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MPK "The worst crime in the game"Follow

#1 Oct 27 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
MPK is the most hateful action in the game. Though MPK can cause huge amount exp loss and lots players get kill by rampaging high level mobs. If have any reports of MPK please post it right here and the player's name who did it on purpose just for kicks who will be fully aware the presence.

Edited, Wed Oct 27 23:18:48 2004 by StrangerOfTheEast
#2 Oct 27 2004 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
I agree totally, MPK is as bed as it can get. But please make sure before you accuse, you are certain it was intentional.

I was involved in a party the other night, where one of my Party members accidentialygot aggro from a grenade. To make a long story short she tried to bring it to the rest of the pt so we could take it out, it exploded, alot of players died (myself and my entire pt. included.)

After the incident other players assumed it was intentional, sent nasty /tells, etc. All over an honest mistake.

So what i am trying to say is definatley let people know about individuals who purposley MPK's, but please make sure it wasnt an accident before you act, so we can avoid a total witchhunt.

ps: strangeroftheeast, I am not knocking your idea at all, I 100% agree with your post.
#3 Oct 27 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Wed Oct 27 23:15:40 2004 by StrangerOfTheEast
#4 Oct 28 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Goblinsavior Heronox. That was the gob a poor rng brought to his pt next to mine in Gustav Tunnel the other day. I say poor rng, cuz their pt was 43 max...and if you see a mob with a different name that normal, chances are (99.99%) it's a NM. So, my pt backs way up....and theirs got slaughtered. The guy that pulled it shouted for help, but they never actually "called for help" lmfao. The rng disbanded and went home. The screams....oh the screams. If it was purposeful I wouldn't be surprised.
#5 Nov 01 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
Anyone know the bst Mushu? I remember he would bring mobs on top of parties to kill them. This was a month or two ago but I knew quite a few people who said that he did it. Then of course he did it to my party. We called the GM and he was gone for the day.

But recently I searched him and saw he is still around. Just wondering if he is still up to his old games of trying to kill exp parties.
#6 Nov 01 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I met Mushu in Garlaige Citadel one morning when I was attempting to find people to help with Coffer Keys. He was leveling there and decided to help me out. He filled his inventory and let me know when a Coffer Key dropped. Took a couple hours and I was very grateful ^^
#7 Nov 01 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
Watch out for black mamba, and maybe spicy

Black released bats on us in Garliage last night, because our leader couldn't move us far enough away from his party for him to be happy. (Right, with all those AoE attacks in garliage...)

My entire pt thinks spicy released on us too, because it just seemed so coincidental that we were fighting a beetle, all of the sudden a pet turns wild and attacks, then another bat comes outta nowhere and attacks, and then a third bat comes outta nowhere and attacks...

Suprisingly, my pt survived, only myself and another member died (pretty impressive). The worst part is, they released right when I converted...egh, hence the death.
#8 Nov 02 2004 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
I really hate that names were called out here. Now I seriously feel the need to step in and correct TimeBomb, and so I will. I was in that EXP PT, we moved in on the PT of 2 BSTs, a SMN, and I think an RDM (he was anon, in mage clothes, but this isn't really the point). And elsewhere on the rather vast internet, this same discussion has been brought up, by the other side. Words were exchanged, and so were point of views; I now believe a few things:

We were told to move or be released on. It sounds like a threat, but it can also be an honest "move, or these bats are going to aggro you, we have no control over them." We (whether this was a misunderstanding or not) took it as a threat. Things happened, bats came to eat up the PT, a couple people died. Anger ensues. Who was right? It doesn't matter, not here. I haven't presented all the facts here, and I won't even begin to try.

This is what I don't like: that people were named out, out of the blue, without even having been given a chance to defend themselves (will they even read this thread? probably not, unless pointed here). My conversation with them differs on this point, because BOTH sides of the story were brought forward. The truth from there can be decided upon the readers. So please, I know you were angry; I know I was too. I enlightened myself, and I advise that you do so for similar situations in the future. For future reference, Spicy was not only not a BST, he was the one who was kind enough to Raise us after we died.

Edited, Tue Nov 2 02:50:44 2004 by Rogibear
#9 Nov 02 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
817 posts
what's MPK?
#10 Nov 02 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
my hole pt got killed from some jacka$$ named kodid! 1st he trained crawlers all over us in cn and warped out and they all linked to ours and we all died!!! then he went BACK!! and trained 50 super high lvl crawlers all the way 2 entrance and killed EVERYONE in cn!!!! AND THEN!!!!! HE COMES BACK IN AND STARTS RAISING US AND INTERRUPTING!!!!!! JUST TO MAKE US MADDER!!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there's a reason these threads never work.
#11 Nov 02 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
did any of yall hear about someone training the nin AF mob in yhoator jungle to the zone? supposedly over 100 people dead, it happened about a week ago i think.

also, about Mushu, he came all the way from Boyhada Tree (sp?) to the Temple of Uggelipeh (sp?) when me and a group of ppl were doing Hornetneedle quest in order to help us out. We certainly couldn't have done it w/o him. So if he really did do those things earlier, he must have learned his lesson or it was someone else playing the character.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#12 Nov 02 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Whats really funny here, Timebomb. Is that you Slept the Bats, Got resisted, And THEN converted. Smooth.
Oh, And whats even funier, Is you checked spicy and laughed at his gear... And still thought he was a bst and released you on you. I'm sorry, But it looks like the only moron here is you >.>
#13 Nov 08 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
Rair, MPK stands for "Monster Player Kill" or something like that... I've heard a few other definitions but this seems to be the more unofficially accepted one...

it's when a high aggro, high strength mob is dropped on a party with the intent of killing them by having something they cannot handle aggro them. It's definitely wrong and agains the TOS but what constitutes MPK is somewhat gray... but regardless in an MPK situation.. the party has no choice but to fight.. or run.. either option usually results in death.

case in point:

someone running from a gobbie in the dunes creates a rather large train of say.. 7 gobbies (I've actually SEEN a 6 gobbie train) and manages to zone.. somehow alive.. into the HIghlands...

now these gobbies go around killing anyone near the zone line and anyone they meet along the way back to their spawn areas.

is this MPK.. well, good question.. at the core it depends on the intent of the person running from the train, and since you can't read someone's mind all you can do is guess at that.. However....

if the person running was indeed in mortal danger from even one of those gobs.. let alone 7, it's safe to say it's not MPK..


if the person was say.. a 35th level THF.. who decided to snag a few gobbies.. slam flee.. and create a mess at the zone line, then yes.. it's MPK.

Often MPK is associated with BST.. the tools BST use for their job are also staggeringly effective at MPK. MOST BST find the idea morally sickening and will not stoop so low (I for example never will, it's just a game people..) I use the above example of the THF to show that it's not just BST who can MPK.. any job is capable of the task.. BST are more likely to be *mis-interpreted* for MPK however.. cause once you use "Leave" on a pet it will go back to it's spawn area. If it's a high aggro pet.. it'll aggro parties along the way.. the intent was not to kill anyone, but it certainly seems that way..

and so the BST stigma and hatred continues because of this...

interestingly, BST don't get leave til 35th level, so if you're in a lowbie zone and a BST is nearby who's low level.. odds of them MPK'ing you are slim to none.. more than likely charm dropped.. the BST had to zone.. or got killed.. and the mob is wandering back.. much like if a party failed to kill a high aggro mob they pulled... seen that happen with giants in Qufim during my WHM days.. never camp the zone there, or anywhere for that matter.. camp NEAR the zone.. not AT the zone.
#14 Nov 08 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Another interesting way to tell if someone is MPKing or just trying to survive, is to check the log for /shouts or calls for /help. If you see;

Guy calls for help!
Guy: For the love of God, GOBS TO ZONE!!
Guy is murderstomped by the Goblin Smithy.
Victim is murdestomped by the Goblin Smithy.
Goblin Smithy hits Bystandr for 128 point of damage.
Bystander: Crap, ZONE!!!
Bystandr is murderstomped by the Goblin Smithy.

... Generally this means that, although destructive, the train was not pulled out of player-killing interests. Check your log before you go blaming people of MPK, give them a little benefit of the doubt.

Myself, I have never been the victim of an MPK, but I've certainly been affected by some. Just last week in Crawler's Nest someone zoned about 3 Soul Stingers, more Death Jackets than I could count, 2 Doom Scorpions and about 6 Maze Lizards. It was an impressive sight when they all ran past our party. I was curious when a tonne of bees swarmed past, but when the 2 scorpions skitted past I freaked and started yelloing back to my party to "Zone!! Quickly!!"
#15 Nov 09 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
Ugh... I have several reports of MPK, and all from the same guy. I was pling a friend of mine in qufim, and this guy tried to wipe out her party with a ghoul with the classic lure it and NIN 2hr. Since I was around, no biggie, I snagged it off of them and, well, killed it. Maybe like a week later, this same guy MPK'd in the second jungle 5 times in a row, twice to the party I was in while leveling my sub... He was pissed at us simply because we didn't save him from death. I wouldn't have cured him even if I was there, on account of his previous behavior (I was afk, and the whm) and the rest of my party was either unable to use whm or japanese, unable to understand his pleas for help. Thusly, he took his anger out on the entire populus, and not just the few nearby who ignored him. His name? Richtor... blah.
#16 Nov 09 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
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#17 Nov 15 2004 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Heh I have a little story.

One time when I was a young mage (can't remember if I was white or black) I healed this poor guy being chased by 3 gobs. Stupid as I was during those days I used cure II and got the gobs on my butt. But I was fine, I ran to Seblina and shouted 3 times "Gobs to zone, I'm Sorry". I ran into Seblina, followed by 15 some people. Some of them /em slap me and some of them said thanks for the warning but becareful next time ><. 2 minutes later I got a tell saying "Thank for no warning you dumb MPK F***" About 30 levels later the meany and I saw each other again and apologize cause he had his /shout filter on during that time. As amazed that he remember, we laugh and got along talking about our noobness that night = ).


Edited, Mon Nov 15 03:36:09 2004 by UCIHippo
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