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Mez didn't do it.Follow

#1 Aug 10 2006 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
4,475 posts
Whatever it is I'm doing wrong, or did wrong I sure wish someone would tell me.

I've been 48 on RDM for about I guess 3 weeks now. I can be unanon for a whole day and not a invite. I did finally get a PT yesterday but the level range was 48-53 and I wasn't getting any xp and no enfeebles would stick except dispel(+21MND and 147 enfeeble skill; I figure crabs were too high for me)so I left the party. I should stop doing that cause then I didn't get an invite for the rest of that day.

I do need G1 done, but I'd like level 50 first - also people need to overlook my crappy rank if that's what is causing this(I got someone to help me with mission 2-3 finally). If people are picking over me because of my WHM sub I think that's extremely closeminded. I think I do a great job at RDM and I refuse to play anything else. Oh yea making parties would be the option but I have bad experiences with that(always hard to find the tank or 6th member)so I don't bother.

So if anyone is spreading crap about me or whatever, it's a lie. I have no enemies on rag and I don't wont any.
#2 Aug 10 2006 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
You're problem might just be too many competition with other refresher jobs in your level range, or even a problem with a lack of tanks to make parties.

When I leveled through that range well over a year ago I'd get invites to main tank parties on my WAR when I wasn't even seeking. Being a RDM doesn't always mean a fast track to 75.
#3 Aug 10 2006 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
You can solo Rank 4, and Rank 5 is pretty simple.

Level your BLM sub. It may be your $12.95, but it's the party's $64.75. BLM sub is useful at points, so get it leveled.

You don't *make* parties because it's too hard to find a tank/6th? You'll need to get over this fact right here before you progress; It's not always easy in this game. Hell what am I talking about, it's almost *never* easy. >_> Make a party. No tank? Get two WAR/NIN to bounce hate. No 6th member? If you have a healer, and tank, where is the trouble here? Just type /search 47-50 and see whats up.

The point I'm trying to make is that complaining to us about you not getting party invites due, as I see it, from a lack of dedication is kinda useless. You're almost level 50 and you're barely Rank 3. You don't want to make parties because it's too hard to find a tank/6th member/etc. You don't want to level your BLM sub because you want to play your way.

I may sound harsh here, but it's for your own good.
#4 Aug 10 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
4,475 posts
Windblade wrote:
You can solo Rank 4, and Rank 5 is pretty simple.

Level your BLM sub. It may be your $12.95, but it's the party's $64.75. BLM sub is useful at points, so get it leveled.

You don't *make* parties because it's too hard to find a tank/6th? You'll need to get over this fact right here before you progress; It's not always easy in this game. Hell what am I talking about, it's almost *never* easy. >_> Make a party. No tank? Get two WAR/NIN to bounce hate. No 6th member? If you have a healer, and tank, where is the trouble here? Just type /search 47-50 and see whats up.

The point I'm trying to make is that complaining to us about you not getting party invites due, as I see it, from a lack of dedication is kinda useless. You're almost level 50 and you're barely Rank 3. You don't want to make parties because it's too hard to find a tank/6th member/etc. You don't want to level your BLM sub because you want to play your way.

I may sound harsh here, but it's for your own good.

No it is not for my good, you're preaching to the chior. I've been leveling BLM since saturday. I have 4 subs I need to level for RDM and I will get them done, don't assume I'm one of those refresh riders, nor one of those "I play my way" people. Seriously when it comes to me, do not assume -ever-. I asked plenty plenty people for help with 2-3, and that includes other rank 2s. It DONT help much that most people need the windy dragon killed. I'm kicking myself for going the bastok route. Yea I can pretty much solo rank 4 and 5 and I'd pull it off in one day.

It's a lot of excuses but those things play factors, I also don't have a lot of free time. What you say sounds good on paper but it doesn't always work in reality, or in this case 'virtual reality'.
#5 Aug 10 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
1,137 posts
If you don't have alot of free time, then take it slow.

It isn't a race to level 75 unless you want it to be a race.

Have fun and enjoy yourself. Meet new people and friends along the way>>>it will make the game more enjoyable imho.

It took me over 2 years to get to level 75. I took it slow, and I haven't burned out yet.

#6 Aug 11 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
4,475 posts
I've been playing for 3 years, maybe 4, I came to the server after leaving cerberus and putting the axe to my level 70 character. Why I did it isn't anyone's business but I wish I hadn't done it. Yes I long for 75 now at this point, I want a good end to my horrible history in the game.

All this quitting and/or having to answer to people all the time about stuff partaining to my character status, it is stupid. If I'll be 49 for a year, I'll just be 49 for a year.. No longer will I yeild to the pressure of other players and thier negative influences.Somebody will need me, somebody will need my skill and I will give it to them however long it takes.

That is all and good day.

#7 Aug 11 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
517 posts
If you need help with the dragon. im always willing to help. On one condition i want to sleep the dragon :P. BLM was my first job in the game, havent touched for a year now as it is stuck at 41 or 42.

#8 Aug 11 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I am sorry, I am having difficulty believe you had a 70 character on another server, thats just me though. Reasons:

1) I don't know what your other job was, but getting any job to atleast 70 means you had to go through the partying business. Even as a red mage there are periods and job ranges where they have to sit and wait like everyone else. Stick up you flag and craft, or fish, or do anything else even. Believe being at a certain level for 3 weeks is not that bad, try months.

2) Having a character at lvl 70 on another server also means you would have interacted with other rdms and saw what they subbed. Though it may seem like a hassle, you should have leveled blm back when you lvled whm as a sub for rdm. Both sj's are rather vital to having good effect with partying rdm, having a such a high job you should have known that. Complaining that people see whm as gimp is stupid.

3) This does not go to you exactly but it certaintly does count towards you. This is prob just me buuut when forming parties do a /sea all invite lvl range and look at what is seeking. Make sure there is not only enough people seeking, but also a tank and possible healer. Also check that the camp grounds have space if you decide to build a party. Grab a tank and possible healer and build on it. As a rdm you have a choice of either being main healer or not, so you can pick and choose the jobs to party with as you see fit. Yeah this does not always work, but its better to try this then to sit in jueno for two hours while the party leader tries to find more people XD

4) If you shout in jueno or bastok... or have friends... then you can get the dragon killed. The people do not even have to be from bastok to kill it! You say they want the windy dragon killed, so cut a deal. You scratch their back they scratch yours. Help them kill their dragon and they may help you kill yours. Do not assume though, that you are not getting invited because of your rank. Though some people do look at it, if you really were a 70 you would know people switch countries so it is not a heavily weighted factor.

This does not pertain to your character in game but your character in general, dude... you are way to defensive. You complained about something on here and then disregard the opinions and suggestions others gave you. Not only did you do that, but you threw out accusations (sp? i think theres suppose to be a q somewhere in there x_x) like they are candy. Maybe you are not getting a party because no one needs you yet. Maybe you are not getting a party because, though you say you are a good rdm, others do not think so, so they do not invite you. Maybe you are not getting a party because you are at that crappy lvl bridge between actually having to seek and getting poked in the eye every 5 minutes to join. Take it from a fellow rdm, there are quie a few of those bridges. Honestly dude, you sound like a 12 year old. You do not throw people's help back in their faces and make up excuses in such a harsh manor. You say thanks but because of such and such this is not possible.

No one here cares about you having a 70 character on another server. What was the point in saying all that? This thread is about your character now. Seems to me like you are hiding behind something. Stop being a baby and be thankful your not a drg or something. Red mages for the most part have it easy. You do not know the meaning of the words "waiting to get a party". (Congrats on 75DRG finally shadow ^-^) HaHa shameless plug to my friend sorry :D
#9 Aug 12 2006 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts
SE added COR to @#%^ up the bard+ RDM strong hold on pts.. theres gonna be competition now.. if you think its bad at 47 get to 75 where tons of people are 75 and looking for group.. it has been In my experience that if you are a good party member and you produce. You get invites. if your cool funny focus and dont goof off, people will invite more. If you suck, are terrible at your job, and kill people in the process of partying with you, then dont expect people to want to pt with you. Just try to get your job better, work hard, get things for yourself. Rank isnt the tell-tell sign of a n00b, but its a good indicator. Its not that you are rank 3 so you suck. Its that if you see a rank 10, they probably get invites more because its more than likely not there 1st job. They probably know how to produce and do there jobs. they are probably well equiped. I been playing for almost 3 years now, and I remember when i use to get overlooked by some rank 10 jp.. just the way it is.

So what im trying to say, party as if you are changing peoples minds. Prove to them you arent a n00b and that you are a good player. Keep trying to make your rdm better or any job you use for that matter. And dont get discouraged, your first job to 75 is long and hard. Theres lots you need to do. G1 g2 g3 af .. and come on we all remember our first artifacts and how hard they were. I always party like i got something to prove. When i exp monk i compete with other melees, i parse myself, and i try to be the best. If im bst, i try to always up my exp per hour solo (and not die .. thats the key), as blm i try to be as active as possible and use my mp to up the exp per hour.

Dont get discouraged, this is a complicated game. Getting to 75 on your first job is a very big accomplishment, because its very hard. Its a long road. Oh and any oportunities you get make a party. (since you are a rdm) if you see a tank and healer make a party. before you know it people will be telling you when your not looking for party to exp.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 6:56am EDT by Pace
#10 Aug 12 2006 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
^That's the kind of post I was looking for.

I'm going to level blm - no one has gave me sh*t about it ingame. I see ragging on me about my whm sub as lame because so many RDM don't even level whm up and just figure /BLM /WAR /DRK /NIN are the only subs of good use; or just don't sub /WHM at all and say no to main healing. Main healing; something I've done since 48 and what I did from 15 to 35. /BLM is not the be all end all of subs in xp.

Me = loltaru lolcrappymnd Incrediblytough/WHM

And Riddel, I can prove it that I had a level 70 White Mage. One thing that will **** me off is when people write off that I even got that far. I miss my old status, I regret it everyday I log on. Don't knock on it please.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 10:26am EDT by Zaleshea
#11 Aug 12 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Ah, so you were looking for a "Oh my, you poor little not-so-newbie. I'll take pity on your plight! Have some encouragement from someone you won't ever know!" instead of a "This is how it is. Fix what's wrong, and you'll do wonderfully."

Both myself and Riddel gave you answers and information that were useful and pertained to what your original post said. You rejected that.

No wonder I don't come to Alla anymore.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 1:05pm EDT by Windblade
#12 Aug 12 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Just keep in mind that some days there are simply NOT the right people LFP at the time you are. If you had trouble finding a tank when you were forming a party, its probably the same reason you are having trouble getting an invite - maybe tanks are hard to find at that level during your play time.

Until you have some sort of a reputation, I do strongly suggest to not neglect your rank. On occassion, you will see high level players at a low rank, because a number of people I know switch nations to see the story line.

Yes, subjobs are important as RDM, as are skills and knowing what you are doing on your job. Have you ever been kicked out of a party as RDM? If so, why? Did you correct that problem? Have you ever had the party leader to tell you to do something different? Do you have amazingly annoying party macros?

About the subjobs. It has been my experience that WHM is the most popular subjob, especially if you have a NIN tank, and as long as you are willing to main heal. In my experience, for parties, BLM is next popular, and finally the WAR, NIN subs would be used mostly for solo stuff. DRK sub used usually once you hit the HNM scene for chainspell stun, but you can also use it for solo work.

Good Luck!
#13 Aug 12 2006 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
4,475 posts
Letting topic die ~

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 7:32pm EDT by Zaleshea
#14 Aug 14 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Hang on a bit till my war turns 48 XD Every time I build a pty, it seems brd/rdm/cor are all out for lunch or something ><
Btw, from my experience: If you can buff, debuff, refresh, haste, magic burst, heal and last 10 mins with your mp, you dont have a prob finding a pty with rdm most of the time :)

Good luck and cya soon in pty maybe !
#15 Aug 14 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,543 posts
Do level BLM. Honestly, having it as a sub makes life easier and it's actually doable up through 25-6 without even needing a PT, if you feel like it. Conserve MP gets much <3 from me, and it's nice having the RDM Chainspell Warp/Escape for emergency use. (Never mind Drain and Aspir.)

If PT's aren't inviting you, big deal! Go practice. 41+, we have the essential tools for plinking away on EP's all day with our flag up, and it's good for pushing up those post-40-neglected weapon skills and defensives like Evasion. Wander around Delfkutt's and kick Mimas in the groin a few times. That sort of thing. The 40-50 range can be interesting because although many PT's go to 37 or so (cause people are leveling to 37 for subs), post 38 starts getting competitive. It may not level you to 75, but it does add up.

Nobody in your LS in the same range as you are?

#16 Aug 25 2006 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
491 posts
Pace : "party as if you are changing peoples minds." I just found a signature :) Thanks.
#17 Aug 30 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
well by now u have probley leveled up but if not i am a decent tank pld50 and would be happy to pt sonduck /tell when ever
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