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This one goes out to all my old linkshells leveling upFollow

#1 Aug 14 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
I was sitting online today and I realized that almost all the link pearls I have talk about nothing but FF11 and I started feeling nostalgic for all my old linkshells that I had throughout my early days. Linkshells without websites, no concern for HNMs or camping. Linkshells that considered it a successfull day when we were able to get a coffer key. /sigh This goes out to all the dead linkshells and scattered friends who I don't get the chance to talk to much any more

Dead linkshells I miss
#2 Aug 15 2006 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
1,324 posts
Probably goes hand in hand as you lvl. The higher your job the more you notice things become soley focused on certain aspects of the game, i.e HNMS, God-fights, Dynamis, Zilart/CoP/ToA.

Either we fall into 2 brackets as lvl 75s.

1: You have an endgame LS and a social LS. Basically one for business, one for fun but balancing them both is the hard part.

2: You have a social LS but want and endgame LS but at the same time don't want to committ the time it takes to really be part of the endgame scene because you miss your social LS.

:( R.I.P LS's of days gone by.
#3 Aug 15 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
everytime i run through ronfuare, i always think back to my starting days when i didnt realize how painful a sheep could be. that, and randomly being given a linkshell from some dude named pesmerga

i miss those days
#4 Aug 15 2006 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
everytime i run through ronfuare, i always think back to my starting days when i didnt realize how painful a sheep could be. that, and randomly being given a linkshell from some dude named pesmerga

i miss those days

Now you got me started! I sure miss those days and I feel the same way about Windy - where it all began for me.

There's a certain nostalgia, at least for me in just listening to the Windy music and remembering those good ol days when one of the BIGGEST aha moments was not only realizing where and what the AH was for; but figuring out WHY i shouldn't drop all those crystals and bee chips.

Running through Bub peninsula trying to get to Mhaura for boat ride always made my knees knock .. laugh if you will, it's true. First time my friend delivered me on the boat over to Selbina I was petrified when he left me. I heard that crazy music and saw all these people standing around - I got back on the ship and left.....never went back til I was like level 15 still killing rabbits in Tahrongi Canyon and a random white mage came by and said "Girl you need to get out of this Canyon and go to the Dunes!" haha.

There was just a great excitement about those days - looking at the huge expansive areas on the map; all the unknown places still to explore; nobody (really) knew more than anyone else back then, even though there were those who tried to pretend they did ......

TearsOfScarlet was my first ever social ls - I miss those days; ParanoidSocialClub - started by my still very good friend to this day, Ezekeil. I still have that pearl and you know what? Sometimes I equip it and run around. It's a pearl that I will always keep.....

Call me silly; I'm such a sentimentalist and probably too much of a romantic for my own good, but I'll never forget Windy, where my roots are; all the friends I made; even though it's a virtual game in the Land of Van a Diel.

I still take time to stop in Windy; run out to E. Sartubartu and just do a simple search for some ? players - throw them some cures (and sometimes a few gil); pro & shell - cheer them on; run them through the canyon if they need it.

Makes me feel good.... *wink*
#5 Aug 15 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
I miss the members first LS I was leader of with my first character Crystail; Evention and also before that back to Sons of Altana. All of us just had fun doing things together and alot of them still play today.

players like Calvern, Bigpyromark, Jonkustes, Drean, Demieagleye, Demielyas, Demibarewolf, Demimatrix, Elets, Asylent, Faxanadu, Jems, Shinjuro, Airjordan, Pefien, Wufei, and many more!

#6 Aug 15 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
I still have a pearl from my 2nd LS EXTREME. I remember when Jadevixen gave it to me in garliage citadel when she was a lvl 34 thief and I was whm. I equip it sometimes and I still see the last /lsmes. Its funny that the /lsmes would change all the time after it was abandoned. I still know people that have the sack or pearl. I remember promising that I would never throw it away and that it will be my home forever. I know sappy =P but i had so much great memories with the ppl in it. I still have all my screenshots too and they're fun to look at whenever i'm bored. lol
#7 Aug 15 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent

Best time in game for me. We had way too much fun for our own good.

Eurliw, Hotvipa, Nathalie, Tinydog, Tazerz, Yushii and so so so many more. I have all them to thank for my noobness!

If you are a 64 RDM and still get lost in West Ronfaure, you might be a Mook.

#8 Aug 15 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts

Damn i miss those guys. Been more than a year since the majority of the people there left for other stuff, mostly WoW. (tsk, tsk)

Spent the majority of my adventures with them, from SJ quest to Limit Break quests all the way to my Pimp Hat.

I still have my pearl of PE, visiting once in a while, even if no one is inside, and just stick there for a min or 2.
#9 Aug 16 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
PinoyElite T.T

Hi Quar!

Many of the Elitist have come and gone...

Many of the Original Members will ever show their faces again...

But there will always be PinoyElite living through the "Barkada"

This one is for you guys PE ; ;

Althor, Putangina, Guillermo, Raymund, Ashae, Elizabeth, Soth, Olorin, Kenzo, Kindred, Cyndane, Rodsmack, Farna, Arsidias, Terethel, Twinkles, Hyperion, Sagara, Stimpy, Keb, Khylestar (or something like that, was always hard to spell) Neriza, Liriel... etc. Anyone left out I'll edit the post if I remember the names.

Those that have come and gone will stay in the hearts of the ones left.

Shall I remember the first day I saw Puts running around in Konschtat... asking him for some gil, and recieving my PinoyElite linkpearl...

To the day when Putangina, Althor, Guillermo, Haohmaru, Terethel etc. were in Extreme...

To the day when the original members had quit...

I will help maintain, and strengthen the Barkada, and become a well known LS once again, in the name of the passed PinoyElite members to guide me to the heavens...

PinoyElite/Barkada will live on!

Edited, Aug 17th 2006 at 9:52am EDT by XxIjiwaruxX
#10 Aug 16 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
I remember years ago being in my 40's as a black mage and after spending two long weeks without a LS (due to a nasty split in my former shell), answered an ad for a friendly social LS where I met my best friends Shark, Durnik, Net, Akisu and a few more that don't play anymore. If you miss the old days try answering some mission 2-3 shouts or find a few newbies to lead to the dunes. Listen to their chatter. I enjoy myself everytime.

Shout out to Garybaker, Kirbyprime, Muffen, Kiev, Kiltzir, Maruhsu Frigian, and Xylos. Though they are not my oldest friends; they are some of my best friends for sure.

Edited, Sep 21st 2006 at 2:07am EDT by Cornnholio
#11 Aug 20 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
i remember getting my first linkpearl when i was a 18 galka war/thf. was BastoksElite, and i was with them when they changed to VanadieldElite and then i had to let them go because they decided to go endgame T.T still miss hanging out with those guys. we had a lot of good times lol.
#12 Aug 20 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
My very first LS was BastokElite, but I wasn't in it very long, basically because I felt everyone was so far ahead of me. I still say hi to Bodil whenever I see him, though. I thought it was funny that Jinto just came back to the game; he was the one who got me a pearl originally.

My main LS was TheComedyClub, which later changed to LegendaryHeroes. I ended up leaving when the leader, Dirtydevil (DD), decided to quit the game (which was less than month after I came back from a 2-month hiatus). DD eventually came back, but I had already gone on to get entangled in some crazy group of people calling themselves FableUnity. ^.^

I also had a brief stint in DVS and then DVS3 before I realized end-game wasn't for me. I made a few good friends there, though.

I remember everyone, and while I have moved on to different things, those memories will stay with me for a long time to come.
#13 Aug 21 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Yeah....I pretty much hate you all. I'd have a GM ban all of you, but then there would be no one to invite me to parties. I like parties :)

In all seriousness, my first linkshell on Shiva was DarknessFalls. 3+ years ago--back when they were a pretty big deal--I got in on a...technicality. My RL friend, Dionisio, had convinced me to switch to the Shiva server by offering to PL my monk with his PLD (it was ~50+ at the time, and for 3+ years ago that was huge). While we were out in S. Gustaburg, we ran into Omegaarts (now known no as Returnofomega) farming quadav. He was impressed with Dionisio's level, and offered to let him join.

"Can my friend join, too?" And thus, I became a condition to his acceptance :/ . It was a good time overall, and I spent the next year of my in-game career there (sadly, never passing level 40--but only because I spent much of my time NM hunting and helping other).

The one thing that I remember the most is that one of the sackholders, Syrius, actually ran the LS. DarknessFalls may have been owned by Gresh, but Syrius led the pack. I wouldn't personally know how (he never had time for me since I wasn't any real use to him), but he had this charisma that made people want to follow him. When he decided to quit the LS, DarknessFalls crumbled and eventually broke.

I may not have the best memories of that linkshell (I didn't have the worst, either), but it did open my eyes to noticing how you don't need a special symbol next to your name to be a leader. That eventually became one of the core philosophies in FableUnity, and it's motto "FableUnity is what you make of it" reflects that.
#14 Aug 21 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
God I forget the name of my first LS now, it was run by Shinjuro and Pefien back in early '04. Nebula, Killem, Pusspuss, Shinjuro, Pefien and Tyler (forget his ingame name it's been a long *** time lol), where you guys at now a days!
#15 Aug 21 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
<3 teh Pooks <3 !! i remember Vip's "If your a 75 Red Mage, and just figured how to do a Magic Burst, You might be a Mook" lmao ... good old days =/ I remember finding poor pookey as a 20-21 whm still looking for group in the dunes after one of my parties there. I told her she should goto Qufim, she asked me where that was. i went and swaped to my uber-cool 40ish warrior and along with Sabrial and took her to Jeuno for the first time and walked her around Qufim. The whole time she was making fun of us with her Oooooooooo and Ahhhhhhhhhs. <3 Pooks forever!

hahaha my best memory was drunken skill up party nights in the mooks. poor pooks was so toasted! only mooks could get owned in qufim with like 50+ jobs. i think we were all to busy tryingtokeepupwiththedrinkinggame. RIP TheMooks, live on MookNation and EliteMooks. or .... {Deoderize}{do you need it?} i still have mine on a mule someplace, and i know a few people who still have them.

But i have to give a shout out to LawandChaos, that was my very first LS ever. I had no idea about the game, never played FF in my life, my key line was always "Um guys, i have a ?" lol.

.... wish i could remember what my mooks line was..... been so long ago.
#16 Aug 22 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Tears Of Scarlet ls was my first one... Still lvls 1-30 were most exciting. I've several OSTs and sometimes listen to "Sarutabaruta theme" while driving to my work ^^
#17 Aug 22 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Agawulf showing no love for the CrazyHamsters huh?

***** you!

And for the record, we talk about non-ffxi stuff all the time... thats why we can't ever get anything done.
#18 Aug 22 2006 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
532 posts
My first shell was with a guy named Drui. <inserting name or the shell when I'm not hung over>

I remember wandering through East Saruta and he gave me a pearl. I was level 5 mnk/no sub. He was level 15 no sub and I thought he was incredibly uber powerful. He was my role model in the game. He's the nicest person you will ever meet along with my 2nd social shell's leader.

My second shell after Drui took a long break (quit att), was TearsofScarlet which had many many cool people in it that have posted above. Femmy, Scruff, Dra, Ezekeil, Chionos, and many many others that still play today. Legolisgoldleaf was the leader. He took a break for school and now he has a new character. Camazotz.

I made many new and cool people during those times.

Thanks for all the fun guys :D
#19 Aug 23 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I remember my first Linkshell. it was called DefendersX, and was given to me by Guscarrera on myvery first day playing. hell I don't even think I was logged on for 5 minutes before gus ran up to me saying "you new? need a linkshell?" hehe, I didn't even say anything on there my first day, until I was about to log off, didn't want to look like a noob with a ******** of questions. XD

Demonx, Onestoryfallen, Guscarrera Grasabi, Keten/Elnaura/Elanria/Whateveryoumakenext. all good people, wish I could remember more at the time of writing this.

Also remember my first party on my second day, consisted of people called Anjin, Taal, Minivyre, Saja and some others. some remember me, some don't, and others have quit by now. lead everyone to the gustaberg outpost thinking it was another town. XD

anywhoo, DefendersX turned into ETN, and now into something else that I need a pearl to. wherever you guys are, kick some *** and make me proud.
#20 Aug 26 2006 at 1:35 AM Rating: Default
DivineWarriors forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#21 Aug 28 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
Squires and Knights Of San D'Oria (SoS/KoS)..

I hated the leader of those shells so much (can't remember his name). The people in it more than made up for it though. They were present on my first tastes of adventure. Traveling to the dunes for my first PT, doing Eco-Warrior and Garrisons, Kazham Keys, unlocking my subjob, etc.

Then there was (and always will be) RKS.

/wave Kitanna & KoSII

Edited, Aug 28th 2006 at 4:03pm EDT by sixgauge
#22 Aug 29 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Tyrant Kingdom, god I miss that ls. Hopes Silverfoxx is reading this. Pik, Cntrl, Cill, D, Sei, Majik, and Helena, etc lol.

/em throws up TK Gangsta sign.

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 10:55am EDT by Beuwolfsama
#23 Sep 15 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Man I miss the days especially with my first LS FrontierSpirits where I met many of my oldest friends like Strider,Riot,Minzara,Exeter and we reformed twice with Riot as leader and then myself, those are some of the greatest memories for me. Also KKG, my longest running social LS had a lot of fun there. Also there was Inspire I've known Endor since we were both nooblets and I made some good friends there I still carry my Inspire pearl everywhere in rememberence. But my love still goes out to my current social LS KuroKajiSyndicate, met most of my friends there in KKG but we have become great friends, HNM LSes come and go but the friendships formed in social LSes are the ones that last forever
#24 Sep 16 2006 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
"If a cop starts to pull you over and your first instinct is to zone, you might be a MOok."

I still smile when I think about our raids in dungeons, spike lagging the place out and making MOok battle cries in shouts. Ah the good ol' days.
#25 Sep 18 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
I still remember Kloe giving me my pearl to KKG...and I was there a year later, when Arngrim took over and people started to leave :3

Then it was on to DotHackers, with people like emperorbantog, rumyunmirumi, freakpinoy, kadden, xxxwarxxx, durza, cuhphlinx, felixx, harrm, jooo, shippou, lunimar, iginest, tweek...

I wanna be new again :3
#26 Sep 18 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I was in a couple shells back when I was still a nub rdm in sartabarta but their names escape me. The one that really stuck with me before I came to BanishedChronicles was Static Knights. I really miss everyone that was in that shell... they were great people, very friendly!

Papawarlock, Atlantismoon (theres more their names escape me). I still see them running around and always try to say hi. :D
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