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#1 Feb 07 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, hate me, rate me below default, flame me w/e I do not care, but I need to know why!
I am blacklisted ingame so I cannot discuss this in tells like I usually would and I also sent him a PM awhile back which he decided not to reply too, I even invited him to a party I made with his Monk to try to resolve this, but he just kept me on blacklist the entire party. So this is the only place left.
This thing between Jae and I has nothing to do with Wasp or DVS or any of the other members, it has to do with insecurities, both mine and his.

My insecruity is when someone does not like me and I have no clue why they started to dislike me. With Dirdy it was because he was kicked from my shell, eventhough I was not the one to kick him and Noremorse I was having a bad day when in his party and at the time never knew I had to stun shadows for Ichi (was a still learning Blm and was a Paladin so never partied with Ninja's) and we got into it. Tropicsloth and Wrip I don't even know why, but I also was not friends with them supposedly.

I left EK and applied to Hocd. I was then talked to about another shell which I chose to join and withdrew my app from Hocd. This is where I met Jae. We became friends and talked all the time. I helped with everything asking nothing in return for a couple months, and not only helping, but leading the events. Jae and I spent all more time together and talking, for example I know he was in school for the same thing I have been doing for my career for awhile now.

Then one day people wanted to organize a BQ run so we all agreed on a Saturday to do it, Saturday came and we were short people, and I told the person who was trying to gather others that it was no big deal, I could wait. He insisted we tried to do it that day. So I started asking others with him trying to get it formed. I see Jae not in a party just out in Rolanberry Fields and ask him if he will come, I get no response. I wait awhile and ask him again and I get "Don't fuc*ing expect me to drop what I am doing to come help you". I was startled and just figured he was having a really bad day, but still to get a reply like that from a supposed friend in which you have done nothing but helped kind of hurt.

After that day he would not even really talk to me. I find out he has been talking behind my back with other leaders about something I supposedly did that in which doing it would have not gained me anything anyways. The 3 others involed, 1 said he was not in on it and I believe him and think the only problem he has with me now is the one between Jae and I, the one who confronted me about it I actually talk to from time to time now and respect him for having the balls to come out and say it rather than talk behind my back, and the 3rd was Jae, who just blacklisted me ingame and called it the end of it.

Now here would be where I feel Jae's insecurities come into this. Although he was not the overall leader of this shell he was the one people always came to with problems and questions, and after awhile it seemed everyone was coming to me and no longer him and that may be one cause. Which if this is the case I understand. He did start this shell with a few tohers way back in the dunes and put alot of work into it, but coming to talk to me about something rather than just flipping out would have worked out alot better.

There I have stated why I will not let this go, and wether you think it is a good reason or not, well, that is not your call it is mine. As stated before I tried to find out ingame and in PM's, but it was a no go. I also understand why he does not like me now, I mean I did bust him out for flaming me on here with a anonyomous troll account, but what I want to know is what brought this on in one days time? What did I do that took us from being friends in this game to apparently enemies?

Edited, Tue Feb 7 17:37:11 2006 by Proroc
#2 Feb 07 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
in any event, i hope you guys can put the past behind you and move on, hopefully to friendship.
#3 Feb 07 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
I know I'm not part of this, but I respect Kramer's decision to out the cause of his frustration. It's definately better than acting passive-agressively towards Jae. I also admire Jae's reluctance to react in the "Congratulations Jae" thread.

...I'll also be the first to point out that things aren't always as we'd like to remember them.

You guys are leaders. Your people are devoted to you; when someone attacks their LS or their leader, it's like they're getting attacked, too. And when leaders go at it, it's their members that get caught in the crossfire.
#4 Feb 07 2006 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Ok this is getting stupid. Just drop it and move on. But this is all making me mad so now you have to contend with me.

I am blacklisted ingame so I cannot discuss this in tells

Well maybe Jae doesnt want to discuss it and move on, but how can he when its trolled, spammed and flamed in here?

organize a BQ run so we all agreed on a Saturday

That BQ Run was just poorly planned on your part Kramer. You did it on a Saturday afternoon when 3/4 of the people need were A: Not on yet and B: Didnt know that it was planned. C: Getting ready to go to Dynamis that night.

Then you had to the nerve to spam the ls chat and party chat, yelling and screaming about the wipe. Yes a few of said that we would come down to raise but then you started with your mouth and for that I wasnt going. There were a few of us the took off the ls at that point.

Oh and theres something that you also dont have listed in your little rant. The mess between you and Shinky with the sky stuff. That could have been handled better. And no it was Mirs, Jaes or Shinkys fault that it got out of hand, it was yours. All you had to do was drop it.

Next time you want to rant and flame about things. Do me a huge favor, Sitck your FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH FIRST and JUST SHUT UP!

#5 Feb 07 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
woot I made a post 2x ^^.

I was not only teh guy who organised the 1st failed BQ waaayyyyy back when but i was also Guy #1 of 3!

Here are my balls ^^

#6 Feb 07 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Excellent
#7 Feb 07 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
lol... that is exactly what i was about to post...
#8 Feb 07 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
90 posts
What? I was adding comic relief lol.
#9 Feb 07 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
its just that...your not funny.

see, me, now im funny. but you...nuh uh :P
#10 Feb 07 2006 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
It sucks when people that use to be good friends turn a 180 and end up being enemies... I wish everyone could get along with everyone else... but like real life, in game life can't be perfect.

I love my DVSIII linkshell (they've been with me through lots of rl junk) and even though Jae is included with them... I have no right to pick sides, cause this has absolutely nothing to do with me. I do hope the best for you both and that everything works out in the end. :)

I love you all! heheh *group hug*
#11 Feb 07 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
398 posts
See... the sad thing is this really isnt a thing between DVSIII and Wapsp... it is a thing between Kramer and Jae.

I saw Barchiel there last night... wished each other luck, asked how things were going... very polite... Same thing with Femwhispers and a few others.

The thing with Kramer leaving DVSIII way back when was handled wrong on all counts and by both sides. However, I argue that the results were best for Shiva in general. You see it provided not one but two quality homes for the HL community of the server. Face it, with so many people getting to 70+ LS like CoD, HoCD, SW, SF, etc just could not hold the total number of HL players so groups like DVSIII, Wasp, etc were bound to spring up.

The result of all that mess with Kramer, Jae, Shinkyu, etc was a mess and no fun for anyone. But the end result was 2 great homes for the end-game comminuty.

Why dont you all just simply put the past in the past, look at the positives, stop making stupid accusations and even dumber threads and get on with life.

Can't we all just get along?
#12 Feb 07 2006 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
heheh whoops O.o

Edited, Tue Feb 7 20:00:50 2006 by Jaeonshiva
#13 Feb 07 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
well only reason i'm even replying to this is in response to some of the mistruths u have mentioned and to clear up our history and why i hate u ^^
btw good job about bringing everything out in the public again. u sure are a sucker for drama

Then one day people wanted to organize a BQ run so we all agreed on a Saturday to do it, Saturday came and we were short people, and I told the person who was trying to gather others that it was no big deal, I could wait. He insisted we tried to do it that day. So I started asking others with him trying to get it formed. I see Jae not in a party just out in Rolanberry Fields and ask him if he will come, I get no response. I wait awhile and ask him again and I get "Don't fuc*ing expect me to drop what I am doing to come help you". I was startled and just figured he was having a really bad day, but still to get a reply like that from a supposed friend in which you have done nothing but helped kind of hurt.

this run i had expressed my non desire to go in the forums twice due to running dynamis that night and i was happly looking for teleport-mea when u asked me and i said no cause i had enough on my plate. mostly due to us just starting our Dynamis shell we still had alot going and i was still at that point building all parties so i was stressed to the max and wanted to just chilllll..

you however got all riled up and said all u did was help the ls and when it was pld's turn for something no one showed *which is truth but when u set it up 230 pm sat afternoon when no one was on and no one said they could make and told u to make it for an evening during the week" u got all riles up and told me it was bs and blah blah blah .. which pissed me off .. and how i remeber it i told u to $uck off and leave me alone ... i then logged cause i reallly pissed off at how a friend could get that mad over something and not have a care about how the other person felt

after that day he would not even really talk to me. I find out he has been talking behind my back with other leaders about something I supposedly did that in which doing it would have not gained me anything anyways. The 3 others involed, 1 said he was not in on it and I believe him and think the only problem he has with me now is the one between Jae and I, the one who confronted me about it I actually talk to from time to time now and respect him for having the balls to come out and say it rather than talk behind my back, and the 3rd was Jae, who just blacklisted me ingame and called it the end of it.

your pulling this same bs card again. when will u actually sit and read what u type i've told u this idk how many times. some ppl came to me with concerns about points. those ppl were keeping track of their own points. so this is all of a sudden a big conspiracy to get u out? the way u handled how shink brought it up was a lil crazy but w/e it's done the past.. u FREAK OUT in the ls making a HUGE scene over it all .. did i want u to leave?? no .. i tryed to talk to u ..but u made up some thing in your head that i was after u or w/e
u then made a post in the LS forums over this whole thing i told u to bring out w/e u wanted to say to me ..all u said was i was an arrogant a$$hole and that i made up your decision to leave which i belive u had already planned to do no matter what i had said

as for be blacklisting u . that didn't happen till u "decided" to leave the LS. i was done with u and didn't want to talk to u again. then i see all your flames on me in your new application to VD

what I want to know is what brought this on in one days time? What did I do that took us from being friends in this game to apparently enemies?

brought on in a days time.. hmmm your cocky arrogance.. your disrepect for ppl.. your always having to be right and making ppl feel little in here every chance u get.. i've yet to see u not get involved in some sort of drama in here ever kramer.. u always start somethign ..stir somethign up

why are u someone i hate... hmmmmm maybe cause you tryed to make me look like some lowlife pos that backstabs his friends and then the NEXT day after u "leave the ls u magically have like 20-30 ppl for your new LS?? " hmmmm idk that seemed a lil odd to me

This is where I met Jae. We became friends and talked all the time.

friends once.. never again..i have a lil thing about trusting someone that lies in public about me .
say or think what u like kramer your the one that put the knife in my back
reason i go at u all the time?? cause i loooooveee getting u riled up ^_^ cause usually if u've noticed i've only done it after u start something.. which u always seem to do

you really should take a step back kramer and look at what a ******** u are to ppl on here. i know i can be when it come to going at u ..but thats cause i don't like u or how u treat ppl on here .i don't know how much more honest i can be

hate is a strong word... but thats the feelings i have towards u .. yes this is a game ..yes it's ment to be fun... and yes that is why i blisted u once u left the LS so i could continue to have fun without haveing to see in orange your name whining about WHHHYYY?????????

i hope thats enough .. ta ta ^-^ have a good day
#14 Feb 07 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
grow up kramer...

#15 Feb 07 2006 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
105 posts
Ok.. i'm new to DVS (6 months), have some decent friends in Wasp,
i even partied with Kramer once....
over all.... i wasn't too fond of him.
he seems a little bossy, and one time when i asked if he wanted to replace me in a WICKED exp party casue i had to go, he asked if it was Manaburn, when i said no, he was thanks for the offer.... which kinda left me with the feeling you have the high and might feeling.

But this.. on the boards... dude... DROP it, yes jae and get pissy some times.. god knows i've ticked him off more then once. but hey, i give him some time and he cools down, and is the same old jae in 1-2 days.

Now i don't know all the BS that has gone on betwen you and jae, or you and DVS or you and your mother, nor do i really care.. I consider Jae a friend, even a good friend. and hey kramer if you wern't so... high and mighty and just droped it all. maybe we'd all get along better, and you know FORGET ABOUT IT!

Geeezzz so hey grow up, and drop it ok.... its in the past, its over, deal with it!
#16 Feb 07 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Eh, when people want to get something done, it's only natural that they turn bossy. I'm sure I was hell to Latinstallion and Neoslayer's group when we did that magicite run. I wouldn't be surprised if they were laughing their *** off about me to eachother in /lschat :)
#17 Feb 07 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
Someone mentioned about shells not holding all the HL community.
Lacysdad <<
What is HL?
#18 Feb 07 2006 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
damned rag htf you get sage status already? ah want sage too ; ; roflmao
#19 Feb 07 2006 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
HL = High Level... in my opinion people with jobs 70+.

Please God, dont anyone take offense at that statement. A shell only holds 64 peeps at once and with Shiva being the 2nd oldest server it is only natural that most of our population has a job 70+. Therefore more end-game LS are gonna pop up. LS like Yellowcake, Phoenixdown, Wasp, and DVSIII.
#20 Feb 07 2006 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
424 posts
Out of all the people that were involved in that scuffle a while back Me, Kramer and Jae took the most **** by far. But me and Kramer became the outcasts of the 3. No one liked Kramer because he left in the fasion he did, and everyone chose to treat me for **** about the way I went about it. Kramer and I have talked and I hold no ill will towards him, we were good friends, He is a bit bossy but he gets things done VERY WELL. Jae is one of the best friends I ever met in my time playing ffxi, I know he's hot headed but god that man would do anything for anyone, I respect him deeply, If him and his gf got married I would want to be there.

Can't this just drop guys. I remember that day, Kramer asked me if I could come but I had plans and wasn't on that night (went to get drunk lol). I heard Jae and Kramers sides to the story that day and I just stayed the hell away from it, Kramer was pissed and so was Jae. I myself will prolly not come back to ffxi, ever. I have been gone for about a month now and don't miss it at all. I actually talked to kramer on one of my last nights, It wasn't much but I just wanted him to know I don't hate him lol.

Let's just all agree what happened, happened. It turned out best for both parties. Sure some of us were treated like complete **** for it but hell it's long over now. Common your both big boys lol, shake hands and then go on ignoreing each other and never bring it up again :).
#21 Feb 08 2006 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Eh, when people want to get something done, it's only natural that they turn bossy.

I know this only too well. I remember the BLM AF hat run I organized with members of both FU and DVS and a few other friends - I had everything planned out in my head and was trying to communicate that to everyone else what the strategy was. Somehow a few people misunderstood and attacked the sludge after it was popped, even though the point was to pop it and let it despawn. Oh well, everything worked out. And then last week on CoP 2-5.....lmao I think I rubbed a few people the wrong way again because I had the strategy laid out and there was another misunderstanding. It was after doing things like this that I realized my first impression of Jae as a bossy prick (during ZM5 - Ifrit's) was unfounded. Once you try to organize a run for something, you understand.

Anyway, as a former DVS member, and as someone who has interacted w/ Kramer on a few ocassions, I just don't get this whole thing. I am not "friends" with either, but I feel I have gotten along with both pretty well for the most part, and I refuse to take sides on the issue. People are different; not everyone likes each other. Things happen sometimes. But usually if someone has blisted you and doesn't respond to emails or PMs, that's a pretty good indication that person has no desire to talk to you. And that's when you have to drop it, regardless of who is right or wrong. And yet if you have blisted someone because you are trying to ignore the person, it doeesn't make sense to respond by making troll accounts.

This is not a public issue, yet it has become one by the constant altercations in game and on here. Kramer needs to put this in the past; Jae needs to stop making the situation worse by provoking him. And for gods sake, I really don't think the rest of Shiva cares.

Edited, Wed Feb 8 15:34:46 2006 by lawtechguy
#22 Feb 08 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
I'm gonna be majorly, brutally honest here..

First off, as Kramer stated, this is between Jae and him, so why are there people sticking their big *** noses in, and flaming Kramer?


Secondly, Kramer and Jae..

As a friend to the both of you, I simply say you guys let it die out. Don't be friends, or what not, but it's dragged on enough for you two, and seems to make matters worse between LS's and its members at times.

You both know what's going on, call the BS on eachother or not, just let it go, guys.. When this game becomes more of a reality drama than a game, you need to take a step back and take a breath. You're here to have fun, sure, friends are a plus, but not when it can ruin your game experience.

Now I've stopped end game.. Why? One, partying for my job, ugh, lol. And doing HNM and all makes it feel like a chore, and man, I don't pay to play to just have another form of a job..

This is as almost what is affecting you.. It's starting to become more of a 'job' than a game, and jobs in game, same as RL, split friends apart if handled, or perceived, wrong..

But as stated, it's a dilemma between you two. I'm, in now way, flaming either of you, just hope you two can move on. ^^


And to those I told off, well.. Sucks for you. I am who I am, say what I gotta say..

Last minute edit: That top remark is meant for the people who like to come in and say random insults, not the ones giving opinions.

Edited, Wed Feb 8 10:28:36 2006 by Nieko
#23 Feb 08 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
385 posts
funny thing about this whole thing is i had moved on after thetrolley was done with. i also stated why i go at kramer when he goes after ppl as well cause i think it's rude how he does it all the time, and that has nothing to do with w/e happened in the past.

sure i'm as much to blame on that fact by going after him,but as i see it he doesn't learn and many ppl on here have said the exact same thing probably in a more non agressive way that i have.
#24 Feb 08 2006 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
Hmm, then I guess this topic is like beating a dead horse with a stick, so to say.. :P
#25 Feb 08 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
i think the stick was broken a long time ago lmao
#26 Feb 08 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
LacysDad wrote:

The thing with Kramer leaving DVSIII way back when was handled wrong on all counts and by both sides. However, I argue that the results were best for Shiva in general. You see it provided not one but two quality homes for the HL community of the server.

Can't we all just get along?

/clap! How true!

/sigh....Very rarely do I get invovled in discussions such as these; nor do I take sides and that is not my intent here. This is solely an observation on my part after reading this thread which, believe it or not I had no clue about! Maybe that's why my hubby tells me I live in a dream world! o.O

It's interesting to me that in a game that is virtual reality, you wouldn't necessarily expect human nature to enter into our game play at all!

In fact we've witnessed nothing less than dynamics and forces of human nature.

And sadly, it's similar to real life inasmuch as personality conflicts; disagreements and misunderstandings can cause good, honest *men* and/or nations to become enemies.

Being the optimist that I am, I always have *hope* that people can find a way to become at least civil with each other and/or move on and get along; put the past behind and look forward.

Realistically, that's not always the case, yet what I can say; is that like Alek said in his above post, some good came out of all this. We have two strong leaders here; both respected; both with many friends.

Two great linkshells with common threads and friends who have found a way to be civil; helpful and friendly with each other despite the differences between their leaders.

Is there an answer for those who can't find that solution or way back to peacefulness? That my friends are unfortunately the mysteries of our universe and human nature, that have yet to be solved.

And if they could be solved??

We'd probably have world peace - maybe even in the land of Van a Diel!


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