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WuTangClan Scam~Follow

#27 Sep 25 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
when I equipped WTC this morning I found the following message written by Goldenchild: Wu dont scam for those who lie you all disitful wu lives for eva

Hiphoppy is Goldenchild! the longo adds up/

Word is Hip I mean Goldenchild you quatermaster when you did garrison almost a year ago and thats only a taste of the scams I'v heard about you since I posted this... dud~ how long have you been doing this?

Sorry all this to much fun.
#28 Sep 25 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
ur a ******* yo point
#29 Sep 25 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
wow u 27 nig deal im 28 yo point being
#30 Sep 25 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
get a life and get over it no one scammed next time pay your own debt idiots
#31 Sep 25 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Due to popular demand (you know you were thinking it) im going to translate what he said....


Wu donnt scam i was there and it wasnt golden fault it was who eva posted this fasult cause everyother dynamis we do only one person pays no one else gives some money up and golden didi give his own money to make up for it it was jsut some people in clan are noobs like the one who posted this he should be to blame the point beeeing it wasnt scam cause we went in and golden gave money to qooice to do dynamis so this guy just tryin to give wu badd name. so hes the scammer he took the money not golden?????

Wutangclan doesnt scam people nor would it ever. I was there and it wasnt Goldenchilds fault. Whoever posted this thread on allakazham is the real scammer. Every dynamis we do only one person pays for the current run. Nobody else gives any gil to anyone.

$%£$^$"^$"^$"^4... unable to translate...

Some people in wutangclan are very immature and unprofessional. The one who posted this thread for example should take all blame even though he had nothing to do with the actual scamming going on. We went into dynamis so that did mean that 1 million gil was spent on an hourglass. Qooice had all the money so doesnt this mean that Qooice is teh scammer not Goldenchild???

the week ls is wasp he was only in wasp and they blew monkey balls so most of u talkin sh*t dont know nuttin cause he helps all and everyone basicly u all the asses u dont listen and should know the real storry before talkin this guy who posted this is gay one person wow i dont need his 10k he doinated for dynamis what a cheap ***.

Goldenchild was only in wasp for one week. Wasp was a horrible LS to participate in. Most of the people here have no idea what tehy are talking about. Goldenchild is a good person and he helps anyone he can. The person who posted this i dont care if he is in the Wutang clan. WHo needs his money. 10k is cheap.

(if you notice he said "i dont need his 10k")

first off u dumb asss **** scer u and who eva else shcola or what eva nerd asses im just speakin the truth u idiots so just addmit it u all dont know sh*t.

Firstly everyone here is scared of the ignorant and stupid japansese players and your all "nerds". Im speaking the truth. Admit your all idiots and move on as you know nothing.
#32 Sep 25 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Hiphoppy is Goldenchild the leader WuTangCaln the lingo adds up!

Goldenchild leave my server! and don't come back!
#33 Sep 25 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
hehe. i was there also. i was looking for a dynamis ls and i came across wutang.

everything paltek said is pretty much true.
let see, where to start...
dynamis bastok was supposed to go down at 630pm est. i will use pacific since thats my time zone. so 330pm my time. we all there at 330, except for golden. long story short, we did not enter until 1130pm after i think it was yellow cake got out of dynamis(grats on your win btw, i wish i could have been there^^)
so golden shows up and is like so who has the hourglass, most of us were like you gotta be kidding. so we were all tired of waiting and we all pitch in for the 1mil. ok..he never even left bastok mines after recieving the money but said he gave the cash to someone else to get it. well, the hourglass ended up getting lost, was the excuse. though i dont think anyone went to get it.
then tempers fly and his helper goes to go get it, comes back and then starts demanding that everyone pay again.
some people give in and pay, only 11. and they wouldnt hand out hourglass til everyone paid. people start demanding money back and what not, im laughing my *** off cause i was stupid enough to wait this long. i wasnt gonna pay again.

im not a dynamis vet, but i do have around 10 runs ive done so i know how it works and believe me, this was so crazy, out of control, dis organized, un-believable, shady..that its truely hard to explain just how rediculous it was.

after hours of ************ an exageration) we finally end up in dynamis. some late comers show up or something, around the AH and golden has the pty with the room for them. well, they never got invited and they ended up running around the rest of the time with their flags up. you know why? golden was afk, thats right ls ldr afk during dynamis. so yeah, we all and up getting our asses kicked, then i notice golden is in lower jueno, so he must have home ported after dieing while afk or whatever he was. then he logged off or took off the ls.

and thats not even all, i have left out so much crap that went on its not funny.

Wu donnt scam i was there and it wasnt golden fault it was who eva posted this fasult cause everyother dynamis we do only one person pays no one else gives some money up and golden didi give his own money to make up for it it was jsut some people in clan are noobs like the one who posted this he should be to blame the point beeeing it wasnt scam cause we went in and golden gave money to qooice to do dynamis so this guy just tryin to give wu badd name. so hes the scammer he took the money not golden?????

ok, since you were there, can we have the pleasure of your name? (wouldnt be surprised if its goldenchild, they actually type just like he does in game)
and you say every other dynamis we do. well i got invited on the day wutang got started. that was our 2nd dynamis attempt. and on the first one, two of us split the cost, two members of the ls who just wanted to do dynamis and have fun. we sucked in that dynamis too, but at least everything was honest about getting the hourglass.

the week ls is wasp he was only in wasp and they blew monkey balls so most of u talkin sh*t dont know nuttin cause he helps all and everyone basicly u all the asses u dont listen and should know the real storry before talkin this guy who posted this is gay one person wow i dont need his 10k he doinated for dynamis what a cheap ***.

i think that was bull wu will neva scam

hmmmm. yeah, thats golden. he is talking about himself in third person now, unless he just happens to know everything golden thinks. and that sig is exactly what golden had on the lsmes the next day.

trap u foo there was no trap that was our 3rd dynamis y would he do this now u noob u just bumb thats all golden dont scam u propopls do.z

that was 2nd dynamis, not 3rd.

and i am good friends with cadiane. i see paltek talked to her after dynamis as well as i did also. Cad also informed me that golden told her that we won our last dynamis, so Cad thought this would be a good ls to try it with. and yeah, both times we never made it past AH, hell we only made it to the intersection before the AH both times, which if you havnt noticed, that is the beginning.

i think one to blame was qooice not child he was the one who the money was giving to i know golden to wwell to scam if he wanted to scam he just take off wit the money instead of freakin staying u guys should use some of your heads a bit next time.

instead of staying? i wouldnt call being afk for all of dynamis and then home porting staying.

now i dont know goldenchild that much so im not gonna judge him. maybe he wasnt at fault and he just has no idea how dynamis is run, so i dont know. but everything i said is true. im no veteran of the game but i have been playing for about 1 and a half years, have enough xp on my drk to be at least lvl 100 by now, so ive been around long enough to know how things should work, or at least a general idea. and if you were to get 25 naked lvl 1 noobs who have never played the game before and set them loose in the dunes, it would not even compare to what went on the other night in pre-dynamis/dynamis with wutang.

it realy just blew my mind at what i heard and witnessed.
i of course, dropped the ls. and am again dynamisless.

Edited, Sun Sep 25 23:21:54 2005 by drkone
#34 Sep 25 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Default
SCAPE KILLED DUMBELDORE! and yeah, this sounds like it could quite possibly be the dumbest scam ive ever heard of. goldenchild/hiphoppy must be the most retarded scammer ever to try to rip off such a huge group of high lvl people. he is going to be hated EVERYWHERE XD. good job ********
#35 Sep 25 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default

wth is dumbledore? i dont remember killing anyone by that name^^

i realy just feel bad for the people who had this as their first dynamis experience. probably left a sour taste in their mouths.
it realy is something fun when done with the right people.
#36 Sep 25 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
drkone if you want a Good Dynamis LS, check out UC, SoulFire, DVS3, or anyone of the Good Dynamis LS's
#37 Sep 25 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
meh, i might do that, idk. i get tired of having to go online to fill out an application just so i can be involved in events in a video game. ive tried a few in the past, unless people know me i usualy get the "sorry your a drk." which i understand a little, we are not wanted that much. i think i will try asking around before i take myself to filling out applications.

thanks for the advice btw.
#38 Sep 25 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
now i dont know goldenchild that much so im not gonna judge him. maybe he wasnt at fault and he just has no idea how dynamis is run, so i dont know.

Wow, I just kind of assumed most people knew about goldenchild. He's pretty well known as a scammer and for being completely incompetent. Several months back he was ran a garrison that a member of my LS was in, then quartermastered the loot and logged, and I recall hearing about a few other things he's done. Most people I know have had him blisted for a long time.
#39 Sep 26 2005 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good

If you want to join a free Dynamis linkshell that doesn't require an application you should look into FullCollar. It's run by Refe, who is a Japanese player.

You have to be level 70+ to join.

The lotting is one job, one lot. This means you will never get priority on lotting and someone with a level 20 job may be lotting agianst you with your level 75 job.

However, a large number of NA players on Shiva learnt Dynamis under Refe. He's quite good, even with the rabble he's had to work with lately.

It's a very popular Dynamis and you have to be on the shell early to reserve a spot. It's first come, first serve, up to 64 people.

It's a free Dynamis - meaning you do not have to pay and Refe collects all the currency.

All I ask is if you do want to go, please listen to what Refe asks you to do. If you have troubles understanding him because he is Japanese ask the other members of the linkshell because some of them are quite experienced in Dynamis.

There are many NA sackholders for Refe's linkshell wandering around. I'm sure if you ask someone they will know someone who can find a pearl for you.
#40 Sep 26 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
long story short, we did not enter until 1130pm after i think it was yellow cake got out of dynamis(grats on your win btw, i wish i could have been there^^)

Thanks Scape^^; our first try and win (with 27 ppl +40 minutes to farm after win XD) as an LS. Definitely check out Refe's Dynamis if you're interested. He's really good and you can pretty much expect wins at all cities~ I haven't been recently so I can't say how they've been doing in the last month or so - but it's free and its a win. Good luck~

Edited, Mon Sep 26 03:15:42 2005 by Aeristar
#41 Sep 26 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Default
i might look into asking him. i hate asking people i dont know in /tell, feels like begging to me but i realy do need to find people who can get past 30 ft in dynamis.
#42 Sep 26 2005 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
Hiphoppy wrote:
the week ls is wasp he was only in wasp and they blew monkey balls so most of u talkin **** dont know nuttin cause he helps all and everyone basicly u all the asses u dont listen and should know the real storry before talkin this guy who posted this is gay one person wow i dont need his 10k he doinated for dynamis what a cheap ***.

Smiley: lol

I am sorry to hear this Paltek. I know you do not have the best things to say about Wasp, but if you ever want to attend a FREE dynamis with us for your AF2 you would be more than welcome too.

I will not respond to the bashing of Wasp by Goldenchild like have to some others because....well frankly...Goldenchild isn't worth the time it takes me to even type his name.
#43 Sep 26 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Word is Hip I mean Goldenchild you quatermaster when you did garrison almost a year ago and thats only a taste of the scams I'v heard about you since I posted this... dud~ how long have you been doing this?

Sorry all this to much fun.

I was there too last year I remember that Goldenchild would let u choose one item and he kept the rest it pissed me off and he was in it for the exp pages too.
#44 Sep 26 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
75 posts
*Thread hijack*
wb kramer Smiley: smile
#45 Sep 26 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Yeah i was about to say the same thing Rev, lol. WB!
#46 Sep 26 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
thats right i am, golden child and f u all imnot leaving cause i aint a scammer so **** off wasp does suck and so do u all so just dont bother me at all then i didnt scam and i know it the who did scam go blame him not me so f u cause we did end up in dynamis just cause i was busy helpin other i did take my time getting there so much for being nice guy huh those who do know me know i am a good guy rest of u guys are jsut low lives go get a job or a girl that might help goes for all u who posted in this fourm except for those who didnt judge me which was one person and glitter u sorry *** i expected better than that from u if i was gonna scam i would charge to get into ls or would of took yo money the first time or many other times which i didnt i risked my own xp dieng on helpin ls which greedy *** wasp didnt do **** just for them selfs thats y i was neva there for them not worth being there they act like i was there number one man and couldnt do **** witout me i take that as a complament for me but anyways i dont scam i had to pay 2 times for that dynamis money comming out my own pockett if u guys payed again that your own damn fault cause i only got one pay from the party and i used it for the glass if u all payed somone else again thats your own fault and thats what i call noobs next time talk to me personaly and make sure u clear things up before making judgement or assumptions shynku just an *** we dont get along and well rest of u well i can care less scammin is not my game if not i would of scammed everyone so final conclusion i know im inocent buy those who were wacthing me and know its not like i hang out wit u guys lol id propbably be in some gay bar if that if i hung out wit u all accuse me all u want i can care less im broke now for trying to help ls and i get this **** off im out

p.s ull see me in the gmae =0) i wont loet u all get to me of get me out so peace.
#47 Sep 26 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Right now this whole thread is focused on pointing fingers at *someone*. As someone else pointed out; there are always two sides to every story. Honestly there are only a few people who really know the truth and that would be the people involved who spent money and the people involved who led the event i.e., leadership who so far have not really responded.

Don't miss the bottom line here! Sounds most likely lack of organization and leadership caused people who entered into an event to lose more than money.

They lost respect in the process for people they thought would be good leaders or perhaps confidence that there in fact ARE good leaders in this game.

I noticed at least one poster in this thread who was disenchanted with the whole end-game process of applying to ls. Yes, it's only a video game. However, it's a video game that most serious players invest time and money in. Like all things in life, whether fantasy or real, people look to leaders and leadership they can trust; I know I do.

I invest a fair amount of time and money every month in this game and there are things that I know I can only accomplish by affiliating with someone who has experience; knowledge and skill to help me.

There are some awesome ls in this game. There are also some very respected and knowledgeable leaders in *those* linkshells; not just mine but others!

Take some time to research; talk to some members that you get from the roster list before making judgements; talk to the leaders and find out how they organize events; what is their 'experience' level in dynamis? sky? NM? How much time do they invest in the linkshell?

Yes we are playing a video game - but it's your time investment, enjoyment and money that you want a return on.

Lastly; for those of you who have never done a dynamis before; or who have been thinking about joining a large ls and are reading this thread: don't panic or get discouraged! Make your own mind up about things. Don't let these discussions or opinions sour your view of the "whole".

Group dynamics do funny things to people! Large ls are not for everyone; but I do believe there IS a ls for everyone. Don't be in a hurry; take your time and find one that fits you. If it sounds too *easy* .... [run away]!

Have a nice day!

#48 Sep 26 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
75 posts
46 posts
Score: Decent [2.61]
woot troll on the loose Smiley: yippee

Edited, Mon Sep 26 10:58:08 2005 by revoninuk

Edited, Mon Sep 26 11:03:52 2005 by revoninuk
#49 Sep 26 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Lol yeah Rev i think we got hit by the same troll....w00t
#50 Sep 26 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
75 posts
kinda odd were getting rated down and goldenchild is getting rated up lol free rate ups for all (well except a few ppl) Smiley: smile

Edited, Mon Sep 26 11:21:35 2005 by revoninuk
#51 Sep 26 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
I hear that femwhispers eats her own boogers.

(That's for stealing my pirate AF ;) )
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