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Windurstians! We Need You for EF!! (12 November)Follow

#1 Oct 26 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
A new Expeditionary Force has been scheduled for 12 November 2004 at 9PM CST (-6 GMT) (making it on a Friday night so a certain person named Argonaut can join)
As we learned from our previous attempt, it is helpful for those who wish to enlist be level 30+ (level cap is 30) and minimum of rank 3. Those with a experience in EF are a plus (but not required)
Please respond with the job, level, and character name that you will enlist. We will need 15 people total. We will again attempt to retake Kolshushu. Spectators that wish to assist with healing are appreciated.

I will be bringing a RNG32/NIN16
3 of my LS mates will be joining (2 WHM/BLM and 1 undecided).

I hope to see those of you from last time, as it was a great experience. I hope to see you there.

*if there are any scheduling problems please let me know*
#2 Oct 26 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
69 posts
There's no way a bastokan can join right? I don't care if it's for windy I just wanna do an EF!!!!!
::puts his hands in his pockets and walks away::
#3 Oct 26 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's some maps with banner locations that may be useful
#4 Oct 26 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Thank you for the information. This will be very helpful!!! ^.^

Sorry Caderly, for a Windy EF you need to be from here. You COULD make a new character that is Windurstian and you'll be able to join ^.^
#5 Oct 26 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks to Grymalkyn for your input. You definitely get a rate up ^.^

I would like to post someone's info regarding EF.
I hope you guys find this useful. Thanks to Raji for providing this information on
Ok, dunno how useful this is going to be since most of the people on this board have already gotten the crash course in game, but then, depending on how many people we recruit that come here BEFORE the EF's... anyway, without further ado:

Do Not Touch the Banner!
An Expeditionary Force Primer

Chances are, since you're reading this, you've heard about the Expeditionary Force in some way or another. Maybe you've seen the "I want to join the Expeditionary Force" option when talking to the Conquest Guards in Bastok (you ARE from Bastok, right?), or you've been exp'ing in some far-off region and seen the occasional "Soandso E.F. defeats beastman hordes... maintain current momentum" messages. Either way, this has you wondering, "What the frig is the Expeditionary Force, and what am I supposed to do?"

The short description is, the Expeditionary Force is a way for the nations to gain influence in foreign-controlled regions a good deal faster than through Signet-exp'ing alone (and for the people involved to get Conquest Points in the process Smile ).

To get started, you talk to the conquest guard in your home country (the ones in your consulates abroad don't have any authority over the Expeditionary Force, for diplomatic reasons). The basic requirements for the Expeditionary Force are, you need to have a party of 4-6 (depending on the ranking of your nation) that are of the appropriate allegiance, at least Rank 3, and at least the minimum level specified for the region. Once you sign up, you can talk to him again and choose "Teleport me to the EF area" to begin. Keep in mind that the EF battles have level caps on them (most of the ones we do are capped at 30), so be sure to bring the appropriate gear and, if necessary, retool your macros.

The first step, naturally, is to gather all the members of the Expeditionary Force parties (you pretty much NEED to have an alliance of at least two parties). When it's ready to move out, your party leader will tell you and the rest of the party (and only his party) to sign up for the EF to the appropriate region. Once this is done, send him a /tell (in order to minimize confusion), and WAIT until he gives you further instructions. Once he's ready, he'll tell you to talk to the conquest guard again and teleport out (do NOT teleport out until he says so!). The conquest guard will also give you a Gate Glyph, which you can use to teleport back to the gate in your home city where you signed up for the EF in the first place.

Okay, once you've teleported out to the outpost in the EF region (Valkurm in Zulkheim, for instance), that's when the next part starts: Finding the Beastmen's Banner. The Beastmen's Banner spawns in one of a number of predetermined spots around the zone, and the Expeditionary Force leader may send you over to one of the possible spawn points to check for it. If you see the Banner, call out the location to the party but DO NOT TOUCH IT! If you do, you will almost certainly die, a whole lot of other people will probably die as well, your country's influence in the region will be seriously set back, and you'll get epically ******* out. So don't do it.

Anyway, once the banner is located and the party gets there, each party should gather around its White Mage for buffs. Now would be the time to switch to your "capped" equipment if necessary. Once everyone is ready, the designated "banner guy" will touch the banner. This is where the fun begins Smile

Once the banner is touched, the level cap will be applied, and 4 NM Beastmen will spawn. These are nasty little buggers with jobs like ours and job abilities (including 2hrs) like ours. The standard procedure for dealing with this battle is as follows:

A designated "spotter" (usually Papajay in our EF's) will call out the target to attack. Everybody should focus on this mob, and ONLY this mob. You should make the following macro to help you here:

/assist (spotter)
/autoattack off

The designated sleeper (usually me Smile ) will put all the other mobs to sleep. Mages, do NOT make use of AOE spells or DOT effects (like Dia and Poison), because these will eff up the sleeps, and make the whole thing a lot more difficult than it has to be. Otherwise, just do your thing on the designated mob Smile. EF battles are naturally fast-paced and chaotic, making it difficult to keep the mobs all on one tank (which is usually not a good idea anyway), so just focus on keeping said mobs off the "soft" targets like the mages or the bard. The White Mages should, naturally, concentrate on healing. Focus mainly on your party first, but if someone in one of the other parties is having trouble, toss a Cure their way. And be sure to call out your MP if you're running low, cause the other parties can't see your MP.

Anyway, for each EF NM that gets killed, your country will get more influence in the region (prompting the "Bastokan E.F. defeats beastman hordes, maintain current momentum" message). Once all 4 NM's are dead, the banner will despawn about a minute later, to reappear in another spawn spot about 5 minutes later, at which point, we repeat the whole process Smile. You can touch the banner again before this to have the level cap removed, but usually we DON'T want to do this. Doing multiple banners while under the level cap will result in a "chain" effect.

The only set limit on the number of banners that can be done in this manner is that the EF goes on until the conquest tally. At this point, the next time you talk to a conquest guard, your EF insignia for the region will be handed off and disposed of. If you were successful in taking the region, you'll be rewarded with conquest points. If not, well, you get nothing :-p.
There's nothing stopping you from doing multiple EF's for different regions within a single week, and you'll recieve an increased reward for taking multiple regions (though not necessarily twice as much, or 3 times, or whatever).
#6 Oct 26 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
Do any of you remember this? >_> <_<

It was a 12 hr EF that happened WAY back in March.
#7 Oct 26 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts

Bard/WHM (since the cap will be 30)

Will be there but kinda tight. Please wait for me ^^
#8 Oct 27 2004 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
I would like to join.

As whm/blm or Blm/whm
#9 Oct 27 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,892 posts
OMG I just erased my post then.... stupid Clear Form button looking like submit... anyhow brief summary of my rather long post:

Zangief (Galka) - WAR37, MNK28
Schultz (Tarutaru) - BLM47, WHM25

GF's character

Yul (Elvaan) - WHM37

I'll pass along the message, I'm a member of the WindurstianAlliance, so I will inform them if the LS is still fully running.
#10 Oct 27 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
Hey Argo,

Notice I scheduled it just for you ^.^ lol....
In return, all I ask for is an autographed photo of Crocodile Dundee and one of those buzzing things he twirls over his head (I forgot what they're called)

Yes please inform that LS. I was trying to get into an all Windy LS, but I could never find one >.<
#11 Oct 27 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Yeah I made note of that in my original message that I deleted by accident >_<. Well I got the pearlsack early on, but I hadn't been on in a while, don't know if it took off or not there, the occasional person in there every now and again. I just talked to Logan when I changed the topic to have the URL of here in it. S/he might be in as well.

If you need a pearl just ask and I will figure a way to get you one. I will be on for abit longer if you want to jump on and figure a way of getting one. Since it's setup already we might as well make use of the LS, and get it going into full swing.

I'll see about the autographed thing, but you do realise we think he's an idiot here :P

EDIT: Oh Dundee... ummm what ever happened to him... I thought you meant Croc Hunter.. he sucks :P

Edited, Wed Oct 27 10:10:26 2004 by Argonaut
#12 Oct 27 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
If you need a pearl just ask and I will figure a way to get you one. I will be on for abit longer if you want to jump on and figure a way of getting one. Since it's setup already we might as well make use of the LS, and get it going into full swing.

I'll see about the autographed thing, but you do realise we think he's an idiot here :P

Well, hopefully you can get some others to tag along. So far we have 6 people. We need another 9.
I didn't know you guys thought Paul Hogan was an idiot. I thought it was the Crack Hunter that no one liked. I think he overdoes his accent a bit. I noticed a scar on his shoulder. Could he be a Tassie? If so, it might explain everything ^.^

OK...anyone else coming along?
#13 Oct 27 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I think i have a pearl sack if u want it name its Lathia.
btw what is all this about?? fill me in pls
#14 Oct 27 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
I think i have a pearl sack if u want it name its Lathia.
btw what is all this about?? fill me in pls

we're planning another EF in 2 weeks, and argonaut suggested that we speak to members of windurstianalliance to accompany us on it.
last time we did it, we failed, but we all had a lot of fun.
#15 Oct 27 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Hey Lathia, you're Sandorian :P -- Ummm dunno how many is in WA but even still it's a LS that was setup for this reason might as well use it. I will try to catch the Owner when he's next online and tell him.
#16 Oct 27 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
arg: didnt meant to fill me in as in put me in the WA, more like fill me in on info on what you guys were talking about :P i might have to change to windurstian if its possible which i doubt cause when i started on Fairy i was Bastokian i think :/ ahh man im so confused.
#17 Oct 27 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
I have it on my calendar! And the time is great, all the brats will be asleep by then...It was so much fon last time, and I won't repeat my AOE spell mistake ><. Sorry about that guys.
#18 Oct 27 2004 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Nah if you want to change to Windy I'll fund you, it's like 10k or something like that (up to 40k if the nation is first). We'd have to do all the missions for windy for you again. Hang on you havn't even been to windy IIRC... hehe... talk to you on CLTD man.

Well Abzalom, looks like you've started a war. The other nations have started up, lets try and get organised enough to have multiple EF's going at the same time in each region (if we get enough..). While they are off fighting in other regions, we will send a covert force to destroy their primary (and unguarded) regions.

Hail Windy!


Huzzah for 1PM Saturday

Edited, Wed Oct 27 23:24:41 2004 by Argonaut
#19 Oct 28 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
Well Abzalom, looks like you've started a war. The other nations have started up, lets try and get organised enough to have multiple EF's going at the same time in each region (if we get enough..). While they are off fighting in other regions, we will send a covert force to destroy their primary (and unguarded) regions.

yeah but you know what? if anything this should make the game a LOT more fun. imagine all the money we can make off of the CP. ^.^
oh yeah i hope everyone reads the FAQ i pasted up there. we need to get our macros in order so we can make sure we do better than we did last time.
#20 Oct 28 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
I dislike -ga spells anyway.. DOT's are my friend though.. going to be hard not to use them, but for the sake of the nation I will. Yeah it will make things a heap more interesting. Next thing we actually need to do is organise full team Ballista comps :P between forum members :D

Anyhow on a non-related matter, I'm on this little high at the moment... 47-49 in 3 hours, 13,000 exp :D
#21 Oct 28 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
OK so is anyone else signing up?
#22 Nov 01 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts's only 11 more days!! Just thought I'd give this a boost, (you know top of teh page gets more attn..etc)
#23 Nov 01 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Well since we are last at the moment (what happened?) I think it should be a crime not to help out :P
#24 Nov 01 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
468 posts
Would love to help out, but I can't make it to that one =( 2am my time, and I can't stay up too late that weekend.
#25 Nov 01 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Im up to another EF but...

Im lacking the equipment... I havent used my blm for awhile(since the last EF) and I sold off the equip.

If anyone could help i would gladly join up in this EF and hope that it goes better than last time.
#26 Nov 01 2004 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
I'm interested, sounds like it would be fun... and that we're last again really bites.

Rooshoo 30RDM/15BLM
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