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At the end of the day...Follow

#1 Nov 21 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
3,011 posts
As some of you may know, I have not logged on to the game in around three weeks. It has quite simply lost its appeal to me; I no longer get the joy I used to get by logging on, and most of my good friends on the game have moved on to better things.

I have obtained every item in the game that is possible to do in a moderate amount of time. The only two items I wish to obtain anymore are the Thief's Knife (2% drop rate off of a 1-16 hour spawn mob that is overcamped by RMT's/camp-for-profits) and Assassin's Armlets (.00005% Drop rate in Dynamis Xarcabard). Needless to say, these two items are impossibilites for me to get in the amount of time I have to play.

I am not yet cancelling my account; I am going to wait and see what the expansion is like. If it does not seem interesting, then I am going to withdraw from this game.

In the time I have been here, I have made alot of friends and have had an extremely good time. I have been playing for a year now, and I don't regret any time I spent on the game. It is just time to move on.

I am grateful for having met all of you, and I thank you for being my friend. If you hated me, I'm sorry things couldn't have been different.

I am truly blessed to have known all of you guys, and wish you the best of luck in life.

The Newb Thief,

Edited, Mon Nov 21 12:24:24 2005 by Shaolinz
#2 Nov 21 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
If only more people got enjoyment out of helping others this game would be so much better. This happens to alot of dare I say? "selfish people" who get what they desire then have no ambition to help the others out that helped them reach the goals of obtaining this equipment.

So to you Shao, my view on you has changed after this post. You are just one less selfish person in this game now. I feel sorry for all those who helped you get all but 2 items in this game you wanted only for you to decide to quite after rather than put in the work to actually helpout those who were relying on you to help them out when they helped you first.

Edited, Mon Nov 21 12:41:24 2005 by Proroc
#3 Nov 21 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Yeah, some people just need a break. Truthfully, I need one myself. :/

Good luck in whatever you do in the mean time, man! Enjoy the time while you got it.
#4 Nov 21 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
"selfish people" who get what they desire then have no ambition to help the others out that helped them reach the goals of obtaining this equipment.

Do I sense resentment, Kramer? It's's hard being a LS leader. But you can't blame other people for not having the same belief as you do. You've just gotta do what you do and hope that others follow your example.

Shao has put in his fair share of helping others even though he was never required to do so. He may not help as much as you do, but that doesn't mean his efforts weren't as appreciated.
#5 Nov 21 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
No it is just the fact that he said he is quitting because he got everything he wanted in the game now, but looks past the fact that it took others helping to get him this stuff.

There is no resentment. I never helped him with anything actually. I am just saying I have seen a few people from <insert random LS here> complain cause they have full AF2 and now are tired of doing Dynamis, while yet others would be very greatful and always be willing to help out and show thier thanks for what they have obtained.
#6 Nov 21 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Maybe. But when I read his post, not having specific gear was only a small part of his reasoning.

When I mentioned resentment, I wasn't referring to you helping Shao in any way. I was referring to the times you helped someone random only to have them disappear instead of helping others. It's a blow, I know. And when it happens to me I often wonder why I keep doing it.

But Kramer, you know why you do it. You don't do it for them, you do it for you. Not everyone will hold helping others in as high of a regard as you do, but it's not right to condemn them when they don't. If helping others is for them, they will do it. If it's not, they won't. Coerced help is never rewarding.

But hey, this thread isn't about you or me. Shao, I stil wish you good luck man. Take care and live it up.
#7 Nov 21 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Kramer, I think you're reading too much into it. FFXI is no different from any other video game. With that I mean people eventually get bored with it and move on, just like any other game. FFXI does have it's replay value, but sometimes that isn't enough in some people's cases. Eventually, everyone that currently plays will quit some day.
#8 Nov 21 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Aww shao i was wondering where you been. I guess now would be a bad time to tell you i got a thf knife wouldnt it? lol
#9 Nov 21 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
3,011 posts
Just so you know, I am in college to become a Doctor. Of all things, me being remembered as selfish is something I do NOT want. You can ask any of my LS members, I've always gone out of the way to help people.

However, I am stuck with the choice now of helping people forever on a video game, or of continuing my college education and helping them live longer in the real world.

I am dedicating my life to helping others, and I'm not going to let anyone tell me I was selfish on a video game.

I found that extremely offensive, Kramer.

Edit: Comma splice -_-

Edited, Mon Nov 21 13:44:48 2005 by Shaolinz
#10 Nov 21 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
You've got all but 2 of the items you want, and now you're bored?

Have you finished the Zilart Missions?

Have you finished CoP?

Have you got Rank 10 in all 3 nations?

Have you beat all the dynamis areas?

Have you beat all the limbus areas?

There is more to this game then just collecting items.
#11 Nov 21 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Shao, You did not say you quit because you wanted to focus more on your education in your orginal post. I understand RL is way more important this game, but you stated you have grown bored because you have gotten everything you wanted and the last couple things you want you don't have time to get.

Being a Doctor does not make you a saint. Doctors get paid very well for what they do. Now if you use that knowledge to volunteer and help those less fortuante for paupers income then yes you would be considered a helpful person and almost saint like.

Well I hope everything goes well for you and you get where you want to be inlife. I didn't know you ingame, only know you buy your many female rejection posts on here, but good luck all in all.
#12 Nov 21 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
Why do folks have to turn a simple goodbye thread into a flame war?

Anyway, good luck to you Shao!
#13 Nov 21 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Not a flame war. In fact, there's not been a single rate-down yet!

Or did I speak too soon?
#14 Nov 21 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
As some of you may know, I have not logged on to the game in around three weeks. It has quite simply lost its appeal to me; I no longer get the joy I used to get by logging on


I felt kinda the same way as you over the summer. I didn't log in to the game from the end of June through augast. I took the entire summer off. It was a nice break. One day i was home sick from work in september and i loged on and started playing my 30 warrior. I hit 34 by the end of the day and i was back baby!

lol no really. I find that breaks can be good. Also if you do come back then don't spend all your time playing. You won't get burned out if you don't spend every free min of your weekend playing. I always go out 1 night on the weekend so I don't play the entire time i am off from work and thus get burned out. I understand how ya feel dude.

remember the is nothing wrong with playing FF once or twice a month. prob don't want to spend those bills for that little though, right! lol

Your still young. lol when i was in college i never played these kind of games. I was much more interested in girls and and geting wasted and playing rugby. i didn't even know what an mmorpg was.

go have fun while your in college this game will always be here but college is one of the best times of your life. go out and enjoy it. Go get some friends together and go on a road trip dude!!!! forget this game for a while. take your time and maybe we'll see ya again in january and if not then good luck to you.
#15 Nov 21 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
The only two items I wish to obtain anymore are the Thief's Knife (2% drop rate off of a 1-16 hour spawn mob that is overcamped by RMT's/camp-for-profits) and Assassin's Armlets (.00005% Drop rate in Dynamis Xarcabard). Needless to say, these two items are impossibilites for me to get in the amount of time I have to play.

Bah, THF Knife. Is it really worth it? Weeks and months of camping it, for what, +5% TH or so? Well, I guess it's the thought that counts. I for one don't think it's so worth it.

/em runs off to camp Sozu, hoping others will think it's worthless too.

I do admit, this game can get boring. If I didn't like joking/******** with ppl, I'd be bored a lot more on the game. Things take TOO damn long to do. Lets say, getting an XP PT. Look at your clock while you do this. Takes maybe 20-45 min to get a PT. Takes about 10 min for your PT to get ready to go. Takes about 30 min to get to a camp. Over an hour gone just with getting to camp.

Nothing is speedy about this game, but I think that's the way SE wants have to play more and "pay" more.

The main reason I still play is because of the ppl I've met. It's like a chatroom with all my digital penpals. Doing things together and such can be fun. Remembering when you were new can bring new appreciation to certain aspects of the game.

Of all things, there's mainly 3 things that I HATE on this game:

-24/7 Gilsellers. I don't mind if you are camping a NM from 9-5, I'd have plenty of time to camp after you finish "work". But damn, 24/7 ?? That just pisses me off.

-FFXI's long hours. Not everything takes so long, but this is not a game that you can play for 2 hours and call it a day. 2 hours = 6 hours in FF land.

-1337ASSHAT'S. What I mean by that is...there's a few ppl that I've known from when they were n00bs. I'm talking DRK/SMN type of n00b. Now they are high lvl and have a little cash and gear, it's gone to their heads. Never forget who you are, letting petty things like gil change your personality and character. Being a celebrity is one thing. Being a Hollywood Hoebag is a whole other.

I hope you eventually get your those 2 pieces and goodluck with school bro. I also hope you give the world of Vana Diel a 2nd shot. If not...can I have your gearz? >.>
#16 Nov 21 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
No matter how many hours you've played...

Nor how many friends you've made....

Forget all the monsters you've killed....

And all the obstacles you overcame.....

At the end of our journey, it always comes down to one thing....

can I have your gearz? >.>

#17 Nov 21 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Not a flame war. In fact, there's not been a single rate-down yet!

Nah, we need one more Alla regular to reply, let's say AGM, with a post going against the OP. Then one more person to say something against AGM. Then Sophus to say something witty, followed by a me posting a stupid comment, then maybe someone like Msz to give her 2 cents...then it will be a flame war.

#18 Nov 21 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
can I have your gearz? >.>

First dibs biotch^w^

lol jk...


but er...if you don't need em...
#19 Nov 21 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Then Sophus to say something witty, followed by a me posting a stupid comment,

Read above. We're like 40% complete!
#20 Nov 21 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Where is Msz and AGM when ya need 'em lol.
#21 Nov 21 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
I think I hear some moaning coming from the closet
#22 Nov 21 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
I am torn between emotions.

Sophus, ../.. (-.-) ../..

Bar, I feel loved. I was mentioned above all the other alla residents /cry.

Now its time for my 2 cents.

Well Shao, I know how you feel.I didnt real feel like playin the game much either, but then I had gotten grounded(long story short; the campus security pissed me off to the point where i knocked the wind out of him), and I didn't play the game for about...a month or so on top of the 3 week break. When i got back on the game, it had suddenly renewed all its appeal. sometimes it hard, not getting the drop, or losing a claim(trust me, i know... i have lost soo many VE claims to AGM) but the best things in life are worth working for right?

I know whats its like for friends to move on; plenty of my friends have. but you know what? i have made more,altho some ppls places cannot be taken.

hmmm whats that old saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder? im pretty sure after a nice break, you will like the game again. and if that dont work, try lvling another job haha

and Kramer...just because some1 doesnt want to continue to play a game that they dont want to play, and spend time that they could be spending on a more enjoyable pursuit, doesnt make them a bad person. yes, ppl have helped Shao. but Shao has helped others. not everyone has the same mentality as you Kramer. yeah its cool that you help ppl and all, but i dont see how you can sit there and call some1 a "selfish person" just because they want to quit a game.

wow kramer, with that mindset, you better not quit the game, least you be called selfish for quiting when you could be helping others that helped you! [/sarcasm]
#23 Nov 21 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
3,011 posts
Well you guys have changed my thoughts about quitting... but regardless, I will be taking a break for awhile.

I'm basically trying to get off of the FFXI crack.
#24 Nov 21 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
You are right I have no place to call Shao selfish, but the only reason I would think that is because how he worded his orginal post.

I cannot say that I have not gained anything from all the help I have given.
#25 Nov 21 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
holy ****, im right? omg, thats the first time ive been right...ever!

but kramer, its all good. helpin ppl is fun too. especially helpin on ugly pendant runs haha. or helpin with somethin, where you all wipe, and its not a party of ppl who are ******* that they died, but they all see it as being funny and you have a good laugh about it and proceed to raise up and beat the **** out of the mob!
#26 Nov 21 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts

My advice is to take a break. I was one log in from selling all my gear and giving away a few million to my friends (bet they are all wishing I had!). The game had taken on a life of its own, I was spending way too much time with it, neglecting RL so I made a decision to walk away. I was no longer having fun, the game became really political, I was end game but did not wanna bend to the end game "rules" and there were arguements within my circle of friends as to what was right and what was wrong...

I felt the sting of helping people, with the thought of them helping out the team in return, only to have them take the item and never be seen again. I felt the sting of LS mates being at each others throats (I was guilty myself) over stupid stuff, so I took a month break. When I came back, I appreciated the simple stuff, gathering with friends to do a mission, leveling a low level character and farming/EXPing solo (as a BST) and just chatting away with my friends and LS mates. I am once again having fun just doing the little things, I am even looking forward to trekking through the dunes.

If you decide to quit for good, best of luck to you, but I suggest a few days off (or months) and see if the fire burns again.
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