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Hmmm, so is this true?Follow

#102 Jul 01 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Ijiwaru wrote:
was fishing in Qufim one day, and I noticed a char named Shigaro of Zenmetsu
LS fishing next to me.

The moment a fish bit the line, he pulled it in without any hesitation...
no need to wear down it's life or anything, like the old style fishing.

I couldn't believe that he could catch Black soles so easily while I had to
struggle for that shiz a while back.

I called GM, GM monitored,found out that he was using some 3rd party program and perma-banned him. THE END

This is exactly what I was talking about. Shigaro was once a friend of mine who had sponsored me into HoCD, and was once a member of WindurstCavalry(One of the oldest LS's on Shiva). Now he, and other veterans that were once respected members of the Shiva community have fallen from grace. Being held hostage by their own greed.

No HNMLS is immortal, and Zenmetsu is no exception. Where will their former members go when their LS goes tits up? Would any of the other end-game linkshells accept anyone who lists Zenmetsu as their previous linkshell? I know I wouldn't.

I can't remember how many times I've seen quotes like this:

"Yeah, So-and-so is a skilled player, but he's still an ***".

Tricen wrote:
I agree with this, I absolutely HATE when this do this stuff at camps. Pisses me off to no end. Thier attitudes can be pretty crappy but I can't do anything about it. Also, if people would quit antogonizing us at camps, then there would be any problems. So don't blame that all on us. It's easier if you would just turn /say off during windows. Not everyone has to abide by the /random rules. That's something other players fabricated.

If the leader of Zenmetsu actually had a brain, he would of kept his true identity and his methods on the down-low; while reaping the rewards with his LS. But being the fool that he is, he's brought a lot of criticism and disdain from the rest of the community on his LS and it's members. So yeah, your LS has pretty much created it's own grief. Don't expect any amnesty just because your honest about cheating. Your arguement falls flat.

Edited, Jul 1st 2006 at 6:23pm EDT by Takumaku
#103 Jul 01 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Procock, STFU before I have your *** ******** shoelaces.
Yeah, I'm bored too.
#104 Jul 01 2006 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Like I said, it only matters to those who care. If you care, then good for you. If you don't, then good for you. You only judge the fact that we bot, ok, not all of us bot, but oh wait, guilty by association.. It automatically defimates someones character. People came into Zenmetsu because they wanted to fight HNMs, and have fun with the game. To get gear that JPs dominate. Do you really think they care if we bot? No. You know why? Because they know other LSs bot so it really wouldn't matter what LS they joined. Zenmetsu has pretty talented players, although some of our members might have a **** poor attitude at camps, but all LSs have/had a member like that. Like I said, I omgwtf hate that so much. Ify ou got to know the people then you probably wouldn't have a problem with them, but who's to say. Some of the people I wanted to tell off, but once you get to know them they are pretty awesome people. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore, we bot so there for we are considered deviants of FFXI. Omfg isn't the nices person but he knows his stuff, I have to give him that.
#105 Jul 01 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
To get gear that JPs dominate

Where the **** have you been since last August? How many NA's have dalmatica now? A number of LS's are capped on Heca hats (hear about DL giving one to Geno's brd and Panyoyo's 11 drk because no one else needed? kthx) Hell, even I have heca cap abjuration and according to your LS I never camp HNM's. There are NA's with Defending ring, koenig body, koenig legs, feet, etc. etc.

#106 Jul 01 2006 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
The JP arguement is moot at this point, Tricen.
#107 Jul 01 2006 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I don't see how when Kpoint, Ignis, and HORNET still outpull a lot of LSs. They usually only camp when it's high chance for HQ. I'm not saying they don't lose apull here and there, but their bots > any NA's bot. Sorry to burst your bubble, but JPs still claim a lot more then NA.
#108 Jul 01 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Yeah, they sure do. That's coming from how much experience at HNM's? Funny how few members of DL/Nano/CoD you have, the only three LS's to truly camp the kings hard, and you argue that JP's claim all sorts of ****. Those three LS's have plenty of king kills, and any one of them claims more often than HORNET does, ever since the claim delay patch. JP's are simply more dedicated now (well, they always have been). CoD and DL have fallen back in camping last few months and Nano had some slight internal issues but it seems they're back.

Stop trying to rationalize things. Your LS is botting simply to get items and get them quick. Not because other people bot, but because you bot and you'll get the claims. You don't care about anyone else, you spit in the faces of your friends if any happen to be in an HNMLS you're camping against.
#109 Jul 02 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Stop trying to rationalize things. Your LS is botting simply to get items and get them quick. Not because other people bot, but because you bot and you'll get the claims. You don't care about anyone else, you spit in the faces of your friends if any happen to be in an HNMLS you're camping against.

#110 Jul 02 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
You have to realize that by botting, stealing, etc, you're not just righting the supposed wrongs of the JP players, you're ******** over everyone that camps.

The point for me where omfg went from just being an annoying *** to someone I outright despised was when he started openly botting Sozu Rogberry, that drops the thief's knife. Most of the time, he was camping against normal thieves out to try to claim it with mug and get their knife. He wasn't "fighting the jp botters" or anything noble. He was out to get rich, and didn't care whether he did it fairly or within the rules of the community. He also enjoyed taunting the thieves that camped against him, making sure to rub it in their face everytime he got a drop.

That's exactly how I see zenmetsu, and why I'm disgusted that so many people have joined that LS recently. I obviously don't personally know most of the people in there, but I can't imagine why people would join an LS where the top is as filthy as that one. You guys haven't just botted. You've stolen mobs, and you destroyed the /random system. Shiva's endgame has always been competitive, but it's never been anywhere near as crazy as it is on some servers. There's generally respect between the shells, and a sense of fair play. You guys are pretty rapidly ruining that, though.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 2:53am EDT by Hripthe
#111 Jul 02 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Hripthe wrote:
He was out to get rich, and didn't care whether he did it fairly or within the rules of the community. He also enjoyed taunting the thieves that camped against him, making sure to rub it in their face everytime he got a drop.

I've known Omfg for a while, and that describes his entire playstyle and personality to the letter. It won't take long before he gets Minicat banned as well.

I can just see it now. Some JP at a HNM camp will outclaim him, and he'll swear like a sailor. Then *POOF*, goodbye Minicat!

Hripthe wrote:
That's exactly how I see zenmetsu, and why I'm disgusted that so many people have joined that LS recently. I obviously don't personally know most of the people in there, but I can't imagine why people would join an LS where the top is as filthy as that one. You guys haven't just botted. You've stolen mobs, and you destroyed the /random system. Shiva's endgame has always been competitive, but it's never been anywhere near as crazy as it is on some servers. There's generally respect between the shells, and a sense of fair play. You guys are pretty rapidly ruining that, though.

That's how I see it too, their entire LS. They're all on the same level as Omfg.

The one thing I've noticed with online debates like this, Zenmetsu will come on here and argue in circles the entire time. Repeating the same things Tricen was saying earlier, or something else to that effect.

Watch out people, Omfg might come back to call us all ****.


Hripthe wrote:
but I can't imagine why people would join an LS where the top is as filthy as that one.

That's the million dollar question right there. I'd like to ask Kramer that same question. And a few others.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 12:30pm EDT by Takumaku
#112 Jul 02 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
All i gotta say is... LoH, you need to camp a little bit more, cuz most of the stuff you are saying is a little bit outdated ^^;. Remember the time Nela got 5 fafnirs in a row? Maybe you dont because you werent there. Who got the last Nidhogg? Nela. Does Nela claim a lot? A lot more than Zenmetsu yeah. So all I'd advice you is to get some newer info, because your stuff is many months old. :/
#113 Jul 02 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Takeno wrote:
All i gotta say is... LoH, you need to camp a little bit more, cuz most of the stuff you are saying is a little bit outdated ^^;. Remember the time Nela got 5 fafnirs in a row? Maybe you dont because you werent there. Who got the last Nidhogg? Nela. Does Nela claim a lot? A lot more than Zenmetsu yeah. So all I'd advice you is to get some newer info, because your stuff is many months old. :/

Why don't you report Nela if you suspect 3rd party programs?
#114 Jul 02 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
I've seen YC, Nano and DL outclaim Nela, on Fafnir and Nidhogg. How many of those LS's outclaim your bots?
#115 Jul 02 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
82 posts
Stop trying to rationalize things. Your LS is botting simply to get items and get them quick. Not because other people bot, but because you bot and you'll get the claims. You don't care about anyone else, you spit in the faces of your friends if any happen to be in an HNMLS you're camping against.

Why do other LSs bot? For fun? Because they bot, they will get the claims. I told you before, I don't like it when people in my LS start saying stuff in say because it usually turns into something bad. Oh and I would like to call BS. When a LS gets claim on a king and gets an awesome drop, do they not brag? Hell yeah they do, they deserve it. Especially if they can kill it. Just because you can claim something doesn't mean you cankill it.

Why don't you report Nela if you suspect 3rd party programs?

JP don't bot only NA bot.
#116 Jul 02 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
So if you bot to beat everyone else to get claim; Then in-turn get an awesome drop, do you still deserve it?
#117 Jul 02 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
82 posts
Bots only get you claim, skill gets you the kill.
#118 Jul 02 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Most people at the camp can kill it too. It's nothing amazing...

And you have no proof that other LS's bot.
#119 Jul 02 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
82 posts
I told you how to spot botters. Maybe if you actually camped some, you'd get an idea. But I guess you just like to say whatever you feel is right without any information for yourself. You take what other people say and put it in your words. When you hav input for yourself, come back and maybe you can post some insight, until then you know nothing.
#120 Jul 02 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Ooh, did you read the note about "How to argue with LoH on forums" from your LS website or something?

I already countered your argument about how to spot botters and you have yet to refute that. Because of the claim delay you don't just cast @1 to claim. You have to cast at a certain time. So people claiming @1 can be those who lose their flash/voke/etc. whereas the bot is timed to go off a certain delay to claim as soon as it's possible to claim the mob. So you still have no proof that the other LS's bot, come up with something please.

I've spent as much time at HNM camps as you have I'm sure, considering you took off to play on another server and have probably a worse HNMLS attendance record than people try to pin on me. Just look at the gear in different HNMLS's of Shiva and you'll notice a fair amount is in each LS. Back in VD you had a Dalmatica and Koenig feet, right? VD was one of the lower LS's to show up to camps and even they got some claims and kills. Were you aware of any bot when you were a member of VD?

It's pretty obvious there hasn't been monopolization of kings from August's claim delay patch until Zenmetsu started, so stop trying to give that BS argument, everyone, save Zenmetsu members, knows that to be true.
#121 Jul 02 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
82 posts
I'm not going to explain taht again since I guess you fail to see what I have already stated more then once. Please reread what I've already pointed out to you more then once. Only thing the patch did was make people think a little bit more about their bots. Instead of putting it "@1 delay" you have to put a little timer on it I guess. I see you only pick out small parts to prove a point, but you don't even attempt to take in what's given to you. You are as blind as a communist.

Edit: There isn't need of a "How to argue against LoH thread." It's more like "How ignore everything LoH spews out of his/her mouth." It's kind of hard, I try to help dense people because I'm nice, but I do think there is no hope for you.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 7:56pm EDT by Tricen
#122 Jul 02 2006 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
You want proof? Goto Dragons Aery when there are 200 ppl camping Fafnir, whoever claims, claimed with a bot, and if you know who bots, you can just see who casts or whatever before them and voila, you have yourself a botter.

Only thing the patch did was make people think a little bit more about their bots. Instead of putting it "@1 delay" you have to put a little timer on it I guess.

Ohhh ok. I get you now!

Edit: This just shows you have no idea what you're talking about. You have NO proof of anyone else botting. Because your 'claim' of 'proof' is entirely inaccurate. Because there is a DELAY now, fast computers/reflexes can start a JA or spell cast very quickly, but won't get the claim. A bot is used to time the JA or spell correctly to claim at the exact moment the mob is 'allowed' to be claimed.

SO........................someone casting BEFORE a bot does NOT prove that they bot. In fact it proves one of two things: 1) They have a sh*tty bot they really need to fix because it won't claim ANYTHING or 2) They don't bot at all.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 8:38pm EDT by SirEaglestrike
#123 Jul 02 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Tricen is attempting to divert the arguement by talking about other LSs. We're not talking about other LSs, we're talking about Zenmetsu. Just because LS-A bots, doesn't make it right for LS-B to bot.

Also, you didn't answer my question, Tricen.

Takuamaku wrote:
So if you bot to beat everyone else to get claim; Then in-turn get an awesome drop, do you still deserve it?

Tricen wrote:
Bots only get you claim, skill gets you the kill.

I didn't ask what a bot does, or the level of skill to get the kill. I asked you that if you cheat to get the claim in the first place, do you still deserve the rewards?

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 9:41pm EDT by Takumaku
#124 Jul 02 2006 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I don't think anyone should waste their time arguing with Takeno.
He's pretty much in it to get his Black Belt, him and Link. I guess
after they get it they will be quitting the game or making a new LS.
Good luck coq-wads.

I love it when he posts, he seems to talk without making a point...
all the time.

But his balls didn't even drop yet, so I can understand.
#125 Jul 02 2006 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think anyone should waste their time arguing with Takeno.
He's pretty much in it to get his Black Belt, him and Link. I guess
after they get it they will be quitting the game or making a new LS
Good luck coq-wads.

I love it when he posts, he seems to talk without making a point...
all the time.

But his balls didn't even drop yet, so I can understand.

You know what, I hadn't even considered that possibility.

I wouldn't doubt that some of people in Zenmetsu are just in it to get whatever end-game item they're after. And then, after they accquire item-x, they'll drop their Zenmetsu pearl like a bad habit. The User/Scammer/cheater ends up being used/scammed/cheated. The User/Scammer/Cheater being Omfg.

An interesting angle indeed. That might be the motive behind of some their members, but who knows. Only the future will tell.

I can just see one of their members running off with some phat loot to **** off Zenmetsu, and to see Omfg throwing an online hissy fit for the world to see. Bad thing is, for Omfg and Zenmetsu, is that nobody would care. The offender would win praise from the rest of the community.

Oh, and what if the thief had access to Zenmetsu's LS bank as well? Now that'd be funny!

Then, in a few months time, Shiva will see a new topic entitled:


Or what about this, for example...

Let's say Omfg is managing the LS bank. In a few months time he has it backed up with some of the coolest in-game gear, and large amounts of gil. Then, Omfg 'accquires' a new character for himself, makes a fake application to Zenmetsu saying he's a good friend of Omfg or some ****. After that, Omfg uses his new character to jack his own LS bank without anyone knowing, placing the blame on a scapegoat, and makes off with his LS's loot to another server to avoid having suspicion, or alienation placed on his new character when he dawns the gear. LOL The perfect crime!

This example might be a little far fetched, along with any other ideas to scam Zenmetsu. I'm sure his followers and himself would adamantly argue that he and his close buddies wouldn't do such a thing. But who can know for sure really? This is Omfg we're talking about here, he's capable of anything. Should the majority of Zenmetsu really place their trust in him?

Let's face it, in a den of thieves, cheaters, and undercover haters, this LS is just begging to get jacked.

With all this being said, I'm sure I've planted the seed of mischief and/or distrust somewhere with someone. Good luck to you, whoever you are.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 10:55pm EDT by Takumaku

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 10:55pm EDT by Takumaku
#126 Jul 02 2006 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
Im not going to argue with anyone about Zenmetsu, because simply I dont care what you have to say about us. You have your oppinions and I respect that. Only thing I see wrong is what LoH says is all outdated... Oh and he thinks we claim EVERY HNM we go to, yeah right lol
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