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SE has a LOT of nerve to do this!Follow

#1 Nov 12 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
If you guys have your instruction manual for FFXI handy, could you please refer to page 11 of the handbook. Read that page thorougly and tell me what your thoughts are on it.

Here's the backstory:

My nephew (who goes by Exocet/DarkExocet in the game) had some computer problems and couldn't play for 4 months. He finally got everything fixed, and had to reinstall the game. When he tried to use the registration codes, they did not work. He called the tech support line, and their response was "please refer to page 11 of the user's guide".
WTF????? He had the game a total of 5 weeks before he had computer problems, and they pull this stunt??
WTH is wrong with this company??

*if you guys didn't understand what page 11 says, i will explain: if you stop playing for more than 90 days or you don't pay for more than 90 days, your characters are deleted AND YOUR REG CODES ARE PERMANENTLY DISABLED. you have to buy a new flippin game in order to resume*

#2 Nov 12 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
/point /laugh

lol, that sucks, i dunno. im sure you could ask SE and tell them your situation....
or you could solve it be illegal activity

>.> <.<
#3 Nov 12 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
That totally blows!!! No wonder why people are starting to hate SE and this game. They penalize you for not paying/playing, even though YOU are the one with the troubles (computer). And then when you can get things back in working order after not being able to tell or warn them before about your troubles, they pull this stunt? *shakes head...* yea... great business like manners... I hope this starts paying attention to all the peoples complaints and finally gets off their lazy asses and start fixing the game and it's structure!!! Gil farmers, MPK'ers... incredible waiting periods to actually get something done (lvl, quests, genkia, etc...) No wonder why so many are realizing that this 'game' isn't all that it's supposed to be... A GAME!!! Something of that which brings fun and enjoy. I mean, who really wants to pay for more fustration?
#4 Nov 12 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
and what's worse is that the game STILL costs $50!!! so we have to pay $100 to play the stinkin game.
i am gonna write to them when i get home to see what i can do. this is just not right. this is VERY poor customer service and NO other game does this. hell, i still get emails from horizons and SWG asking me to continue playing that game. they don't disable reg codes because i stop playing for a bit.
#5 Nov 12 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Don't blame SE, blame the black market. Piracy is why they try to protect themselves. And who wouldn't want to protect themselves from free-loaders and fraudsters.

Sucks to be on the receiving end of the problem, though. Hope it works out for you...
#6 Nov 12 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
6,947 posts
Not meaning to put an adversarial turn on this, but I'm curious as to what manner of computer problem he had, that was not able to be fixed/resolved in 4 months?

While I understand your frustration, and agree that SE's decision to make the existing Key Codes invalid, forcing users to re-invest in a new copy of the game, I still think that their expectation that any user suffering computer malfunction could get it solved in 3 months is lenient and not inappropriate.

Incidentally, I am also curious:

Since automatic billing is the preferred method of ongoing payment, I assume that he logged into POL to deactivate his account once he realized that it would be a long time before he could play again, so as to prevent recurring charges for a game that he couldn't play.

(I make this assumption because if his computer were totally inoperative, and he could not even access POL to cancel his account, then automatic billing would have continued, regardless of whether he ever logged in or not to play)

Since it is not necessary to cancel your entire POL account, just your Content IDs (which will retain character data for three months), why did he not simply do that?

When it is necessary to extend those three months, you are able to reactivate the Content IDs, and, subsequently, deactivate them again for another three months of holding.

You will be billed for the month during which you reactivated them, but 12 dollars is better than 48 or 72 dollars, to ensure that your character data is maintained for 4-6 months.

I sympathize with you (and your nephew) in this situation, but careful reading and comprehension of the terms of your service (by reading the manual before you begin playing) is the player/user's responsibility.

SE fulfills their end of the responsibility by providing the information, packaged with the game.
They aren't "pulling a stunt" at all. These terms and conditions
existed before your nephew made his account or even bought the game, and the onus is on him and his parents (assuming he is a young lad) to be aware of those conditions.

We can take issue with their practices and policies all we want,
but the fact remains that when we sign up and log in, we are agreeing to the terms they have set down.

It is our responsibility to understand what terms we are agreeing to, and chose from there whether or not we wish to be a part of them.

I grumble a lot (all the time, really) about how my bank charges me $22 every time one of my checks goes through with insufficient funds, and they pay it for me anyway.
I grumble because even if they chose not to pay it for me, if they instead send it back unpaid, they still charge me $22.

I grumble about it feeling unjust and unfair and about being bent over the barrel and paying the bank's operating fees from my very very poor pocketbook, while those with far more money than I, who could afford to do so and never even miss the money, never have this happen to them.

However, it's only "wrong" if they didn't inform me that this was their practice, when I made the account.

As far as they are concerned, if I write a check that bounces, and get charged a fee by the bank, I am making an informed decision and chosing to accept the consequences, whether (in reality) it was actually my choice for it to happen or not.

Edited, Fri Nov 12 17:20:48 2004 by Tenmiles
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    #7 Nov 12 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
    He had a problem with his motherboard and hard drive. He had to replace the CPU, motherboard, power supply, and hard drive.
    Normally it shouldn't take too long, but he and my sister have other financial obligations so he couldn't fix it right away.
    It is one thing to delete the characters after discontinuing for a couple of months. That is to be expected. However, they disabled the registration codes. He cannot register the game because ALL the codes are disabled. I am not talking about content IDs, I am talking about the registration codes to even be able to play the game. If it were just about content IDs, there wouldn't be a big deal. He could just create a new character. The game no longer works at all because SE disabled the codes.
    The game is totally unusable. The only way to continue is to buy a whole new game with new registration numbers.
    This is "a stunt" in my opinion because he purchased the game, stopped playing for a while, and when he tried to play again, they disabled the codes to prevent him from playing until he coughs up another $50 to play.
    I looked at the TOS from SWG, EQ, Horizons, City of Heroes, Ragnarok Online, and DAoC, and NONE of them have this policy.
    #8 Nov 12 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    He cannot register the game because ALL the codes are disabled. I am not talking about content IDs, I am talking about the registration codes to even be able to play the game. If it were just about content IDs, there wouldn't be a big deal. He could just create a new character. The game no longer works at all because SE disabled the codes.

    I already understood that.

    One point I tried to observe was the fact that it was unnecessary to deactivate/cancel the POL account, which is what in turn cancels the game registration key codes.

    It is possible, in fact it is advised by SE, not to cancel your POL account, but merely to cancel your Content IDs.
    Content IDs are what we get billed for; the POL account is free.

    In this way, the validity of the registration codes is not affected.
  • Tenmiles
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    #9 Nov 12 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
    It is possible, in fact it is advised by SE, not to cancel your POL account, but merely to cancel your Content IDs.
    Content IDs are what we get billed for; the POL account is free.

    I already asked, and they told me that if the content IDs go, so do all the reg codes.
    #10 Nov 12 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
    I already asked, and they told me that if the content IDs go, so do all the reg codes.

    I'm 99% sure that isn't the case, but if it is... damn.

    The same thing happened to a friend of mine, it sucks, and he couldn't be bothered to buy the game again. Will your nephew be quiting? If so thats a shame.
    #11 Nov 12 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
    I play on PS2 so this may be different but i got this game in May? i think ....anyway i played it for 3-4 days then went back to EQ:OA ....quit that and have restarted FFXI and its been way over 90 days and only thing i lost was an old contact ID with a lvl 9 warrior on it.

    Poomanfoo 8 Blackmage
    Sneakz 8 Thief
    #12 Nov 13 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
    Here is the solution to your problem -

    Put everything back in the box how it came and take it down to Walmart, tell them it's messed up and you just need to exchange it for a new one. Walmart takes back anything even without a receipt.

    Don't worry, this does work because I've had to do it twice. The first time was because I traded some anime to a friend for the game and couldn't get the codes to work no matter what I did and the second time was because I bought a copy for a friend who said she would play it with me but then stopped after only a couple weeks even though she said she was addicted to the game. >_<

    Good luck!
    #13 Nov 13 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    I already asked, and they told me that if the content IDs go, so do all the reg codes.

    I'm surprised to hear you say that they told you this.

    As if on queue, what with your current problem, SE released this announcement like just two days ago:

    From SE and PlayOnline:

    This is a courtesy notice to help clarify several points about FINAL FANTASY XI Content IDs and PlayOnline accounts.

    If you wish to suspend your FINAL FANTASY XI play only temporarily, please cancel your Content ID rather than your PlayOnline account. If you cancel a Content ID, the corresponding character data will be stored for ninety days without any recurring charges. After the ninety-day period has passed, the character data will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

    You can extend this period by reactivating the Content ID and then cancelling it again; your character data will then be stored for an additional ninety days. However, please note that the usual monthly charge will apply for the month in which the Content ID was reactivated.

  • Tenmiles
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    #14 Nov 13 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
    I think what I will do is have my nephew do what FeralDragon said
    I can't believe I didn't think of this before! lol!
    #15 Nov 14 2004 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    Good luck! ^^
  • Tenmiles
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    #16 Nov 14 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
    Same thing happened to me. But.. i still play.

    I had to quit FFXI for about 3 months. Reformatted my comp and reinstalled ffxi. I tried to redo my registration and it also said that my codes were invalid.

    BUT!!! I called support and asked for my POL Account ID. Not your account username but your Account ID. Like ABCD1234, I got that, relogged my account and it worked perfectly. Just call support and ask them for your ID. You will have to give them the name of the account owner and the credit card number that was originally used to pay for that account. They will then give you the ID. DO NOT LOSE THIS ID!

    After that, open POL, insert your ID and password. It should work, it did for me.

    My Content ID's were gone since it was over 3 months, but no big deal. At least you wont have to buy the game again.
    #17 Nov 14 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
    Whenever my nephew comes back, I will have him gives both of these a whirl.
    #18 Nov 14 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
    335 posts
    Whether or not it's in the ToS, it still is a pretty disgusting way to treat your customers. To be perfectly honest, I near despise SE after having played FFXI. I had a lot of respect for them before, but after this...egh. Just...egh.

    It's one of those things. If a company has "This game will be deactivated in three months, no matter what, and you will have to purchase a new one." in their ToS, it's still disgusting, whether or not you paid attention to it when you bought the game.

    A ToS agreement is not a magical responsibility shirker.
    #19 Nov 15 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
    People seem to think that just because something is in the ToS that everything is justified. This isn't necessarily true.
    Some people will respond that once I play it, I agree to all of those terms so I cannot complain (the ToS even says this).
    This doesn't change the fact that the ToS CAN be unreasonable. Making someone buy a new game after 90 days isn't reasonable.
    Most of you guys didn't even know this until I posted it.
    Imagine buying a car, not driving it for 3 months, and having to buy a brand new car again because you didn't buy Shell gasoline for those 3 months.
    Legally, the ToS can say whatever it wants and stipulate whatever it wants. However, there is a limit to what it can actually enforce even though they put the disclaimer "By playing this game you agree to the ToS". I am not saying that SE is doing something illegal. I just find it pretty abusive to do this as no other game does this.
    #20 Nov 16 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    I agree.
    I never said I felt it was justified, needed, or appropriate.
    My point was only that it's a fact.
    Like it or not, just or unjust, as long as we want to play their game, we are bound by their rules.

    That being the case, even if we vehemently disagree with those rules, it is our responsibility to be aware of and understand them. Ignorance of the rules does not excuse us from them.

    On the (hopefully) brighter side, have you and your nephew had a chance to try the other suggestions offered yet?
  • Tenmiles
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    #21 Nov 17 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
    Yeah he did. He created a new character named Vagisil.
    He is a lvl 5 WHM, and I think he is going for RDM main or something.
    #22 Nov 17 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
    134 posts
    Okay.. I didn't feel like reading everyone else's post but I'm sure someone else has already said this.

    You can suspend your account and keep everything. One of my personal friends has suspended his account and at whatever time he decideds to start playing again (within the 90 days) he will resume paying the monthly fee for the game.

    Your friend should have thought about this.. suspended his account for the maximum limit.. paid one months of fees for an extra three months to work on his computer.. then resume the game if it was that big of a deal.

    #23 Nov 17 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
    261 posts
    I'm glad everything worked out, I saw him last night while I was fishing outside of Windy^^. I just have one other question and it is on this topic so i didn't want to start a whole new thread. What if one buys this game used, like on or ebay? Will it not work because of the reg code issue? I was just curious. I almost bought mine this way, but got impatient and just went in to Walmart.
    #24 Nov 17 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
    Used copies won't work. I remember the salesman at gamestop told me that they used to sell copies of online games. All they needed to do is call SE and tell them to unconsume the reg codes. Now SE doesn't allow this anymore, so they cannot buy back online games.
    So if someone sells you a used copy of FFXI, it should be because you lose the CDs not because you dont have reg codes
    #25 Nov 17 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    Vagisil..... @_@ why?
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    #26 Nov 18 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
    28 posts
    poomanfoo wrote:
    I play on PS2 so this may be different but i got this game in May? i think ....anyway i played it for 3-4 days then went back to EQ:OA ....quit that and have restarted FFXI and its been way over 90 days and only thing i lost was an old contact ID with a lvl 9 warrior on it.

    Poomanfoo 8 Blackmage
    Sneakz 8 Thief

    This is way off topic (btw i really feel for your nephew) but Slyph I'm from EQOA too! I was on DH for a long time and before that MF. We're you on either of those servers? I love this game though, the maturity level is so much higher I think compared to EQOA. People are very nice also :)
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