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RDM Maat battle, any tips?Follow

#1 May 02 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Well it's almost time for me to face Maat and I'll be going in as *gasp* RDM. I've heard how tough this is and I'm trying to get as well prepared as possible. Could those of you who have gone before me could shed some light on what to do, then that's be great.

Ok, for food I'm thinking Marron Glace. Correct?

As for lvl, I'm 68 atm and wondering if I should take him on pre-69 to avoide Asuran Fists? I guess the main thing to take into consideration between 68 and 70 is the difference in skill caps. I've been able to keep Enfeebling Magic and Dark Magic capped all the way through. Elemental Magic has dropped back a little bit.

Another thing I've been looking at is the ability to wear a lvl 70 RSE rope. It adds INT+4 and 46MP in comparison to Reverend Sash or Penitents rope. Any tips on gear? I have an Enfeebling Torque ready to go.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Edited, Tue May 2 10:21:31 2006 by HankMcCoy
#2 May 02 2006 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
The RDM Maat battle isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I realize that this post would actually be better in the Red Mage forums, but I may as well put in my 2 cents here :)

The key to winning is controlling the fight; this should come naturally to any RDM who solos on a regular basis. Your best friend in this fight will probably be the spell Aero III. None of your other spells will be strong enough to do much damage...and I'm assuming you don't want to melee him to death?

Start the battle BEFORE the battle by buying medicines--they will ensure your success. Some people complain that they are too costly, but you don't NEED vile elixers or vile elixer+1 to win. Heck, super ethers are only 30k at the moment and they give back 100mp per use.

If you REALLY want to go overboard, get a couple hundred exp tnl and bring an exp scroll with you. Often called the "cheater's method," it is an intuitive way to get full hp and mp instantly during the fight. It's not necessary, but it helps. And if Maat is beating the crap out of you, it's a good way to instantly get full hp and mp.

The next part people debate on all the time. Go in without armor? Buff first? Dispel first? Sleep first? Which buffs should be used? Which debuffs should be used? What day should you go in

From my own personal experience with Maat, I simply went in with full gear and slept him. Darksday is good for sleep bonus, Windsday is good for Air bonus, but really, any day but lightsday should work well.

After I entered, I buffed my character full with protect/shell/stoneskin/phalanx/blink. After that, I took turns dispelling him, then using some potions to regain mp inbetween casting times. Paralyze is good to use, but don't silence or dia him.

Eventually, Maat woke up. However--thanks to blink, stoneskin, and phalanx, I was able to land another sleep 2. This gave me enough time to finish bringing my mp back up to full. And thus, the carnage ensued.

From here on out, alternate Aero III and Sleep/Sleep II. Watch out for two things: your timers, and your buffs. By watching your timers, I mean don't cast Aero III until your Sleep 2 spell is ready; if you do it too soon, you may soon be kissing dirt. Keeping blink/phalanx/stoneskin up at all times will decrease the likelyhood that you will be interrupted while trying to sleep Maat.

Once your MP starts hitting to ~30%, consider using your convert macro. If you haven't used that scroll by now, do it instead and save yourself the time. Also, make certain that blink/stoneskin/phalanx are up. Chainspell + Aero 3 Maat to death, and you're done. In fact, you don't even have to get him all the way to 0...just to about ~25% health.

Oh...and learn from the mistakes of others. In my case, I'd say to take out any and all /wait from your macros. The problem on my first real fight was that I had a /wait 1 in my Aero III macro. I copied my macro from my EXP magic burst...which incidentally had a /wait 1 in the middle. Chainspell doesn't like to wait.

At that, you're done! So in the end: come prepared, don't be stingy on the meds, and don't freak out. As long as you can control the battle (and have the meds to keep you alive), you are guaranteed a win.
#3 May 02 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Hank...McCoy? I don't know who you think you are (Beast), but that's MY mule. Galka with white, tri-pointed hair. 4BLM. So back off! You might try the name Kltpzyxm, but that might make you vanish into another dimension...

#4 May 02 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Enfeeble torque, Pluto's staff, and Wind staff.

Also enter the battlefield naked, and use a macro to get on all gear..

Sleep, buff, nuke, sleep, bufff(If needed), nuke, sleep, buff, nuke, chainspell, convert, cure yourself, and nuke him to death(With full buffs)

Maat Dead

I didn't use pro or shell. just plahanx stonskin, blink, aquaviel.

Took me 11 tries, I know some RDMs took them 30 odd.

Good luck, and by the way it's best fight in the game!
#5 May 02 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I went 0/3 before summer break, 1/3 after summer break. it's a tough fight, but just stick to it and learn from any mistakes you make.

for my run I went in on windsday, our enfeebling, and a dark staff, makes it so that you should be able to sleep him without the need for the darksday boost. had a bunch of int+ gear and ate a melon pie. I equipped all my hp >> mp gear before entering to make stoneskin phalanx and blink more effective, then switched to my int gear.

remember as soon as you enter the bc, maat is buffing himself. so don't take the time to have full buffs or rest to full mp, cast the 3 lifesaving buffs and run in there, blind, bind (in case he has blink), and sleep. dispel, tin his shell is gone or there's nothing left to dispel, sleep. nuke, nuke, sleep.

when I ran low on mp I used a pro-ether then converted, I didn't cure myself as the ether gave me good enough hp buffer. you could use hi-pots instead, but this is just how I did it. I then equipped that fenging earring for mag def bonus, then chainspell aero him to death. clear time for me: 3 min 58 sec

and remember, during the fight, don't give up no matter what. on my winning run my first 2 sleeps were resisted and I had to wait til the timer was ready to sleep him, all the while maat was up there kickin my *** to 400 hp. just remember, you gotta do what? you gotta believe!
#6 May 02 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Soph is right on the button with him. Like he said Lv up, hell even level to 70. Hands down the critical step is to have capped magic skills(Not all just the important ones). Maat WILL RESIST you at least once which is average. The main reason soooooo many Rdms lose this battle is they panic. Once you panic, start running, you're done. Just stay calm, if he resists you, or interupts you, just focus on doing you're next task.

I couldn't have said it better myself, the battle with Rdm Maat starts before you head in to fight him. I started preparing my gear for him around 63, by the time I was 70 I had all my meds and gear ready. A trick of the trade is to rush in at the start to the top of the hill to see what he is casting. Blink in this case is a nightmare since you have no safe AoE to knock the shadows down.

Another helpful tip is to practice in Dynamis, any good rdm will master the art of sleeping mulitiple mobs and dodgeing melee MPKs(Sorry melee, you kill far to many rdms ; ;). This will help to you react really fast to a changing situation.

Best of luck
#7 May 03 2006 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Here's my Maat experience.

I went in darksday having melon pie and yag drinks for food. yagudo drinks so that i can reserve my mp instead of casting refresh.

Kinda spent a bit on meds since i used vile elixir, super ether and pro ether.

Fought him as RDM 69 first time then lost due to time limit. (Spent too much time telling myself that 'i can do this' and to 'relax' that i lost track of time. XD)

Got him the second time around as 69 RDM still and from what i saw the first time, i think the longer you take to get to him once inside, the more buffs he casts on himself. 2nd time, after getting in, immediately ran to him while putting on my gear. (yeah, i was naked. dunno if there was any truth to it but never really did hurt to try. ^^)

Took a while before he went to sleep the first time, bouncing sleep to sleepII to running and saying ah $h!t! then repeat again. I think my HP was at 118 when he finally slept.

Popped a vile elixir and yag drink, (should've popped the drink sooner but got too excited upon entering and forgot about it. lesson from this: STAY AS CALM AS YOU CAN! ^^)
Buffed up with stoneskin and blink and i think phalanx too, enfeebled with bind, silence, gravity and paralyze then rested a bit. (notes: if you're lucky with sleep, you use sleep II after a bit so as to prolong his slumber. it stacks. i think you can do without paralyze and gravity. just my preference why i used them. i use the right elemental staff for the type of enfeeble i used like dark for sleep, ice for paralyze, wind for silence)

From that point, it was aero 3 and sleep repeatedly, altho i did recast silence and/or bind when it wore. (bind was useful for me coz i can rest some more even if he woke up even if he's not silence. just make sure you're not within his spell reach and that the second bind wears, have sleep ready.)

I popped the super ether somewher in between the sleep and aero cycles and used pro-ether last since it blocks you from using other meds after drinking.

Oh yes, try to be alert of his chainspell. Once you see him use it, try to put him to sleep asap. He's not the one who's suppose to spam you with aero 3s. It's supposed to be the other way around.

I think when he reached 40% health, that's when i slept him the last time, popped pro ether, buffed up, bound him, converted, cure 4 once, chainspelled and spammed aero 3s on him. took around 3 aero spells before i got him down.

I was 2min late of beating the record time, but hey, i got him the 2nd time at 69 ^^

Hope my post helps. Good Luck!

#8 May 03 2006 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Here was my experience taken from my LS forum. Note that I was doing this fight for a RL friend; she has a Mithra RDM.

I fought Maat 4 times as a RDM, beating him on the 4th try. The strategy was simple, Sleep / Nuke for 3 rounds, convert 2 hour and nuke to death. Gear was all AF, nothing fancy.
First things first, my RDM is only level 21, so I'm not exactly an expert on the job. This was obvious when on my first attempt at Maat, I forgot that Hit Point's are a plus when you want to convert. I took to much damage and wasted too much MP, could not convert, and died.
Second time through, I managed to convert, but still died.
Third time's a B****! Got him a little over half way before he two-houred and nuked me to hell.
Fourth time, a detailed look:
Gear -
Full AF
Electrum Ring
Ermite Ring
Red Cape +1
Necklace with +9 mp, forget the name.
The belt's name escapes me as well.
+ INT earrings
Dark / Wind / Ice staves

Food Used-
1 Melon Pie +1
1 Yag Drink
1 Hi-Ether (Brought 6)
2 Hi-Potions(Brought 6)

Macros Used-
Blink + Stoneskin
Aero 3(wind staff macroed)
Water 3(ice staff macroed)
Convert + Cure 4
Sleep 2(dark staff macroed)
Bind(dark staff macroed)

The Startegy-

I had read many guides, and took a little from all of them. I entered the circle(clothed), and ran straight for Maat. As soon as he was in range I cast Sleep 2. I noticed as I ran up that Maat had buffed up with enwater, so I skipped dispel. Used my Pie / Yag Drink / and cast Blink + Stoneskin. Cast bind and followed that up with Aero 3 / Water 3 / Sleep 2. Maat resisted sleep 2(he had never resisted on my previous attempts) and I got skerrrred. At this point i started mashing sleep 1, but it would not cast. When it did finally did cast, thankfully it stuck. Crisis averted! I hi-potioned and hi-ethered, recast blink and stoneskin. One more round of bind + aero 3 + sleep 2, and the MP was near dry. As I used a hi-potion, cure 4, convert + cure 4 macro, then cure 3(this was not needed). Blink and stoneskin were both still on, and Maat was still napping. I hit 2 hour, and 4 aero 3's later he gave up.

What I Learned-
The first two times I tried this, I ate my food before running up to Maat. That strategy meant a lot of time dispelling Maat after the initial sleep. I also brought a lot of items like reraisers and HP Regen drinks, which once again gave Maat more time. Also, the first three runs I did not cast blink and stoneskin on myself. The last run, I put it all together and Maat was no problem(even when he resisted sleep). Last thing, if he cast chainspell, just sleep him. I made the mistake on my third run of trying to go toe-to-toe, and failed horribly.

Edited, Wed May 3 16:43:02 2006 by monsterzero
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