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New theme song for all you cheaters and RMT out thereFollow

#1 Jul 25 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
Decided to follow in barchiel's footsteps and make a theme song for all those cheaters and RMT out there that we hate so much :D. I am in no way refering to myself in any of this song, It's supposed to be from the veiw of a chinese farmer :). Not that good but meh I tried lol.

Don't Gil seller hate me, Gil seller hate somebody else
Yo, yo yo I'm a Gil seller
Where my dawgs at?
Bark with me if your my dog
Yo yo yo, I'm gonna give a shout out to all the Gil seller haters
(I don't like gil seller haters)
If your a gil seller hater don't gil seller hate on me
(gil seller hate somebody else)
I'm a gil seller, I'm straight up
(straight up gil seller, dude)
Grr I'm steamin' mad grr
I'm a gil seller, I'm straight up IGE
The IGE life is the life for me
Buying Gil by day, selling Gil by night
Being a Gil seller is hella tight
I walk around town with a stark erection, then gave you straight up players a yeast infection
I saw a GM and I punched him in the eye
To serve and protect, what a lie
I also don't like white people, you shouldn't too
And don't get me started about Zenmetsu
I'm a gil seller
Grr I'm mad
I'm a gil seller
My rhymes are bad
I'm a gil seller
I'm iced out like 10 freezer's
I'm a gil seller
I don't listen to TaterZ
I dropped out of school at the age of 3
Cuz all the teachers tried to Gil seller hate on me
My rhymes are cool just like doing MPK
My rhymes are hot like a burning flame
Omfg is Rejout's homie, he's a bot too
Rejout and Omfg are the leaders of the botters crew's
one like's to be in jail and he likes to sing and prance
Some say they are the perfect match
(step off, step back, step away, step back, don't step forward, back, don't step forwards, step backwards, forwards don't step to me, do not step to me-eeee-eeh)
I'm giving a shout out to my homies in the Gil seller community
Being in jail sucks cuz you always have to **********
Except when a Zenmetsu person goes to jail all my homies cheer
They will make minced meat out of thier rear's
Barchiel helped me make the gangster beat to this song
I shot him in the face cuz he looked at me wrong
I'm a gil seller
I drop bombs like Heroshima
I'm a gil seller
***** suck on my wiener
I'm a gil seller
I have the coolest gear
I'm a gil seller
I smoke Cashmere Cloth in a cigar
Yo my gil seller flow
Yo, yo yo yo
I'm rolling on HNM's iced out like hockey
My friend got kicked off the server for drinking all the saukki
What a *****
Gimmie head, hoe
What's up to my gil sellers
Yo yo yo
They play my song on allakhazam forums all day long
So everyone can hear my gil seller song
Oh there's no beat left
Die, Die evil Gil seller haters
no i don't wanna do accapello
i don't like to slap *******
i like to slap kramer...

Edited, Jul 25th 2006 at 9:20pm EDT by Shinkyu
#2 Jul 25 2006 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default

Best lyrics ever!

You should post this on KI too, in the Shiva section. I'm sure Zenmetsu will cry their eyes out.
#3 Jul 25 2006 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:30pm EDT by Icegem
#4 Jul 25 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
im sure you guys were laughing whehn kivyin botted your faf today.
#5 Jul 25 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:31pm EDT by Icegem
#6 Jul 25 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
Zomg Zenmetsu botted another claim lets call a GM!!!!!!!!1111 one one one.

Like every other LS doesn't bot, just cause we openly admit it.

Get a life.

#7 Jul 25 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
lol same old justification. didnt work a year ago still doesnt work now. if you wanna believe everyone else bots so you dont feel guilty go for it. but dont expect anyone to believe you.
#8 Jul 25 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
Ayazz wrote:
lol same old justification. didnt work a year ago still doesnt work now. if you wanna believe everyone else bots so you dont feel guilty go for it. but dont expect anyone to believe you.


Zenmetsu people just aren't that bright. Every time they defend their position with same old tired rhetoric, they get flamed to high hell and back.

Is Kivyin apart of Zenmetsu, or was he botting against Zenmetsu? I haven't played in a while.

Edited, Jul 25th 2006 at 9:39pm EDT by Takumaku
#9 Jul 25 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
More like you retards can't open your eyes and see what's right infront of you. I don't give a **** if we bot or not we get claim, I don't feel bad at all. Infact, I /point and /laugh to all you ******* who deny botting when you probably have more than 5 botters in your very own LS.

Legit claims are a thing of the past.

Welcome to the future, f-u-c-k-e-r-s.
#10 Jul 25 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
JohnQ wrote:
More like you retards can't open your eyes and see what's right infront of you. I don't give a sh*t if we bot or not we get claim, I don't feel bad at all. Infact, I /point and /laugh to all you @#%^ers who deny botting when you probably have more than 5 botters in your very own LS.

Legit claims are a thing of the past.

Welcome to the future, f-u-c-k-e-r-s.

I have yet to see an intelligent response from someone in this linkshell. It's always the same angsty juvenile responses. I know it's bad to generalize, but all of Zenmetsu's members post the same crap every time. They all seem to have the same mentality as Omfg. Why anyone would have respect for this shell is beyond me. It's like a gaggle of retarded pirates.

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 12:17am EDT by Takumaku
#11 Jul 26 2006 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
lol John kinda funny you can call someone a ****** when you just pretty much said you (and your ls) is doing something jjust because "everyone else is" lol sounds like the way a reatrd works to me. well theres plenty of people in jail for murder so goin by your logic maybe i should go kill a few people because from th enumber of people in jail for it "everyone else is doing it so it must be ok". I guess if 75% of the world decides beastiality is the way to go youre gonna start f^cking dogs too?

Maybe there are other lses that bot but at least theyre not stupid enough to admit it.. hell that would be like me robbing a bank then bragging to everyone bout it and bein suprised when im looked at with critisicm everywhere i go.. when i coulda just kept my damn mouth shut have fun with all that cash and everyone left me alone

this isnt the 1930s where you couls guess someone is doin something without any proof or good reason tell everyone about it then miraculously the whole town is giving that quite possibly innocent person hell just becuse some liar couldnt keep his or her thoughts to themselves.

point being you say "everyone else does it" now try naming some of those people, lses and proof and i can guarntee you theyll be getting the same **** Zenmetsu does. i bet you cant do that though. Of course we got plenty of proof your ls bots because well what better proof than ACTUAL CONFESSION. So since you and your ls by confessing to something like that obviously like being the center of attention and bein in the spotlight... stop comming on the boards b!tching when youre getting what you asked for. All the "other people that are doin it" arent telling us that andthus you dont see their name or ls in nearly every subject and they get to bot in peace w/o bein bothered.. if thats what you wanted you should have thought about that before you decided to go public about it lol.

Im sure there are other lses and people that do it just like im sure there are plenty of us that also think they do it too but we cant PROVE it so we leave them alone.. if youve ever picked up a book in youre life maybe youve seen the quote "it is better to be thought of a fool than to open ones mouth and prove it. Well Im sure i few people think some people in DL, YC extreme and CoD bot (as those are a few of the ls names that were thrown at me by a zenmetsu member when i was gettin on him about his ls botting.. he come back and says those lses that i just mentioned do it too.. thats just a repeat of what i was told and not what i personally think of those lses). Well if youd go back to that last quote.. we might think they do but there is no proof whereas we all think zenmatsu does and they were foolish enough to prove it for us. so like it or not you and your ls are already f^cked.. so stop b!tching about us talking about you it wont change you can either stop caring let us say what we want and keep doing what your doing and ignore us or since it bothers you so much you can change servers or even quit.

As for kivyin botting fafnir umm how? i thought he was banned.... speaking of banned their ls is overdoing it with the botting i mean i can almost see why theyd do it at a king camp or to win NM pulls but this fool Kivyin got caught using a PoS hack to get to the topof promyvins to get his slivers for apacolypse nigh because "no one would help him do it" and they temp banned him for a few days... temp ban? i mean sure what he was doing was kinda minor as oposed to cheating others to a legit claim but still what happened to SEs "zero tolerance" for people using hacks and 3rd party software.. i dunno about you but bein temp banned for using a PoS doesnt sound like zero tolernce to me.

I know all this because kivyin told me himself... lol its funny though of all the things you can get caught botting/hacking fo ryou get caught doing THAT lmao... PoS for PROMYVIONS!! ROFLAMO!!! if he used the sazme amount of brain power it took to use that hack he coulda got to promy w/o it.. hell i didnt beg for help when i needed slivers.... getting mine was as siomple as standing in lower jueno for less than 3 minutes and waiting for one of the THOUSANDS of noobs that shout for promyvions EVERYDAY and follow them to the top... was quite simple.
#12 Jul 26 2006 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
pfft if 75% of people was into beastiality i wouldnt go for dogs.. Maybe a kitten or a bunny but prolly not. Id go exotic!! Id **** a Kangaroo or a tazmanian devil!!

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 4:53am EDT by dizzlestick
#13 Jul 26 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
weee... alla!!!

I was very impressed by the creativity on the song. I really like how somone who has never camped against us, dosn't play ffxi, know any of our members and basis almost everything off of heresay is so insightful. Seemingly after exploring Alla i have realized the majority of the posters on here are mainly from DVS3, HR and Ayaz. Is this more of a jealousy thing? Sure we bot, we dont even ******* have to justify why we do it, nothing we say will shut you up and honestly none of you are worth justifying it to anyway. You honestly are trying to blame the corruption of the game on us, which i find really funny because we dont have any program developers in our linkshell... yet i know another ls who does (lolxtremelol). Back to my main point, your FFXI expierence being dull and you blaming it on zenmetsu. Takumaku, nuff said all you really do is try to bash people it seems that somehow makes you feel better as a person. The honest thing is you are in a **** linkshell, say we didn't bot, and say DVS3 pulls nidhogg, do you actually think that you guys can kill Nidhogg? No you can't, I remember DVS3 first kirin fight was like 3-4 hours.. ours was 30 mins. DVS3 wipes 3 times before getting up the stairs on Dynamis Jeuno with 30+ ppl. We killed/farmed with 25. Sure you can say we bot, but none of you hold any merit on saying we have a lack of player skill. Ayaz.. of course we had to pull fafnir today, we didn't wanna sit around and see YC take 45 mins to kill it... watching YC kill something is like watching paint dry. So yes, go ahead flame us for botting, but that is about all you can really do, is flame us for botting. If we stop, you will just find another person to blame for your lack of success. I'm not gonna sit here and call out all the other ls's for botting, it would be futile because the only real reason that you **** say anything is because our leader is Omfg. You have a vendetta against him, yet none of you know him, know why you hate him, know what he was banned for or know half of the **** he knows about this game. Don't take Johnq's or Cado's reason for why we bot, they are not even botters in the ls, they are just trying to defend themselfs. So have fun flaming zenmetsu, knowing that you probably won't acomplish jack **** on this game, with or without hacks.

<3 Vanhelios

Zenmetsu > you

#14 Jul 26 2006 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
Who in the flying farting bumholes is Takumaku? LoL for you TROLLING the boards and running your mouth if you dont even play anymore.

Your hand getting boring? Or are the callous on your hands just getting too rough?

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 5:52am EDT by Raithxxx
#15 Jul 26 2006 at 5:55 AM Rating: Default
Wow, that song.. really sucked. I read like the first 4 lines and gave up. Who says bark and dawgs anymore? lol Sad attempt =/

I have yet to see an intelligent response from someone in this linkshell. It's always the same angsty juvenile responses. I know it's bad to generalize, but all of Zenmetsu's members post the same crap every time. They all seem to have the same mentality as Omfg. Why anyone would have respect for this shell is beyond me. It's like a gaggle of retarded pirates.

1. You're posting on alla and expecting a intelligent response rofl
2. Kinda funny you say everyone has the same mentality as Omfg when you probably haven't met/talked to anyone in the linkshell besides flaming them for something you have absolutely no clue about.
3. When did Zenmetsu ever ask for anyone's respect? They don't give any **** what you think about them. All your little 'flames' just make them laugh, at you.
4. Who the hell is Takumaku? Why would you care what happens in the HNM scene? They're totally going to ruin YOUR gaming experience huh?

Grow up dude, quit trying to act all high and mighty on Allakhazam. Try flaming on KI and see how many "intelligent" responses you get. :)
#16 Jul 26 2006 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
KI ftw!!
#17 Jul 26 2006 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
Shinkyu wrote:

i like to slap kramer...

Ha,ha,ha... get in line bitch!

You fail at sloppy seconds...

You remind me of the kid who was always a step behind. A group of kids gathered around the monky bars. Barchiel and you are at the top. Barchiel jumps off and lands on his feet while doing a backflip on the way down. Everyone is impressed. Some kids start to walk away as you yell "hey guys watch me". You proceed to jump and trip, you bounce off a couple bars and land on your face. Some kids chuckle at your disgrace, others just walk away, and noone remembers you.

I am sorry that you fail at life.
#18 Jul 26 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Remember when u left kramer, and I told everyone you were a lieing cheat, and they all followed you, remember? I guess they know who was right now LOL. I mean honestly "Im quitting forever guys!" then back a week later selling off everything your guild amased on e-bay or IGE, your pathetic. Then to try to justify it by saying "I needed the money for my wife, to take her on a trip or she'll leave me :(" (who is ugly btw, you should just leave her now before she gives birth to hidious children, the woman miggle stole off you was much better looking IMO).

Maybe, just maybe Sean, think of it this way, if you diden't PLAY ffxi in the first place, then maybe your relationship woulden't be so god damn terrible, stop making excuses, ever since EK days you've been a whiney greedy "I want everything" type of *****, and you always will be. I'm just glad all those people in wasp finally seen what u were really like, a cheating, cry baby, lieing *****.

I'm sorry, you fail at life.

and /wave VanH, what u been up to man lol. POOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!SHIFT1!!

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 9:20am EDT by Shinkyu
#19 Jul 26 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
Shinkyu wrote:
Remember when u left kramer, and I told everyone you were a lieing cheat, and they all followed you, remember? I guess they know who was right now LOL. I mean honestly "Im quitting forever guys!" then back a week later selling off everything your guild amased on e-bay or IGE, your pathetic. Then to try to justify it by saying "I needed the money for my wife, to take her on a trip or she'll leave me :(" (who is ugly btw, you should just leave her now before she gives birth to hidious children, the woman miggle stole off you was much better looking IMO).

Maybe, just maybe Sean, think of it this way, if you diden't PLAY ffxi in the first place, then maybe your relationship woulden't be so god damn terrible, stop making excuses, ever since EK days you've been a whiney greedy "I want everything" type of *****, and you always will be. I'm just glad all those people in wasp finally seen what u were really like, a cheating, cry baby, lieing *****.

I'm sorry, you fail at life.

and /wave VanH, what u been up to man lol. POOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!SHIFT1!!

lmfao, this post just shows your true ignorance, hell you cannot not even flame good!

lmfao even more, you make a song to flame the LS that Van and Pooks are leaders of then say hi to them like you actually have friends on this game.
#20 Jul 26 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
ended up staying up all night catching maint. fafnir at like 4 am.. lol cheap drops lmao.. fun fun.. nice song.. :/ wish we could of botted that fafnir.. i despise fighting a non botted mob.. it just feels cheap to me idk.. *sarcasm*
#21 Jul 26 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
lol hey kramer post what server your on :) (player killing isnt against the ToS in WoW). Vanh and pooks both have a sense of humor kramer and where did I flame zen? It's from the perspective of a chinese gil seller, of course they are gonna hate zen, they get out pulled by them, congratz on reading more than your name at the end. Your the one who has no friend's left in this game. You came back, lost everyone in wasp who had respect for you. Then joined zenmetsu, probably got what u wanted out of them, left, and quit the game because you had no where else to go. Not because of your wife, face it Sean, theres no more smoke or mirror's for you to hide behind, everyone knows who you really are now. here this sums up your train of thought...

Sean's elitist attitude and need for obsessing over a game > his wife, his friends, even his family.

EVERYONE who once knew you now knows this kramer, you can't hide anymore, face it your nothing but a loser at life, you have an ugly wife, a job that you claim is as an engineer, but you needed to sell your guilds items and gil to have enough money for a cruise? Hell Sean, I afford to take my fiance out all the time, you just don't have any real goals, your goals are whats best for sean. Keep trying to make up sob stories, your no better than Rushh in that perspective. Anyways, I gotta get off to school Sean, I can't wait to come home tonight and see what original sob story or ZOMG U SUX!!! I TROLLZ TEH F0RUMZ AT TEH WORK!!!!!! flame you come up with.
#22 Jul 26 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:32pm EDT by Icegem
#23 Jul 26 2006 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
Fine, guess seeing i am bored I will step by step break it down why your ignorance amazes me sometimes.

Shinkyu wrote:
Remember when u left kramer, and I told everyone you were a lieing cheat, and they all followed you, remember? I guess they know who was right now LOL.

When did I ever lie? Plus everyone who folowed me I had recruited anyways, like Barchiel and Abbigale. I think only ones that left that I did not recruit were Kalten and Linkavage.

I mean honestly "Im quitting forever guys!" then back a week later selling off everything your guild amased on e-bay or IGE, your pathetic.

Well I am still quit, so no clue what you mean there. I did not sell anything off and as for my account, I still have it.

Then to try to justify it by saying "I needed the money for my wife, to take her on a trip or she'll leave me :(" (who is ugly btw, you should just leave her now before she gives birth to hidious children, the woman miggle stole off you was much better looking IMO).

I never said I needed the money. I just stated that if I did sell my stuff I would use it for that because she was so patient. I was never in trouble of losing my wife. I just felt bad when she would want to go out to eat and I would have dynamis or something else going on and that is why I no longer wanted to lead an LS. I will leave Miggle out of this, but if he ever read this he would know why that statement is just plain stupid.

Maybe, just maybe Sean, think of it this way, if you diden't PLAY ffxi in the first place, then maybe your relationship woulden't be so god damn terrible, stop making excuses, ever since EK days you've been a whiney greedy "I want everything" type of *****, and you always will be.

My relationship is really good actually. I never have been someone who wants everything and never will be.

I'm just glad all those people in wasp finally seen what u were really like, a cheating, cry baby, lieing *****.

Um..ok, no clue what you are speaking of here yet again.

I'm sorry, you fail at life.

Yes I do, lol, w/e.

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 10:32am EDT by Proroc
#24 Jul 26 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
Whoa Shinkyu really has it in for you Kramer, eh?

I wouldn't fret though dude, maybe he's just jealous... I mean, he's saying you have no life but he obviously sits infront of his computer more than the majority of us that play the game/post on these forums.

Going as low as mocking somebodys personal life over a game is pretty low Shinkyu, even for a skinky *** **** as yourself, who it is expected of, it's so, so low.

Kramer > Shinkyu.
My dogs balls > Shinkyu.
#25 Jul 26 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
Its great to see that we all love to pass the blame. Zenmetsu may have bot'rs
god dam!
I bet nearly half of all players who have ever played FFXI have bot'ed
( This includes all those people banned ^^)

I mean **** me! Get over it, i dont know what i am more sick of anymore, the ******* gil sellers, or the *** hole's who rant on about it none stop.

I know people in Zenmetsu (So of course now you will all call me a bot'r) and if i was them i would tell you to stfu!


Decided to follow in barchiel's footsteps and make a theme song for all those cheaters and RMT out there that we hate so much :D.

Sheep! thats all you are.

Well thats my bit said ^^;

thank you for reading. ha ha

#26 Jul 26 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
Seemingly after exploring Alla i have realized the majority of the posters on here are mainly from DVS3, HR and Ayaz.

Huh? I just read all the threads on the front page to try to see how we ended up in the majority, but I only found like 2 posts total from people in HR, and both were in response to the LoH "waah" thread about beseiged. I mean, come on, we do enough stupid stuff in the course of a week that we don't need to be listed as making up the majority of alla posters, that's a little low.

Honestly, I'll never understand these flame threads about Zen anyway. I had a buddy in college that made some money selling certain illegal substances to other students. When people called him a drug dealer, he always responded with "Yeah, can I help you?" Calling someone that sells drugs a drug dealer is accurate, not an insult. Calling someone that bots NM's a botter isn't insulting them, its accurate. Now, if you call someone that doesn't @#%^ dogs a dog @#%^er, that would be an insult.

These thread seem like a huge waste of time to be honest. Do you think they are suddenly going to read your thread and go "sh*t, we bot, omg, I had no idea! It's time for us to change our ways. Thank you Mr. Internet Board poster, you saved me!"

But hey, if you guys want to spend your day flaming Zen, go nuts, just seems like you could be doing better things with your time. I'm only here because I'm board at work and someone said we were listed as making up the majority of alla (which had me worried if it had ended up been true). But if you want to flame, go nuts, just not sure what you are hoping to accomplish.

Edit: Spelling in a few places.

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 11:41am EDT by AugieZwan
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