not too often unless motivated, like I play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution, heavy,oni,doubles, I like all the hard stuff)

Yep, I'm truely a perfect example of a pathetic person. but damn I have a good time ^^, and thats what it's all about, I laugh, I cry, I get mad, I get scared. I beat matt recently (3rd try) and my heart was jumping out of my chest as my final spell Firaga3 started to cast and matt chose that moment to cast blaze spikes. I cheered so loud I woke up neihbors.

Oh well, maybe now a few of you understand me better. My friends always kid on me that I never sleep, because i'm almost always on, Right Leo? Right Ryu? =P Embur and everyone I love you guys, LS DeadlySins, I love you too, yes i'm still playing even right now on PS2, it's.....7.22 am I don't have work today so I guess I'll play till I pass out.

Well goodnight/morning to everyone see you in lakshmi.
#9 Oct 22 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
209 posts
/Gives Raiyne a BIIIIIIIIG ol hug
#10 Oct 22 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
I have to admit that I'm not the best when it comes to leaving courteously. I'm far from terrible, but there's many more things I could do. I'm not an "all-nighter" but I do tend to spend long periods in one party if the exp is good and the party members and worth the time. I recently partied in Yhoatoar Jungle with an excellent group. Unfortunately, it didn't last more than a few hours. The exp was wonderful. ^_^

A basic rundown of my usual habits would be something like...

Leader: "Would you like to party in Yhoatoar Jungle? Full party, just need a replacement in a few minutes."
Me: "Yes, thank you. ^_^"

Generally, when I'm told it may be a little while before I'm needed, I'll travel to their party and watch them fight to see how their order is. It means a smoother transition into the party. So the party member leaves and I am invited, fighting ensues. Now after some time, I may be levelling, or have some other items on my schedule, so I make sure I let me party know at least 20 mins previous, and make sure they hear me.

(Fight ends.)
Me: "Just to let you know, I have about 20 mins left before I must go."
Leader: "Okay, thanks for the warning."

I don't offer to look for a replacement usually, unless someone I know is asking me for a place in my party and I think they'd suit. It never seems to bother the party if I let them know ahead of time that I'll be leaving.

One thing I do when leaving any party I've enjoyed is make sure I thank them and wish them well. I think it's just nice to let people know that you enjoyed your time with them. I won't go overboard, but I do like to make it known. ^_^

Me: "Thanks for the fantastic party, guys. It was lots of fun!"
Me: "Good luck to all of you, and I hope to see you around again! See ya."
Party: "Thanks, take care, etc.."

So basically, I hide that fact that I'm not doing everything in my power to help them by being polite and complimentary. ^_^ Hee hee.

Oh, and sometimes when I say I'm leaving I get the occasional "Can you stay a few more fights? I'm 400 tnl!" which I can understand, noone wants to be stuck in a place like that. So, timetable allowing, I'll always stay. It's just the nice thing to do. I mean, I'd like it if someone stayed for me. o_O
#11 Oct 22 2004 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
209 posts
Psylight, that's actually one of the most polite ways to leave, at least i think so. You have good ettiquite. :-)
#12 Oct 22 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Well, I just like to end on a high note with people, that's all. ^_^

I'm thinking that by doing this, when I'm higher level and getting a party invite takes a long time, I'll have more people recognising me and inviting me! (It may not work, but it's the best shot I've got!)

... That and I just feel grateful to any party who can help me raise a level or two. ^_^
#13 Oct 22 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I'm too used to low level places where it takes 5 minutes to find a replacement DD/Support.

I try to warn in advance when possible though.
#14 Oct 22 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Psylight are you talking about the group you were in with me? And BTW you've changed your sig too. Hehehe. I love being a bard.

Anyhow...Raiyne you rock. I play DDR too (see how attached I am to music? LOL). I stayed up untl 4am and slept, woke up at 8am, ate, went to class from 9-11am. Played DDR at the commons for about an hour, played Soul Calibur 2 and whooped one of the conquest leader's butt, ate again, and here I am typing about my day. Am I tired? Hell yeah. Do I want sleep? Hell yeah. Would I sleep if I were playing FFXI? Hell no LOL.

Actually I take naps, I don't sleep. My naps are usually late afternoons for about 2 hours, and I wake up around 10pm to play FFXI. After I start to feel tired, I hop into something more comfortable and crash onto my bed.

And yes, when I'm on FFXI I'm half-awake. But whenever I'm on late afternoons I feel the urge to nap, so I tell my party "Is anyone near TNL? Because I'm sleepy and I want to nap. I'll find a replacement..."

But usually I think it's the leader's job to search for a replacement. I do searches just to help...because it sucks having one person search for members.
#15 Oct 22 2004 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I wasn't specifically referring to the party we had, but that's more or less an example, save for the having to wait for someone to leave bit. ^_~ I love you being a BRD too, because you rock at it! ^_^
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