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What a bit*h!!Follow

#27 Jul 18 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Thats funny seeing I have not played this game in about a month now.

Thats funny how your *** is hanging out with more "bots" than Optimus Prime.
Oh yeah, Optimus Prime called for your mom; he wants his truck-stops back.
#28 Jul 18 2006 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
BarchielForever wrote:
Thats funny seeing I have not played this game in about a month now.

Thats funny how your *** is hanging out with more "bots" than Optimus Prime.
Oh yeah, Optimus Prime called for your mom; he wants his truck-stops back.

Ah yes Barchiel my good old friend, actually the only old friend of mine I did not give any armor or gil yesterday when I quit for good.

Hmmm, I wonder why not...

The random people in Lower Jeuno I gave millions of gil and items too were more deserving than your punk *** would be to receive anything from me.

I will be giving the rest of stuff I have left away someday soon in lower jeuno again, maybe ill throw an earth crystal your way.

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 4:53pm EDT by Proroc
#29 Jul 18 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Kramer, you think I give 2 sh*ts about your "leet" 1's and 0's?
You are a true jackass lol. Dude, you don't BUY friends, you make them.

Man, that post you just made was perhaps one of the most pathetic ploys for friendship that I've ever seen. The Kramer that I knew quit before the update.
This new sell-out that calls itself Kramer is a ***** among dogs that has no purpose. You really have no balls. You're a whole two ounces lighter than most.

Damn dude, you are a sorry fatherf***er.

when I quit for good.

Finally, the quitter quits again. Lets see if he can stay dead this time.

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 5:10pm EDT by BarchielForever
#30 Jul 18 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts

wow i can't think of anything bar said most of it

Kramer is the weakest link

{Good Bye!}

go on your cruise with your wife.. make her happy.. and leave the drama
#31 Jul 18 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I dont see Kramer making anyone but himself happy...

Now that you have supposedly quit the game again Kramer, stop visiting the boards, stop trying to cause drama, you simply go the hell away. Or to put it in another cliche, dont go away mad, just go away. Take your pick.

Finally! Ding, dong the witch, I mean, queen is dead!
#32 Jul 18 2006 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
You 3 stooges are quite funny. Do you think I give a sh*t what larry, jackass, and Moe think of me?

Ps: Barchiel, I never said anyone wanted anything. I just took some others advice and instead of selling it all, I gave it all away.

I just got bored with this game, it will happen to everyone on it at some point, well except maybe Goldenchild who will still be trying to form an HNMLS.

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 6:49pm EDT by Proroc
#33 Jul 18 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I guess this is where Sophus plays Devil's Advocate...

You know, I have seen an unsettling trend on Shiva lately, and moreso on here than anywhere. Remember how we could once ask for help here and--regardless of our level--everyone would jump at the chance to do it? Remember when someone could do something stupid and we'd all try to find out why before we reached for their throats? As Shink pointed out with Meara (though it could have just as easily been about anyone...)

...but we don't really see what led up to her saying that, so until we do were only seeing the outlash, not the reason why, give her a break guys.... before we condem her why not try to see the whole story.

Have we all become so petty and desperate for drama that we can only make threads and posts to bash other people? These forums which were once filled with wonderous fun, stories, and cheerful bantor have somehow morphed into a vitriolic ball of namecalling put-downs.

It may seem right now like the "right" thing is to publicly bash Kramer for his decision to sell his character; it's not. It's a mob mentality where we pick on a scapegoat so that we all feel better about our own shortcomings with the game. Doing it doesn't make us better people. In fact, all it does is shown our own petty nature.

I've been surprisingly quiet on the subject of things like selling accounts lately. It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't know. As some of you know, I recently lost my fiancee (and girlfriend for 6 years) because I didn't spend the time with her I should have. It's not that I didn't spend enough time with her, but I didn't spend enough quality time with her.

...but then I ask myself if I would do the same thing if it meant keeping her even one more day. Would I forfeit everything I've accomplished here for a simple chance that maybe she and I would still be together today? The truth is, I don't know. So while it would be easy to put down Kramer, he made that decision so he could keep the one he loves close to him. The fact that I don't know what I would do gives me no room to talk.

I would argue that it's the same with most of you. Sure, you may see the black and white lines now, and Kramer has obviously crossed the wrong one. But if you had the chance to keep the one you love close to you--even though it meant giving up what you'd accomplished on this game--would you? Or if you've already lost them, would you have given up this game if it meant one more night with them in your arms?

If you can't honestly answer "no," I would ask you to rethink before you openly bash someone else.

Many of you used to be friends. That friendship may be gone, but one thing remains. You always told eachother "it's just a game." If that is really the case, what does it matter if he chose to leave the way he did? If it really is a game, what right do we have to get mad at him for it? Either it is a game, or it isn't. It can't be both.
#34 Jul 18 2006 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
Proroc wrote:
I just got bored with this game, it will happen to everyone on it at some point, well except maybe Goldenchild who will still be trying to form an HNMLS.

I think Goldenchild would have a better shot at forming an HNMLS than you do at this point.

Sophus wrote:
Have we all become so petty and desperate for drama that we can only make threads and posts to bash other people? These forums which were once filled with wonderous fun, stories, and cheerful bantor have somehow morphed into a vitriolic ball of namecalling put-downs.

It may seem right now like the "right" thing is to publicly bash Kramer for his decision to sell his character; it's not. It's a mob mentality where we pick on a scapegoat so that we all feel better about our own shortcomings with the game. Doing it doesn't make us better people. In fact, all it does is shown our own petty nature.

You have to admit that Kramer brought this attention on himself. The thread he linked to was posted on Killing Ifrit. I don't think anyone here on alla would of even mentioned it, if Kramer hadn't posted about it. Then there's also the fact that Kramer has pretty much destroyed his credibility as a member of the Shivian community(Sounds corny, but you get the point).


You have to remember that Kramer was once a admired and respected player of this game. You can't blame his former friends and admirers for feeling betrayed by the way he is now.

I think that's what this is all about. Most of the people here feel betrayed by his actions and behavior. I used to be a member of Wasp too, so I can understand why a lot of people here would be pissed at him. He used to be a stand-up player. Now he acts like Omfg. I don't think I have to go into detail on Omfg's behavior, and why people don't like him.

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 9:38pm EDT by Takumaku

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 9:42pm EDT by Takumaku
#35 Jul 18 2006 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
*freakin double post*

Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 9:42pm EDT by Takumaku
#36 Jul 18 2006 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I'd agree with you Sophus, but look at the title of the thread and who made it.
Just askin' for trouble.
#37 Jul 18 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
240 posts

First off, I'm sorry about your fiancee. I don't know what I would do if I lost my wife.

The thing about everyone's issue with Kramer though has nothing to do with him leaving. Its about HOW he left...both times. Being the leader of the reformed Wasp LS, I know how alot of people in that LS really feels about Kramer and his actions. Everyone was sad with him leaving, but they were all understanding about it. We all believed that he made Wasp with the best intentions. It wasn't until AFTER he came back, that the LS really started to hate what he has become. Kramer asked me once if he would be allowed back into the new LS that was made after he quit. I put up a poll on our LS forums.

Yes - 3
No - 29

And those are from people who thought of him as a great leader. Now, with him selling off all his gil and account, he's pretty much been /blisted by everyone ex-Wasp member in the reformed LS. Cause he made a TON of gil off of the LS through Dynamis. Alot of them truly feel used by him. If I remember right there was a thread a while back that Kramer was involved in about him and what he should do with his gil. I thought about posting but never really got around to it. So, Kramer is now giving out all of his gil to random people?

Why not give it to Thinman, Josue, Eldicant, Denzel or Mossy? All Plds who HELPED him tank Dynamis mobs.

Why not give some of it to Femwhispers, Beuwolf, Casey, Mattation, or Ssjtommo. All Whm's who cured him when he was tanking Dynamis mobs.

Why not give some of it to Kakashin, Barchiel, Madmardigan, Michealino, Epic, Drean or Shadowlink. All melee's who killed those mobs.

Or Moline, Crabant, Fattucus, Elsewhere, Eyecandy, or Dra for nuking and sleeping those mobs.

Or how about Mohit? A guy who died so much in Dynamis for Kramer that he deleveled from capped 75 all the way to mid-73. Cause without him there is no way in hell that Kramer or Wasp would have won a single Dynamis.

What makes it even worse is he joined up with a LS such as Zenmetsu, a LS widely hated and goes against everything he tried to instill during Wasp.


If it really is a game, what right do we have to get mad at him for it? Either it is a game, or it isn't.

Yes, this is "just a game". However there are real life people behind the screen. Just cause you can't see them doesn't mean someones actions won't hurt someone else's feelings. People can still get upset because of actions from people whom you had at one point in time considered a friend. I think it was Mohit who had posted on a different thread about morals. Some people stick too them no matter what the situation is. Some people abandon them when there is nothing that they want from someone else. I think this is what the deal with Kramer is. He's "quitting" again, so he doesn't need anything from anyone here. So naturally he's sticking to a "No holds barred" approach to things on this game and to the people who react to his posts. That approach, in many ways, is how Omfg's approach to FFXI is. And its because of this literal 180 degree turn around that has some of his closest friends upset about.

So I think this is were Barchiel's point of view is coming from. He just acts on it in a different, albiet funnier, way.
#38 Jul 18 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
You know what is really a b*tch, Karma. And when it catches you in RL for being the scum that you are I just hope it is in a funny way like Bar makes it sound. And in that moment maybe you would realize that regardless of where it was you treated people like crap and pushed everyone away to make a quick buck to "appease" that madeyou wind up for once at the sh*t end of the stick. Now take your filth from shiva or what u probably will do is give it to your chum OMFG so he can make u into a bot.

Either way atleast it is the end of the one and only Kramer/proroc.
#39 Jul 18 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I'm not discounting anything that's been said; there was obiviously truth to the malice. All I'm asking is that we look at what *all of us* are doing to our community. We're so quick to anger, so quick to judge, yet it takes us so long to forgive. What happened to forgiveness? What happened to benevelence? Look around you, guys. We are the ones pulling Shiva into that hellhole we all complain about.

Kramer made his choices, and he will have to live with the consequences. Does he really need us telling everyone how crappy he is? Is there any reason at all to drag this issue on so long? Will it fix our problems? Will it make us feel better?

I remember someone talking about how everyone bots now because everyone else bots. Ironically, they weren't justifying the use of bots--they were complaining about them. Still, their LS continued to use them because everyone else did. If they stopped, they feared they wouldn't get the things their LS wants. Well the same goes for public attacks. If we attack them because everyone else attacks us, where does it stop?

There may be people behind the screen...but it's \either a game or it isn't. If you expect people to care about more than the 1s and 0s, you are asking them to take this as more than a game. If that's true, you can't fault them when they start taking things too seriously. And if you tell them to stop being so serious because "it's just a game," don't fault them when they trample over you to accomplish their own goals. That's what I mean when I say it's either a game or it isn't. You can't expect it to be both unless you actually say so. Simply saying "it's just a game" isn't enough.

The buck stops here. If you really care about what happens to Shiva, you have to do what's right no matter what. Ganging up on people because you don't like what they're doing...that solves nothing. Botting because you're afraid you'll never get stuff otherwise...that just adds to the problem. If you really want something better for yourself, be ready to step outside yourself and see everything for what it is.
#40 Jul 19 2006 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
It's hard to forgive someone who is not sorry.

In FFXI I don't really know how this would actually work out, if 90% of the people in the game are a certain way (say, gimps) people tend to just ignore them. So if that 90% is doing 'what is right' how can you be sure the final 10% will even notice or care? In the real world this train of thought would be considered idealistic, but one I'd prescribe to, however, in FFXI that ticket of anonymity makes it so people don't have to look their brothers in the eye when they do something wrong, they can just laugh and nothing will be done about it.
#41 Jul 19 2006 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
I for one will continue to remind players, new and old, of as/hats to avoid in this game. As well as other pompous fools that plague our server. It's the cheaters and the elitist morons that take the fun out of every MMO.

Zenmetsu is no different than any other LS in the regard that it will eventually break up. I can see it easily becoming a reality for Omfg's linkshell. The potential of in-fighting and loathing between it's own members is plenty. What will be interesting to see if some of it's more 'notorious' members will ever be invited to another linkshell period.
#42 Jul 19 2006 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
Kalten, just because you did not receive anything does not mean that most of the players on that list you wrote didn't.

I will leave it at this because I am done with this game and have moved on, I just get bored at work and post here too much.

Kalten - I am not going to get into it with you on a public forum, but you know that your accusations are for the most part bs. I wish you the best with Illuminatus. ( you also left out Theraven, who designed both Wasp and Illuminatus websites)

Barchiel - been friends with you in this game a real longtime, if you despise me now so be it, but I wish you the best.

Sophus - always level headed. I am sorry to hear about that with your fiance, and hope maybe you will realize that being addicted to this game is not th best thing.

Krakenkraver - I hope you grow some hair on your balls someday and flame people with your actual name.

Jae - my first hater on this game, I wish you the best with DVSIII and I know you hate me, but oh well nothing I can do about it.

Luar - thanks for always whining to me in tells and then leaving after you got your Osode, you were the final straw that made me quit the first time and without you I might still be playing this game 40 hours a week.

Alek - I do not really know you too well, but your comment was kind of harsh seeing you do not know me either.

Femwhisper - stay cool and leveled headed like you always have been. You are one person that i can admit is stronger than I.

Taku - don't worry my level of respect for you is the same as yours for me. The people like you who get what they want and then move onto greener pastures ruin this game as much as anyone else.

later Shiva and have fun playing, because once that is gone this game starts to suck.

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 1:38am EDT by Proroc
#43 Jul 19 2006 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
... Hmm... I was confused by your motives..... Still am........ The way you left the first time, I can understand... The second time..... I have no idea....

The way I interpreted how Zenmetsu was, was not only through Omfg, but through you... The fact you just ditched me in Ilrusi Atoll..... You think I can trust you again for that? I saw what kind of person you became, especially when you went to Zenmetsu. I classified them all like you as soon as I realized.... All my former friends went there and all they do is hack, bot, and do it "against the evil Japanese".... I'll never speak to them again if they're essentially like you and the other botter supporters there. I noticed that their friendliness changed, especially when they had the pearl on. It made me sick to my stomach.

The fact you never said goodbye to me especially when we helped each other get blu spells, and me trying to peak your interest in this game again because I considered you as a true friend, even though my opinionated mind got me out of Wasp....... Dude, you truly screwed yourself up by doing what you did...... And for not even saying a goodbye, I doubt I can forgive you for that.

I left my last hnmls because of a former zenmetsu member coming to my ls and being accepted, man. I think the same will apply to any other hnmls any former Zenmetsu member applies to. If anything, the people in Zenmetsu essentially screwed themselves over. Its best you left now and enjoyed your cruise.
#44 Jul 19 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent

I'm very upset that my personal drama thread has turned into Kramer's personal drama thread. Please go back to bashing me.
#45 Jul 19 2006 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Sophus - always level headed. I am sorry to hear about that with your fiance, and hope maybe you will realize that being addicted to this game is not th best thing.

Luar - thanks for always whining to me in tells and then leaving after you got your Osode, you were the final straw that made me quit the first time and without you I might still be playing this game 40 hours a week.

The arrogance of a once proud leader and respected member of the server.. I find this funny, Kramer, I really do.

You tell Sophus that being addicted to this game is bad, attack him about his fiancee, then say in your B.S. to Luar you played this for 40 HOURS A WEEK?!

Damn, dude... You are truly pathetic..

Go to your 'cruise,' say again how RL is more important than this game, then come, join again, kiss *** again, trying to make up for all the wrong you did... AGAIN

You have 0 respect for those who helped you, used them to get rich, then up and left to save yourself the, "I'm rich from you guys, now I'm breaking the shell" bullsh*t you came up with.

Next time you decide to bone someone, ask them if they'd like the Crisco first..

No offense to Mar or anyone if that line seems offensive, but that's what he basically did to any of his friends.

Good riddance, Kramer, and if I saw you in real life, I'd have to just point and laugh at you..


Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 10:00am EDT by Nieko
#46 Jul 19 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Meara wrote:
I'm very upset that my personal drama thread has turned into Kramer's personal drama thread. Please go back to bashing me.

Not worth our time anymore on here. Back to Killing Ifrit forums. You're old news. ^^
#47 Jul 19 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
u love to make a big scene before u blow ppl off don't u kramer?

like when u left us..

then from look of it when u left wasp

and now once again same thing here

you turned your back on ppl that called u "friend*

is this how u try to break your addiction by getting everyone who considered u a friend once so pissed off/F*&kt over that u know u won't be welcome back?

p.s. aren't engineer's supposed to make alot of money?? that was my understanding. your would think so after going to school for 4-5yrs. i don't need to sell gil and gear to be able to do the things i want

#48 Jul 19 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Jaeonshiva wrote:

is this how u try to break your addiction by getting everyone who considered u a friend once so pissed off/F*&kt over that u know u won't be welcome back?

You hit the nail on the head Jae and I am not being sarcastic. I want to make sure I quit for good and this is the best way for me to make sure it happens. Say what you will about it, but it is what I needed to do.

ps: I never said I needed to sell gil for anything, and I actually did not end up selling it.

Niek, I was not bashing Sophus, and when I stated I was playing 40 hours a week I was saying I was addicted as well and that I was thankful to no longer be.

#49 Jul 19 2006 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
Nieko wrote:
[quote]Next time you decide to bone someone, ask them if they'd like the Crisco first..

No offense to Mar or anyone if that line seems offensive, but that's what he basically did to any of his friends.

Good riddance, Kramer, and if I saw you in real life, I'd have to just point and laugh at you..


I couldn't have said it better myself.... I didn't find it offensive whatsoever and thanks for stating the point.
#50 Jul 19 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
557 posts

This will be my last post regarding this topic.

I hope that every person who expressed their bitterness; disappointment; feelings of betrayal and in some cases, hate towards Kramer on this forum got it out of their system and can now take a deep breath on move on.

Because frankly, in continuing these posts we are becoming nothing less than the people and players we rage against. If we're better than that then let's concentrate on the real reason we come to these forums!

Don't we all know who the botters are? Don't we already know those of less than moral character; their names? which linkshell they're in? Hasn't history shown that they will fail in time and more will move to take their place and try again and they too will fail?

Can't we look to the good things about our server? To all of the leaders of every outstanding linkshell on this server - (and there are many *wink*): I have seen countless times that despite differences, we always seem to find a common thread of camerarderie; and the desire to play the game honestly; and live together in this virtual world, reasonably in harmony.

To me; this is what Shiva is all about.

Please don't lose sight of that fact.

Lastly; Kramer, I truly hope that now you have and will move on. I know for a long time you struggled with frustrations in this game before you began to leave. Now, go off and concentrate on what is truly most important - your real life and cute lil wife!

Since you were not online when I received an item of great value in my delivery box yesterday; I sent you a private message thanking you and telling you that I choose to remember that you were the person who made me believe in endgame; you showed me not only how to enjoy this game, the people and have fun, but how to be a better player.

Most of all - you gave me the opportunity to become a leader of an outstanding linkshell.

I wish you the best and good luck on your journey.

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 12:20pm EDT by femwhispers
#51 Jul 19 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Damn you kramer, wheres the love for the person that made wasp possible! lol. Without my loudmouth you woulden't of started wasp, wheres the love!
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