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What a bit*h!!Follow

#52 Jul 19 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I was his friend, and I got nothing, Fem.... Or at least he was a friend in my eyes....
#53 Jul 19 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
Honestly, you guys are right about most everything. I am not the person I used to be. I have been going through a 2 year state of depression. When I lived in Michigan I was an outgoing happy person who was willing to work hard for to reach his goals. I was working 2 jobs, going to college part time all paid for by myself and trying to keep up on my mortage payments (bought my house at 19). Eventhough I was putting in 70-90 hours every week I was still happy and still found time to go out with friends. I was always willing to spend my free time helping a friend or lending them money when they needed it, even if I needed it myself. I had no clue at this time what depression felt like because growing up I was always an optimistic person.

I finally reached my goal. I finished school and had 3-1/2 years experience in my career when I was offered a job that would double my salary, but it was in a different state. My girlfriend(wife) and I discussed it and I felt I was a strong enough person to rise above any challenge, this one being moving away from friends and family to a place I knew nothing about. I was wrong. After being out here for 2-1/2 years I have only met others that are into hunting, fishing and/or going out to the bars and getting loaded. Hell, I can not even meet someone into sports like I am. My wife and I get along great and try to do things together, but she is the nigh manager at her job and I work days. So pretty much M-F we do not see eachother from 7am-9pm and I go to sleep around 10-11pm on weekdays. She also is required to work weekends and only gets a weekend day off when she requests it. So I have gone from a happy go lucky person with alot of friends to a lonely depressed person and it sucks. I have tried to find a job back there, but with the economy as bad as it is in Michigan I cannot find anything in my career and other jobs I just will not make enough to pay my bills and support my family.

In the game here is why I did some of the things I have done. I look back and am not happy about how I acted in some situations. I joined DVS wanting to help out new players and have some form of leadership role. I did both and when the sh*t went down that day I overreacted at first because I was pissed and felt betrayed, but I contined it because I wanted others to follow me to the new shell I had decided to make. I did not join with this planned out and I did not even leave with this planned out. I just felt with the knowledge I had of endgame I could lead a shell and it would be under my rules.

I created Wasp with the intention of helping new players learn endgame and get the gear they desired. We started out doing ZM's day in and day out. Alot of us must have helped about 150+/- get sky access. I tried to make the point system as fair as I possibly could, but it had it flaws as I learned later on. The people who got the most out of Wasp, were not the hardest workers, but the ones who learned how to exloit it the best. There were others I would have much rather seen get the Osodes, but I created our point system and felt I had to live by it. Dynamis started out with alot of requests from members. I agreed and was going to sponsor our first few runs, at this point I had no clue how much could be made through dynamis. I found out and after our first 5-6 runs I started letting others sponsor. I picked who got too and tried to do it fairly, I would not let those who only showed up to things that benefited them sponsor. Yes I did sponsor the most and made a good amount of gil, but so did quite a few other members.

Sky was about helping others. I only received one item from sky that was not left over items noone wanted to spend points on and that was the blood cuisses. HNM's I received an earring of cacatrot rapido, in the end that is what my 400 HNM points went twards.

Noone in Wasp can deny that before the last couple weeks of me quitting for the first time that I was not at every event from start to finish. We did 5 events a week ranging from 3 hours - to an entire day. Others and I mean everyone except Abbigale and Femwhispers had times they logged out when they did not feel like doing something. This started to burn me out and when I tried to not go to some events they were disasters and this was my fault. I was always there and running everything, people got used to listening to me only and by the time I tried to establish the leadership order it was too late. I made alot of mistakes as a leader like not kicking some I should have, not letting others lead events soon enough, the flawed point system, etc..., but I tried my best.

The reason I left the way I did the first time, well it was putting a strain on my relationship and I felt if I did not leave adbruptly I would end up letting someone talk me out of it.

When I cam back I was not planning too. After work I went to the local game store the day the expansion came out. I told myself if they did not have a ps2 copy I was not going to order one, but they did, they had 1 left so I bought it. I came back to check out the expansion and thats what I did. I also told myself I was gonna play for me and noone else, something I had not done since level 30 with my first character. First helping with sub job item, artifact armor then endgame items. I did play for myself and maybe thats why this game lost my interest.

Why did I cause so much drama on these forums? Boredom, lonelisness, wanting something to read. Proably not the best answer, but the truthful one.

So take this post as you will. Flame me if you want too, pick apart parts of it if you want too, but this is my honesty here.
#54 Jul 19 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
Proroc wrote:
Why did I cause so much drama on these forums?

Basically it is because a man of your character and stature decided to do things for yourself - the common demeanor of Zenmetsu. You were definitely correct about being a changed man when you wore that pinkish-colored pearl on your head. You were not the same Kramer I once knew.

The same thought in my head applied to my other former friends too. They acted immature, greedy and childish. That point of view is not how I saw these players the first time I met them.

This game is not just about yourself, but to help other people as well. But now that you've decided to go, it is probably for the best. I will not flame you. I am just hurt that you decided to go the wrong path... I hope that you do return as the Kramer I once met and shared my memories with.

Best of luck in whatever you do.
#55 Jul 19 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Rate up for the last two
#56 Jul 19 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Excellent
At the risk of going off on yet another tangent and stealing Meara's thunder ...

This game is not just about yourself, but to help other people as well.

While I most certainly agree that this "game" has more to do with friendship and community interaction than simply attaining some end result (I get asked by non-gamers all the time how long it will take me to "beat" it, lol), I honestly have to admire that Kramer did something for himself. No, that doesn't mean I condone being an *** and stepping on everyone else around you in the process, but it is, after all, your money, your time, and your life. Everyone deserves to make sure that they are actually enjoying the game, even the leaders.

I consider myself a leader of Fable Unity. For the longest time, I thought that meant I had to do things for others and devote all of my time and resources toward helping the members. I also thought it meant I had to solve their interpersonal conflicts, too. And I further felt at times that if I didn't do certain things, no one else would. I felt guilty about thinking about doing things for myself, even though I most certainly did help myself and worked to acheive many of my goals. I got so wrapped up in being a "leader" that I forgot how to be a "player".

You know what happened? I got burned out... fast. And I have talked to several other leaders in various others LSes that also took so much upon themselves, that when they could no longer do it, their LS fell apart. In essence, they subjected the LS and the members to only being successful so long as the leaders were there to do it all.

I had already taken time away from FFXI before (and had even quit once and given most of my stuff away), but this time I seriously questioned staying in the LS, and why I stayed in the game at all. When other events coalesced with my already existing inner turmoil... I quit the LS. When I did so, many knew I had been having some issues, but most were shocked at the rather sudden announcement. Like Kramer, I, too, felt that I had to be swift and decisive before people talked me out of it.

Over the next month, my playtime significantly diminished, but I kept in constant contact with the other sackholders, particularly Sophus. Through my communications, what I began to realize is that my perception of leadership was skewed. It wasn't up to me to solve everyone else's problems and do everything for them, but yet I was wallowing and shrouding myself in it so much that my discontent had very little to do with them ... and EVERYTHING to do with me.

My point is simply that a lot of players have similar conceptions of leaders as the people to solve problems and to do things for the members so they are happy. In their mind, leaders plan events and get them stuff, and leaders also kick anyone the members have problems with. Leaders are supposed to be self-sacrificing and members are supposed to reap the rewards of the leader's work. Hearing some of the criticism of Kramer, it sounds like some people are mad at him because he stopped doing everything for others. I'm not saying that you shouldn't question the method in which he decided to "help himself", but if you're simply mad because Kramer didn't get you such and such item from sky or Dynamis and walked out with his own gil from Dynamis runs... shame on you.

I challenge the community to think of leadership in a different way. I believe leaders are the EXAMPLE of what members can do when they work with others to achieve their own goals. Yes, in order to do that, you need to be helpful and work as part of the LS and the larger community if you expect to be able to meet your own dreams, but a leader doesn't have to put their own goals aside simply to do things for others. A leader shows members how they, too, can work on their goals and resolve their own inter-personal conflicts, but they don't have to do it FOR them. Like the old addage goes "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach him how to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime". The latter is the only way to be a leader and still not forget why you pay for and play the game in the first place.
#57 Jul 19 2006 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
wait wait wait. people are getting personal without the rushh-esque creepiness? i didnt think it was possible.
#58 Jul 19 2006 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
After this one, I am done with this...

You arent the only one dealing with a great deal of stress in your life.

Back in 2004 I had been working for a good company for more than 6 years, making good money, travelling all over the US, taking my family on great trips, buying them nice things, and enjoying my life tremendously. In August of 2004 I got a phone call on Monday that the company had been sold and that I was being let go that Friday because someone in the other company already held my position.

In the past 24 months I have been unemployeed for 10 of them. I have taken a 50% cut in pay. I have lingered on the brink of divorce and bankruptcy. I have dealt with a serious physical challenge, lost 2 grandmothers, and on and on.

Were there days when I was stressed out? More like, were there days when I wasnt? Did I take out some of my frustrations on LS members? Sure I did. No one can live with that much stress in their lives. But that is where you and I differ to a degree.

Each of us is ultimately in control of our own actions. The stresses in our lives may have an impact on the things we do, but when its all said and done YOU make the final choice. Be a stronger person than you have shown lately. The person I have seen lately is pretty damn weak in almost every aspect.

I do, however, respect your honesty in offering your thoughts here. I appreciate it and wish you the best in life.

I had no idea what was going on with you bro. I am truly sorry and if you ever need to talk, you know I am here.

As for the game vs life discussion...

With FFXI, it is hard to tell where one ends and one begins in a lot of aspects. There is so much of this game that is a compression of real life - economy, teamwork, social casts, making a "living", etc. That is probably the thing that draws me to FFXI more than anything else. The friends I have made in the past 3 years mean a great deal to me.

I know so many people who have been dealing with true tragedies in life that look to this game and the friendships and escapes that it offers. I know folks like myself dealing with professional or financial struggles, I know folks facing problems in relationships. I even know someone fighting a brain tumor right now.

To me, to call FFXI just a game is to trivialize the interactions and friendships. We may just be controlling pixels but how we control those pixels and the words that we type and the things that we do are, more than anything else, a direct reflection of who we are when we arent in Vana Diel. So when someone wants to take time to do somethig for themselves, by all means, go for it. But if doing something for yourself means taking advantage of others, cheating, or misleading people then we have a problem.

That is when people want to use the, "it's just a game" excuse. And thats when I call *********

It isnt just a game.
#59 Jul 19 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
Proroc wrote:
Taku - don't worry my level of respect for you is the same as yours for me. The people like you who get what they want and then move onto greener pastures ruin this game as much as anyone else.

That's funny, I never really took anything from Wasp.

In addition, I had already told that I left Wasp because I wanted to go after HNM's more often. At the time I left, most of Wasp's events centered around sky. Which is perfectly fine, but I wanted to try my hand at other end-game aspects. I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm still cool with all of the people that I met in Wasp. The only one who was upset was you.

Kramer, at first you were a good guy. But your biggest mistake was joining Zenmetsu and bragging about it. That's pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back.

What made you want to join an LS that you knew was full of sh/theads? Yeah, I know you have things to take care of, but at least join a shell with a little more dignity. You can still have fun without having uber item X in your inventory. Let the little Omfg's and Nelas play with Fafnir until they're old and gray, and still virgins. I always pictured you as a 'wholesome fun' player, and not the "LAWLZ LOOK AT MY EPEEN" player.

Lawtechguy wrote:
You know what happened? I got burned out... fast. And I have talked to several other leaders in various others LSes that also took so much upon themselves, that when they could no longer do it, their LS fell apart. In essence, they subjected the LS and the members to only being successful so long as the leaders were there to do it all.

The problem with most linkshells like that is that the leaders don't delegate enough responsibility on their sackholders/officers. A lot of LS leaders make the mistake of shouldering the entire weight of their shell on themselves. Delegating responsibility and empowerment are essential tools in organizational leadership. What the leader decides to delegate/empower onto his/her officers is their own business. Linkshells that use those same tools can function effectively even without their leader. It's a great thing because if the leader needs a break, he/she can take one and come back later and the shell will still be running smoothly. Micromanagement is the quickest way to burnout

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 8:55pm EDT by Takumaku
#60 Jul 19 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
God, I totally agree with Alekzander. We all have crap going on in our lives.
A lot of us play FFXI to appease some of the real life crap that is going on, I know I do. Why do you think I /hump people and try to maintain a sense of humor? No reason for me to bring RL baggage into the game.

Sophus, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I didn't read all of your post at first bro, sorry about that.

Barchiel - been friends with you in this game a real longtime, if you despise me now so be it, but I wish you the best.

I'm disappointed in you, but the weak shall be tempted with petty material gain, it's a part of life. Your initial exodus of FFXI did lead to something good though, a reformed LS. I'm giving you what I call "tough love". It's kinda like a verbal "reach-around." I can understand how one can get bored with FFXI, but there is a manner of handling things. Handle them the wrong way, you may have reprocussions.

Krakenkraver - I hope you grow some hair on your balls someday and flame people with your actual name.

LMAO. I wonder who this is myself.

And yeah, you can blame all this on Shinkyu lol. But next time you "walk out of a door," use the doorknob. Don't beat the f**ker down and use the doorknob as a ********.
#61 Jul 20 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good

Bartholomew posted the best post I've seen on this forum in a long time.
#62 Jul 20 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
424 posts
If I flame I do it under my own name ^_^ I think kramer learned last time I really don't give to much of a **** what people think of me anymore, I'm a loudmouth *******, and I loves it :D.
#63 Jul 20 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Kramer, best wishes to whatever you do next man.

Normally I don't post nor discuss anything that's ls related. Why cuz its none of anyone f***en business cept the ls.

As you know Kramer I had a rough start when I joined Wasp intially and you were kind enough to talk to the leaders of yagyuu since they were just flaming you in tells about me joining Wasp. We also had good times talking about life and some about marriage realities. Just wanted to thank you for that, it was fun.

I know what you did afterward was pretty much what you preached against. But you know, your choice, your character.

Though I still don't get why someone in their right mind would name their own ls zenmetsu. For all those who are/understands Jp, you would know what i mean. Zenmetsu-(verb) to wipe completely;to be annihalted;to be destroyed. No offense, but I would not go to dynamis with them. :::shiver:: Wipe.

No offense to those in the ls, but damn, look up the word before you use it to name your ls. Though babblefish translation sucks, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to use that.

Anyways, gl Kramer and take care of your Rl first. I told you posting on this stupid-*** alla won't get you far.
#64 Jul 21 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Default
Hates americans?


America is a great country, we are proud of all the men, women, and children we had to steal, rape, and murder to build this great nation!

God Bless America!

P.S. Who is Kramer?

P.S.P.S. Michael Richards plays ffxi? Giddiup?

P.S.P.S.P.S. I couldn't concentrate while reading all the post, all i could hear was a really tiny violin playing in the background.
#65 Jul 23 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
preaching peace in a game where we kill things?

#66 Jul 24 2006 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Many ppl don't see how stressful is to be leader. When you should take responsibility over something, when you should organize "mass" of ppl, "form" them, describe what to do, deal with jerks, create and follow "rules", avoid dramas, solve troubles. It's more stressful than rewarding.

I still think my time in Wasp with you, Kramer, was the funniest. Yeah, we had flaws, but we were trying to push further, ascend, reach something. Marriage brought many problems in your life, it's understandable. Many ppl didn't liked how you "quit" and drop Wasp that time. But we've reformed (as Illuminatus) and still going well. Though, I still consider you as friend.

I wish you to overcome your reallife troubles, find your way through. Be happy with your wife, she's real pretty ^^.
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