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Hmmm, so is this true?Follow

#127 Jul 02 2006 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
I know you don't claim all, cause GM's will watch you if you claim all of them and you'll get banned too quickly. You want to make at least a couple months from the LS, not just a few weeks!
#128 Jul 02 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
cough ridill cough remmy cough gtfo

As for proof we bot, you want it? you got it.


get over it. its not for the items, its for the fact the people that do get the pulls are greedy little ******** cod must be a respectable LS, i mean... every member in its a ******* ****** IRL. cool you like fudgepackers... thats cool i guess.............not
nanofaces must be a good ls, i mean... there leader practically sucked me and vanhelios off to get us in the LS to pull for them... 3 days after we made Zenmetsu he was trying to join, (why do you think he magically came back to the game.) Extreme, there ya go, great LS.. lets pull some darters. DL.. just bleh w/e.

get over yourself ******, we dont win most the pulls on the HNM scene, we actually get outclaimed 50% of the time or more. so what if we got items or not, when you figure out the real reason behind why we do it, you might understand the LS some more. have fun guessing

PS: takumaku just cause you asked me to say it ill do it. your a *** shut the **** up and go play with dvsIII. oh **** maybe i shouldnt of said that im on there public forum lawlllls
#129 Jul 02 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Takumaku wrote:
Tricen is attempting to divert the arguement by talking about other LSs. We're not talking about other LSs, we're talking about Zenmetsu. Just because LS-A bots, doesn't make it right for LS-B to bot.

Also, you didn't answer my question, Tricen.

Takuamaku wrote:
So if you bot to beat everyone else to get claim; Then in-turn get an awesome drop, do you still deserve it?

Tricen wrote:
Bots only get you claim, skill gets you the kill.

I didn't ask what a bot does, or the level of skill to get the kill. I asked you that if you cheat to get the claim in the first place, do you still deserve the rewards?

Edited, Jul 2nd 2006 at 9:41pm EDT by Takumaku

Woopsy, I thought I said it. I may have backspaced it, but, if they can defeat the mob then they deserve it, wouldn't you want to brag f you just got a Dalmatica? What I'm saying is, I don't care is LS-A bots, I just want a chance at maybe getting a claim. I'm puttin git into perspective, what do you want me to say about Zenmetsu? We bot? Omfg already said it, no need. There's LSs that have botted, won, got drops, and have bragged. Do they deserve it? Oh but according to LoH, we onry bot. God damn LoH you're so dumb. It's not even funn, sure you bring up decent points, but damn. I have to explain this to you I guess, for a bot to win pull you have to generate enough hate on it atthe time it's able to be claimed. So, people may put a bot a certain delay. It'll go off at that delay and hopefully it's enough hate at the time for it to be claimed. It's a guess kind of thing. Do you get it now? I also see you don't understand the fact that with 200+ people in DA, it's ganna be pretty damn laggy. I sometimes don't see Faf pop until it's t 90%. So if someones casting as soon as it pops, I don't see how they can still even see the Darters floating around, let alone Fafnir. Even if you are able to tab around, the bot will still start casting or use a JA before you do. Goto DA when it's a high chance of Nidhogg. Turn the chat filter "Specical actions innitiated by others" on.. or off which ever ones makes it so you can see people casting. As soon as Nidd pops your logg will fill up with "<name> is casting on <whatev> on Nidhogg." If you know who the bots are they it's not hard to spot all the other ones out. Do you understand now?
#130 Jul 02 2006 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
Meh, I just think it's half-earned when you use a bot. To each his own I guess. It'd be nice if all HNM became BCNM type, then there'd be no claim issues with any high level monsters, and everyone would have a fair shot.

Omfg wrote:
PS: takumaku just cause you asked me to say it ill do it. your a *** shut the @#%^ up and go play with dvsIII. oh sh*t maybe i shouldnt of said that im on there public forum lawlllls

Hmmm, I expected more than just calling me a *** and telling me to shut up. Too bad for you, because I'm having a lot of fun with this thread at your expense.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2006 at 12:46am EDT by Takumaku
#131 Jul 02 2006 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
I really don't think it's possible to continue arguing when someones point of logic is "We use a bot because other people are greedy."

And yeah Tricen, someone having a computer that can load a monster faster than others and being able to spam a macro means bot, sure ok. And the hate to claim thing only matters when STEALing claim from others, though that's not 100% working according to some people. Otherwise everyone would have a monk Boost up Chi before windows and claim with 1k+ Chi's and always win...that's just stupid. But hey, I'm apparently the dumb one. If someone is casting on Nidhogg from across the pond, then yeah they're a bot, otherwise it's just someone close enough for it to actually pop on their screen. Sometimes I see Fafnir pop, cause I'm close and they always load monsters before PC's, sometimes it's like you and I have to take a while to find who is fighting it for it to pop.
#132 Jul 03 2006 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Takumaku wrote:
Meh, I just think it's half-earned when you use a bot. To each his own I guess. It'd be nice if all HNM became BCNM type, then there'd be no claim issues with any high level monsters, and everyone would have a fair shot.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2006 at 12:46am EDT by Takumaku

I wish SE would do that, they have somewhat, but abjs are still a pain in the ***. LoH, I give up, you win, your lack of intellegence just gives me a headache, will you please leave now?
#133 Jul 03 2006 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
who the **** did we steal from?

absolutly nobody... oh wait claiming KB with 2-3 people in zone must be ok where you come from.. ******* cod
#134 Jul 03 2006 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
And holding Tiamat for a couple hours with 18 and not taking it past 80% is just fine?
#135 Jul 03 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
wth does giving a ridill to remmy have to do with anything?
#136 Jul 03 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Tricen wrote:
You only judge the fact that we bot, ok, not all of us bot, but oh wait, guilty by association.. It automatically defimates someones character.

well if that was the truth and you're only being judged because you bot. then tell me this. What about all the other HNMLSes that have bots? I know they do, Neorei stated some do, LoH knowns it heck everyone whos posted on this thread knows it so that being said theer are plenty of other LSes other than zenmetsu that bot currently or have done so before so if its guily by association why arent all the other lses that are also guilty of botting (and i can name a few but wont because Im sure most of you already know em) getting the same hassle that your LS is getting for doing the same thing other lses are guilty of? Oh and if you cant answe that question which has clearly been ansswerd on this thread by countless other people then your just as dense as you claim LoH to be
#137 Jul 03 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Tricen wrote:
You only judge the fact that we bot, ok, not all of us bot, but oh wait, guilty by association.. It automatically defimates someones character.

well if that was the truth and you're only being judged because you bot. then tell me this. What about all the other HNMLSes that have bots? I know they do, Neorei stated some do, LoH knowns it heck everyone whos posted on this thread knows it so that being said theer are plenty of other LSes other than zenmetsu that bot currently or have done so before so if its guily by association why arent all the other lses that are also guilty of botting (and i can name a few but wont because Im sure most of you already know em) getting the same hassle that your LS is getting for doing the same thing other lses are guilty of? Oh and if you cant answe that question which has clearly been ansswerd on this thread by countless other people then your just as dense as you claim LoH to be

That's what I've been poking at, but no, according to LoH, no other LSs bot.
#138 Jul 03 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I guess it's cool to give a donkey a ******* just as long as you see someone else doing it too. If that's your logic and you feel that it's correct, the line starts here...

/em puts on crotch-less donkey suit.
#139 Jul 03 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
i think the rationalization people keep coming up with is a crock of ****. "everyone else must bot so we will too". wrong. the fact is the majority of your casual-semi hardcore players dont take this game seriously enough to cheat at it. if i had to guess id say maybe 15% of the playerbase bots (thats being generous). this is nowhere close to the mysterious "everyone" who bots. sure we know some of the JP LSs do like Kpoint and such but we have beat them legitimately before so they cant be that great. and since when did 2 wrongs make a right anyway? there are some things in life where you cant have an opinion and be right. for example murdering someone is the wrong thing to do no matter what. if someone says "well in my opinion murder isnt that bad", they'd be wrong. straight up wrong. cheating is another one of those things. rationalize it all you want, but the fact remains that you are cheating and no matter what your opinion is, its still wrong.

while this may be "just a game" to some, its still a community (albeit a virtual one) and certain rules/ethics should be followed. maybe some of us were just raised to respect other people and some of us werent. i wont turn this into something as dramatic as "youre a horribly human being blah blah blah" but if you actually are cheating at this game and dont feel any kind of remorse about it, i kinda feel sorry for you.

#140 Jul 03 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe you're getting Zenmetsu wrong. From my perspective, Zenmetsu bots because they want to bot, not because other LSs bot. Now, dont only look at Zenmetsu, you know Zenmetsu bots already and gives a damn **** about what you have to say. Only thing pointed out as "defense" is that not only Zenmetsu bots, cuz CoD, and many others do too. Since you want to go all detective on who bots and who doesnt go look for some more proof and see if other LSs care if they are found guilty of botting.

PS: I dont care if anyone bots or not. And personally, I dont bot. Even if I wanted to I wouldnt be able.
#141 Jul 03 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I really ******* hate it when people say "Yeah lolz these guys bots so murder is ok lolz." It's not the same ************* thing Jesus Christ. I wont even argue with someone who uses that as a point, it's ******* redundant. There is such a thing as a severity of a crime. Oh, and this whole "It's ok to bot because everyone else bots lolz" No. Just no. The only reason most LSs bot is because they WANT A CHANCE AT A CLAIM. Bot does not = kill. Bot = POSSIBLE CHANCE AT CLAIM. Are you getting it? This isn't some high school conformative issue. Completely different.
#142 Jul 03 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Maybe you're getting Zenmetsu wrong. From my perspective, Zenmetsu bots because they want to bot, not because other LSs bot.

PS: I dont care if anyone bots or not. And personally, I dont bot. Even if I wanted to I wouldnt be able.

Don't say "Zenmetsu bots..." say, "WE bot". If you are in a gilseller LS, you don't say "Backking sells gil, but I don't and I'm not interested in stuff like that...though I'm with them." You are a walking oximoron saying stuff like that.
Don't try to seperate yourself, represent your LS since you are a part of them.
Where's your "BOTTER'S PRIDE!!"

Moral of the story: If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, but hangs out with might be a ***** with feathers up its ***.
#143 Jul 03 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Bot does not = kill. Bot = POSSIBLE CHANCE AT CLAIM. Are you getting it? This isn't some high school conformative issue. Completely different.

Oh, ok. Cheating is ok, right? You have the worse logic I've seen this side of the internet. If you can give a better example, it might make your point a tad more understandable. I think you need a time out with Mr. Hat.

"Drugs are bad, umm-K?"
#144 Jul 03 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I really ******* hate it when people say "Yeah lolz these guys bots so murder is ok lolz." It's not the same ************* thing Jesus Christ. I wont even argue with someone who uses that as a point, it's ******* redundant. There is such a thing as a severity of a crime. Oh, and this whole "It's ok to bot because everyone else bots lolz" No. Just no. The only reason most LSs bot is because they WANT A CHANCE AT A CLAIM. Bot does not = kill. Bot = POSSIBLE CHANCE AT CLAIM. Are you getting it? This isn't some high school conformative issue. Completely different.
#145 Jul 03 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
MOST LS's that show up at a camp can KILL the mob. The hard part IS the claim, so that argument once again FAILS.

Takeno, you say "more proof", but where is the initial proof? Sorry, but I didn't see any that held any weight whatsoever.
#146 Jul 03 2006 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
OMFGofSHIVA wrote:
cod must be a respectable LS, i mean... every member in its a @#%^ing ****** IRL. cool you like fudgepackers... thats cool i guess.............not

And being a ************* ******" irl is tied to how respectable their ls is? You sound like all the dipsh*t rednecks I have to put up with around here. I'm one of those "fudgepackers" and frankly, people like you disgust me.

Edited, Jul 3rd 2006 at 4:11pm EDT by TDarkmoon
#147 Jul 03 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I'm one of those "fudgepackers" and frankly, people like you disgust me.

To think that he hates "fudgepackers", I find it ironic as hell that his old character 'Omfg' was Keebler Elf looking Taru. I guess his love affair with the Pillsbury Doughboy went south. Either that or I think he's in denial.
#148 Jul 03 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord TDarkmoon wrote:
OMFGofSHIVA wrote:
cod must be a respectable LS, i mean... every member in its a @#%^ing ****** IRL. cool you like fudgepackers... thats cool i guess.............not

And being a "@#%^ing ******" irl is tied to how respectable their ls is? You sound like all the dipsh*t rednecks I have to put up with around here. I'm one of those "fudgepackers" and frankly, people like you disgust me.

I couldn't have said that any better. Its very offensive to the many "fudgepackers" that do play and if anything, I don't know what to say at this point.

Either that or I think he's in denial.

Barchiel, if he was in denial, no one would be interested in him. Frankly, he's not exactly cute in my eyes, and theres guys twice as hotter. Plus, they don't bot. LOL
#149 Jul 03 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Ok my bad, I do not use a bot, but Im in a ls that bots, k?
#150 Jul 03 2006 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
tricen that didnt answer my question at all so let me try it in your level of intellect so you can understand it better. If all other (or at least most of) LSes bot and we all know it why is everyone only comming down on YOUR ls and not any of the other ones that we ALL KNOW bot?
#151 Jul 03 2006 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
The fact that we openly bot, makes us the scapegoat for the other LSs that do, but they don't say anything. Why come out themselves when they can just target us and join the bandwagon?
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