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Hmmm, so is this true?Follow

#77 Jun 24 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ayazz wrote:
i.... think i lol'd. youre telling me youve gotten a hold of at least 3 (could be more but i dont pay attention) characters with several 75 jobs and good gear by having them given to you? ha! i sincerely doubt that youve made such good friends that they just give you account after account as they quit (along with their best gear no less!). never bought gil or an account? somehow i really doubt that.


Nothing about Omfg is honest or scrupulous
#78 Jun 25 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
gil in this game = a joke...

ask your boy mufferino and objekt, they known me before i got banned, im rich as i am now, as i was then. Easy as @#%^ to get gil off a banned char if you know how to play the system... but w/e...

As for getting accounts with gear on them, no. Actually the accounts were pretty stripped and on the verdge of deletion.. and I just happened to ask could I have it and was told ok ;/

PS: Taku.. your annoying as ****

Edited, Jun 25th 2006 at 1:35am EDT by OMFGofSHIVA
#79 Jun 25 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Omfg wrote:
PS: Taku.. your annoying as @#%^

Mission accomplished
#80 Jun 25 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
There are many, many reasons to hate and despise omfg and his LS. Buying gil/accounts is not something that you can pin on him, though. The most I know of him doing was paying a gil selling company to transfer gil from his account on Remora to Shiva after he quit there.

Edited, Jun 25th 2006 at 8:40am EDT by Hripthe
#81 Jun 25 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
The most I know of him doing was paying a gil selling company to transfer gil from his account on Remora to Shiva after he quit there.

Ah I see

Man, Shiva has gone to dogsh!t lately. I mean, really.

I heard that his LS openly admits to botting. What gets me is that so many end-game veterans joined with him. The guy works with RMT companies and has landed in jail several times for harassment and cheat programs. A couple of years ago, players wouldn't even think to hook up with a guy like that. But now look at things. It's real dissapointing to see what some of the Shiva community has become.

Then again, karma has a funny way of working out in the end. So, we'll see.

Edited, Jun 25th 2006 at 2:39pm EDT by Takumaku
#82 Jun 29 2006 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Hmm, interesting topics I read through. What I did notice was a failure to contain ones self, and the inability to be decent and representing. Anywho, what I also noticed is the fact that because we, Zenmetsu, bot openly, that makes every other LS that bots ok for them to. We are not the only LS that bots but hey, I guess since we are open, we become the scapegoat so people will ignore the fact that other LS's bot. You want proof? Goto Dragons Aery when there are 200 ppl camping Fafnir, whoever claims, claimed with a bot, and if you know who bots, you can just see who casts or whatever before them and voila, you have yourself a botter. The truth of the matter is that you either care, or you don't. If you care, it's for a lost cause, and if you don't care then.. More power to ya. I don't condone the actions on the boards for our members cause they become increasingly larger idiots when it comes to posting. Call us what you like, I'm quite enjoying the game a little more knowing that we now have a small chance of claiming. Oh, I guess you didn't know, just because we bot doesn't mean we get claim all the time, actually, for a while Nela had steady hold of the kings for a few weeks. OH WAIT! That's right!!! JPs don't bot, silly me, only NA bot. Man.... What was I thinking about joining a LS with all of my friends, I mean seriously, who does that?
#83 Jun 29 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
That is some ****** logic. People casting before the bots = a bot? You do know about the claim delay patch, right? Bots now wait before claiming mobs because won't claim! So people who are casting before a bot does means absolutely nothing in figuring out if someone else is a bot.

Funny how 'everyone bots' but only the Zenmetsu bot wins. I won't say that there aren't any LS's that bot now that you guys are around, you inspire others to cheat. But before then everything was pretty damn fair. Thanks for ruining everyones end-game, so nice of you!
#84 Jun 29 2006 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
What you didn't pick out is when I said when there are 200+ people in DA. But I guess you're good at not noticing things. Our "bots" don't win very often if you haven't noticed, like I said again, since you do not notice, Nela had pull on the kings for a solid week or so straight when we camped.
#85 Jun 30 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
532 posts
Morals: Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong

Ethics: A set of principles of right conduct.

Many people in the world dont have these. Some people never find the sense of right or wrong. Our morals determine how we behave, our ethics.

In this game, we work with people. Some people find no problems with ripping other people off. Through shiva's history we have had many scammers and many people who's sole purpose is to make life miserable for our fellow gamers. Their premise, "It's just a game." In this game though, we work with people to achieve certain goals.

I feel as human beings we should strive to always do what is right. We should stand up for what we believe in.

We may not always agree with our government (referring to any country you live in), but we should always strive within the limits of our laws that govern us.

Character: the moral and ethical reputation or behavior

We should all strive to be known for doing the right thing. Character also means doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

As far as botting, hacks, and cheating the people associated with it risk having low character. That doesnt mean much to some people, but it is a big deal.

We can't go through life and look for the next scam. At some point, there comes a time we stand up and try (sometimes fail) to be the best person we can be.

I don't think people are as upset at Zenmetsu but more disappointed in the members. I think many people felt that many of the members were better than that. In fact, many of the members were respected.

Now we have a group of people (game or no game) that look at another group of people with severe disappointment.

Edited, Jun 30th 2006 at 8:08am EDT by Mohit
#86 Jun 30 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
I have very good morals Mohit!

Aww shit I'll brb, need to go smack my wife around a bit. Can you believe she brought me an upopended beer when I asked her to get me one and open it!!!!

Damn some people just never learn unless you beat it into them...

/em runs off yelling "woman get yer *** over here now!!"
#87 Jun 30 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't bots also be 'lagged' when there are 200+ people there since they work client-side and not server-side?
#88 Jun 30 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Mohit, man, you really impressed me when you said this:

We may not always agree with our government (referring to any country you live in), but we should always strive within the limits of our laws that govern us.

If I had a cookie right now, I would so give you one.
#89 Jun 30 2006 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
SophusTehNewb wrote:
Mohit, man, you really impressed me when you said this:

We may not always agree with our government (referring to any country you live in), but we should always strive within the limits of our laws that govern us.

If I had a cookie right now, I would so give you one.

Yeah I agree as well. Did you know Michigan has a law where a women when married must ask here husbands permission before cutting her hair?

Or wait are we only talking about certain laws here? I am not sure if we are picking and choosing which ones we should abide by or not...
#90 Jun 30 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
So who is the "government" in the game? SE? Or the ToS? SE doesn't do much of anything to prevent such things as RMT, botting, hacking. So you combat it with..... MPK and threatining to call a GM. That almost never works anyways. You say morals? I will never bot personally or use any hacks because I don't want to, now if other people want to use it, I could honestly care less. I don't care that other LS's bot, are my morals wrong? If you dislike me based on the fact that I'm in a LS that openly bots, opposed to those who bot in the closet, your morals are wrong because you are judging. Why judge me so harshly when you don't even know me? Who's morals do we go by?
#91 Jun 30 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
So you won't rob the bank but you'll drive the getaway car?
#92 Jun 30 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
Man.... What was I thinking about joining a LS with all of my friends, I mean seriously, who does that?

Many times in this life, you are judged by the company you keep. After all, you do choose who your friends are. Stereotyping? yes, but everyone does it.
#93 Jun 30 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
That's little extreme. So I guess you'll killa murderer?
#94 Jun 30 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I'd turn them in to the proper authorities. If I lived in a different world without an authoritative force I'd work to make one, too. That's what a civilization is about, creating a set of rules to live by so everyone can get along just fine. Shiva had that still, for the most part, until your LS came around.
#95 Jun 30 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Yes, i have quit, i've been gone for about 2 months now, maybe less. I heard shahla broke vnd, linkard step down, cerrunnos runs CoD in WoW (though the current leader is whisper) and hankun can care less of the game. so my opinion leaves to the fact that shiva NA's is Ruled by a different set of people, back when the old leaders were around we all even though we have our beefs with each other manage to deal with sometype of agreement. hearing from old troops ya'll don't agree with the old rules. and i must have to say they are really outdated.

the old cold war with the JP is done when apos quit. extreme had the fair advantage with there "admitted" bot and every single NA did what they had to do to smear there name. when when the 3 second patch came out NA had winning pulls and more and more being legit. all that is over now, as you can see NA LS's don't come together like the old NA's to deal with botters, esp with the anti-mpk patch.

now and days i know for a fact there is a sneaky little botter in each LS, i'm sure of it, maybe the leaders don't know but there one in every linkshell. I know i had my share of hackers in my guild. it might be someone you never even thought bot. i've always had an idea who they were and i allowed my guys to report them if they catched them. i try to be legit as possiable. But check you own guild, see if you guys have the same thing in common with zenmetsu (by the way the LS name was also the name of top HNMLS gamewide 1-2 years ago on sylph).

now in days i personally think shiva HNMLS world has gone to hell. it about constant trash talking in camps, who has the better hack, who got the better gear. wanna quit HNM and farm sky? sorry but you can blame certain NA's on this server helping Gillsellers get to sky, yes NA's that you may see everyday Help gillsellers get to sky, to get a couple million.

as you can see from this topic alone that people in zenmetsu have grown some balls, i remember when some of this people defending them didn't have a can of nuts of them. i think that LS is based on what people have always wanted to do, legit or not, they win pulls they get the rarest drop, they show off, grow the biggest balls, ya'll smear there name and drag to the dirt. does this matters to them? lol no it doesn't. does there lack of respect of ya'll matter to ya'll.

i know alot of memebers in zenmetsu were legit memeber who were against extreme during there botting days only to cave in about there botting, does zenmetsu bot? well i'm sure they hack cause the hackers that left my old LS are in there. I know omfg current character minicat is not a bought character but a given character to vanhelios who gave it to omfg, have omfg bought characters, yes he has. has he bought gil, yes he has. he's admitted to it many times in VN but even though he denies it, i think the entire sever knows cept prolly him. which pisses alot of people off cause he has won more pulls than most HNMls in shiva. how did he get these people to join his LS, simple by saying " i can get what you have always wanted", am i sure of this? yes cause when i quit the game and Hero was going thru a new leadership process he basically said that to everyone in my LS before i quit. i can confirm that with about 10 of my former members. with the VND break + Me quiting and all rest chilling out from hnm, got his LS even strong than most LS cause he has experinced people.

but what happens after this, I'm sure 100% that LS will not last, what happens to all there memebers? will ya'll forgive them? will ya'll overlook there past, or have they smeared there name forever. cause after this i'm sure alot of people in zenmetsu will quit the game.

anyways forget about my rambling lol, just a old fools tale.
#96 Jun 30 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with a lot of what Mohit and Neorei are saying. It is just a game, but I believe a person's in-game actions/conduct definately reflects what they're truly like as people. In real life you have to obey laws, ettiquete, and social norms to function in society.

But in a virutal community where you can do wrong and still get by, a place where nobody really answers for their actions or thoughts, you really begin to see what people are truly like behind the mask from their in-game behavior. I'm no angel myself, but I hate bullsht, and right now I smell a lot of it.

There are indeed plenty of Linkshells other than Zenmetsu that bot. But does that make it right? Just because someone openly admits to a wrong-doing doesn't mean they're exonerated, they're still guilty.

Neorei wrote:
but what happens after this, I'm sure 100% that LS will not last, what happens to all there memebers? will ya'll forgive them? will ya'll overlook there past, or have they smeared there name forever. cause after this i'm sure alot of people in zenmetsu will quit the game.

I've heard of similar linkshells like Omfg's break up due to reputation problems, GM Bans, or in-fighting stemming from plain greed and envy amongst it's LS's members. Eventually the members would develop a general loathing of each other. Looking at each other as competition as opposed to teammates. Whether or not this happens to Zenmetsu remains to be seen. But I would be very surprised if it doesn't.

I won't mention any names, but there's definately some people in-game that I look at differently now.

Edited, Jul 1st 2006 at 12:21am EDT by Takumaku
#97 Jul 01 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
Honestly it's not even just the botting. It's the disregard for anyone that's not in their LS. HMN camps are obviously going to be hyper-competitive, but that doesn't mean that it's ok to say that your LS exists for itself, and that no one else matters.

That zenmetsu doesn't care about this is obvious in their disregard for /randoming for pull order, the times they've stolen mobs other LSs pulled, the botting/hacking, and everything else that goes along with it. Obviously aside from the warp/flee hacking, SE isn't going to care about any of that, so there's not a lot of consequences to their actions. About all people can do is tell them that their actions and attitudes aren't acceptable, and avoid associating with them.
#98 Jul 01 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Yo, you want proof of Zenmetsu botting?

Well it's not really proof, but it is an incident involving a Zenmetsu member...

I was fishing in Qufim one day, and I noticed a char named Shigaro of Zenmetsu
LS fishing next to me.

The moment a fish bit the line, he pulled it in without any hesitation...
no need to wear down it's life or anything, like the old style fishing.

I couldn't believe that he could catch Black soles so easily while I had to
struggle for that shiz a while back.

I called GM, GM monitored,found out that he was using some 3rd party program and perma-banned him. THE END

Then a few days later, I was with some LS mates @ DA for some Fafnir action,
when a Zenmetsu char named Sepheris had gotten the claim.

There was a lot of heat in the air that day, and ppl were begining to point
out the use of bots in the LS Zenmetsu.

During their fight, I had /s I got Shigaro banned the other day for using some fishing program.

Following my statement, there were a few ppl that pointed out and said
"Shigaro is Sepheris" at that point, there was no argument, that Zenmetsu used some 3rd party programs...

After their battle with Fafnir I had recieved a few tells from Sepheris, he/she was explaining that it was "his bad" for doing that stuff on that account, which contained the character of his brother, which had just recently achieved level 75 in the past 2 yrs.

That was the confirmation, and he pretty much told me himself that he used some uber leet haxxorz and crap like that...

End Discussion?

Hate me if u must, but I will play this game with honor and quit this game with honor... Samurai reprisent biznatches

Every LS prolly has one or two ppl that use bots and other stuff... but this is something different, Sepheris confessed to me that he used it, there is no need for denial, I "Served" Shigaro that day in Qufim Island, and Sepheris "Served" himself summore

#99 Jul 01 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Hripthe wrote:
Honestly it's not even just the botting. It's the disregard for anyone that's not in their LS. HMN camps are obviously going to be hyper-competitive, but that doesn't mean that it's ok to say that your LS exists for itself, and that no one else matters.

That zenmetsu doesn't care about this is obvious in their disregard for /randoming for pull order, the times they've stolen mobs other LSs pulled, the botting/hacking, and everything else that goes along with it. Obviously aside from the warp/flee hacking, SE isn't going to care about any of that, so there's not a lot of consequences to their actions. About all people can do is tell them that their actions and attitudes aren't acceptable, and avoid associating with them.

I agree with this, I absolutely HATE when this do this stuff at camps. Pisses me off to no end. Thier attitudes can be pretty crappy but I can't do anything about it. Also, if people would quit antogonizing us at camps, then there would be any problems. So don't blame that all on us. It's easier if you would just turn /say off during windows. Not everyone has to abide by the /random rules. That's something other players fabricated.
#100 Jul 01 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
It's what the players of this game came up with to help things be orderly and fair. There really is no reason not to follow the /random rules unless you plan to just outbot everyone and be ******** to claim it. Those are the only people who disagree with /random. It's far easier for everyone if you just follow it.

And please, your LS mates are antagonized for a reason, they started all this **** and are taking Shiva end-game down the gutter like a number of other servers are these days. As much hate as there was between LS's things were still respectable across the board, as Neorei stated.
#101 Jul 01 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
*double post*

Edited, Jul 1st 2006 at 6:22pm EDT by Takumaku
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