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Optical Hat {Yes Please}Follow

#1 Dec 10 2006 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, I run a full time ls and am dedicated to my friends. But at this point i can easily attend dynamis and other misc. side stuff. It would be great if i could find some good people to make a run for this thing. Just let me know im a very good person, dedicated, true, and honest. Along w/ this i would like to attend other things also and like i said im in it for the long hual, just need a group of people that realize i run a ls and i cant just switch to a endgame ls fulltime to get these things done.My prime time to play is around 5:00pm-12:00pm CST.

Edited, Dec 10th 2006 4:44am by Demcat
#2 Dec 10 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Some things need to be said about the Hakutaku fight.

It's one of those things that are especially easy, if you know what the hell you need and what you're doing.

First off, EVERYBODY should have oils and powders(tonko tools). Nothing spoils an Ohat run because people are retarded and keep getting aggro every 10 seconds. There are holes in the ground on the way to camp, DO NOT fall into them. It'll ruin your, and everybody else's day. You'll also need somebody with a Paintbrush of Souls.

The fight itself isn't too bad. You'll want a well balanced alliance of mages and melee. Tank can be either pld or nin, from what I've seen it doesn't matter much. Although it's prefered if they tank backwards. I don't recall the name of the S-Move hecteyes do, but it's one hell of a strong Paralyze.

Stunners are highly desired, the NM casts alot of big boomy spells, Flare, Firaga3 etc. Stun order ftw

Make sure you have an add's party, monsters will respawn during the fight and you'll want them eliminated as quickly as possible. I'd recommend having this party not in the main alliance. There are tonberries around, and it's second nature to CFH in order not to have Tonberry Hate, which WILL cause Hakutaku to be on CFH mode as well, even if you aren't fighting it. And THAT will especially ruin everybody's day.

And absolutely, positively make sure you're entire group is committed to this thing. Most people who show up want an Optical Hat of their own. I've done this run maybe 3 times now, and each time there were about 5 of 6 ppl who wanted a Hat, at least. Not at all unheard of to have maybe 10 ppl who have a cluster. These fights can last quite awhile, and the respawn of the ??? you trade to is like 10-15 mins.

Before you even head out, get everybody's guarantee that they'll stick around. What's worse than having people start leaving right after they get their hat because they suddenly remember they have something else to do, their LS doing sky or Limbus or some crap excuse. It's understandable if you're there for a few hours and people start needing to leave, parent/spouse aggro, it's just late, etc.

Don't pull favorites or "it's my run, my hat first". The best way I've seen, that removes the most drama from this is just random for it. Record everybody's lot. Highest goes first, and down the line. If some war/nin gets second chair to some whm, too bad. Not exactly right, or just, but fair. People show up halfway through, toss 'em in back of the line.

People will complain no matter what you do. Some mage will say he's done 10 runs and never got a chance for his hat because melee get priority, or some melee will ***** because he's last in line to some mage who "doesn't need it as much as I do". But again, my experience this is just the best way.

I can't promise anything, but I'll see if I can't help you out. Who wouldn't love a bard to come along anyway ^^b
#3 Dec 10 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Ah I remember my Hakutaku fight...we had 2 complete alliances and A LOT of hats to go through, I think 28? Luckily I was the 4th fight and I got my hat with no problem. Unfortunately I was only able to stick around up til fight 6 because of how long it was taking; but I guess I'm lucky, a lot of people wait months or maybe even yrs before they get their O-hat, I bought my cluster and got my hat in 4hrs.

Should keep that in mind that depending on how many people need the O-hat, everything should be organzied and planned(i.e the run to the pop site). Most important of all make sure you have a good Stun order. Best of luck, if the run is on a day I'm free I'll tag along. XD
#4 Dec 11 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Pokiehl wrote:

The fight itself isn't too bad. You'll want a well balanced alliance of mages and melee. Tank can be either pld or nin, from what I've seen it doesn't matter much. Although it's prefered if they tank backwards. I don't recall the name of the S-Move hecteyes do, but it's one hell of a strong Paralyze.

Stunners are highly desired, the NM casts alot of big boomy spells, Flare, Firaga3 etc. Stun order ftw


or find about 4-6 high lvl BSTs.. granted the fight will take longer, but thats at least 12 less people to find

Edited, Dec 11th 2006 1:12pm by ethodges
#5 Dec 11 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
3-4 bst can do it actually and it takes about 45mins.. the only hard part would be getting them to do it for free....
#6 Dec 12 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
3-4 bst can do it actually and it takes about 45mins..

I have heard of 3 being able to do it. I would be interested to see if adding a COR would speed that up signifigantly.
#7 Dec 12 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
241 posts
sixgauge wrote:
3-4 bst can do it actually and it takes about 45mins..

I have heard of 3 being able to do it. I would be interested to see if adding a COR would speed that up signifigantly.

i think COR would speed things up, but only slightly since the bsts would be doing alot of pet swaps due to HK's constant spamming of Firaga III, Fire IV, Flare, paralyze, and various other spells i cant think of atm... but id still love to try that out
#8 Dec 12 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
or find about 4-6 high lvl BSTs.. granted the fight will take longer, but thats at least 12 less people to find

You bst's and you're "my pets can solve anything". Well I got news for you...


I don't know what it means yet, but you can be it's really deragatory and mean to beastmasters everywhere!
#9 Dec 12 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Well thanks for the info yall ;p, Still if anyone has more or wants in on this or any bst willing to help me out let me know.
#10 Dec 12 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
Pokiehl wrote:
or find about 4-6 high lvl BSTs.. granted the fight will take longer, but thats at least 12 less people to find

You bst's and you're "my pets can solve anything". Well I got news for you...


I don't know what it means yet, but you can be it's really deragatory and mean to beastmasters everywhere!

stop talking about my WAFFLE'S, damn you!!
#11 Dec 12 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Could just hire Avesta to solo Hakutaku for ya...but he's on a different sever >.O

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 4:10pm by RevenantVDA
#12 Dec 12 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
or wait to see if SE has another migration promo and convince him to move here
#13 Dec 19 2006 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well I tooi need my opti hat so I would be down for this 70nin/war
#14 Dec 19 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
I also need mine. 70DRG 72RDM 75BLM
#15 Dec 21 2006 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
If there is a serious run being made at this, I know a few people who would love to be in on it - myself included, as I've been holding onto this daggone Haku Cluster for over a year now.
#16 Dec 22 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
From my experience in fighiting Hakutaku as all-bst(40+ runs, all successful), it's best when you take 4. 3 will work, but hakutaku rips through pets fast, and at some point you will be caught with no pets to charm, resorting to Carries or the charm-resistant slimes in the area. 4 seems to work well, and that is the minimum number I ever go with. Granted, it takes roughly an hour from start to finish, but its guaranteed and theres no risk involved for the person that provides the cluster. Usually we tell them to go afk in a corner and come back in about half an hour.

You'd be surprised how many people are discouraged by that fact that it takes a while to kill Haku as an all-bst team, but what they fail to realize is that it actually takes longer to get 18 people together, guide them through the zone safely, then fight for who gets their hat first. With us its easy, you pop haku, and an hour later you have the hat. Even still, the only reason it takes a while is because haku spams that paralyze move, so the entire fight our pets don't really do anything except take hits.

Anyway, enough with the wall-o-text, if anyone is interested in obtaiing an Ohat, just contact someone from LOTB. Normally we charge 2mil per hat (since its guaranteed with no drama or b.s.), but its really up to the participants how much they want. You may think "OMG I would never pay to get help for something like this, nor charge either, you guys are thieves." well, I wish you luck getting 18 people together for anything these days, and after that I hope you get a high random for the lot order. It's actually a somewhat successful business (even at 2mil per hat), but we don't do it too often simply because its boring.

#17 Dec 22 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
545 posts
lol, reading this whole thread... getting interested in this 4 BST business, *nod's his head* "yep, I might try that", then i see the price tag... 2 mil, look in my wallet, 500k. *Looks down in shame*, do'h.
#18 Dec 22 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
Lotb prices for merc ohat runs vary a lot, so take your money and negotiate with the members who will be doing the run for you. If you have contacts, all the better. I normally help people I know for free. Dont forget 1 bst can easily make up the links party by itself.
#19 Dec 22 2006 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Well, as a Lotb rep our rate of 2 mil has been standard for about a year or so, but with all of the server deflation I assume you could find 4 bsts willing to do a run for a bit less. You have to think of it this way. 4 complete strangers taking an hour of their time to do something they've done 40-50 times before (usually more time with the logistics of gathering, too). So in the past 2 mil was the magic number, 500k per bst to make it worthwhile to drop everything and go. But as I said, with deflation maybe 300k per bst would be enticing enough, so 1.2 mil may be a reasonable offer, but it has to be worth the effort or I'm sure if I were in the mood I would rather do charity work for my own ls members where I get a different kind of reward, no offense to anyone outside the ls, but thats reality.
#20 Dec 22 2006 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default

12 people can kill Hakutaku in about 6 minutes, if they know what they are about.

2 million gil is an awful lot of money to pay for an inferior piece of equipment. You don't REALLY need one to be effective, although admittedly it does help.

My linkshell will run them for free for guests if we're doing a regular run. Of course, probably won't be doing a regular run until at least March or even April because we're pretty booked on events until then. BUT if you still need by then, you're more than welcome to come along. We do this for free but we do ask that you make the effort to stay the entire run.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 4:22am by Meara
#21 Dec 23 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
241 posts
sure 12 people can kill HK faster then 4 bst, but if you look at the length of time it takes for 12 people to gather together, lay down the strat, make the trip to pop point, and then kill HK... now look at how long it would take 4 bst to do all of that... the actual time it takes from start to finish by both setups, itll take the same amount of time, if not alittle quicker using bsts...

the 2mill buys more then just the hat, it also gets you a guarunteed win as well as a time that you want to go, not when another LS would be willing/able to

its similar to what people paid BLMs (pre-nuke patch) to leech DM:AA fight... relatively safe fight, minimal risk, 100% guarunteed victory
#22 Dec 23 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default

It takes about 10 minutes to get to the Hakutaku spawn point from the Teleport-Yhoat crystal. Once you are there you can do 4 hats an hour, based solely on the ??? repop.

And what strategy? You get in an alliance, pop him, and kill him. When you've fought something six million times already there is no strategy.

The only thing you pay for here is the date and time you want to go on, because most end game linkshells are done running ohats regularly, therefore done taking guests regularly. I don't think a date is worth 2 million gil.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2006 2:38pm by Meara
#23 Dec 23 2006 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
1,324 posts
I don't think a date is worth 2 million gil.

Depends who your going out with lol....


Well the O-hat isn't exactly an inferior peice of equipment, its still one of the best head peices for melee(TP/Acc wise) and Nin tanks(Evasion wise), the only helm that outclasses O-hat is that new Ares Mask but only 4 jobs can wear it.

In spite of that the price of the cluster should be enough to warrant the "actual" price of the O-hat w/o having additional fees. I think the worst thing for someone wanting an O-hat then paying 2mil for it only to see an O-hat run/shout maybe a few days after would have had a chance at getting it for free, but its true that a majority of this server's endgame population already has the O-hat and runs are rare enough as it is.

I think there was an O-hat run by WastesGenius last week, seems it went well cause when we gathered in Sky again some ppl had new O-hats.
#24 Dec 24 2006 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
I don't think a date is worth 2 million gil.

Depends who your going out with lol....


I'm pretty sure that the price of clusters are about 500-700K now.
#25 Dec 24 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
"In spite of that the price of the cluster should be enough to warrant the "actual" price of the O-hat w/o having additional fees. I think the worst thing for someone wanting an O-hat then paying 2mil for it only to see an O-hat run/shout maybe a few days after would have had a chance at getting it for free, but its true that a majority of this server's endgame population already has the O-hat and runs are rare enough as it is. "

would you really risk your cluster to 18 people from a shout pickup? lol i watched a pick up alliance go down there and get pwned plenty of times lol
#26 Dec 24 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
would you really risk your cluster to 18 people from a shout pickup? lol i watched a pick up alliance go down there and get pwned plenty of times lol

Generally you can "tell" when a shout run pt for O-hat has some problems. When I went to the pt that was shouting I felt reasonably confident that 28(forgot exact amount) ppl lvl 70 and up with adequate Stunners and healers, 4 tank, and loads of melee, would be able to get the fight done, and they did.

Of course you wouldn't go to a shout run pt with 1-2 stunners, or 1 healer or 1-2 tanks.
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